We as clients are so lucky to have websites that provide pictures for us to peruse through a list of beautiful ladies to see who we identify with, who catches our eye just a bit more than the other, etc. etc. On top of that, we have this website where we compare notes, provide reviews of our experience, even claiming what she would and would not do with us. There's a thread right now on Maria Star arguing over her ability to DFK.
When you step back and think about this, it's absolutely insane. Options, services, etc are so objectified, much like a checklist that we take so much for granted. Has it occurred to anyone that the person who said Maria Star is a mediocre kisser may have terrible breath, cracked lips or something worse? It would make perfect sense then that she wouldn't open up to that person as much as the next. It's all relative! We always make claims of what we received, or didn't, but we never know how these relate to the attraction and/or chemistry between the two people.
What I'm getting at is simply the basic notion that even between a SP and a client, chemistry and affinity will go miles towards either creating a fantastic or disappointing session.
Personally, I have my own preferences. If I had my own "client" website, I would advertise that I prefer slim over heavier girls, brunette over blondes (not always but seemingly as a general rule), 21-32 yrs old, and many others. They are personal preferences that I have, and I don't even know why I have them. I'm sure we can all look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that we all have specific preferences be it weight, race, beauty, tattoos vs no-tattoos, etc.
The point is that we are extremely lucky to be able to be so selective as clients... a luxury the girls don't have, If a girl has "tried" a specific ethnicity and over time, has realized that for whatever reason, that it just isn't a natural match, then she has every right to request that exclusion. Yes, it is a job.... but it's a damn personal job that can have lasting effects on the psyche. Anything that can be done to protect ones own well being if well worth doing.
Hell, maybe a girl was raped at a younger age and has psychological remnants that would cause anxiety around a certain type of person... that would be totally understandable! Imagine if she opened the door and saw the doppelganger of her rapist? It could be a white, WASP....but it would make perfect sense for her to "block" at that point, to the total surprise of the client and by no fault of his own. There just has to be an understanding that a girl can't be expected to be 100% inclusive, without exception.
Now, with all that being said, I too feel something is not quite kosher with the original post. I've been to XO many times and know the dynamic with how things happen. I just can't see it happening like this. It makes NO sense whatsoever that the client did not contact the booker immediately and complain, ask for an explanation, something.
I live in a highly competitive world where subtle corporate sabotage is always a very real possibility. I just read between the lines here and I can't get that possibility out of my head. XO is a fast rising agency where girls are happy, and clients are even happier

, and it would make sense that attempts are made to try to knock them off balance.... I have absolutely NO foundation for what I'm saying.... just a lingering feeling.
I suspect I'll rub people the wrong way here... just wanted to add my observations, suspicions...and throw a little understanding and respect towards the girls who have to put up with us guys!