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Permanent NHL Free For All Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Price came back from New Jersey last night and will see the doc today. There is no way to know how long it will take if you dont know exactly what is wrong

I know what's wrong with him and i'll share: it's his right knee. Ligament. Torn. If the team truly cares about him, they'll have him operated a.s.a.p and give him the rest of the year off to rehab. But the habs won't do the right thing, will continue to lie to their fans, and will force Price to return. They'll put pressure on their doctors to let him play. Doctors don't really have a choice since they know they'll likely be without a job if they go against the club's wishes.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Can tokarski (Joe, trust me, he sucks) or condom handle the pressure of knowing they have to carry the load the rest of the season though? I would think marky mark bergervin would not shut down carey's season just yet so his two average goalies would not panic too much. If they shut down price, they must go out and sign a veteran, maybe Ken Dryden would suit up for a nice payday :confused: bwhahahaahahahahaahahaha


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Can tokarski (Joe, trust me, he sucks) or condom handle the pressure of knowing they have to carry the load the rest of the season though?

Could be A LOT worse - they could have Tie Game Bernier, who after his typically piss-poor performance against the Caps is now 0-8-1 on the season.

Lucky for the Leafs that they have Reimer or they would have ZERO wins. (Granted, even WITH Reimer, the hopeless Leafs have fewer wins than ANY team in the league: a truly pitiful and wretched 7 wins in 23 games. Then again, it's the LEAFS, so a humiliating record is par for the course.)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The Leafs, at 7-11-5, are now 27th in the league (exactly where they finished last year under the great Peter Horachek).

Geez, that's some great rebuild they have going on, isn't it?

And as for "The World's Best Coach" (since May 20, 2015 - formerly described by Leaf fans as "The Cock" or "The Big Cock" until his MAGICAL coronation as the best in the world on May 20), his winning percentage is BELOW 50% with the Leafs, JUST as it was during his tenure with Anaheim. The only team he had a winning percentage with was the Wings (at approximately 58%).

But at least his winning percentage in Anaheim was better than his totally miserable one with the Leafs, currently at a laughably bad 30.4%.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Gee, I wonder if negotiations went like this:

"I'm a real good coach. I'm the best of my generation. I want a million dollars a month."

"No problem. You've got it."

"Thanks. So that's 12 million a year, right?"

"No it's 6 million a year."

"BS! 12 times a million equals 12 million! I'm real good in math."

"Yeah but with US you'll only have to work SIX months a year."

'Hey you're right. And 6 times a million equals 6 million a year. I'll take it. I'm real good in math."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sukarski sucks, the Condom was busted & he choked under pressure......

Leafs lost (but deserved to win), Raptors won & the 'priceless' habs lost.....life is great!! :thumb:

The Red Wings?? Who the f$&^$* cares about them?? :D


Nov 12, 2005
Well, you're Leafs fans, so, of course, you don't care about winners! :D :lol:

You like that one, JC? ;) Set up too easy. Hard to pass up on that one...


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Sukarski sucks, the Condom was busted & he choked under pressure......

Condon: 8-2-3 record, 19 of a possible 26 points, .916 save percentage, 2.19 goals against average

Bernier: 0-8-1 (snicker!) record, ONE (!!) of a possible EIGHTEEN (!!!!) points, .888 (!!!!) save percentage, 3.28 (ha ha) goals against average

Maybe the LEAFS should consider getting a "Condom" (sic)...'cause The President of the Nelson Mandela Fan Club ("for what he did both on and off the ice") sure as Hell ain't cutting the mustard!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Leafs lost (but deserved to win), Raptors won & the 'priceless' habs lost.....life is great!! :thumb:

Habs: 39 points, 1st in Atlantic Division, 1st in Eastern Conference, 1st in league. 88 goals for, 56 goals against, plus 32 - despite several key injuries, and despite NOT having "the world's best coach since May 20, 2015".

Leafs: 19 points (i.e.; less than HALF of the Montreal total!), LAST in Atlantic Division, LAST in Eastern Conference, 27th in league. 53 goals for, 66 goals against, MINUS 13 - even with NO key injuries, even with having "the world's best coach since May 20, 2015", and even with their FANTASTIC REBUILD in full swing.

I guess you're right that "life is great"...for EVERYONE except Leaf fans!!!!! (How can you tell if someone's a Leaf fan? Simple: he's the guy with the paper bag on his head, the "kick me" sign on his back, and the discarded Leaf sweater on the ice.)



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
"The Best Coach in the World (since May 20, 2015 - previously referred to as "The Cock" or "The Big Cock")"

Note: The title expresses the publicly stated opinions of some Leaf fans and does not refer to my opinion of Mike Babcock - either before or after May 20, 2015.

Here is a recap of Dr. Babcock's NHL career (regular season win stats):

With Anaheim: 69 wins in 164 regular season games - won 42% of the regular season games he coached with the Ducks

With Detroit: 458 wins in 786 regular season games - won 58.2% of the regular season games he coached with the Wings

With Toronto: 1 win in 7 regular season games - won 14.2% of the regular season games he coached with the Leafs

A HUGE thumbs-up to Babs: I posted the quoted passage on October 25. Now, a mere 5 weeks later, "the world's best coach since May 20, 2015" has ALREADY raised his winning percentage with the Leafs from 14.2% to 30.4%. Wow! If you can coach the LEAFS to 3 wins every 10 games you MUST be good!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Best fight of the new season: Randy Carlyle vs. The Roommates. Who will be gone first - Randy or the twosome of Phil and Tyler?

Actually it's obvious that the coach will go first but it appears that he wants to get a few punches in first - as he did with his remarks about Kessel and Bozak following their less-than-stellar performance in the Leafs opening night home game loss to Montreal.

Posted on October 10, 2014....and now only Tyler remains.
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