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Post-Thanksgiving GT blowout announcement


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Shijak, I'll be there and I'm trying to convince a tall former merbite to join us.:cool: My buddy that was with me last time will probably stop by with me also.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Roland, I'm still working on the Big Guy. Last time I had to get Celine to talk him into showing up, so if she comes by this time I'll get her to try it again if I don't succeed.:D


Nov 15, 2005
Joe_ said:
Due to prior commitments, I probably won't be able to make it. I, also, would like a full review on Shijak's attire. Thanks! :p
Wow! Shijak really made a mistake when he told me about his spiffy shirts, and I broadcast it via the Cleo's thread. Please don't forget to also report on his leather shoes. :D


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Sorry to disappoint you...I'll be coming in naked!!


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Sorry shijak, wish I could go. You know how to get in touch with me if you want to chat again from there.



New Member
Aug 26, 2005
me said:
Sorry to disappoint you...I'll be coming in naked!!

:D hehe, always keep'em guessing!

CK, my friend, your absence will be felt!
Techie, glad you and number one acolyte will be there...and as for the BIG GUY, he'd better get his ass over there!!
Roland, glad to have you aboard!!
Regnad, I feel bad you won't be among us...the next one is all for you, baby!!
Joe_ , will we ever meet?
Rook, A$$lover and regular guy, welcome aboard!! (hmmm, ass_lover, A$$lover, and assluver...would be an interesting chat if these three met!!:D )

Joe T. Here's just for you: Caress, you beautiful thing, please show up and make this guy's evening!! (feel better, dude?)
Chef, i guess I'll never taste that cake:(
Hojo, you're still my hero!!
And Candy...i count the minutes...:)

To everyone else thinking of coming, on the pro side and not, please do and help make this a great evening full of laughter, with a healthy dose of kinkiness and joviality.

i look forward to seeing all of you


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
No barricading will ever be necessary, Ziggy...You could bring your SO to the hotel anyway and peer at us from afar like the last time...:D (i'm just kidding you!! now Milonga your ass on over next time!!)

Bumping up this thread to remind everybody to please join us this evening as we gather to chat, drink, take in the lovely sights, and surely laugh hysterically.

Once again, the place is the ground floor inner lobby of the Hotel de la Montagne, and our preferred area is right around the white baby grand piano. Folks may start to amass at around 10pm, but I myself should be arriving at about 10:30pm.

Some invitation cards have been sent to various agency heads, and some have responded optimistically to have some of their ladies join us, if even for a brief while. Gentlemen, if you do avail yourself of the company of a lovely escort this early evening, do whisper sexily in her ear while in the throes of passion: " oh baby, you're so sexy...come have a drink at the hotel later..."

(lol, sounds like a bad porn film scenario...)

For our ladies who do not use the services of any agencies, escorts, dancers or otherwise, you are also absolutely welcomed to spend some time with us

oh almost forgot: To our longtime senior members that have recently gone M.I.A., We...or at least I...would be deeply honoured if you'd drop by for a cold one...
(I'm looking straight in your direction, Ollie, Doc and SL...)

Drop by now, y'hear?

The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005

Hi guys!

This sounds really cool!
I might show up ...
And I just find out that Oliver will be there as well!!!!!:)
Yes, I may go and see that myself!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I just got off the phone with Oliver and he will be there for sure. In fact he's trying to recruit others to come down as we speak. From the sound of things, it may just be the best turnout in a long time.

Sorry you can't make it tonight Ziggy. We'll have to organize the next gt on a Saturday with a little more lead time as this one was kind of a 'spur of the moment' idea.


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Well, what did I miss? :D



New Member
Aug 17, 2006

you missed me Clark, I was there and had lots of fun!!! Thankyou Shijak for inviting me and thank you everyone for making me feel so comfy!!! especially you, beautiful Tracy... hope to talk to all of you pretty soon!! take care!!



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I had a super time last night!

I planned to be at the GT until about midnight, turns out I left a little before 3PM!! I haven't really been out in a while, I felt like a shy little girl again! In fact, the only way I knew that the table was ours was because of Sal!

Thanks to Regular Guy for following the rules and not letting me order beer (I may have ended up regretting that!)... to Roland for being so sweet and romantic (how are your knees this morning! lol), great to see "mr.payphone" (I don't know his hande!), it has been quite a long time! Sapman for finally explaining his handle and quote to me (I guess I really do have my head in the gutter!), Danleo it was a great pleasure to meet you again and you have some exciting stories (when is our next trip?), Eastender, you look nothing like how I pictured you in my mind (now I wonder what you look like naked!). Ollie, you look good for your age, keep up the good work, I loved it when you introduced Mr.Ballz to the entire hotel! Sally, well, you are just too hot - always have been - yummy! Techman, another guy who doesn't look like I imagined, actually are you sure you and Eastender aren't actualy trading IDs? Shijak - thanks so much for a great GT! Everyone else, I really didn't get a chance to talk with last night - I look forward to getting acquainted at a future party!

Now the girls - I think Maria (juicey is right!) is the hottest little sweetheart, what a breath of fresh air she is and I plan to get into that cute little bodice you were wearing last night! Tracy it was great to finally meet you, and spank you! Candy, sweet minx and Naomie (sp?), if hot chocolate is bad - I don't want to be good! lol! Very bad joke but you gotta know I am not alwaysperfect!


The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005

oliver kloseoff said:
The Wizard of Oz
-too bad you dindt show you missed a great time

Yes you can say it!
Just too bad ... some inconvenient stuff ...:cool:
Wish it would have been as easy as clicking my shoes...
Maybe at the Halloween party!:D
Oh well, really happy to see you back here my dear!

And for all the other, next time I will get there!!!!;)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
regnad said:
You must be the George Steinbrenner of the board, Oliver

Welcome back, Oliver. Here's hoping you stick around. Real sorry to miss you and the party. We had a great talk last time. Let's have a really big one for your 50th.

joe.t - I guess Joe wasn't watching the Yankees in the playoffs.
shijak - Oliver, you forgot to tell us what Shijak was wearing.

Sorry to have missed all of you. Sounds like I missed a great time. Hopefully, I can make the next one.

reg-You should have showed up as you missed a great party and there was a pretty good turnout, actually i was looking for somebody to argue about baseball but i had no luck as everybody there was a confirmed Yankee's fan.:p

Kudos to Shijak for putting together a great party, will be looking forward to the next one.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
First things first...WELCOME BACK OLIVER!!!!

Ok, it's really hard to add very much to Oli's post on last night's festivities. For a spur of the moment get together it was a great success. We had a better turnout than at parties with weeks of lead time and organizing. Great job Shijak! It was nice to meet some new members that I hadn't met before and to renew acquaintances with the people I've met before. It was great talking with Eastender about the great old days of Mtl clubs and Shijak was a great host, circulatiing and talking to everyone. Rook01, thanks again for the nachos. A great big thank you to all the beautiful ladies that decided to grace us with their much appreciated presence. The evening would not have been a success without you. It was a pleasure to see Tracy again and to meet Anik, Candy and especially Maria whose cute sexy little bodice was very enticing indeed.:p

The night seemed to just fly by and things started to break up around 2:30 am and Oliver and I headed off with Paul graciously giving us a lift home. Got home and drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Juicey things in my head.:D

I think we all had a great time and those who were unable to make it missed a great party. Hopefully the next one will be as much fun!

PS: Now about that "Wow that cop is cute" comment I made while walking down Crescent was a female cop with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail and she had a really cute ass.:cool: :p :D


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
I had an awesome time last night. Was ma first GT and was nervous meeting everyone.

Also, Oliver ya my new "HERO" ya da man.

Really awesome meeting everyone and Thanks Shijak for setting this up.

Candy, ya have the most adorable freckles ;)


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Mini GT

Last night's GT was mini in name only - the people who attended were fun to the max. Everything that could be written about the GT has been written so I will not rehash details or list names for fear of forgetting someone or something.

It was great seeing some of the old faces and putting new faces to board handles.

Special thanks to Shijak for all his efforts in organizing the event.

Trust everybody made it home safely.


PS: Anik,answer to your question older than I looked years ago.
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