I don`t trust a word the Russians say. There are intel reports that they are bringing up a hundred thousand reservists as well as hundreds of Chechen convicts.
It`s ironic that one of the reasons putin gave for invading , was to protect the russian speaking minority. Yet the 2 cities and civilian populations that have taken the biggest bombardment and casualties are predominately russian speaking. The guy is a madman who hates his own people.
Don`t forget that they don`t drink alcohol.After witnessing what we are witnessing...if I meet a Taliban or Isis guy right now...I would invite them for a beer...
It`s ironic that one of the reasons putin gave for invading , was to protect the russian speaking minority. Yet the 2 cities and civilian populations that have taken the biggest bombardment and casualties are predominately russian speaking. The guy is a madman who hates his own people.