What I don't understand is that opponents of the Iranian deal have no alternatives to offer... Given how well the "bomb them back to the stone-age" philosophy has worked out, they are even hesitant to come right out and say that that is what they want... So when you listen to the opponents, what you hear is that Iran is an existential threat to the world who are just months away from developing a nuclear bomb, so we should just keep on doing exactly what has brought us to this point.
The other point that is never brought up regarding this deal is that the US and Iran have a convergence of interests in terms of fighting ISIS, whereas Saudi Arabia is on the other side of this fight. It just boggles the mind...
No alternatives? Are you kidding? You are repeating Obama's stupid talking points. The sanctions were working or the Allatoylah would have NEVER EVER talked to the GREAT SATAN, the United States and the other Satans in Europe.
So what did Obama do? He gives them illegal $ (700 Million) which Congress never appropriated, and in the deal Iran will get Billions. Real genius. Obama turned his back on the few day protests in Iran in 2009. Why? Because Obama loves dictators (takes one to know one).
Let's look at this wonderful deal. There will be no US inspectors (who are the most qualified inspectors). A 24 day waiting period before any inspectors can ask to enter a military facility. And the Allatoyallah is saying no one will be able to inspect anyhow. So what is so great about this deal?
Read the link above, Casey, and come back when you have something other than mindless talking points.