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Possible terrorist attack in Toronto


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
apparently there is a whole online movement of these 'incells'. there are hundreds of thousands of them. basically he became 'radicalized' like in other forms of terrorists.

I started seeing them a few years ago online. They worshipped the guy in California who killed six people a few years ago. They called him a saint and an inspiration.
They had a sub reddit where they talked about raping and murdering women, and they were not joking around.
They wanted to murder guys who had hot girlfriends.
So they are both really weird oddballs, and obsessed with violence and getting revenge on women.

They were so bad that reddit shut them down...
These incels are violent lunatics.


New Member
Mar 14, 2011
The cop that took this perp down was a cool cucumber, if this happened in the states the perp would have been blown away.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
There are some things that are important in life. Learn how to be proud of yourself and learn how to cope with rejection. I am lucky I had it quite easy with girl all my life. Still, my ratio of rejection is probably at 80%.

Guy needs to learn that girl do now owe anything to them and cope with that. Life will be much more peaceful when every guy learn that.

beautiful words.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I had a friend I'd probably classify as incel. He was super awkward. Once, he asked me to talk to a girl for him and my retort was, "What? Am I going to fuck her for you too?" He also wanted me to be a MGTOW with him despite the fact that he knew I had a wife at the time. Why go your own way when you have a woman to sleep with?

The beginning of the end of our friendship is when he tried to convince me he was dating a woman 30 years his senior, and she had HIV and he hadn't been using protection. When I was incredulous, he actually spoke to someone on speaker phone in front of me as proof that she at least existed. A few days after this long conversation, he texted me to say "Never mind" about the entire thing. The last time I had contact with him was when he was crowing about Trump's win and sending me offensive Jewish caricatures. The only thing more infuriating than a racist is a racist who is minority himself.

If my ex-friend is typical of other incels, then seeing an escort isn't an option to them because they're paying for it. What he never got, because he was a virgin, was that you talk better to women when you're not sexually desperate. I pray the guy never gets a gun because I truly fear he's mass shooter material.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just a guess but I assume that these types of people seek a relationship with girls out of their league, there are many average or even below average looking single girls out there who would probably fuck their brains out if ever dated. Far to many people trump looks over personality, short term looks works but in the long run a great looking person with zero personality or conceded is not worth the effort.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2006
Just a guess but I assume that these types of people seek a relationship with girls out of their league, there are many average or even below average looking single girls out there who would probably fuck their brains out if ever dated. Far to many people trump looks over personality, short term looks works but in the long run a great looking person with zero personality or conceded is not worth the effort.

Some guys, like Elliot Rodger, did expect the hot girls to like him. But I also heard an interview with another guy on Radio-Canada in which he blamed his physical appearance and admitted he had tried with the fattest and ugliest girls he could find.

With this latest event, the driver was a very strange person to anyone who knew him. Meowing and play biting people is not attractive. He was socially messed up. I can understand from that why he was alone. He wasn’t terrible to look at, but how can he have a relationship if he cannot relate to people?

I think there’s one misunderstanding about Minassian. I don’t think sex was his main goal with women. I think it was companionship and affection. A sex worker rarely offers that. I’ve managed to develop friendships with some women in the trade, but of course it didn’t start that way. I really like women and am genuinely interested in what they have to say. We talk a lot during repeated meetings and that’s how a bond develops. So I’d say you can get genuine affection, but companionship is not on the menu.

This guy could never do that based on what’s reported.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Elliott Roger doesn’t seem to have been an ugly kid but once he opens his mouth it goes downhill rapidly as one can see from the video I posted earlier. In any event it’s not all about looks and a guy can be handsome as hell, but if he has no shtick and creeps women out he is going to strike out. Guys like Rodger are unable to look in the mirror and see what women see which is a seriously creepy dude, possibly with mental illness. I kind of agree with Patron that a guy like that wouldn’t have lasted with any self respecting escort, they would have likely banned him after a date or two. That kid seems to have been a lost cause yet now he is being deified by the Toronto nutcase who cited Rodger as his inspiration. Unfortunately guys like this ultimately reach their breaking point, snap and then it’s up to each one of us to intervene and foil their mass casualty agendas. You gotta do what Waffle House hero did, rip the gun away, smack him with it and neutralize the threat.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
And by the way, if this guy is an Incel, why the fuck isn’t it called terrorism?

If a Muslim drove a truck down the sidewalk and killed people because he was displeased with how he feels Muslims are treated, it would be terrorism.

But if a guy kills people with a truck because he feels society did not give him what he expected in life, he isn’t a terrorist?

I don’t get it. Isn’t terrorism violence resulting from the grievance of a member of a group?

I'm not sure I see the similarities between Islamic Extremism and Incel. Islamic Extremism is a centuries old concept rooted in the darker elements of a spiritual and political movement that used violence and military power to gain early adherents and geographic exposure. It has also become very organized as well as inspirational.

Incel not so much. First, the word "involuntary" suggests you don't choose to join. Second, I don't think this is a vastly organized movement.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I will defend my point about access to play4pay to various posts that followed. I don't think it's the end-all, but I do think it can take the edge off these crazies. I know plenty of very awkward guys who make once, twice a year trips to countries where sex is cheap and easily available. They seem quite content in their life circumstances. They also seem to gain confidence that trying too hard to get laid can erode.

Patron, you are right. Toronto has an active and somewhat legal play4pay scene. What I don't completely know is what our the mores in Ontario? I sense it is not as open-minded when it comes to pay4play as it is in Europe and elsewhere. This leads me to a big question. If access to sex isn't part of the problem, why don't they have this problem outside North America? China has like 118 guys to 100 girls. They are a deeply materialistic society where self-worth is defined by money and status. While an English speaker is going to have to work hard for pay4play in China, I can tell you in every Chinese city local men know where to get cheap, easy sex. Asia and Latin America are very open to pay4play with the obvious double standards that tend to coexist. I sense in Europe they are very tolerant and also very discreet.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2006
I'm not sure I see the similarities between Islamic Extremism and Incel. Islamic Extremism is a centuries old concept rooted in the darker elements of a spiritual and political movement that used violence and military power to gain early adherents and geographic exposure. It has also become very organized as well as inspirational.

Incel not so much. First, the word "involuntary" suggests you don't choose to join. Second, I don't think this is a vastly organized movement.

The "terrorist" label is political, just like "hate crime". If someone wants to make a criminal act seem bigger than the individual event, they attach the label. ISIS and Incel both have ideologies which if acted upon could be considered terrorism if someone wants to say the acts had greater purpose.

For me, and this is probably not the technical definition, "terrorism" applies when someone is trying to achieve a political, rather than a personal goal. So when the IRA were bombing British military facilities, they had a political objective to get the British out of Northern Ireland. Terrorism could be the label. Similarly, the FLQ had an objective to change the balance of power away from English to French dominance when they were setting off bombs in Quebec. Most Canadians would say they were terrorists, but then again separatists might say they were freedom fighters.

When Rodger stabbed his male roommates to death, and then went after men and women, he was expressing his personal rage. There was no change that could come from that which would benefit him, or like minded losers. His was an act of misanthropy, and it was limited to satisfying his own angers. Then some politically minded folk used his anger towards women to argue the Rodger represented a broader societal problem and linked him to "rape culture", "The Patriarchy", "Male Privilege" and "toxic masculinity". So what was a crime by one person becomes a male crime requiring broader action. It didn't matter that Rodger killed and injured more men than women.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
It would seem that if the supposed Freedom of Speech has been curtailed or eliminated on the Internet for commercial sex, the same could be done with religious and gender violence, and of course white supremacy and Nazism.

I don't agree with that. I actually believe that exactly the opposite is true -- all these freaks should be encouraged to post as much and as often as they please. For the very simple practical reason: this would give (smart) law enforcement a chance to monitor them and ideally penetrate their circles.

Likewise, the SESTA/FOSTA law is exactly counterproductive to the (stated) purpose of combating human trafficking. But of course those profound intellectuals who conceived it (like Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand) could not be bothered with such trifles as logic and common sense.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Yes, censorship is dangerous, that is exactly my point. The only thing it achieves is driving the problem underground. Which obviously does not help to cure the disease, it just makes it less treatable.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just a note, with the Canadian population you have a better chance of winning the lottery than being killed by a deranged unknown person. Yes sad that it happened, very violent things happen daily to people, it will continue year after year, not much we can do about it.
Anyone can find what he wants to hear on the internet if he looks.
Just sayin.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Sambuca, the similarity I see is the existence of the internet, and social media in particular, to reinforce and encourage inappropriate thoughts by creating a community for disenfranchised people who might otherwise conform to accepted social behavior that would eliminate violence.

This point cannot be emphasized enough. I know you meant this in terms of terrorism but these incels are no different. Save the sadsack name they gave themselves, there is nothing unique about initially lacking the game required to bed a girl/woman. Unless you were a QB or something of the sort in high school, I'd wager a lot of boys go through a period where they're clumsy or unrefined on how to approach a woman. The difference is most men learn after a while and the five knuckle shuffle days become a distant memory. Now, instead of learning to be interesting they can commiserate on the Internet and lay the blame at women hating them. To be fair, some of these guys are socially awkward beyond hope. But maybe, just maybe, if the feedback loop of their niche online community didn't exist they'd be improving their social skills instead of basking in loserdom.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Reading the Gazette this morning, the new mayor has new plans now for the St.Catherines street widening, she says escspe routes should be designed into the plans in case this incident happens there. Guessing that she thinks it will be a common occurence since it happens so often in Canada.


Jun 14, 2015
Reading the Gazette this morning, the new mayor has new plans now for the St.Catherines street widening, she says escspe routes should be designed into the plans in case this incident happens there. Guessing that she thinks it will be a common occurence since it happens so often in Canada.

What is the problem with making things harder for crackheads to do their deeds?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What is the problem with making things harder for crackheads to do their deeds?

Dans la même pensé aux USA ils vont demander aux élèves de porter un gilet parre-balle à l'école au lieu de bannir les armes ;)


Jun 14, 2015
Dans la même pensé aux USA ils vont demander aux élèves de porter un gilet parre-balle à l'école au lieu de bannir les armes ;)

Désolé mon ami, je ne vois pas la ressemblance entre limiter l'accès à des armes à feu et arranger une artère commerciale de façon à la rendre plus difficile d'accès pour des camions-béliers.

Sur la rue Ste-Catherine, on veut empêcher l'accès aux camions de livraison qui pourraient se transformer en faucheurs-de-gens-qui-magasinent. Les visiteurs se promènent rarement dans les ruelles et les rues de service... On veut rendre la Catherine plus conviviale mais aussi plus sécuritaire...

L'autre qui ironise sur le fait que les camions-béliers ne sont pas monnaie courante au Canada devrait réaliser que cette tendance est plutôt récente. Il y a 10 ans, on ne parlait même pas de ça... Il faut réaliser que ça va devenir de plus en plus courant. Un spécialiste du GIGN (en France) écrit ceci: "C’est un mode opératoire difficile à contrer et facile à utiliser, parce qu’il ne suffit que de prendre ou de louer une voiture et de foncer sur la foule. Il n’est pas nécessaire de savoir fabriquer des explosifs ni de les mettre en œuvre".

Les talibans ont essayé avec des avions. Mais ça prend du temps et de l'argent pour former un commando aérien. L'état islamique a compris rapidement qu'avec très peu de moyen, il était possible de frapper partout sans avertissement... 10 morts ici, 5 autres là, 12 ailleurs... Ça ne prend pas grand chose pour créer une sorte de psychose. Il suffit de ne jamais cibler deux fois le même endroit...

Ensuite, il y a les déséquilibrés comme Minassian qui regardent ça, qui prennent des notes et qui trouvent ça facile à faire... On n'a même plus besoin de faire partie d'une gang de fêlés ou à essayer de se faire accepter par un groupe criminel... Il reste juste à faire des copier-coller. De toute façon, le mal l'emporte et on pourra plaider la non-responsabilité criminelle...


Sep 24, 2009
And by the way, if this guy is an Incel, why the fuck isn’t it called terrorism?

If a Muslim drove a truck down the sidewalk and killed people because he was displeased with how he feels Muslims are treated, it would be terrorism.

But if a guy kills people with a truck because he feels society did not give him what he expected in life, he isn’t a terrorist?

I don’t get it. Isn’t terrorism violence resulting from the grievance of a member of a group?

Terrorism is violence or intimidation by a 'non-state' actor to try and intimidate a government and or change the government or laws of a nation. It needs the designation of 'non-state' actor or all war would be considered terrorism - which, in reality, it is.

Incels are not really trying to overthrow a state or kill politicians. But, yeah, I understand what you mean. If the guy was a Muslim we would be hearing about this non-stop for at least a month or two. Today in 5 news feeds it was mentioned once.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The Incels are just spoiled little assholes who think they deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter.
When they don't get it they go nuts.

Calling them terrorists is flattery. Affluenza is a good term.
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