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Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

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Nov 12, 2007
All I have to say is....Is it 2016 yet???

Don't worry. I am sure all the government workers will be done with GTA 5 and be able to get back to work. You guys know this is the real reason for the shut down. It isn't as if those hookers are going to beat themselves to death. At least thats the theory I am working on.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Just wanted to let you know - today I received my Fiscal Cliff Survival Pack from the White House.

It contains a parachute, an ‘Obama Hope & Change’ bumper sticker, a ‘Bush’s Fault’ yard sign, a ‘Blame Boehner’ poster, a 'Tax the Rich' banner, an application for unemployment, an application for food stamps, a prayer rug, a letter of assignation of debt to my grandchildren, and if that was not enough, there was a discount coupon for a machine that blows smoke up my ass. Everything was “Made in China" and all directions were in Spanish.

Keep an eye out. Yours should arrive soon.
May 28, 2012
Don't worry. I am sure all the government workers will be done with GTA 5 and be able to get back to work. You guys know this is the real reason for the shut down. It isn't as if those hookers are going to beat themselves to death. At least thats the theory I am working on.

Wow, I didn't even consider the impact of this shutdown on hookers in DC!! Those poor ladies. Although there is one very bright spot, the DC Cabbies have to be hurting. There's not a bigger bunch of scumbags out there.
May 28, 2012
Obama's "Apology"??

This was billed as an "Apology" by Obama for the "" website:

I did not detect the word "apology" anywhere in his speech. Nothing new here for the ultimate "narcissist".

Let's assume that you're President of a corporation. A new commerce website is being launched which you believe will be a major marketing & production factor in a product that will make up 17% of your projected sales for quite some time. You assign one of your VPs or Division Managers the task of launching this website. They have 3 years to do focus groups, gauge enthusiasm for the product, anticipate website traffic, formulate a plan, etc....etc... They hire a Canadian firm who does not have an unblemished reputation in the field. It comes to light that consultants advised against certain aspects of the mechanisms of the website, but the officer in charge ignored those advisories. The website comes in at almost 3 times the projected budget. The website is tested prior to the launch and fails. The website is launched and is a dismal failure by any metric. It hampers sales of the product causing you to not make projected overall corporate sales volume. What do you do? Should you fire the officer in charge of its development? Terminate the Canadian firm who produced it? What are you going to tell your shareholders (in this case the American People)? In the normal world what would happen to the chief executive officer that screwed up 17% of your overall sales?
May 28, 2012
According to this news program the tech company hired to build is Montreal based CGI.

The pundit goes on to imply that CGI are at best totally incompetent and at worst scam artists. Many are questioning whether Obama got some kind of kickback in the form of campaign contributions.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Last year or so, i got some flak from a couple of rethuglicans for comparing the tea baggers to the KKK. And now, a US Congressman shares my views.
I just love Alan Grayson. He's one of the most honest people in Washington. No one owns him; he's doing the people's work. Now you wanna hear the great irony? He's Marty's congressman!!
May 28, 2012
I just love Alan Grayson. He's one of the most honest people in Washington. No one owns him; he's doing the people's work. Now you wanna hear the great irony? He's Marty's congressman!!

As usual you're full of S__t Rumps. What an idiotic thing to say when you've failed to even look at the district map available on the net. Just like all the liberal BS you spew the lie served your purpose so you just threw it up there. How ignorant:

The reality is that the Democrats gerrymandered the district to encompass all the Latinos, amusement park & tourist workers, University of Central Florida students and faculty, airport workers and rich libs that live in Celebration. It was the only way they could carve out a Democratic District. No, I'm proud to be in a solid Tea Party District of John Mica.

Corrine Brown, one of the two absolute Wack-Jobs of the libs is also out of Central Florida. Talk about Gerrymandering, it's the only way Democrats get elected:

Notice that that all three of the IDIOTIC RESPONSES ABOVE don't even try to explain or justify what my central premise is and always has been: Obama is a total failure as a manager. He's too busy looking in the mirror, patting himself on the back and kissing his own hand to notice little else.

For those of you that want to read true content here's a portion of Kathleen Sebelius' interview with CNN'S CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT DR. SANJAY GUPTA (how liberal can you get...LOL):

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday that President Barack Obama was not made aware of the problems plaguing his signature health care program’s website before it’s launch.

The president learned of the glitches in “the first couple days” after the site went live October 1st, Sebelius told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in an exclusive interview.

“But not before that?” Gupta asked.

“No, sir,” she replied

The HHS secretary also begrudgingly admitted to Gupta that the Obama administration should have perhaps brought in the “A-team” to work on the website before they launched it.

“Why didn’t they bring the ‘A-team’ in the first place?” Gupta asked.

“I can’t tell you why they —,” Sebelius said before Gupta interjected and pressed the HHS secretary for a firm answer.

“We had hoped they had their ‘A team’ on the table, but I am talking to CEOs and encouraging them to make sure that we have the talent they have available,” she said.

Sebelius, however, said she is not considering resigning from her position as a result of the glitchy rollout.

“I work at the pleasure of the president,” she told Gupta.

So, I have one question for everyone: When Canadians do a job for literally hundreds of millions of dollars do they ever bring their "A-team" or do they just do sloppy shit work all the time?? Tony used to brag to me about how he was able to snag programing work from US companies because he could do it cheaper. I guess cheaper doesn't mean just less money, but lower quality as well....LOL


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
No, I'm proud to be in a solid Tea Party District of John Mica.

What a shocker that you brag about such a thing

So, I have one question for everyone: When Canadians do a job for literally hundreds of millions of dollars do they ever bring their "A-team" or do they just do sloppy shit work all the time?? Tony used to brag to me about how he was able to snag programing work from US companies because he could do it cheaper. I guess cheaper doesn't mean just less money, but lower quality as well....LOL

because of course american-made means top quality all the time, right? not helping yourself look good when you insult your own president by calling him a narcissist, then less than 24 hours later show yourself to be just as filled with olympean-level hubris...

(sorry to use fancy words on you...hubris is another word for arrogance)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The reality is that the Democrats gerrymandered the district to encompass all the Latinos, amusement park & tourist workers, University of Central Florida students and faculty, airport workers and rich libs that live in Celebration. It was the only way they could carve out a Democratic District.
As usual, you're full of shit, Marty. It's the Rethuglicans who gerrymandered the districts. The ploy is to make as many districts as possible 90% Democratic and as many as possible 54% Rethuglican. That way the Rethuglicans can control the House of Representatives while getting only 45% of the vote nationally.

Who controls the Florida legislature? Rethuglicans. Who gerrymanders the districts? The Legislature.

Maybe some day when you start getting your "information" from some source other than nutblogs, you'll actually learn something.


Nov 12, 2007
I say black!

Thats racist. I believe the prefered term is African American or "of colour" but for heavens sake never ever use coloured because that is also racist. :confused:

On a completely related side note. I love asking for African American pepper when I get a sub at subway. It is usually good for a laugh.
May 28, 2012
What a shocker that you brag about such a thing

because of course american-made means top quality all the time, right? not helping yourself look good when you insult your own president by calling him a narcissist, then less than 24 hours later show yourself to be just as filled with olympean-level hubris...

(sorry to use fancy words on you...hubris is another word for arrogance)

Can you say "take the baited hook"....LOL.....Jeez, that was easy. I thought only Rumps sits up and begs when I ring the bell...LOL
May 28, 2012
As usual, you're full of shit, Marty. It's the Rethuglicans who gerrymandered the districts. The ploy is to make as many districts as possible 90% Democratic and as many as possible 54% Rethuglican. That way the Rethuglicans can control the House of Representatives while getting only 45% of the vote nationally.

Who controls the Florida legislature? Rethuglicans. Who gerrymanders the districts? The Legislature.

Maybe some day when you start getting your "information" from some source other than nutblogs, you'll actually learn something.

How foolish you are to believe that one party has total control. That only happens with Obama in Washington. Unlike Washington the press is not totally controlled by left leaning loons in Florida. Then again someone like Che is a conservative to the likes of you Rumps.

I have a question for you Rumps, do you ever have an original thought or do you just turn on the bullshit pump when you open your mouth?
May 28, 2012
Thats racist. I believe the prefered term is African American or "of colour" but for heavens sake never ever use coloured because that is also racist. :confused:

On a completely related side note. I love asking for African American pepper when I get a sub at subway. It is usually good for a laugh.

Talk about racist, I'd never tell that kind of joke here in the South. The Black Community would call Rumps and his KKK pals to lynch you.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Things sure are backward on Planet Marty. What delusional bullshit, undeserving of response.
May 28, 2012
Things sure are backward on Planet Marty. What delusional bullshit, undeserving of response.

My first post today was quite factual and never addressed by anyone. Simply I was correct. Instead Rumps and the liberal parrot Alyssa simply attacked the messenger and attempted to change the subject. It's so entertaining to post something and watch the standardized responses and attacks. Really Alyssa, do you not have an original thought in that round thing on top of your neck called a "head". Maybe you just "gave" your "head" away?

Here's one that has failed to make the pundits BS here in the States. Maybe because it highlights the inept handling of foreign policy by the Obama Regime :

It's truly pathetic that it takes a news report from London to learn that Saudi Arabia is breaking diplomatic ties with the United States over Obama's disastrously weak Syrian response and his "softening" toward the wicked Mullahs in Iran. We've lost all influence in Libya, Egypt, Iraq and, now, Saudi Arabia. Obama's Middle East policy has collapsed as an unmitigated, unequivocal failure for which we will ALL pay in the very near future.


Nov 12, 2007
Talk about racist, I'd never tell that kind of joke here in the South. The Black Community would call Rumps and his KKK pals to lynch you.

Its not racist. It mocks political correctness. You know the same people who changed BC and AD to Before Common Era and Common Era even though it still hinges on that whole Jebus thing. So instead of basing things on a strictly western thing and calling it such you are basing in on a stricktly western thing and by changing the name making it universal. Bra... vo <sarcastic clapping>
May 28, 2012
So now the Democrats in the Congress are starting to talk about a one year delay in the individual mandate of Obamacare. This just F__KING weeks after they (yes, the Democrats) shut down the government and risked a default in the US's Debt. Why do I say it's the Democrat's fault? The Republicans tried in every way possible to convince Obama & the Democrats that the program needed to be delayed. But neither Obama nor the Democrats would even consider it. The Republicans (READ THAT F__KING TEA PARTY) passed a clean CR with the sole request of delaying Obamacare, saying it was not ready. Now the Democrats (including that whack-job Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. I mean really have you ever seen such an AIRHEAD) are starting to propose a delay like it was THEIR IDEA??!!! What hypocrites!!! What Stooges!!

Now the idiot Canadian firm that produced the website is blaming HHS and the NY Times is now saying the disaster wasn't Sibelius responsibility. Again the administration is now saying "underslings" screwed it up. They tried the same thing with the IRS Scandal and when that didn't work they simply "stonewalled" the issue. Meantime Sibelius is providing cover for the POTUS's and his signature bill by saying Obama was not aware of the problems. So who do we place the blame on? A GOOD MANAGER takes responsibility when he (or she) screws up. But wait a minute nobody seems to be actually managing in the Obama Administration.

On a side note the idiot Senator from Florida that I've been e-mailing to delay Obamacare (no not Rubio, but Nelson the Democrat) is now calling to delay Obamacare. Rubio draws his support from the Conservatives of Florida while Nelson relies upon those Whack-Jobs in Southeast Florida. The same place that Wasserman-Shultz comes from. What do we learn from this? The real Whack-Jobs in Florida come from Southeast Florida, the melting pot of the illegal immigrants.

Now, how about a little honesty and reality for the liberals on this board? To quote a famous phrase, "You can't handle the truth":

In the meantime 300,000 health policy holders in Florida got their cancellation notices from their health insurers this week and last. All these poor people will not be left to fend for themselves in the health insurance market. Now, let's talk about the "IMPEACHMENT" process:
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