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Possible curfew?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Again I hate to dispute your scientific knowledge against those of professionals but it kind of goes along the lines of you commenting on the lives of SP.
You may have fucked a few but you know little about each ones real life.
But which professionals? Are we hearing all the professionals or just the ones that allign with the agenda of the government? All those who spoke against the government's agenda were silenced. Ford kicked out an Ontario MP because he spoke against lockdowns. Do you not see the censorship? Day by day we are loosing freedom of speech kind of like the beginning of Communist China. It does not take a genius to realize that the politicians turned covid into about politics. One more thing science and stats has not confirmed the effectiveness of curfews. Do not believe me? Look it up yourself. Yet Legault insists to go ahead with it. He is acting like a tin plated dictator.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Cloud 500.

I was not talking about the effectiveness of curfews.
If you read my previous posts I don’t think curfews achieve anything unless you are talking about a total lockdown where you can only go out for an hour or two if you prove you cannot get groceries or medication delivered.
People can still be outside between 5am- 8pm the virus can’t tell time it is happy to spread whenever given the opportunity, and the curfew becomes a total joke when you have all kids in school and they come home and spread it to parents and grandparents.

I was taking about the wearing of masks, social distancing and washing your hands, pretty basic and logical for all contagious diseases.

Stan Smith

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Numbers are going down daily, any chance not to extend the curfew?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I get the feeling we'll be in lockdown/curfew until at least March 15th. Legault has even asked Trudeau to forbid non essential travel for Quebecers. That'll be a huge hit for spring break...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Numbers are going down daily, any chance not to extend the curfew?
Depends how far hospitalizations drop.
This is probably not because of the curfew, to early to see results from that yet.
This is because all the kids were home and most people were not working and home as well during the Christmas/New Year break.
Hopefully with the vaccination of most elderly in CHSLD and private old age age homes hospitalization and ICU space will ease up so they can lift the curfew and open businesses. With vaccination of over 80 set to start in February and over 70 in March this should significantly drop both the number of hospitalizations and deaths and we can slowly get back to something more normal hopefully


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
But which professionals? Are we hearing all the professionals or just the ones that allign with the agenda of the government? All those who spoke against the government's agenda were silenced. Ford kicked out an Ontario MP because he spoke against lockdowns. Do you not see the censorship? Day by day we are loosing freedom of speech kind of like the beginning of Communist China. It does not take a genius to realize that the politicians turned covid into about politics. One more thing science and stats has not confirmed the effectiveness of curfews. Do not believe me? Look it up yourself. Yet Legault insists to go ahead with it. He is acting like a tin plated dictator.
I have a lot of sympathy for you.

It might be a bit exaggerated to say that you lose all your freedoms and that we are directed by a dictator.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Pro Wrestling got to be seen as entertainement, kinda like theatre but with contacts. It may be staged but its still very physical and injuries are happening. Its the kind of show you follow like following a tv show but live. Personally despite Hulk's views and comments a few years ago and knowing he is partly responsible for the downfall of WCW and TNA due to creative control i would still had been happy to see him live. I mean the guy is a living legend of the wrestling business. If i had been you i would had try (but if turn down i would had respect his wish and not be an ass) to get a pic with him or something.
Compare what we are going through with the wrestling, amazes me.

You have the right to like wrestling, but for me, I don't appreciate at all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It might be a bit exaggerated to say that you lose all your freedoms and that we are directed by a dictator.
A curfew is extreme. Curfew is something imposed on prisoners or those on probation as punishment. No one else in Canada has done this not even in Ontario. Despite all the backlash from many people and those advocating for the protection of the rights of the marginalized and the homeless Legault still went ahead with it. Science and statistics has no clear evidence that curfews work. Legault insists to send kids to school despite what science is saying and the teachers that kids are super spreaders of infection. Legault does not listen to anyone. In my book that makes him a dictator. I thought this was a democracy. Clearly it is not.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Legault does not listen to anyone. In my book that makes him a dictator.

Trying to fend off the need for a third nationwide lockdown that would further dent Europe's second-largest economy and put more jobs in danger, France is instead opting for creeping curfews. Big chunks of eastern France, including most of its regions that border Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, are living under 6 p.m.-to-6 a.m. restrictions on movement. At 12 hours, the curfew is the longest anywhere in the European Union's 27 nations.

So according to you if Legault is a dictator, in Europe there are plenty of heads of state who are too.

This will be my last response to your comments, I don't want to interact with someone like you.

Sit down with a big beer, some crisps, in front of the tv and watch the wrestling.

Open-mindedness is the quality of the wise.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Nobody likes curfews C500 , but we don’t have a say or get to vote on the matter ....our provincial politicians and health experts decided it was necessary to curb the spread and we will have to trust that it was the right decision and that it won’t be for nothing and that it will have a positive effect in the end

But I do get your frustration as government has lost credibility with me as well , but you calling them a dictatorship is an insult to real dictators around the world haha .... but yea they have been inconsistent , implementing strict curfew when they were previously letting folks renter the country while on leisure travel down south , a foolish thing to do ...also their decision to keep the schools open has many questioning the common sense in that ... political figures previously caught bending the rules (outside Quebec )doesn’t really motivate people to blindly comply either.... again this all feels very extreme so I’m hoping that the covid deaths and cases will drastically go down so they won’t feel the need to renew the curfew once it’s over .... these are basic liberties that are taken away from us and whether or not one agrees has a lot to do with how one views their government , one that’s trying to control its people or one that’s trying to protect them


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Trying to fend off the need for a third nationwide lockdown that would further dent Europe's second-largest economy and put more jobs in danger, France is instead opting for creeping curfews. Big chunks of eastern France, including most of its regions that border Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, are living under 6 p.m.-to-6 a.m. restrictions on movement. At 12 hours, the curfew is the longest anywhere in the European Union's 27 nations.

So according to you if Legault is a dictator, in Europe there are plenty of heads of state who are too.

This will be my last response to your comments, I don't want to interact with someone like you.

Sit down with a big beer, some crisps, in front of the tv and watch the wrestling.

Open-mindedness is the quality of the wise.
You are in denial. Why look at France? Look at all these European countries that did not do a curfew?

Do we really want to live in a police state? These lockdowns are unconstitutional yet they are still happening. Did you bother to read the news or science? Nowhere does science say that curfews are effective and what is more the WHO is saying to avoid lockdowns. If you do not want to interact with me I do not care but that reinforces my point that you are in denial and avoid the facts. If you want to lock yourself up for eternity and drink beer and watch TV all day be my guest. That is not my cup of tea. I read many of your comments and you are so scared. Anyways live your life the way you please.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Nobody likes curfews C500 , but we don’t have a say or get to vote on the matter ....our provincial politicians and health experts decided it was necessary to curb the spread and we will have to trust that it was the right decision and that it won’t be for nothing and that it will have a positive effect in the end
This is the same politicians who do not follow science. Legault decides to postpone the second dose of the vaccine despite what science and Pfizer says. The vaccine was tested for two doses with 21 days intervals. Yet government acts like they know better. There was a test conducted by Israel and it does not look good for Quebecs plan. So tell me again how is Legault not a dictator? He is not a scientist or a doctor. I got ZERO credibility in this government. All politicians are scum if you ask me. We are being caged like criminals. If the hospitals are overcrowded that is due to government mismanagement. The hospitals were overcrowded for years with a lack of nurses. Tell me when once the healthcare system was in good shape? Surgeries being postponed for several months or getting an appointment after six months. Trudope is sending millions of dollars to foreign countries for his own UN agenda instead of putting it in healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Legault insists to send kids to school despite what science is saying and the teachers that kids are super spreaders of infection.
This is not true. There have been numerous studies looking at school closures and they found that kids (especially the really young ones) are not major vectors of transmission. The difference between the NNT and the NNH is vast.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There is already talk that its gonna be extended. No surprise there. The thing is..

If things get better, they say its cause of it and we should extend it to get even better
If things get worst, its that we didn't "follow enough" and we need even more restrictions

Either way we are screw...

I been kinda lucky that my local store is still selling "non essential" products, no idea why, but i bough a movie not that long ago, an xbox gift card today. Its a convenient store so its not like they have tons of stuff anyway but at least i can get "something". Wich remind me, my Xbox controller is on its last mile , got the walmart waranty, so can i go exchange it or it count as "non essential" and my purchase waranty do not apply? Guess ill have to call.

Im just so sick of everything. Im sick of stores being closed (i could use a little visit in a retro game store to change my mind), im sick of curfew (thanksfully im living daytime currently, but it will eventually switch to night and ill be stuck inside) , i had planned to go in Montreal Febuary but obviously i post-poned it to March, will i even be able to do in March? But more than anything im sick of the lies of the medias. There was Martineau on TV at Denis Levesque today mentioning younger folks care less cause its no big deal for them but they could give it to other older. What if they just don't meet older folks? You don't spread covid at the grocery store... Maybe they do not work with a ton of peoples, maybe they do not see their extended older family. But the funniest part is right after they had the mayor of sept-iles mentionig there was like no cases at all for multiple days and yet they live in the red, he demand that rules change by regions.

Thats one thing that was quickly abandoned.. they turned everything to red and thats it.

They say we are "close to the finish line" or the last miles. NO WE ARE NOT !! LOL. If we lucky the virus will fade in summertime like it did last year (unless those more contagious variants get here) and MAYBE, just MAYBE, we shouldn't had it return in force in fall if vaccination work as good as they say (i doubt it will). But we are litteraly screwed til May at least. Thats still 4 to 5 months... half of what we did already. I won't call it the last miles... Add all the distress, mental health taking a hit, financial bankrupcy etc accumulated so far, and those 5 months will feel just as long as the first 10. Its like when i was in school, first period was fast, second a little longer because i couldn't wait til diner break, but man the afternoon felt long... especially the last period.

Sorry but had to vent a bit.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018

I guess the people at these universities have no clue what they are talking about they should register on Merb to get the true facts

There is more and more evidence internationally that children are a key factor to spreading COVID-19:



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yep and Legault is still intent to send kids to schools while locking us all as prisoners with this damn curfew. Legault the tin plated dictator.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Yep and Legault is still intent to send kids to schools while locking us all as prisoners with this damn curfew. Legault the tin plated dictator.

The opinion from scientists on school openings is not black and white. One thing for sure, there is a large penalty to SOME kids by keeping schools closed.

I really prefer the Ontario approach where parents had the choice of virtual or in school. Parents know better what their kid needs. You cut the number of in class students significantly and slow the spread. Kids that need in class can get it. It's a compromise between what's best for the pandemic and what's best for the kids. That's my opinion anyways.... But Legault is too proud to come back on his decision.

Expect stricter restrictions in the next few months. The variants are going to throw us for a loop. Read what's coming our of Denmark. By the time our politicians figure it out, it will be too late. If Legault opens up too much Feb 8th, we're screwed.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^^. Agree with the parents having the choice to send kids to school or not, disagree with the province wide lockdown. You can not blanket Quebec because of Montreal, let small towns keep open, to stop the " tourists " from Montreal you must have the town id to purchase anything, keep away. Just a thought.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Report a couple of days ago about a 17 yr old from Ontario who met his dad in Quebec for a fishing day. He was on his way home to Ontario and at 8:12pm he got pulled over one set of lights away from Ontario and he got a $600ish fine. Some cops are real assholes.
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