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Senate impeachment circus

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Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I am outraged to see all this damning evidence come out in an avalanche. Especially the fact that Trump has arrogantly declined to submit his DNA sample. If that is not impeachable, what on Earth could possibly be?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
This impeachment thing was too boring.

As everyone knew from the beginning (Other then the democrats) that he will be found not guilty.

He will win the election again and most probably the popular* vote too this time
Since he's been good to the America, trade deals, bringing jobs back to America (At least trying), building a wall etc etc.

Wish the US were appointing supreme court justices every year, now that was real entertainment.
Much higher ratings then this one.

*Having said that, if the US was real democracy, he wouldn't have been elected to be president in the first place,
imagine that.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I agree with the bulk of your post, except maybe one minor detail.

*Having said that, if the US was real democracy, he wouldn't have been elected to be president in the first place,
imagine that.

That is not so obvious, in my opinion. Trump's strategy (put together by Jared Kushner and a few other smart people) was clearly focused on winning the electoral college. He never made a slightest attempt to attract voters, say, in California, which is by the way a very conservative place outside of the coastal strip. Or upstate New York and a few other places. And who knows how many conservative voters never bothered to vote, given the geographic realities.

Had he been after the popular vote, his strategy would have been totally different. I am not saying that the result would have been the same, just that there is no way to know for sure.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Another minor detail...
Building a wall ?!?
No new border wall has been constructed on stretches that did not already have a border barrier, or if you prefer , not a single mile of wall has been built where no barrier previously existed.
At least, once the new construction finally begins , Mexico will pay for it.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Another minor detail...
Building a wall ?!?
No new border wall has been constructed
At least, once the new construction finally begins , Mexico will pay for it.

It doesn't matter if the new walls are at new locations or stretches that there were walls already.

At least the Mexicans are contributing by cleaning up the mess of a newly built wall...and paying for it.


Nov 1, 2019

It doesn't matter if the new walls are at new locations or stretches that there were walls already.
At least the Mexicans are contributing by cleaning up the mess of a newly built wall...and paying for it.

Hey, Cruiser,

Nowhere in the articles you cite does it say Mexico is paying to build or repair the wall.

Here is an article about what a shitshow this border wall is. Smugglers cut through it using common hardware tools, and scale it with handmade ladders. Floodgates in remote areas must be left open for months to prevent flooding and damage to the walls.

Taxpayer dollars paying for a wall Trump promised Mexico would pay for, and his tax cut for the rich has ballooned the federal budget deficit to over one trillion US dollars!


Nov 1, 2019
He will win the election again and most probably the popular* vote too this time

*Having said that, if the US was real democracy, he wouldn't have been elected to be president in the first place,
imagine that.

The Russians helped rig the last election to install Trump into power. The CIA, FBI and NSA have all reported this finding, but of course Trump denies it.
And several Republican senators have acknowledged Trump had tried to use his Presidential powers to cheat on this upcoming election. It's the fundamental right of a democracy to hold clean and fair elections of our leader. This asshole is tearing down our democracy. It's tragic


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Now buckle up because Trump will be one hell of a shit show following this. The law will even lesser apply to him.

The problem is we seem to live in an era where racism fuels the base... (just look at brexit). If you replace Trump tomorrow the democrats will still loose. And try to find another republican who is not even worst then Trump. Can you name one?

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
This asshole is tearing down our democracy. It's tragic
And try to find another republican who is not even worst then Trump. Can you name one?

Thank you gentlemen for your profound analysis. It is truly heartwarming (however unbelievable) to know that the next Republican president will be even "worst then" (sic!) Trump. I was close to despair thinking that we have reached the very bottom, so good to know that not all is lost yet and there is still room for progress.


Nov 1, 2019
True, jalimon. Republican Senate has given Trump free rein to fix this upcoming election, and continue to commit any crimes he wishes.
This election is unpredictable because who knows what the turnout wil be. Republican legislatures in swing states have passed voter suppression laws that are intended to make it more difficult for blacks, hispanics, and students to vote; but make it easier for military to vote. Since Republicans in Congress prevented Obama from appointing judges to the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit Courts, the Republicans and Trump have packed the Courts with Republican judges who are giving these voter suppression laws their blessing.
Hopefully, students and minorities will be motivated to overcome these restrictions and turn out in force, or Trump and Russia will win another rigged election
Our founders wrote restrictions into the Constitution against a President like Trump, precisely because they had fought and won the Revolutionary War against a King.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Our founders wrote restrictions into the Constitution against President Trump, precisely because they had fought and won the Revolutionary War against a King.

So true! And they knew in their bones that when you go after the King, you better not miss.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Hey, Cruiser,
Nowhere in the articles you cite does it say Mexico is paying to build or repair the wall.


That comment had nothing to do with the articles. Since they fell on the Mexican side, cleaned up by the Mexicans.
I just pulled a Trump myself by adding that comment "Mexicans paying for the clean up", Just a joke LOL

The Russians helped rig the last election to install Trump into power.

Even with Russian help, if the system was not flawed (Electoral college) (And if it was real democracy) still he wouldn't
have get elected as president.

I don't think there is another country, system (Democracies) that people vote for candidates, and the person who gets lesser
of the votes (The looser) becomes president. Go figure.


Nov 1, 2019
I found this article interesting, especially as it relates to the Trump elections.

"At the time of the Philadelphia Constitutional convention of 1787, no other country in the world directly elected its chief executive, so the delegates were wading into uncharted territory. Further complicating the task was a deep-rooted distrust of executive power. After all, the fledgling nation had just fought its way out from under a tyrannical king and overreaching colonial governors. They didn’t want another despot on their hands.

One group of delegates felt strongly that Congress shouldn’t have anything to do with picking the president. Too much opportunity for chummy corruption between the executive and legislative branchesAnother camp was dead set against letting the people elect the president by a straight popular vote. First, they thought 18th-century voters lacked the resources to be fully informed about the candidates, especially in rural outposts. Second, they feared a headstrong 'democratic mob' steering the country astray. And third, a populist president appealing directly to the people could command dangerous amounts of power."

Sounds like they anticipated the issues with Trump, and that's why the founding fathers gave Congress the power to impeach a rogue President with too much power.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Impeachment had nothing to do with too much power. There have been presidents who have pushed the boundaries, ie both Roosevelt’s. Impeachment in this case was about a perception of abuse of power, totally different. Wonder if DJT will get the constitution changed for third term?


Nov 1, 2019
Well, in this case, the Senate is saying Trump has the power to seek help from foreign governments to tilt his elections, and solicit help from the Russians to hack into the emails of his rivals too.
Impeachment was the vehicle for Congress to reign in abuse of power. By acquitting Trump and failing to convict through impeachment, Congress has failed to uphold the framers Constitutional separation of powers among the 3 branches.
Mueller himself declined to prosecute Trump for crimes despite ample evidence, because his interpretation of legal precedent was that a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime in criminal court. He felt that Impeachment was the sole remedy to prevent a President from amassing too much power, the power to rig elections being one power Trump now possesses.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Wonder if DJT will get the constitution changed for third term?

He most certainly will. He can also be expected to disband the Congress (similar to what Lenin did in Russia in 1918) and restore the monarchy. Donald II will be waiting in the wings.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
He most certainly will. He can also be expected to disband the Congress (similar to what Lenin did in Russia in 1918) and restore the monarchy. Donald II will be waiting in the wings.

I heard that Ivanka Trump will be on the 20 dollars bill to make our currency more attractive

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I heard that Ivanka Trump will be on the 20 dollars bill to make our currency more attractive

Excellent idea, I am totally in favor. Half of the population will refuse to touch the repulsive bill, which will save a lot of trees.
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