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Jul 26, 2005
Phil Kessel, Cover Boy

The March 9 issue of The Hockey News graces its cover with the grim, stubbly face of Phil Kessel. The accompanying caption says (in small letters) "Is this the face of a COACH KILLER (in very large letters)".

The long article inside says some good things and some bad things about Phil. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the article:

"Phil Kessel is the awkward face of the, well, equally awkward Toronto Maple Leafs."

"You can't argue with Kessel's productivity, but he's an unlikable, miserable son of a bitch. Nobody wants to be around him." - from a "rival NHL team executive".

"A former teammate with the Boston Bruins who requested anonymity still speaks of Kessel with contempt, saying he was lazy, had no respect for the hierarchy of a dressing room and conducted himself with contempt and indignance. "Coaches have time for his skill, but no time for his personality," the former teammate says, "He's a smug, silver-spooned little bastard. And Boston got rid of him. What does that tell you?" "

"In 2011-2012 then-GM Brian Burke likened the season "akin to an 18-wheeler going off a cliff" but that's beginning to look like a fender-bender compared to this season."

"In 12 games under Horachek, he was being outscored by defenseman Cody Franson and journeyman checker Daniel Winnik." (JC: BOTH subsequently traded!)

"They were mired in the longest losing streak of the almost 100-year history of the franchise."

"In the first 725 minutes played under Horachek, they held a lead for exactly 78 minutes and 20 seconds."

"Kessel doesn't come out looking good when you crunch the numbers."

"Kessel has been labelled as uncoachable, a coach killer who doesn't work hard enough off the ice and clashes...with coaches when he doesn't agree with their methods."

"Spott said, "Phil hates coaches. He hates Randy. He hates me and I don't even know him yet," one of the youth hockey coaches was quoted as saying."

"Kessel goes through bouts of low productivity and sometimes goes missing when he's needed most. He does have an uncanny knack for going cold at the worst times."

"The Maple Leafs ...haven't had a Norris Trophy winner in their 98-year history and haven't had a legitimate # 1 or 2 defenseman playing in his prime since Thomas Kaberle."

"Kessel doesn't project the look of a star athlete."

"Kessel was making his way out of the rink one day when Bruins coach Claude Julien famously said, "Hey Phil, the weight room is that way." That reputation has stuck with Kessel throughout his career."


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Jul 26, 2005
David Clarkson is quoted as being "over the moon" to be in Columbus. No surprise, given that his time in Toronto was Hell for him and everyone else connected with the Leafs. Who knows - maybe Clarkson will even play better for the Jackets - it would be hard to play worse than he did for Toronto. He sure as Hell wouldn't be the first player to do okay after leaving the armpit of hockey - think of Rask, McArthur, Grabo, Scrivens, Monster - or even go further back to Russ Courtnall (traded for John Kordic!) or Larry Murphy (driven out of Toronto...and going on to win Cups and end up in the Hall of Fame!).

Also not surprising, given that a recent ESPN study concluded that Toronto is one of the five NHL franchises that virtually NO player wants to play for (along with Buffalo, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Calgary).


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Jul 26, 2005
Great Moments from HNIC's Showing of Montreal's 4-0 Win Over the Leafs

Best moment: a Kessel jersey being thrown on the ice and Kessel's reaction. Just think: some Leaf fan probably drove (or flew) 350 miles to see this game and then dispose of his jersey. Maybe he thought that if he did it in Hogtown Kadri would be screaming for the cops to arrest him.

Another good moment: when it was illustrated how the Leafs are currently paying over $50 million (!!!) to players NOT to play (including Horton, Santorelli, Grabo, Komi (!!!) - ha ha - and maybe some others).

Also great: When they said that Phaneuf looks like he desperately wants out of TO and that whatever happens he won't be "captain" next year.

More greatness: When they pointed out that Phaneuf doesn't get the respect from on-ice officials that any other captain (or in Dion's case, "captain") gets.

Great, great stuff! (And I didn't even mention Cherry's comment about the Habs and other teams LAUGHING at the hopeless and inept Leafs!)

"Thank you Mr. Burke." "Thank you Mr. Nonis."


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Apr 29, 2004
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Addition of Asterisks

Some of Gretsky's, Howe's and Bobby Hull's scoring didn't count for their NHL career records as they were earned in a weaker league, the WHL.

Consider that Ovechkin scores almost a goal a game against TO. (He got 2 goals and an assist tonight and easily could have doubled that if he had been able to stay awake and shoot straight.) As excellent a hockey player as he is, his statistics have been inflated due to having the opportunity to play against the 21st century Leafs.

As the Leafs are arguably not a legitimate NHL team, perhaps one should consider the addition of asterisks to the records of those who prey upon them.


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Jul 26, 2005
Congratulations to the Leafs

We're often quick to condemn the Leafs - quite justifiably - for their atrocious play, their 48 years of total ineptitude, their laughable ownership and management, their complete lack of class, and their frequent gutless collapses.

To be fair, therefore, we should also be quick to praise them when they do something noteworthy.

With today's latest Leaf loss (4-0 to the Caps), the Leafs had not one, but two notable achievements worthy of recognition:

1. They achieved a weekend of rare symmetry by losing 4-0 to Montreal and then on the very next night again losing 4-0 to Washington. Well done, boys:thumb:

2. Even more noteworthy is that they established a new milestone for their nearly-100 year old franchise by losing their 16th consecutive road game.

Bravo, Leafs! And good luck on extending that 16 game streak!


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Apr 29, 2004
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One common hockey drill requires skating as quickly as possible around immobile objects while controlling the puck. I suppose that, contrary to an implausible rumour spread by a hopeful merb member, the Red Wings didn't trade for Phaneuf today because they managed to find enough pylons in Detroit.


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Jul 26, 2005
As we all know, the Leafs have rotted for 48 years. Ownership and management get away with murder (most hopeless team, yet highest prices!) because Leaf fans happily swallow what they're told and applaud every move that the organization makes.

Case in point:

A Leaf fan expressed this opinion on November 1: "Love Clarkson's game now that he is back to being himself and that contract will prove to be a good deal before all is said and done."

On November 13 the fan still felt the same way: "David Clarkson is now proving to be the player we thought we signed for last season and is playing DC type hockey."

On February 26, after Clarkson was traded for a player who will never play again (!!!!), the fan had a change of heart about Clarkson: "Loved the Clarkson signing...but he just never got his game going in TO...Fantastic job today Shanny and Nonis. Just FANTASTIC!"

So let's see: Nonis signed a player to a 7 year contract for almost $37 million. The player was perceived by many at that time to be okay...but the amount of the money was way too high and the length of the contract was way too long. The player ended up being a disaster and was virtually untradeable because of his poor play and ridiculous contract. Yet the aforementioned fan was a huge supporter of both the player and the long as the player was a Leaf. Once the player was no longer a Leaf, the fan now realized and stated that Clarkson had never worked out as hoped. Trading him was now "FANTASTIC" and praise was lavished on Nonis (and Shanny) for this "fantastic" move. Well, the "fantastic" move was that Toronto gave up the player that the fan had loved as a Leaf and in return got...wait for it...NOTHING - since the player received in exchange has severe back problems and will very likely never play again...even though the Leafs will have to pay him for the next 5 years - and pay him even MORE than Clarkson (!!) NOT to play! This is what the fan calls a "fantastic" move! (Yes, the Leafs will free up cap space - but if they had never given out the boneheaded contract in the first place they never would have had to make this insane deal.)

It seems that being the GM of the Leafs must be the greatest job in the world, because even when you screw up - badly, repeatedly, and continuously - your fans love and praise every single thing you do!


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Jul 26, 2005
Who is the saddest man in Canada?

Well, considering that the trade deadline has passed, considering some rumors that were going around, and considering that he's still a Leaf: the saddest man in Canada at this particular point in time might just be Dion Phaneuf!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The March 9 issue of The Hockey News rates the defense corps of all 30 NHL teams.

They rank St. Louis # 1, Nashville 2, and Chicago 3.

Here's how they rank the teams that various MERB hockey posters root for:

Rangers 5
Bruins 6
Habs 10
Pens 12
Wings 14
Leafs 28
Oilers 30

Their comments on the Leaf defense (shortly BEFORE the recent departures) : "Jake Gardiner has taken a step back, Dion Phaneuf gets burned on the outside too frequently and the Leafs struggle to clear the zone.


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Jul 26, 2005
Congratulations to Eric Brewer on his first goal as a Leaf!

Pity that it was scored on Jonathan Bernier.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The big line of Kessel, JVR, Kessel's roommate: now a combined MINUS 70 on the season.

"Thank you Mr. Burke." "Thank you Mr. Nonis."


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Jul 26, 2005
So, as we all know, Shanny and Nonis did a "fantastic, just FANTASTIC!" job recently in trading David Clarkson for Nathan Horton.

True, the Leafs will have to pay Horton for the next five years, and also true that they'll have to pay Horton a little more than the over $5 million a year that they were paying Clarkson, but it's still "fantastic, just FANTASTIC!" because the Leafs have Nathan Horton!

So I was VERY curious to see how Horton did in the latest Leaf loss (this time, a 4-2 defeat at the hands of the Lightning). I studied the box score very, very carefully to see how "fantastic, just FANTASTIC" Horton's stats were. Strange! I couldn't find Horton's name anywhere! What happened? Then - suddenly - like a bolt of Lightning (ha ha!) - I remembered a key fact: Horton did not play...because he will most likely NEVER PLAY AGAIN because of his very serious back problem.

Still, let's give full credit to Shanny and Nonis for this "fantastic, just FANTASTIC!" trade. Thumbs up, boys:thumb:


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Jul 26, 2005
Fabulous video Sol!

Forget about The Godfather, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and Gone With the Wind - THIS video is the greatest movie ever made!

To quote the immortal words of a Leaf fan, it is "fantastic, just FANTASTIC!"


Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Loved the video STN.

Makes me want to flashback to the legendary Leafs' implosion against the Bruins. (the fun starts at 9:44)


Thank you Mr. Horton, thank you Mr. Lucic, and thank you Mr. Bergeron X2. :lol:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Got this from a friend who is not a Leafs fan... Funny.

"Fire the Coach, fire the GM, get a real owner. At one point they thought they figured it out. The players SUCK! No heart, no commitment, too slow, too fat, trade them, make some deals...the next year they're worse than before, WAY WORSE!" 1 win in 20 games. :lol: :lol: :lol: "It's pure ineptitude...comedy. You can't make this stuff up. Fans toss their jerseys on the ice...but management loves it because the idiots will go buy a new one tomorrow." OMG!

Wow, I didn't know they even know hockey existed at all in the Spanish world or at least their knowledge was limited to the San Jose Sharks, and yet even the Latins know just how much of a laughing stock the Leafs have been. He sure has the Leafs fans pegged when he cites how they continue to swallow more and ever more price hikes like they want to support a litany of failures. Irony of ironies, now the Leafs are paying a huge amount for the same near crippled former Bruin who helped humiliate the Leafs with one of the most embarrassing collapses in all of sports history. The guy in the video is missing all kinds of teeth and still he can't help laughing at the Leafs. No wonder our pop-gunslinger has regular meltdown episodes.

I guess the Leafs are like finding your old torn and moldy Teddy Bear 48 years later. Your ancient memories won't let you get rid of something that can't be fixed.

Game announcer: "The Toronto Maple Leafs, unless they suffer a colossal collapse are going to eliminate the Boston Bruins." BWHAHAHAHA!!!!


Bruins 5 Leafs 4 in overtime. Good job Reimer. :D



BTW: Don't we really all know why the Leafs are what they are? C'mon, it's so obvious. Their fans have made losing more PROFITABLE than any other team does when winning! Why would ownership then dump an ironically winning marketing strategy. :thumb:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Latest Leaf Loss : 6-1 to St. Louis (IN Toronto)

Leafs outshot 44 to 24

Reimer replaced Bernier after the first period (3 goals on 17 shots versus "Tie Game")

Quote from Leaf Head Coach Horachek: "...there was no effort. We didn't win any of the 50-50 battles, we didn't compete hard, we didn't forecheck, we didn't keep the puck in the offensive zone."

Agreed on all counts Peter:thumb: In other words, it was a TYPICAL Leaf game.

The "big" line added to its stats (heh heh) and is now a combined MINUS 75 (!!!!!!) after 66 games.

Time for a ROUSING chorus of: 'Thank you Mr. Burke." 'Thank you Mr. Nonis."

P. S. How did Nathan Horton do? Oh yeah, that's right: Nathan Horton will never play again. Sorry, Leaf fans...and "Thank you (AGAIN!) Mr. Nonis."


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Apr 29, 2004
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After all the drama with Kadri, the Leafs certainly played an intense game tonight. They played like it was the last game of a playoff series - up by more than one goal with half a period left only to lose in overtime. On the winning goal, all the time Tavares practised skating around pylons paid off.

When their fans chant "Go Leafs, go" do they mean "Go Leafs, go far away"?


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Incompetent Tank Driving

If the Leafs are sincere about tanking, why have their only victories in 2015 come against teams which will almost certainly will also be eligible for the McDavid lottery?

Buffalo, Columbus, Edmonton, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Winnipeg
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