Montreal Escorts

Rate The Clients!


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Zaphyr said:
Thanks Chuckles for your really nice work of translation!

Zaphyr x

*blush* Why, thank you - anything for a red-headed lady. ;) In all seriousness, though, I try as best I can not to destroy the meaning of the original text. If it seems like the translation is too eloquent at times, blame the ladies for all being very talented in their writing ability. I take no credit for that. :D



New Member
Aug 11, 2005
I found Gabriel

It seems that this thread is slowing down... As for myself, I have been quite busy over the last few weeks and din't have the time to visit merb.
I read the last reviews I have been missing and was disappointed a bit... many clients reply to the thread and not too many girls relating their experience and reviewing clients... too bad.

Anyway, just want to let you know girls that this client I reviewed here and who gave me the most sensual-erotic massage I could ever dream of... well I found him... I actually got his phone number (won't give details here...). First I didn't want to call him but after a few days I realized I was fantasizing a lot on him so yesterday since it was very quiet at the salon where I'm working I called him. He said that he could be there within the next hour and that the charge was 50$/hr... Just want you girls to know it was (again) fantastic and yes, I did take some options...

The best to you all


New Member
Jul 13, 2005
To Gentle2her...


Un sujet que gentl2her avait glissé comme cela mine de rien..

Vous est-il deja arrivee d`avoir un rendez-vous galant avec un client, d`une duree de 3 heures par exemple, et a la fin du 3 heures vous voudriez que ca continue, car vous cliquez a fond (no pun intended) tout les deux et vous vous sentez bien ensemble (par exemple rester a dormir en fin de soiree). Par contre, le client en question n`a pas prevu le coup et vous savez que vous ne serez pas remuneree si vous restez plus longtemps...

Face a ce dilemme, que faites vous? Vous prolongez? Vous partez? Vous prenez arrangement pour etre payee plus tard (en supposant que c`est un client en qui vous avez confiance)? Est-ce que ca vous derange que l`aspect monetaire soit ramene sur le tapis en ces moments de bien-etre total? Et qu`est ce qui motive votre decision de part et d`autre?

Eh bien gentle...

Pour répondre à cette interrogation, je crois que je pourrais faire cette exception...pourvu que le lien de confiance ce trouve suffisamment solide...Après tout, qui veut quitter ce doux plaisir ne sachant pas l’avenir ?

Ainsi après avoir pris un arrangement qu’il aura établi, puisque cette demande provient de lui, je me roulerai entre ses bras parcourant chaque centimètre de ce lit…et comblerai bien de nos désirs lors de cette nuit.

Par contre, il n’y a rien qui nous indique le degré d’honnêteté de cet amant éphémère. Même pas sa sensualité, encore moins son constard et cravate…alors il ne me reste que ses propres actes. Ceci dit, c’est le même cas pour une femme.

Et si de par lui-même, il revient quelques jours plus tard avec le reste de la somme, sans que je fasse nul mention, il me fera un plus grand plaisir de le revoir, puisque gentlemen il fut, plus que mes hommages il recevra.

Mais si je me dois de courir après, et ce afin de récupérer cette somme, je pousserai un profond soupir, remiserai cette rencontre empreinte de sensualité, avec ce brin de passion teinté de doux frémissement...dans mes archives professionellis...dans les dossiers classés CAS DE NAIVETE.…et de mes pertes, puisque nulle envie ne me prendra de courir après lui.

Et je ferai un trait sur son nom...Nenni, basta, niet ! Même si je me dois de me mordre les doigts et de m’attacher au pied du lit ! Question de respect de soi...Comment pourrais-je me respectai aux creux de ses bras si celui-ci ne daigne même pas de me respecter ? Et ce compte que je devais payer ? ou encore, cette robe aux jolies bretelles que j’ai mise de côté afin de mieux lui plaire ? Bref, avec un goût amer, j’inciterai mes copines de bureau ;) à user de prudence à son égard.
Après tout ce sont les dollars de cette charmante dame dont il est question…et s`il a eu ce sentiment de grâce en sa présence et de plénitude, et qu`il respecte son intégrité...pourquoi devra-t-elle courir après lui ? Et puis, je crois qu`un vrai gentlemen doit agir d`une façon qu`une dame courtisane n`a pas a demandée cette somme.. ;) puisqu’elle a déjà établie le paramètre des tarifs bien avant la rencontre… d’où le pourquoi de cette idée charmante d`une enveloppe déjà déposée, là sur un coin de cette table avec la somme à l`intérieur.

Et si plusieurs rencontres eurent lieux sous ces airs de passions, gentlemen de son état et n’ayant peur de peu de chose, il l’invitera à sortir quelques jours plus tard puisqu’il aura compris qu’un lien les unis sous un ciel plus amicale et non professionnel.

Et ils eurent beaucoup d’enfants :eek: Ça c’est mon côté romantique. :p

Last edited:


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
gentl2her>> I have been in this situation more than once. I will generally ask if they would like me to stay the night, and that if they want we could go to the bank machine together in the morning if he doesn't have the cash on hand.

With one of my regulars, I accepted to be paid by post after they got home, after the next pay check (I did get paid). I knew I was taking a risk, but it was one I was willing to take.

Another time, again with a regular, I just slept the night at no extra charge, as I was too exhausted to drive myself home anyway. (It would have been dangerous for me to drive that tired) I still see this regular and no he does not try to take advantage of my time just because I did that this one time.

These are exceptions and only occur once a certain level of trust and intimacy has been established. (So don't go getting any ideas!)



New Member
Aug 11, 2005
Bonjour Maylee,

Ben oui, je l'ai revu...
Je pense que je vais répéter l'expérience... rassure-toi: je suis pas en amour avec lui... c'est juste que pendant une heure, je me laisse aller complètement.... et tu sais quoi ? Je comprends maintenant certains clients qui viennent nous voir pour un massage... C'est juste que je me paye un petit plaisir... comme si je m'achetais une robe, tu sais... Et puis puisque c'est moi qui paye, j'ai pas à me préoccuper de d'autres chose que mon plaisir, tu comprends? Mais bon, je ne le ferai pas toutes les semaines comme certains clients que j'ai... juste une fois de temps en temps...


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
Il est vrai aussi qu'il est fort dommage de parler $$ lors de cette douce passion grivoise…tandis que nous sommes perdus de ce désir et que ceci nous ramène sur terre.
Dernière chose…recevoir une somme afin de se rendre au septième ciel n’est-ce pas là les joies de cette profession ?
Je suis fort contente pour toi Kim…de ce revenant ! Cooooooool.


Mesdames, qu’en dites-vous ?[/QUOTE]

Salut Fidaï,

Oui, c'est cool que je l'aie retrouvé... mais bon, comme j'ai dit à Maylee, je ne suis pas en amour avec ce gars-là... de toute façon, il est beaucoup plus vieux que moi (il a plus que deux fois mon âge! - mais super bien conservé...)
C'est juste que son massge (son vrai massage) est super et que graduellement, il sait amener un très haut degré de sensualité et de désir... Mais il n'y a aucun élément de romantisme ni rien... Comme j'ai dit à Maylee encore, je paye, alors je me préoccupe uniquement de mon plaisir sans avoir à le satisfaire lui comme on fait avec nos clients... je me sens vraiment comme quand je me paye une jolie robe...

Pour ce qui est d'être payée pour parfois avoir du plaisir avec certains clients... bien sûr, c'est cool... mais c'est plutôt rare, non ?


Jun 4, 2005
Montreal, Qc

Thank you Chuckles,

That's such a nice work you do translating the French posts for me and the rest! As for learning French I'm starting in Septemeber and it will take me at least a year to understand the posts..

So please keep up with your work I wish I could personally thank you for that..

I find the posts very entertaining and informative. I was always fascinated by escorts..



clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Carla said:
Thank you Chuckles,

That's such a nice work you do translating the French posts for me and the rest! As for learning French I'm starting in Septemeber and it will take me at least a year to understand the posts..

So please keep up with your work I wish I could personally thank you for that..

I find the posts very entertaining and informative. I was always fascinated by escorts..


*blushing* Well, I do all right, I guess. But the stories have to keep coming... *hint hint* LOL

The sad part is that I was in Montreal this past weekend, but I heard just before I left that you wouldn't be at Cleo's. Otherwise, you could have thanked me and seen me blush in person... :eek:



New Member
Aug 24, 2005
Quelles belles photos !

Bien que je vienne jeter un coup d`oeil sur merb depuis quelques mois, c`est la première fois que j`y participe. Après tout, c`est ici que j`ai connu l`existence de Maylee et que j`ai expérimenté ses services absolument... royaux ! Ce tread « rate the clients » est aussi bien intéressant, on apprend à mieux connaître le côté de la médaille des professionellis.

J`ai remarqué que Maylee a changé sa photo près de son nom et celle de son annonce. Magnifiques ! Vraiment, elles la mettent davantage en valeur et attirent une attention... attentive vers cette si charmante personne. Enfin, elles rendent justice à sa sensualité excitante.

On en veut plus... bravo Maylee !


New Member
Sep 2, 2005
twist of the wrist / 1er post

salut a tous. je viens lire ce forum de temps a autre , depuis pres de 6 mois. ayant decouvert ce topic hier, et apres l avoir lu en entier ( ou presque :rolleyes: ) , j ai decide de m enregistrer au merb...simplement pour vous dire que ce thread est des plus captivant ; leurs auteurs ayant le * tour * de decrire avec brio des situations peu communes , et tres meconnues sinon tabou pour la majorite.lachez pas les femmes; la parole est a vous !


New Member
May 29, 2004
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My turn

I've been meaning to post in this thread for some time but needed to take the time to be able to choose which of my prior clients I would rate and then write about them. I chose some of my most memorable clients, both good and bad. My reviews will only have a score for personality, behaviour and overall satisfaction. I don't rate my clients on looks as it really doesn't matter to me one bit. So here goes!

Dave: My first client. I was hired by an incall agency and the owners were aware that it was my first time. They chose a good regular of the agency to be my first and it was Dave. I'm guessing his age was in the late forties or early fifties, a short slightly pudgy man with balding grey hair. He was nicely dressed and apparently had been clued in to the fact it was my first time. He was very gentle and helped put me at ease and our session ended up being quite nice.
Personality: 9
Behaviour: 10
Satisfaction: 9.5

Jack: A client I also met while working the same incall agency. I get the call from downstairs and buzz him up. I hear the knock at the door and look out the peephole and see no one. I was still new and a bit paranoid so I didn't open the door thinking someone was up to no good. A few seconds go by and there's another knock at the door. Still nothing through the peephole. I then hear a voice "hello?" and I open the door. Jack was a little person and that's why I couldn't see him through the peephole, it was high up on the door and I had a hard time stretching up to see through it myself. I was so embarassed and apologized profusely as I let him in. The session itself wasn't the greatest, Jack was cold and mechanical and didn't seem to want to talk much at all. He was polite and nice throughout but it seemed to me he wasn't letting himself enjoy it as much as he could have.
Personality: 6.5
Behaviour: 7
Satisfaction: 7

Bubba: Same incall agency. Bubba was a big man, quite big but with the gentlest heart. He was so sweet and nice to talk to and was only looking for a bit of affection as well as a release. It was easy for me to fill that role and I lavished him with cuddles and touching. I could tell that the bj and fs themselves weren't important to him but that touching and affection was. He saw me regularly while I was working at that agency and I enjoyed our sessions. He was generous and left me sizeable tips and always asked if I would be there the next time he was in town. I'm sad to not have seen him again when I left that agency.
Personality: 9.5
Behaviour: 10
Satisfaction: 9.75

John: Same incall agency. A young (early twenties) good looking man but very odd in behaviour. Extremelly shy and paranoid, he gave me the creeps. He asked a few questions at first and then settled down on a short appointment. After a bit of talking and touching, I started to undo his belt and he stopped me quickly saying he didn't want to remove his clothes. I asked how he wanted the session to go and he said he just wanted to open his fly and that it would be enough. I thought it was quite strange but figured he was either really shy about his body or had scars he didn't want to show. Blow job and fs was done with all clothes on and was very quick. During fs (mish), he kept trying to place his hands on my neck which I kept removing. There was something quite scary at that point because when I looked into his eyes I didn't like what I saw. He left and I told the operator never to send me that client again.
Personality: 3
Behaviour: 2
Satisfaction: nil

Tim: While I was doing outcalls as an indy. Tim was a scientist that I met one evening for an advanced booking. He had gray hair and a beard (which I like) and was a real sweetheart. Also seeking a more affectionate type of encounter, I was happy to oblige. Time went by quickly and I was happy to spend time with him. I was lucky to see him once more before I retired.
Personality: 9.5
Behaviour: 10
Satisfaction: 9.75

Roger: Indy outcalls. Roger was a regular client of mine which I saw over a period of almost a year. He was an older gent in the late fifties to early sixties. At first the sessions were quite pleasant, most often long encounters and pleasant with nice conversation but it wasn't long before he revealed to me his other hobby: drinking. At first I guess I didn't notice how much he drank or that it affected his behaviour but as more sessions came and went it became much more obvious. At the end the last session was intolerable and I later discovered that he shorted me on my fee (I was too trusting and no longer counted what was in the envelope). Needless to say, I refused to see him again.
Personality: 6
Behaviour: 1
Satisfaction: 2

I think I've gotten enough down for a post ;) I'll try to write another one soon if you like.


Best Lover

New Member
Sep 27, 2004
Los Angeles
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Thanks for your reviews of clients. Your reviews are well organized and easy to read.

It's very interesting to read SP's reviews from their point of view.

Thanks in advance for your next post.



clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Translation (of the last post!)...

Ah yes, I have one of them, he grates on my nerves!

I am going to name him Michel, let's say...

Anyway, a big man who supposedly is a famous writer, but of course!

Each time that he comes to see me, he tells me how he makes so much money with his last book, or his numerous reports... And it goes without saying his fabulous trips ( all over the world, of course) and all of the women, that he supposedly fucked... Truly what a man!

I listen to him talk, and it is truly painful. Definitely, to hear him, all the women fall at his feet, supposedly the best lover in the world. I will never know, not interested. I like better to pass my turn. I don't know why, but I feel that I'm not missing anything.

Anyway, he loves to hear himself talk. The last time that I saw him, he arrived late (as usual) supposedly kept on hold (telephone) by the ambassador... What a pretentious man.

Personality : A tall, rather strapping man, not very handsome, never stops talking, of praising himself, of patting himself on the shoulder...

Attitude : A great talent, who knows about all, knows it all, has seen all, and especially pretentious, had I mentioned that he was pretentious?

Repeat : I do not want to see him any more, not capable. My patience has its limits!



New Member
Aug 24, 2005
Les bijoux de...

maylee said:
Tiens, Pinotte!

Belle surprise! Je te classe dans la catégorie 6- The nice guy client, et un client qui me fais penser à Tintin... et je ne vous direz pas pourquoi...

Maylee, (futures photos à venir)... :cool:

Ça c'est plutôt drôle, ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on me compare à Tintin... Mais on ne me dit pas souvent pourquoi. Je suppose que ce n'est pas toujours pour les mêmes raisons, selon les personnes ! Dans ce cas-ci, c'est peut-être parce que je m'intéresse aux Bijoux de... Maylee ;-) ou à son Étoile mystérieuse... dans son Temple du soleil. En tout cas, avec elle, c'est toujours Objectif Lune !!!

Bref, heureux de savoir que je suis un type agréable, merci de ton appréciation, Maylee. Je n'en pense pas moins de toi-même, tu le sais bien...

À bientôt :)


Feb 21, 2004
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Tendres conversations

J'adore ce thread! Que de tendres conversations qui nous embellissent cette terre.

Pour ceux qui ont tendances à l'oublier, les filles qui font ce travail sont des êtres humains ... et les clients aussi. Magda a eu une idée de génie de retourner un miroir au visage des clients.

Fidaï, l'âge fait son travail (ou ses ravages pour les pessimistes) sur tout le monde. L'important c'est que lorsque tu te compares à tes comtemporaines, que tu sois satisfaite. Repense aux paroles de la chanson de Ferland "C'est à trente à ans que les femmes sont belles". Alors, ne t'inquiètes donc pas de simples petites pattes d'oies. L'âge est encore plus cruel pour les hommes: les abdominaux font la grève, les cheveux disparaissent ... et ressortent sous forme de poils un peu partout et refusent de retourner sur notre cailloux! Bref, chez les hommes d'âge mûr, on la même quantité de poils, c'est la répartition qui change. :D

Pour ce qui est des méchancetés écrites par certains "airs bêtes", il y aura toujours une foule de volontaires pour les remettre à leur place. Parles-en à Maylee, elle l'a déjà constaté. En plus, çà a permis de créer une amitié à distance.

P.S.: Maylee, je n'oublie pas ma promesse de t'emmener dans un bon restaurant. Juste que mon nouveau poste me tient plus prisonnier que je ne l'avais prévu.


the Lurker

New Member
Aug 1, 2005
Oh would you ladies visit Ottawa. I have been told by a married lesbian woman that I have the softest hands. That HAS gotta be worth something!!! Okay, she inspired me, gay or not, she is my ideal.

If those buggers in MTL don't appriciate you, then please travel. We are not starved, but merely hungry!!

Love to read 'bout cha!


Feb 21, 2004
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À en "mourir" de rire

Maylee, je pense que je n'ai jamais tant rit à lire une anecdote.

La seule autre personne qui, je crois, peut comprendre ce que ton client masochiste a ressenti, c'est Martin Cloutier du duo "Dominique et Martin".

Une primeur: Adolescent de 14 ans dont les hormones montaient au plafond, il avait commencé à se soulager à la main (HJ). Son frère aîné est un joueur de tour effreiné. Il lui a fait croire que la jouissance était extraordinaire s'il utilisait un peu d'Antiphlogistine comme lubrifiant. Quelques jours plus tard, Martin est passé aux actes dans la salle de bain tout de suite après le souper. La famille a entendu un hurlement digne des meilleurs loup-garous d'Hollywood. À la différence de ton client, notre humoriste n'a jamais recommencé. Je ne comprend pas que le grand frère n'ait pas été assassiné par Martin!


P.S.: Je l'ai appris par sa soeur qui a étudié en chimie à l'UQTR.


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
9/17, 1:56 AM Maylee's La Ficelle (trans.)

This was a long time ago. I worked in a massage salon (sadly, I will not say which one).

As I was new, it was always I who inherited the clients that no one else would do...

One nice summer afternoon, a client enters. And all the girls pushed amongst themselves not to do him. Then, they designated me, naturally. I doubted that he would be fun to do. This client here, the girls had nicknamed him THE STRING...

Then, I go to find the man in the cabin, and I see him all naked, frighteningly thin, white as a sheet, laying on his back, and his penis and testicles attached together... (already an erection) I still don't know how he had gotten it, but it was taut... tied solid with a cord.

Even today, I still don't know how to describe how I felt. I truly didn't know what would happen to me, but I knew one thing, this would not be a normal massage.

Then I said to the gentleman : Good, I see that you don't really seem to want a Swedish massage, am I mistaken? (I tried to have a normal air about me)

The guy responds to me : Listen, don't judge me, but I am a little borderline masochistic, and I would like for you to hurt me badly, a little. (a little badly, that means what!?)

I respond to him : This really isn't my thing, I am against violence, and I have no experience in this domain, therefore, I don't think that I would be a good candidate. ( while hoping to save myself from it)

He tells me : Don't worry, I am going to show you what to do, and I will tell you if you are hurting me too much... ( thereby "reassuring" me)

Anyway, I had very long fingernails. I can say that I did more of the "flattage" than the massage, then... He asked me to scratch his penis with my fingernails. I find this a little strong, but I carried it out. I tell myself that in any case, nobody wants to do him, and that he seems all the same to be respectable.

Then, I rake him, I make some marks on his penis, and he askes for more of it. I tell myself at the same time that there is no allure, but him, he doesn't complain, on the contrary. He is now rendered with a totally red penis, so much did I carve it up... And he asks me to continue... Then, I squeeze his testicles, he tells me : much harder, please ( at the very least, he is polite)

I squeeze more beautifully. He asks for more of it... he askes me to lift him by the testicles. I tell myself, that surely I am going to make them burst, those things aren't solid...

He tells me : Don't worry, when it is too much, I will tell you. Then, I lift, and lift, and lift again and I raise him slightly above the massage table. Naturally, he cried out, he lamented. Happily, there were no other clients.

I thought that the girls would have to laugh like idiots seeing with who I was and what they heard.

He asked me to slap it, and to pull on his balls. I do it, and I finish as I am accustomed ( it hardens to its length). I tug on his balls, and the penis bounces on his belly, and his testicles tighten into balls... I turn him on his side ( at his request) and I begin to give him a spanking. I am not too sure what I am in the middle of doing, but it seems okay, because he is all excited.

It is then that he asks me to remove my clothing. I keep on my bra, and my panties. He is now on his back. He tries to touch my breasts. Here, I become evil, I say : Hey, you, don't touch! And whap (!?)! Smacked in the face! Obviously, he didn't expect that. As though he appreciated it a lot he decided at that moment to be very villainous and to try again. Then, slap after slap, I struck him until he asked me for a hj.

What I didn't know, it's that one of my colleagues, had diluted the bottle of oil with alcohol, because it had massed that day, a client who stank and she had decided to make a mixture because she was no longer capable of smelling it.

I have to say at the beginning, that I was in a cabin where the sink was stopped...and this, for some weeks.

It's then that I pour the oil on the guy's totally red penis... It is there that he starts to shout and twist himself in pain! He tells me : But this isn't oil, it burns, please put some water on it!

I am really panicked, and I had noticed an alcohol odor, but I wasn't up with current history... As the sink was stopped, I left while running in the corridor, in panties and a bra, I pass before my colleagues who are dying from laughing! I run like an idiot with a box of baby wipes to look for water. It's then that I tell the girls to come to my rescue, I think of having damaged the penis of this poor gentleman! They helped me to rinse the box of baby wipes and come with me into the massage room to see the damage and help me because I no longer knew what to do!

There, they didn't laugh at all! It's then that one of the girls said to me : You didn't take that bottle there? I said yes, why? She told me : I had mixed alcohol in there...

The poor guy when hearing the word ALCOHOL felt even worse again. To make a long story short, he kept himself busy, he rinsed and rinsed and rinsed, until it no longer burned at all...

The girls left, and I stayed alone with my client. I felt truly badly for him, and I was sad.

It's then that he tells me : Thank you very much, you were very gentle with me!


Look : Tall man, approximately 6 feet, in his late forties, very, very, very thin. Pale white, like a pint of milk, a dull and sad look to him.

Personality : Nice person, polite, and respectful ( I never judge people anyway)

Repeat : No, I left the following week, still traumatized! Never again attach me with The String!

Maylee (the bad girl)
Toronto Escorts