C de la foutaise tout ce thead c pour faire peur aux gens ...
ho mon dieu ... va te renseigné , c'Est tres dangereux ... on veux pas faire peur au gens mais cest très réaliste...
I agree with all of that there are risks but my research does show it as being relatively low. Why not take an informal survey? Who, among us has had an STD from this business?
si la fille pipe bin sa parrait pas tant le condom surtout si elle le prends au visage apres moi sa me satisfait jai eu bonne .
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia can be passed between genitals and the mouth or throat. If you are concerned about STIs during oral sex then condoms or dental dams can lower the chances. Using flavoured condoms may add to the pleasure of sex.
There are some documented cases of people getting HIV through their mouth
hope this answers your question