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The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
Hmmmm, un garagiste... et un ebeniste? :) Ah, que de tendresse... c'est dommage de l'acheter... mais ca fait tellement de bien. Une heure de plaisir... et apres? Effectivement, c'est l'interieur qu'on devrait remplir de tendresse... mais ca prend de l'effort, et du temps... ca prend une relation, quoi.

Fidai, pourquoi "ces" massages seraient ils reserves a des hommes seulement? Remarque, je ne suis pas trop sur de ce que tu veux dire par "ces" massages, mais bon... en fait, je n'ai qu'a te poser la question...

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
maylee said:
On ne se voit pas, alors, on clavarde, et c'est plus difficile, le ton n'y est pas. Mais je respecte toutes les opinions et je suis prête à les entendrent.

La on s'entend! :D Ah, oui, je comprends tout ca... la solitude... C'est pour ca que je ne vois pas d'escortes et que je m'abstiens des massages sensuels...

Juste a lire le recit de Kim... ca m'est deja arrive d'eprouver une certaine affection pour une masseuse... dangereux ca. Si seulement on s'etait rencontre ailleurs, je me disais... mais meme a ca, j'aurais de la misere a savoir ce qu'elle fait pour les autres hommes...

La sensualite... ca se partage a deux... pas plus. Malgre que j'ai toujours fantasmé de...

Euh... pardon, je me suis laissé aller... :eek: Ou en etais je? :D


Jul 22, 2004
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Anyway, il s'appelle ELVIS. C'est le gars le plus sensuel que j'ai rencontré de ma vie. La sensualité n'est pas donné à tout le monde, quand on a ça, c'est un cadeau du ciel.
Merci de ce compliment Maylee :rolleyes: Vraiment gentil!... (Huummmmmm...) C'est ça que ça prenait pour me faire sortir de ma tanière :p

Tes textes sont très beaux et très drôles tout en étant très touchants et très vrais, Maylee. Je confesse avoir été à la fois paranoïaque, au-dessus de mes affaires, curieux et même, ce qui est difficile à croire,...bon gars! Tu nous apportes beaucoup et je t'en remercie. Je pense que, tous, nous réalisons ce soir que nous avons beaucoup à gagner à mieux connaître nos MP (...surtout celles qui sont nos préférées!). Surtout, Maylee, n'en dis pas trop sur tes clients, ta lucidité est désemparante;)

Elvis :cool:


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Lawless said:
No, no, no, I am an UNprofessional masseur.

If I was a professional (i.e. had actual training), then I would be expected to know what I was doing AND provide a quality service which reflected that training. I'd also have a job, with set hours and everything.

If I was a nonprofessional, then I would probably be expected not to know what I was doing and therefore probably give an okay job, at best. I might also have a job, with all that entails.

As an unprofessional, I can be expected to know pretty much what I'm doing, give a quality (I hope!) service, and yet not get in trouble for doing things that the instructors don't teach in class... :D Best of all, I do it whenever I feel like it!

The only trouble is that I only do SPs, and I keep forgetting to charge in any way... *sigh* I've also been known to let professionalism creep in, too. :(


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Fidaï, 8/12/05, 8:07 PM (my trans. for the night)

Bravo one more time for this initiative! !

My short experience in this profession, worthy of a streaking comet, convinced me that I only caught a glimpse of the fan of these ladies, these passing courtisan lovers.

In short, one night where my services were offered, I arrived at a certain hotel room, a little early like usual, very anxious to know what kind I was going to encounter. Will he be charming or unpleasant ??? A Greek god or a gnome ?

Shortly, this man opened the door for me and bade me welcome. I note that this room possesses a mirror the length of the wall. This passing lover, is of the type a little bald, with this predominant belly (but truly there... gentlemen, please don't take offense, there are nice round bellies all nicely plump and stout... :rolleyes: )

After the formula of the politenesses of custom this one begins to compare my strengths and my weaknesses, in a haughty manner curling with I was only an object...grrr...grrr. Knowing myself that certain men turn my way, I don't take offense, remaining polite, I say nothing but let him know in a non-verbal way that he should not cross the line. Finally, he offers me a truce.. which I receive with pleasure.

So with carress after carress, this one begins to emit a funny kind of sound, a little like a growl, not certain of myself, I hold onto my ears, but yes, he is in the middle of roaring like a tiger, I turn myself, and there in the bed I see him in the middle of playing at ...tarzan...Ouch ! Aïe ! Aïe !! But what is this, I asked myself ???????? Misery, here he is howling on his knees, his trunk hanging right on the bed, while watching himself in the mirror all proud of himself...beating his chest with its two points, with this belly that never ceased to sway from left to right and him taking himself proudly for tarzan...

If you tarzan, me not Jane, have mercy !! Pity !

I don't know what I did not to burst out laughing, but know this ladies, when I (rarely) dream of him with this haughty regard of my person, there is a mad laughter that takes me..Hi! Hi!

For your reading pleasure, and one more time I applaud this beautiful initiative.

In solidarity,

repeat : After you, ladies, me, I pass my turn...
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New Member
Aug 11, 2005
To Maylee and Fidaï

Hi girls,

I read your comments about us girls paying a man for a massage or falling in love and all that stuff. I did not fall in love with that man or anything. It was just that the situation was so sensual (his g-string, the fact also that he was so relax etc.) and that - that's what I like with some mature men - he REALLY knows how to please a woman - that it was fantastic just to "let go" when I realized I could trust him. Also, HE did not make the first move to switch to a more sensual massage: I did when I began to caress his legs and ass. Actually I started everything and I'm really glad that I did!

Also, I'm not the naive type: all these nice words he was saying to me, he probably said the same things to the other MPs and frankly, I'm pretty sure that he was aware of that. This guy just put me in a situation where I could let go and concentrate on nothing else but my own pleasure and fantasies. Us girls often have problems about this: we're not used to consider sex and romance and love separetely. And now, if I would like to get his phone number, it is only because I would like to repeat this fabulous sensual-erotic experience, that's it. And after his last visit at the salon, i admit that I started to have this fantasy to actually pay the guy for a professional massage - and yes:+ the options! - just like when I want my favorite candy, I pay for it. And it has nothing to do with my appearance: I am not Angelina Jolie but I'm cute, slim, young and I know I could have almost any man I want.

Anyways take care girls and yes: keep 'em coming.


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
Fidaï - Nous ne sommes pas dupes

Ce que j'ai trouvé bien avec ce gars, c'est qu'il m'a fait réalisé qu'il n'en tenais qu'à moi d'avoir mes propres fantaisies...
Ses belles paroles, je sais bien qu'il doit les dire aux autres MP qu'il voit, et il ne tentait pas de me faire croire que j'étais la femme de ses rêves. De toute façon, ça n'avait pas d'importance: il m'avais mis en confiance et je me laissais simplement aller à mon plaisir... et crois-moi, le plaisir, il m'en a donné trois fois plutôt qu'une (en 45 minutes, c'est pas pire, non?)


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
Les hommes matures...

Salut les filles

D'après mon expérience... je préfère la plupart du temps les clients matures. Je trouve qu'ils savent plus ce qu'ils veulent et lorsqu'ils sont intelligents, ils ne racontent pas trop d'histoires. Aussi, quand ça clique, comme ils ont plus d'expérience...

Qu'en pensez-vous?


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
Bien d'accord Maylee et Fidaï

Heureuse de voir que c'est aussi votre cas... Pourtant, moi je n'ai que 21 ans, mais j'ai toujours craqué pour les hommes matures (bien conservés, bien sûr!) Bref, il y a quelques amis de mon père que... en tout cas!

Et puis depuis longtemps, j'ai ce fantasme de la collégienne avec son prof.. ça failli m'arriver il y a quelques années mais c'est lui qui a reculé...



Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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Les filles, c`est vraiment agréable de lire vos histoires, en ce samedi de farniente. D`un point de vue masculin, c`est comme de cornifler des bribes de conversation émanant d`une tablée de copines au restaurant, ou encore d`écouter en condensé une saison entière de l`émission ``Les Copines d`abord``. En tout cas, c`est pas mal plus rigolo que ce retour mordide sur 9/11 dans LaPresse ce matin (scusez la digression inopinée). Et Magda, je joins ma voix à celle des autres qui t`ont déjà félicitée pour cette initiative.

Bon, j`accouche (!) de mon idée: ce qui me frappe dans votre propos, collectivement, c`est que vous n`êtes pas si différentes de bien des hommes qui racontent leurs expériences ici. Vous remarquez les détails de notre apparence, vous êtes sensibles à l`authenticité, et quand vous tombez sur quelqu`un qui possède un talent exceptionnel (de masseur, en l`occurence), vous vous pâmez... Comme nous, les clients, il vous arrive à l`occasion de perdre votre sang-froid devant un homme avec qui la chimie fonctionne plus que d`habitude, et vous osez approcher du gouffre des sentiments. Tout cela me frappe pcq que je m`attendais, en commençant à lire ce fil, à une perspective plus désenchantée, plus revenue, de la part des professionellis. Sous les carapaces, dans ce forum doublement anonyme, je vois les girlfriends de la vraie vie.

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New Member
Aug 11, 2005

Pour répondre à ta question Fidaï...
Avec mon masseur, c'est un peu ce qui est arrivé... OK, il n'y a pas eu pénétration - c'était plus une expérience TRÈS érotique que sexuelle - mais la deuxième fois qu'il a pris rendez-vous, je te dis que j'avais vraiment hâte qu'il arrive et quand je suis rentré dans la chambre au salon de massage, j'avais presque envie de lui arracher ses vêtements... J'avais vraiment les hormones au plafond quoi... surtout qu'il avait appelé très tôt dans la journée et que j'avais eu le temps de fantasmer sur lui en massant les autres clients.


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
Wow les filles!

J'ai toujours su que pour plusieurs d'entres vous le fait de rencontrer des clients n'est pas toujours une "corvee". J'ai eu le plaisir de partager des moments tres torrides avec certaines demoiselles, durant lesquelles il etait evident que je n'etais pas le seul a "avoir du fun".

Mais c'est la premiere fois a ma connaissance que ce genre de sujet est aborde ici par la gente feminine, et c'est extremement rafraichissant de vous lire mesdames. Merci a Maylee pour cette excellente initiative, et merci a vous toutes pour votre franchise et votre candeur toute feminine.


PS: Desole, j'ai un clavier sans accents :eek:


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
Question pour vous mesdames

Vous est-il deja arrivee d'avoir un rendez-vous galant avec un client, d'une duree de 3 heures par exemple, et a la fin du 3 heures vous voudriez que ca continue, car vous cliquez a fond (no pun intended) tout les deux et vous vous sentez bien ensemble (par exemple rester a dormir en fin de soiree). Par contre, le client en question n'a pas prevu le coup et vous savez que vous ne serez pas remuneree si vous restez plus longtemps...

Face a ce dilemme, que faites vous? Vous prolongez? Vous partez? Vous prenez arrangement pour etre payee plus tard (en supposant que c'est un client en qui vous avez confiance)? Est-ce que ca vous derange que l'aspect monetaire soit ramene sur le tapis en ces moments de bien-etre total? Et qu'est ce qui motive votre decision de part et d'autre?



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
My first client as an SP.

I got to the hotel room, and the gent who opened the door embodied many of my fears (what if I don't find him attractive? what if I don't think I can get turned on?) He was about 5'6" and easily over 300 lbs. He was also very hairy. Hair on his back, shoulders, everywhere. In fact he reminded me of those giant stuffed pandas that you would find at the amusement park, big round belly, short fat arms and legs...

He looked at me and welcomed me in. I was nervous to say the least. (What if he rolls over and crushes me?!) I must have looked it. I tell him I am new and he responds that yes, the agency told him that this was my first day with them. I explained that he was my first client ever. He gives me a tender look and says you poor thing, no wonder you seem a little shy! (A little?!)

He invites me to go sit on the bed with him. It was a cheap hotel room, no couch, just a bed a small table with 2 chairs and a TV. There was porn on the TV. He asked me if I liked porn and that he would turn it off if I liked. I said no it is OK. He asked me again, am I sure? I said yes, it helps get into the mood.

So I am on the bed with him, and he asks permission to touch my breast. I say OK, and he tells me that I don't have to say yes if I don't want to. So again I tell him it is OK. Every step of the way he asked my permission before trying anything and repeated that I didn't have to do anything that I didn't want to. By the end of the hour instead of seeing some fat guy, I saw a kind, gentle, man who was thoughtful and tender and had the kindest light brown eyes.

As I was leaving he told me the best advice that a first time SP could ever get: Not everyone will ask your permission, but I ALWAYS have the right to refuse to do anything that I don't want to do.

Looks: 3/10 (1 point because he was well groomed, 1 because he smelled good, breath and everything, 1 for his eyes)
Attitude: 10/10 kind, gentle, respectful couldn't ask for more
Service: 7/10 he actually was a good pussy eater, though he had no stamina when it came to doing the deed and the only position that worked was cowgirl
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Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Wow Ronnie! I have a feeling that guy felt very privileged to be your first. It really shows in the way he treated you. I am so so happy that your first experience with a client was a very good one.

P.S: I totally get what you mean about your change in perception. I really believe that attitude is nearly everything. At least ninety-five percent of what matters most, I'd say.


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
*pant pant*

Holy cow, this thread has taken off... and the stories are funny, touching, and many other things at once. If you folks wish, I can continue to translate as desired but please bear in mind that A) most of my translating has been done at work :eek: and B) my French doesn't match the eloquence of the ladies' French, so it takes me a little longer to communicate their essence as best as I can in English. Should I continue?



New Member
Nov 15, 2004
maylee said:
C'était pas mon idée mon chéri...

C'est Magda qui a parti ce thread, et à mon avis, c'est un très bon sujet...
Mon chéri???? Yabadabadouuuuu! :D

Excuse moi, c'est mon erreur, mais la je suis tout chose... mon chériiiiiiiiiiiii.... Wwoooowww! hihihi!


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
8/13/05, 12:36 PM Zaphyr (trans.)

I'm back, in spite of popular demand... :rolleyes:
It seems that this has become a very prolific "thread"!

As certain folks allow us to speak our beautiful language, I am going to allow myself to describe to you my first escorting experience, which I will probably always remember! It happened already more than four years ago, and I have made much headway since...

Some weeks had passed between the moment I agreed to work for this little agency and that when I made myself "available to work". I was very nervous, anguished even at the idea of getting nude for the first time before a stranger.

I then arrived at an apartment, simple but very clean. What a shock I had upon seeing my first client, clearly mentally deficient! I entered the apartment while smiling, not knowing at all what awaited me… Me smiling, he confirmed with me for an hour, and placed the money on the table. I then called the agency to confirm… I had already spoken with some intellectually deficient people, therefore I proceeded with very simple subjects of conversation. I knew that he worked forty hours a week, and that his only pleasure consisted of meeting an escort at the end of the week.

I asked him what he wanted of me, and he responded to me the same thing as usual. Not knowing what was his "usual", I began by sensuously removing a little of my clothing. I got out of my underthings (? Sorry...) while he removed his pants , and I began to caress him softly (I truly had no desire to embrace him !). I understood that his usual escorts would only fellate him (rather normal considering the client), this task I undertook. He came in 10-15 minutes, therefore there was still several minutes left to fill. He invited me to stretch mself alongside of him, and I tried so much (although in vain) to find some subjects that would interest him…. He told me that I couldn't continue at working this job, that I wasn't in the same class as the others, that I was worth far more…

I in effect completely changed my "class" of clients... Happily!

It was a rather troubling first experience. My boss held a meeting with me in his suite, and announced to me that the client was very satisfied, and that they were all like that! I believe that it took me 2-3 more weeks before trying again!

Stats :
Body : 6/10 Well-built body, but an inexpressive face, vapid
Attitude/ personality : 6/10 Very nice, but…
Service : 2/10 He never even touched me! In this case, it was perhaps better that way!

All the same, I was pleased to give pleasure to a man who had so little of it!

I will submit to you soon my second experience!

Zaphyr xxx


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
8/13/05, 12:56 PM Zaphyr (trans.) My second time!

My second experience was very different.

I waited in a rather tiny motel room (this agency also did incalls), when a very tall young man, quite handsome, knocked on the door. He was surprised to see me, he was expecting a much less beautiful woman…

He was all nervous, he found it difficult to string two sentences together…. he confessed to me that he had never fucked in his life, that he was barely 18 years old (I was 19!)… I retorted to him that he was only my second client, but that my grand experience with my buddy would permit me to put him at ease… We talked a bit, he was very interesting, I learned after a bit that we studied at the same university! After 20 minutes, seeing that he had no idea what he needed to do, I invited him to share a shower. It was torrid! He seemed to lose a good part of his timidity. We carressed and embraced… although we were still all wet we got into bed passionately. I made him an erection that stood up all red and quivering… The rest unrolled very naturally.

I can say that this experience largely compensated for the first time!

Stats :
Body : 8/10 Very tall, handsome, beautiful face
Attitude : 8/10 His timid and inexperienced air was cracking!
Service : 9/10 I had much pleasure!


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
8/15/05, 1:23 AM, Maylee, In the good old days, it happened all the same... (trans.)

This evening I am going to tell you the story of a client who really marked me.

This was still at my very beginning, and I had seen this client 3 times before.
A very old gentleman, dressed in work pants and sea blue work shirt, with suspenders to hold up his pants, and steel-toed boots. It was if he would go from here to work on construction. He wouldn't force himself to be overdressed! (?)

Anyway, he was correct enough, not very chic, but correct enough...

He could never handle an hour of massage and always told me, we're going to chatter instead. Good, not too tiring like a client.

Still after the third time, he must have said to himself, there it is, she knows me now, I am going to do her!

It's then that he arrived dressed in his usual uniform, truly a true construction worker. I don't make a case of it, I am used to it now. I don't wait for him to dress appropriately to come see me.

He hurries into my room, and I go to find him 5 minutes later, as is my habit, in which time he removes his clothing.

And there he is, the good man is laying in my bed, under the covers, and he is waiting for me!

What an affair! I had no idea! I was so frustrated!

It's then that I asked him: What are you doing there?

He responded to me: I am waiting for you (like it was perfectly normal)

I asked him: Are you ill or what, you don't think that we're going to fuck?

He says: Now that we know each other, it would be time!

I responded to him: right now you are going to know me very quickly! Get out of my apartment, and you are interested in redressing yourself quickly, because if in 5 minutes you aren't gone, I am throwing your clothes in the hallway with your boots, and you will leave completely naked, my man!

He responds to me: Don't be rash, let me explain myself, bla, bla, bla...

It goes without saying that I wouldn't listen to any of it.

He left inside of his 5 minutes, he didn't have a choice, he would have looked foolish leaving my building all nude with his boots, and I swear that I would have done it.

I had to rewash all of my linen, what horror, it smelled like Brut 33 cologne!
The same as my father! I can't believe it's still sold, that stuff, it stinks, it's terrible, even worse than a skunk, a true turn off!

Moral of this story: If it happened before, it could happen again (sorry, got lost!)...

Look : An old man pushing 70 years old, not a hair on his head, but hairy like an ape everywhere else on his body, large glasses which took up his entire face, a large paunch, a small penis, horse breath, and no class.

Personality : One without genius

Repeat : Surely not! It seems that he had no heart, because he called me back!
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