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Quebec elections 2018. Predictions / Opinions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Has anyone looked into the NPD-Q? Just starting out so I doubt they will win a seat (they probably are just trying to get to the threshold where they become an official party this time).

Seems like a federalist QS

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do not believe so. We are already a cheap labor province in high end technology, pharma and quite a few other area. With our vary low cost of living, low salary, very high potential for natural resource we have everything needed to make ends


You are forgetting the last referendum, big business was planning to pull out. Quebec has crazy ideas of keeping the Canadiam currency and passports. Businesses are already having a tough choice to open up shop here, all the language laws. The students that get their education here for near free are leaving for better opportunities elsewhere, a separation happens and they will be leaving at an advanced rate. The governments you have will not allow resource exploration, maybe when money matters set in they may change their minds. Their share of the debt probably 300 billion or more plus their 350 billion already tough start.
Perhaps you thought they could continue to get funding from Canada, use currency, passports and we all would agree. Yeah.


Active Member
May 25, 2015
I don't understand why you guys keep talking about the Referendum.Is like talking about the last Stanley cup for the Habs, it's gone. Time to move on. The most popular party for younger people is the PLQ. Now the issue is about how to prevent they will not rule forever the province


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't understand why you guys keep talking about the Referendum.Is like talking about the last Stanley cup for the Habs, it's gone. Time to move on.

Unfortunately, uncontrolled sentimentalism among the older generation of voter-posters breeds yearning for the "good old days" which, in fact, were not such good old days. Those posters should be made to explain what was better in 1995 than it is now (other than the hockey play of the Habs). I think the biggest problem facing us in 2018, and when I say us I mean the US and Canada, is an aging population living longer, and putting a strain on the medical system while not contributing anything to the attendant social costs, in many cases due to inadequate or nonexistent retirement savings. It's a bigger problem in the USA than in Canada because we do not have the single payer government subsidized healthcare. However, I have not heard a single politician discuss the issue in any manner let alone in an intelligent manner. The other issue nobody is talking about and which Republican talk about only with forked tongues is job loss due to automation. In the US Republican candidates who own businesses widely implementing measures that increase automation and cause job layoffs nevertheless advocate various policies that supposedly increase jobs, mostly those that involve defense spending on military contractors. These politicians should have their tongues cut out of their mouths!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well said EB. You should run to replace Trump who won with exact slogan you are mentionning... Good old days... America was made great because of immigration (american dream remember...) and open market. America will implode in the next 10 years because of a close down on immigration and open market.

STN I agree with you. Yes Montreal would be today as big as Toronto if it was not for the PQ in 76... What can I say I was just a baby. Anyhow I think Quebec will always remain a much poorer state then any in america but you know what? That is fine with me ;)



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have been told that businesses and people left due to the language laws which imposed absurd unnecessary and artificial costs on private businesses. This is why Toronto is now the financial capital of Canada. It’s unfortunate but is what it is, the milk was spilled and you can’t drink milk that has been spilled.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

No, Montreal today would today Still be bigger than Toronto if it were not for those leaving Quebec in 76 because of a PQ victory. People had a knee jerk reaction and thought all the English schools would be shut down and all would be forced to assimilate into the Quebecois culture. So much nonsense by ignorant people.

Not a knee jerk reaction, this was done by educated people, big business owners. There would be too much uncertainty with the economic outcome. Many people like HM who want one official language ect. Looks like you classify Montreal as all of Quebec, look in the small towns and villages, not much for economic gain the past few decades, I live there, I have friends there, no one wants a separate Quebec. The old will stay, the young will leave.
The young ones who stay will be the ones whose parents try to be their best friend instead of a parent and tell them all their ideas are great and sing Drake songs with them.... when they find no work they will leave also.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Parti Québécois, Québec Solidaire, CAQ = separatist leanings.

You forgot to add the CAQ. They are also separatist even though Legault said he would not hold one at the core he is a separatist. See how he is promoting nationalism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I find it sad, very depressing that peoples are not interested into the real "for quebec" party anymore. The PQ should be the only legit choice.

This party should disappear. They with their Bill 101 ruined Quebec in many ways. The PQ is promoting nationalism. English is part of Montreal and part of Canada but they want to shove French down everyone's throats. It is the right of the citizens and businesses to choose what language they want to use. The government has no business telling people what to do. The PQ caused a mass economic recession in Quebec that last till the millennium. Montreal has lost its status as the biggest city in Canada due to strict language laws and high taxes. Political uncertainty also deterred businesses from investing here and many packed up for Toronto. The PQ is proposing jacking up the taxes even higher then the Liberals. To start a business is not an easy task in Quebec as there are strict language laws and high taxes. People rather go elsewhere. Quebec is not so attractive to investors. The PQ is an old school idea and people with your type of thinking are fading slowly. Good thing also. Nationalism has no place in a unified Canada and I say both languages should be embraced... Not to fear another language because you want one to dominate all others.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Reading you guys depress me. Just thinking about money and economy. Its not about this !! ITS ABOUT FREEDOM !!

A Quebec that would be free to have ONE official language in itself.

What you wrote is very hypocritical. You write freedom but in reality there is no linguistic freedom. Quebec shoves French down your throat. They want everything to be in French. They were whining about stores in Montreal who would greet customers in Bonjour/Hi. How is that freedom? I care for English and I want to have English. Quebec should have two official languages at least in Montreal. A modified bill 101 for it to be either English or French and businesses can choose which language they rather operate in or even better use both languages.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Cloud I go to Vancouver a lot. Some areas you can hardly find English signage. It's all Asians. Telling you the city council is probably close to pass some law making English signage mandatory...

Just wanted to bring that point of view.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Cloud I go to Vancouver a lot. Some areas you can hardly find English signage. It's all Asians. Telling you the city council is probably close to pass some law making English signage mandatory...

I used to live in Toronto for some years... One of the places I lived at was in Markham and I regularly drove by Pacific Mall... I checked it out one time. Everything there was in Cantonese. Many of the Chinese people barely spoke English. Guess what? I never shop there not to mention the stores were so unsanitary. But you know what if those businesses can remain profitable operating in Cantonese only then all the power to them and they deserve to survive. The government should not meddle in their affairs. Let the people decide. Money speaks. That is what freedom is all about. The PQ tried to spread lies as Halloween Mike just tried writing that having one official language would mean freedom when in reality it is the complete opposite since Quebec is suppressing freedom to ensure French dominates all other languages. If a business in Montreal can remain profitable by operating in English only then they deserve to survive. The people have decided with their money. And also employees who decide to work there choose to work in English. The same business trying the same thing in a place like Rimouski or Baie-Comeau would not work. There would probably be no employees who speak English and no customers would go there in a store that caters to English only. The business would go out of business. The market decides.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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This experiment compared the satisfaction of being relatively wealthy versus absolutely:

I can't find a link to it, but I recall reading about another experiment:
1) All the employees in a company make $50K
2) You are given a choice. You tkae a pay cut to $45K, but all of your colleagues get a bigger reduction to $40K OR You get a raise to $55K and everybody else gets $60K.

The majority of participants chose to take a pay cut and be the highest paid rather than a pay raise and be the lowest paid.

There are plenty of intelligent Quebecois who are separatists and/or are in favor of the language laws. I believe that they acknowledge that mention of separation and the language laws have not helped Quebec economically, but are happy that the best paid here are no longer the non-French.

Cette expérience a comparé la satisfaction d'être relativement riche à absolument riche: [URL = "" ] [/ URL]

Je ne trouve pas de lien, mais je me souviens d'avoir lu une autre expérience:
1) Vous êtes un employé d'une entreprise particulière dans laquelle tout le monde gagne 50 000 $
2) Vous avez le choix. Vous acceptez une réduction à 45 000 $, mais tout vos collègues perdent plus et gagnent seulement 40 000 $ chacun OU vous gagnez 55 000 $ et tous les autres reçoivent 60 000 $.

La majorité des participants ont choisi une réduction de salaire et d'être le mieux rémunéré plutôt qu'une augmentation de salaire et d'être les moins bien payés.

Il y a beaucoup de Québécois intelligents qui sont séparatistes et/ou qui sont en faveur de Bill 101. Je crois qu'ils reconnaissent que la mention de la séparation et la lois linguistique n'ont pas aidé le Québec sur le plan économique, mais ils sont contents que les mieux payés ne soient plus les anglophones.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The majority of participants chose to take a pay cut and be the highest paid rather than a pay raise and be the lowest paid.

There are plenty of intelligent Quebecois who are separatists and/or are in favor of the language laws. I believe that they acknowledge that mention of separation and the language laws have not helped Quebec economically, but are happy that the best paid here are no longer the non-French.

This is exactly what is it. During the 60's Francophones were left out of many management and those six figure salary jobs as English was a requirement and was the language being used. I would have to say they were jealous that English was dominating. They are quiet pleased with Bill 101 and they are content with it even if it caused a lot of economic problems and they know it. They still rather it is all French even if Quebec has not much jobs or money.


Banned to Heaven
Jan 24, 2017
I find politicians are all liars, so I will vote for pretty-looking one only.:peep:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I find politicians are all liars, so I will vote for pretty-looking one only.:peep:

The rewson Trudeau won plus legalize weed, and the media had a lot to do with it. Ok, plus many are politically ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Politicians are all scum. They are all like car salesmen. Talking a lot of bs, making fake promises, and offering candy to get votes. At the end all will jack up taxes and put more and more rules going towards an Orwellian society.
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