Montreal Escorts

Panhandler - Atwater Metro


New Member
Nov 25, 2019
Nice to be back in Montreal again after so long. It's back on my business circuit. Next time when I'm by myself I'll be sampling the best Montreal has to offer!

Saw an enormous apparently Gypsy woman begging at Atwater - stood back and watched a bit as she was arguing with someone. Boy she's a nasty one. It's tough to know whether to give or not as you don't know if it's a scam or not when you see someone like this.

On R/Montreal they sometimes talk about scams that have been going on in Montreal for ages. Here's a recent Blog about here. Unfortunately she is a scammer too and takes in up to $300 per day and doesn't need the crutches she has.

From the Blog and R/Montreal Reddit apparently the police will do nothing. Welfare know that they collect welfare too but won't do anything. And in a way they steal from panhandlers who really need it and from people who give money when they has less than she does. Too bad the frauds couldn't be outed.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
Too many scammers, which is why I do not give money. It sucks for the people that really need it, but I have seen/heard too many of these stories. There was even one person that hopes in an expensive new BMW at the end of their "shift". I also do not want the money to be used for alcohol and drugs.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I get that you ideally wouldn’t want them to buy alcohol or drugs but once you give money to someone it’s not your money anymore and they can do whatever they want with it. With an argument like that I hope you give them a thousand or something, because a few dollars doesn’t get anyone out of the streets... Lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with what you say that once you give someone something, it is a gift which should not have strings attached.
Unfortunately giving them even $1000 would probably in a best case scenario only get them off the streets for a couple of days or so.

You need to fix the underlying problem of why they are on the street in the first place, a few thousand dollars doesn’t go a long way today.
Most of these people need medical help, or help with teaching them a skill to be able to make a living and in most cases they need both.
Perhaps if our governments spent more time helping their own citizens than worrying about foreign aid and all kinds of masked taxes like the carbon tax which is just a tax grab nothing else we might get somewhere.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yes, I agree with everything you’ve said.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
Yeah, I know it is not my money anymore. I did not say what I give will help them off the street. When they ask money for food, I prefer they buy that with the money as it is more important than drugs even though as an addict they might not agree.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I get that you ideally wouldn’t want them to buy alcohol or drugs but once you give money to someone it’s not your money anymore and they can do whatever they want with it. With an argument like that I hope you give them a thousand or something, because a few dollars doesn’t get anyone out of the streets... Lol

Anyone who exits atwater metro has seen this woman,the romanian gypsy.I pass here many times a day.
One day , i saw a altercation , a young student ,feeling sorry for the lady,thinking she was destutite ,and handycapped because of her crutch gave the lady a toonie.
A elderly man ,who seems retired told the young girl ,the lady was not disabled..
The gypsy to everyones suprise jumped up and chased the man,screaming in italian.
All i heard was the young girl say was ''oh my god''.faintly.
So my question to you julia , do you approve of this woman .not being destitute or handycapped and being agressive.
Do you feel its no ones business to complain she takes money actual homeless could use.she threatens peope ,who try cut in ,on her making money.
(Sorry i use a small cell phone ,dont have a computor ,and its hard for me to write.)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
This is irrelevant to my post :) My post had nothing to do with this woman. I have seen her before too.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
This is irrelevant to my post :) My post had nothing to do with this woman. I have seen her before too.

I wanted to pose you the question.
i will repeat my qestion
Which is
if they are legit homeless im ok with that.she is a fraud.

And pretends to be disabled.are you ok with that?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I know this woman. Last year she was hanging on Sherbrooke near Peel metro. She's indeed a scam.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I wanted to pose you the question.
i will repeat my qestion
Which is
if they are legit homeless im ok with that.she is a fraud.

And pretends to be disabled.are you ok with that?

WTF kind of question is this nobody is ok with someone faking to be disabled and swindling money out of people.
I know Julia of course she is not ok with this, where on earth did you get this idea from, what we’re you reading/ imagining in her posts.

Really I am getting so pissed at people attacking this young lady for all kinds of ridiculous reasons.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Of course I am not ok with people taking advantage of other people’s money when there are folks who actually need it way more. That is common sense.

I also don’t think this woman is entirely sane, to do this for so many years, and from I read from post #8 in this thread, she probably has some kind of mental illness. That doesn’t excuse her actions pretending to need crutches and all that, I’m just saying, I don’t think she’s 100% healthy lol

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
WTF kind of question is this nobody is ok with someone faking to be disabled and swindling money out of people.
I know Julia of course she is not ok with this, where on earth did you get this idea from, what we’re you reading/ imagining in her posts.

Really I am getting so pissed at people attacking this young lady for all kinds of ridiculous reasons.
I asked a simple question ,and she gave a great answer.
Unlike you ,i am not a mind reader so i asked her position on the subject.
Chill dude.
On the other hand you were rude and agressive for no reason.
My reason for asking her was ,1 of the cops who works the park told me
Exact words.'' She is doing nothing wrong''
''No one,forces you to give her money''
I was floored so since she voiced a opinion
No ones business ,what they do with the money after i wanted her opinion.
And i am fine with her opinions of everything said


Jun 27, 2008
Two ways to give your money:
I’ll ask the panhandler when was the last time they ate. Inevitably, the reply is: “a couple of hours ago.” I’ll then head to a local dépanneur, pay for a sandwich or two, come back to that person and tell them “bon appetit”.
The other option is give your money to someone selling ”L’itineraire”.
Both options are greatly appreciated.

R the Man

Variety is the spice...
Feb 6, 2004
Somewhere in LaLa land.
Visit site
I never give money to panhandlers - it just encourages and enables them (both "legit" and scammers) without doing anything to help. Instead, I give generously to social service agencies that do more to help the situation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I asked a simple question ,and she gave a great answer.
Unlike you ,i am not a mind reader so i asked her position on the subject.
Chill dude.
On the other hand you were rude and agressive for no reason.
My reason for asking her was ,1 of the cops who works the park told me
Exact words.'' She is doing nothing wrong''
''No one,forces you to give her money''
I was floored so since she voiced a opinion
No ones business ,what they do with the money after i wanted her opinion.
And i am fine with her opinions of everything said

You basically asked her if she is okay with someone faking disability and swindling people out of money after she had already answered you before that her previous answer had nothing to do with that.

If you can’t comprehend simple English then that is not my problem.
Yes she was nice enough to answer you a second time , I would not have been.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I was at Angrion metro 1 day saw a old man actually eating kut of the garbage,
Worse than that a bunch of students ,were amused and laughing at him.I
I took him go the dep in there ,bought him a sandwich ,bag of chips a drink.
Gave him busfare as well.
Was a young girl on stcatherine ,distraught saying she needed money for medication.
Took her to the phsrmacy laid for it.
Its incredible the increase in people begging for money.
Many i know personally its for drugs and beer.
And a few professional scammers,best example js the lady the article 1st post.
As sell the agressive pan hsndlers and ones who target the elderly .single woman and even
Stoop to kids.ivd got into it with a few as i wont tolerate that i view it like extortion.
Not many have challenged me when i get in their face.
They just opened open door yet atwater and calbot park js i overflowing with them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
CB - I am not a local, but I actually thought there were more panhandlers 10 years ago. I remember that St. Laurent used to have Squeegee people who would wipe the windshields of cars at stoplights. I haven't seen them in a few years. Also, I seem to remember homeless young adults who would camp out in the parks. I thought I read somewhere that the city of Montreal had addressed that problem. Perhaps I am mistaken.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Everything just shifts.
Near place darmes metro, just east of viger south side ,
small park, is 1 area of tent people.
Same area and near bell centre you have the ''door openers'x
Atwater /stjacques squeegy and pan handlers.
berri demaisoneuve/sthubert demaisoneuve /papineau/ontario squeegy.
What i hate recently ,is many ,get on the metro ,
like bank robbers ,announce themselves after a long day of work
and bs this is not the highlight of a persons day.
To everyone like they are a gift and go person
to person get in your face for money.
Stairs and escelators phrohibited areas they are there.
I have lived here all my life ,and it is worse than ever.
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