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Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent, BBC reports


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hmmm wonder who will win the Nobel Peace prize in this upside down world ? With no peace should there still be a prize ?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Sorry! Was an interesting interview but didn't see all the posts that came before.
If Sean Hannity and Sean Penn can be on the same show inches away from each other and have a civil discussion about the Ukraine among other political topics there is hope for all of us yet.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
This was a special situation motivated by an important agenda for both.
They both care and agree on the war in Ukraine...but that`s it.
Penn went on the show to bring a bigger spotlight on the dire situation Ukraine. He was brutally honest about not trusting Hannity but bit his lip for the sake of the more important cause.
Hannity saw this as a great promotion for his show especially for a wider viewership. He also wanted a pat on the back and to prove that he could be trusted by Penn, which he didn`t get .


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
US Senate approves lend-lease act for Ukraine:

The lend-lease program was last used during World War II, when the United States provided assistance to allied countries that fought against Nazi Germany, mostly to the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Many historians say it helped tip the balance of the war in favor of the allies.

The bill must still be approved by the House of Representatives and signed by Biden.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
From the warped mind of Mad Vlad. He believes that he can get away with mass murder of innocent civilians and somehow not face the consequences. That can`t be allowed to happen.
He would do humanity a favour by taking up russian roulette as a hobby.
He must know that History will put his name on a list alongside mao, stalin and hitler


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
This was a special situation motivated by an important agenda for both.
They both care and agree on the war in Ukraine...but that`s it.
Penn went on the show to bring a bigger spotlight on the dire situation Ukraine. He was brutally honest about not trusting Hannity but bit his lip for the sake of the more important cause.
Hannity saw this as a great promotion for his show especially for a wider viewership. He also wanted a pat on the back and to prove that he could be trusted by Penn, which he didn`t get .
Some will see this as the glass half empty, I on the other hand like to see it as the glass half full. Saying Hannity saw this as a great promotion for his show is completely missing the point. Everything Hannity does is to promote his show, that's pretty obvious. Penn is on the show to promote his upcoming film that's pretty obvious as well. Penn and Hannity both love their country greatly and are patriots, they just have different political views. That's what's great about the USA. The fact that they had similar views on the Ukraine gave them a chance to put all the bullshit aside and bring some needed attention to the war in the Ukraine. Your post talks about lack of trust, self promotion, etc. and that was not the way I had seen it. But haters are going to hate and continue to spin things in a different direction.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
From the warped mind of Mad Vlad. He believes that he can get away with mass murder of innocent civilians and somehow not face the consequences. That can`t be allowed to happen.
He would do humanity a favour by taking up russian roulette as a hobby.
He must know that History will put his name on a list alongside mao, stalin and hitler

Mao and Hitler were actually competent, in the early stages of their regimes. Putin is going to belong in the bush league of dictators - like Saddam or Idi Amin. For the last 20 years, Putin was punching down on weaker/smaller adversaries - like Georgia, Chechnya or 2014 Ukraine. Like the bully in a small town high school.

This time he bit off more than he could chew. Unfortunately the Russian people are paying for it.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Putin is going to belong in the bush league of dictators - like Saddam or Idi Amin.
in terms of the bush leagues of dictators, just based on military success or lack thereof, I would put Benito Mussolini in there too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Borodyanka: a "more horrible" situation than in Boutcha.

26 bodies have just been found under the ruins of two buildings in the town of Borodyanka, located in the kyiv region. Under a pile of rubble, entangled in pieces of buildings reduced to crumbs, hides the horror.
We can see a lifeless hand, the back of a body dressed in a white blouse.
According to the inhabitants present at the foot of their completely destroyed residences, there are surely hundreds of other buried corpses.

There were murders, torture, but also rapes.


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020

Borodyanka: a "more horrible" situation than in Boutcha.

26 bodies have just been found under the ruins of two buildings in the town of Borodyanka, located in the kyiv region. Under a pile of rubble, entangled in pieces of buildings reduced to crumbs, hides the horror.
We can see a lifeless hand, the back of a body dressed in a white blouse.
According to the inhabitants present at the foot of their completely destroyed residences, there are surely hundreds of other buried corpses.

There were murders, torture, but also rapes.
Just insane. It's quite a horror to see.

Something doesn't feel right when all of us here in North America are living comfortably while many many kilometers away, all of this horror is going on.

Such a tragedy.
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