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clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
8/11/05 1:47 PM: The Translation (more or less)

I am going to tell a story that happened to me when I wasn't known here and was advertising in the newspaper.

For now I can only tell things that happened since I have been on the internet, at least being sure that it would be safe for me, I don't want to take any chances, you will understand, I hope... Many clients who know me already know my stories, but only the latest gossip, and not those in the diaries at my beginning. I keep those in the bank for the project I have in mind.

I had a regular client for about 6 months, he came every Tuesday and was very correct with me. We developed a good confidential relationship and I can say friendly also, up to a certain point.

He had told me already that he had some intestinal problems. Who doesn't, I told myself? Anyway, he had already said to me that he would like to try a prostate massage one day, and I had responded to him no problem, when you're ready, I will do it to you, I am not going to enter the door without knocking all the same...

Then, the fateful day arrived, and I was ready, I had my rubber gloves on and lubricated. All was going well, I performed as if I had done this all my life, in one hand the HJ and in the other hand the finger inside the a...

He seemed to be not doing badly, I told myself that it was going well. And I continued. I had said to him initially that if I was hurting him, or if there was any problem to stop me. As he hadn't stopped me I continued.

What I'm going to say isn't very funny when it first happened, but I find it very funny today... It has to be said that I wasn't laughing when it happened to me.

Let's return to my client who I am going to call Pierre..

Then Pierre is on the verge of coming, I feel it by his contractions, and I continue. It's then that he came and that he splashed me with shit at the same time!

It has to be said that I hadn't expected a simultaneous finale and that I was super disgusted with all this. Those who know me know that I am sitting on the massage table, and that I have the client's spread limbs before me, then, let's imagine this scenario!

Poor Pierre, he was so ill-at-ease, and me covered in shit!

I remembered his intestinal problems!

To make a long story short, I imagine that he was so ashamed of himself that he never came back and I lost one of my best regular clients.

This ended up in the shower of course, and I had to pick up the mess that had been made! I had to take 4 showers in a row, and I soaked in my bathtub for at least 1 hour with the bubbles up almost to my ears, I still thought that I smelled like shit!


Look: Tall thin blond with moustache and glasses, a rather large penis and tight butt. Dressed well enough.

Personality: Nice guy, fun to talk with, always some funny gossip to report to me about his job... he was a lawyer.

Repeat: No... unless to be masochistic, which isn't my thing...

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Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
maylee said:
En passant Lion Heart, tu es dans la catégorie 6 (the nice guy client)
Je n'en dis pas plus, à vous les filles de découvrir Lion Heart, on doit bien conserver un peu de mystère... Alors, qui sera la chanceuse qui va avoir la visite de Lion Heart?
Maylee :p

Wow! Merci du compliment Maylee, je ne m'attendais pas à faire l'objet d'une mini-revue ici! L'appréciation est tout à fait réciproque.

Et tes histoires sont tout simplement...savoureuses :p! Il y a un juge au Québec qui a écrit un livre "Les dessous du palais", avec des histoires également savoureuses des palais de justice. Tu devrais en écrire un qui pourrrait s'intituler "Les revers des draps" pour y regrouper tes mémoires. Je suis certain que ce serait un bestseller. ;)

Lion Heart


New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Rive-Sud de Montréal
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Quelle histoire


Je me doutais que cette profession vous fait vivre différentes expériences mais là c'est foubrac :eek: !

J'espère pour toi qu'il y a plus de rencontres agréables que désagréables.

Prends soin de toi et au grand plaisir de te revoir très bientôt

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
maylee said:
D'un calme plutôt olympien, super respectueux, si je peux me permettre, un contrôle vraiment remarquable... J'ai des félicitations à te faire, si j'étais une maitresse d'école, je te mettrais 5 étoiles dans ton petit cahier.
Maylee xxx

Je rougis cette fois.... merci encore mais c'est facile d'être un bon élève quand la maîtresse d'école est charmante et possède le bon doigté... ;)

Lion Heart

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
Worse, even...

Three? Lawless, by my count there'e only two. Magda and Maylee. Nice stories, but it would be nice to hear from others.


May 30, 2005
C'est déconcertant

Je comprends mieux que certaines filles qui travaillent dans des studios ne font que 1 ou 2 mois. On me disait même que certaines quittaient précipitamment en pleurant…
Quoi qu’il en soit je n’aurais jamais imaginé que de telles choses ( MAYLEE) puissent arriver.
Cela ne fait que démontrer que ce n’est pas du gâteau ce métier et que somme toute c’est pas chair payé surtout quand tu dois ramasser de la mer.. ou sentir toute ces odeurs.
Je suis également très curieux d’en lire d’autres. Allez les filles….


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
My best client

I sometime visit this site since a few weeks cause I was curious to see if there was any review on me... and there is none (Yes!). Anyways, when I saw this new thread about rating the clients, I was so happy since i read a lot of bad things on MPs from you guys... OK, let's be fair: I also read some very nice things... With this new thread, I'm delighted to see that girls are also starting to post their own experience... So I registered yesterday, and here is my contribution...

My best client to date...

About six months ago, a client took an appointment with me (he just saw my photo on the website of the salon - I won't tell which one...). So I come in the room. He had take a shower and he greeted me with a nice smile. Very polite. I noticed he was wearing a black g-string and I tought that was very sexy since he has an athletic body... I also noticed that he had already left the tip on the table (80 $), he took the money and just said "here, this is for you" - I like that kind of client!

I asked him to lay down on the table, but he told me that what he would really like is... give ME a massage. Since he was very respectfull, I said OK... I undressed but kept my g-string... he didn't insist that I take it off (nice guy, I told you girls!). Asked me if I want oil or not - just a little - if I like a strong, medium or soft massage - strong - and then he started to massage me. A real therapeutic massage, in fact the best I have ever had! My head, my ears, my neck, my back, my arms and even my fingers, my lower back my legs, my feet - wow! - and even my tiptoes. He was working like a real pro - told me he used to work as a professional massotherapist some years ago and believe me: I am sure he was not lying - There was no teasing - we were just talking smoothly and it was very pleasant. Also, he was not trying parts where... well you know girls (and guys...)

After 15 minutes, I was in heaven! I was opening my eyes once in a while... He had this black g-string, nice athlectic legs, beautiful ass... So I did what every of my client do - you girls know! - my hands started to gently caress his legs. Then he very softly asked me if I wanted a soft massage for the second part... The massage started to become more and more sensual - but still very very respectfull - his hot breath on my neck and ears and all over my body without his lips even touching my body - incredibly sensual! He was also telling me nice things like "you smell wonderful, you taste so good... See: my stick is hard just to look at you" - Girls, I was REALLY feeling like I am Angelina Jolie or some princess... Then he took care of my feet... licking my toes... a real treat! Anyways, after 45 minutes I was still on the table - my g-string was on the floor though -I had done nothing, just enjoying the most sensual experience ever, and I was the one who was supposed to be at work! Anyways I will not go into more details, but yes, I did work for the last 15 minutes and believe me, I was very happy to please him.

Since then, he took another appointment with me and once again it was magic! A few girls where I'm working also met him and everyone came out of the room with a big big smile...

So... my rating
Age: about 45
General Look: 7.5/10 (face OK, body athletic)
Body - 9/10 (super nice ass - great body for a 45 y.o.)
Personnality: 10/10 (very respectfull, very well-educated)
tipping: well 60 $ to give ME a massage? 10/10
Service: 11/10!


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Hi Kim! Thank you for your story! Keep them coming...hehe! :p

I am, so happy that this thread has taken off so well, and thqat it offers something of value to this community. I will post some of my own experiences in it soon. Right now I am at an internet cafe, and I am going to work very soon.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
Visit site

If I were to talk, I would have to retain the services of EB.....and EB would have to polish his French to take my case here in Montreal!!!!...and I cannot afford his fees!!!!!
Over the years, I have heard a lot about SP's encounters with clients...but they should come forward and spell it out!!!!
I was only a client after all!!!!
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New Member
Aug 11, 2005
Bonjour Maylee !

Merci de ton accueil Maylee!

Comme je l'ai écris dans mon post, je viens sur ce site depuis quelque semaines et j'ai lu beaucoup de comentaires des mecs sur toi... Tu semble être la championne !

Tu a parlé de ton expérience assez spéciale et pas très agréable... as-tu eu des expérience plus agréabes ? Moi tu vois avant ce gars, j'avais jamais imaginé qu'un client pourrait me satisfaire autant ! Tellement que je regrette de ne pas lui avoir demander son numéro de téléphone. C'est sur que s'il revient au salon et qu'il prend rendez-vous avec moi, je vais lui demander son cell. Ce n'est pas que je suis en amour avec lui ni rien, mais parfois, je l'appellerait pour qu'il vienne me donner un massage chez moi et même que je le paierait pour ses services de masseur professionnel!

Bye Maylee


Aug 14, 2003
Visit site
Félicitations !

Magda said:
Hi Kim! Thank you for your story! Keep them coming...hehe! :p

I am, so happy that this thread has taken off so well, and thqat it offers something of value to this community. I will post some of my own experiences in it soon. Right now I am at an internet cafe, and I am going to work very soon.
Félicitations à toutes pour votre contribution à nous en faire connaître plus sur les facettes du métier et vos expériences très "particulières" ! C'est fascinant....

Je vous encourage à continuer à nous en faire connaître davantage !

Merci à toutes pour votre contribution,


Free translation:
Congratulations to all the ladies fot letting us know more about your profession and your own "special" adventures ! It's fascinating...

Encouragement to all of you for letting us know more !

Thank you all of you for your contribution,


The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander...

Je ne sais pas trop comment te traduire ca, Maylee, mais ca veut dire que ce qui est bon pour elle est bon por lui... plus ou moins. Dis moi... pourquoi ne devrait elle pas payer pour ca? Est-ce seulement justifiable pour les hommes de payer pour se faire masser par des femmes? Je suis sur, moi aussi, qu'elle est mignonne comme tou, et que, comme nous, elle merite le bonheur et la joie. Mais ne viens pas dir que c'est juste au femmes de payer, c'est une insulte pour les hommes. Le plaisir s'achete, oui... pas l'amour.

Je maintiens quand meme, sans prejuger (car, j'ai moi aussi, dans des moments de faiblesse, paye pour la tendresse et le plaisir) que faire l'amour n'est pas quelquechose qu'on devrait acheter... mais bon, peut etre vaut il mieux que je garde ca pour moi.

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
Je ne me sens pas vise, Maylee, je discute. Et tu as raison, tu n'a pas parle de faire l'amour. Moi non plus je ne paye pas pour ca. Les massages, oui. Tout ce que je voulais dire c'est qu'il n'y a aucune raison pourquoi elle ne le paierait pas, si ca lui fait plaisir. Et des hommes "mignons" ca existe aussi, mais ils payent quand meme. Et je ne dis pas que c'est une insulte pour les hommes de payer, au contraire c'est un service et il faut payer. Ce que je trouve insultant, c'est la notion qu'une femme ne devrait pas avoir a payer pour le meme service.

C'est sur que les hommes sont plus portes a payer les femmes que l'inverse, mais bon... ca a toujours ete comme ca.
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The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
Je ne te parle pas d'amour... on va finir par s'entendre :) ... Je dis tout simplement que si un homme paye pour un massage, il n'ya aucune raison pourquoi une femme ne le ferait pas. Alors, dire a Kim qu'elle ne devrait pas payer pour ca parce qu'elle est surement mignonne comme tout, n'a aucun sens. On parle strictement de massage imbu de plaisir, c'est tout. Pas de double standard ici...

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
maylee said:
Oufff... c'est compliqué ce soir...

Ouais... vraiment compliqué... :confused: C'est une discution Maylee, ni plus ni moins. Et tu as raison pour l'enveloppe et le contenu ordinaire... mais des fois meme la jolie couverture cache des bijoux a l'interieur, malgré que c'est rare...
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