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Senate impeachment circus

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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
There is something seriously wrong with Nancy Pelosi
You could see on the faces of democrats spite and hatred
but Pelosi was at a level beyond that.makes me wonder if she suffers from
dementia she is 79 yrs old and you see people as they age some get a mean streak
which she clearly has.Guess it is from a life of being a powerful woman
where people never refused you anything.
the word ''no'' is not something you ever heard.
her actions ,were child like,
tearing up the presidents speech no other political person
has displayed this behavour.
even hilory clionton when trump was bashing her with verbal abuse she just smiled took it like water off a ducks back


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nancy Pelosi's action perfectly sums up the state of the country. Totally divided.

It was a fucking perfect move ;)

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Nancy Pelosi's action perfectly sums up the state of the country. Totally divided.

It was a fucking perfect move ;)
It is definately divided
but her actions are childish and extreme even for a democrat


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It is definately divided
but her actions are childish and extreme even for a democrat


Still look at all comment's Trump makes on all his opponents... Insulting them even on their physique... Her action is just a needle in the haystack of Trump's daily actions ;)

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
her actions are childish and extreme even for a democrat

She must feel in her bones that she is a Lilliputian dealing with Gulliver, thus all the impotent rage. We have a somewhat similar sentiment amply expressed here on the board.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017

Still look at all comment's Trump makes on all his opponents... Insulting them even on their physique... Her action is just a needle in the haystack of Trump's daily actions ;)

Accurate as usual Jalimon.

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
people are smarter than the left believes

democrats in their haste

1- didn't specify a crime nor a victim
they tried to impeach something which is not a crime or unethical

2 failed to show Quid pro quo took place
and even if it did it would not be a crime

3 No crime took place
18 witnesses swore under oath the ukraine was unaware aid was stopped for 40 days they only found out when the media talked about it
obama cut aid for years
Ukraine did not know
Trump paused packages
thousands of documents make this clear
so ukraine not knowing there was no pressure or bribery which took place

joe biden and his son is another case of clear corruption

4 the left was in such a hurry to pass to the house before christmas
they came forth with vague accusations and a 1/2 finished case which they at the time said was clear cut

5 they made a very bad choice in impeachment managers
in contrast to the presidents legal team.

Yes, these are the Trump talking points. I would totally argue against every one of them based on the facts, not Trump lies and fantasy. But it's not worth the energy. Those that believe Trump Fantasy Land will never accept facts.

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA

The best for the fake news media like Fox and all the Republican bots on social media putting out his talking points to deceive everyone, but a low point as a human.

Just forgetting the impeachment he defiled the National Prayer Breakfast the next day. After the keynote speaker talked about love and forgiveness and praying for those you disagree with then there was Trump just a few people down from the Keynote speaker, turning away, just waiting to attack normal Christian values at the Prayer Breakfast that has met since 1954 and traditionally not political.

After the great keynote on love - Trump attacked Romney for his deep faith reasons for voting to remove. At an annual event that is supposed to bring cordialness and working together as Christians, he unleashed his wrath against Polisky preying and that folks just hide behind religion. He has no concept of anything related to Christian love just ranting raving against everyone that is not White, American, Trump fan. He is more like Putin or a Dictator and about half the US voters are under his spell. Kind of reminds some of us how Hitler took power.

As a deeply Christian friend told me he is ashamed to be a Christian due to how they are supporting him.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
News media on both sides destort facts.
All i know for sure is President Trump was aquited of all fake charges
1st it was russia 2 yr investigation cleared of all charges
Then the witch hunt with head witch no pun intended nancy who after trump was aquited
Like a true democrat took a hissy fit and tore up the the presidents speach
On tv apparently a crime punishable by 3 yrs in jail.but at 79 she clearly has signs of dementia
So i hope they are leniant give her only 2 yrs 11 months 30 days .

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
The best for the fake news media like Fox and all the Republican bots on social media putting out his talking points to deceive everyone, but a low point as a human.

I also happen to doubt that it is his best week ever. As he declared in his State of the Union speech, "The best is yet to come!" Glad that we are in agreement on that point.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
All i know for sure is President Trump was aquited of all fake charges
1st it was russia 2 yr investigation cleared of all charges
Then the witch hunt with head witch no pun intended nancy who after trump was aquited

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said on Sunday on CNN that Trump dealt with Ukraine “maybe in the wrong manner.”
Ohio's Senator Rob Portman said in a statement earlier this week it was “wrong” and “inappropriate” to ask another country’s leader to dig up dirt on a political opponent—it just doesn’t not “rise to the level” of removing him from office.
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said in a Medium post on Friday that Trump’s action were impeachable—but that he shouldn’t be removed from his office.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) went on Meet The Press on Sunday and said President Donald Trump’s actions in the Ukraine scandal were “improper“—Trump was “crossing the line” by hinging millions in aid on investigating a political opponent—but it was not an impeachable offense. Trump was maybe just incompetent, he argued. Plus, there is an election coming up. Let the people decide, Alexander shrugged.

Fake charges? Witch hunt? Cleared of all charges? My ass... Many other republican then these ones gave similar comments. They pretty much all think his action were impeachable. But not enough to be removed from office.

Just to get things straight.


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said in a Medium post on Friday that Trump’s action were impeachable—but that he shouldn’t be removed from his office.

Thank you for conducting this exhaustive research. Would you be so kind as to provide the exact quote from the Rubio's post where he makes the assertion which you ascribe to him? Thank you again.

For your convenience:

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Sen. Joni Ernst - dealing in the wrong manner is obviously a opinion .everyone has one.

Senator Rob Portman
it was “wrong” and “inappropriate” to ask another country’s leader to dig up dirt on a political opponent so trump was charged with doing something illegal and this senator felt it was wrong-....joe biden and his son were clearly wrong again a opinion

politics is dirty its like saying trump robbed the royal bank we have no proof of that but we are sure he si guilty as well of robbing the bank of montreal.

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida seriously trump degraded this guy short of putting a dog collar on him and walking him around don't think anything he has top say has a tad of bias=sore loser rememeber the small hands remark. politicians dont act like trump but he is not a real fake politician he is a business man down deep

only thing you got straight is you can copy and paste all else is opinions
to me when a court of law says not guilty i could not care less how many people come forward with a opinion
what you think is wrong and right and what the law says is 2 different things
you still say guilty
law says aquitted and innocent
god bless america my deep congradulations to president elect Donald Trump

America...home of the free and the brave innocent until proven guilty ...........unless your a republican president......
day trump won the witch pelosi made the statement we ill impeach him so it has been a republican temper tantrum for close to 4 yrs
id say get over it but obviously they cant imagine when he wins again
news flash no copy and paste he will win :)

Sen. Lamar Alexander said to hold up funding for 40 days was wrong guess obama holding up for 3 years was more wrong?



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Guys, you are discussing yesterdays news. Forget about Trump. You should all pay attention now to our future first female president Ivanka Trump. She will be running the show when Trump will be mostly golfing after his re-election. She is clearly groomed to succeed him. Good looks is an asset. Men would forgive woman almost anything for good looks, it is a biological reflex :smile: She already has started to position herself as a moderate and a champion for working families...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. Good looks is an asset. Men would forgive woman almost anything for good looks, it is a biological reflex :smile:

Yup, the Superbowl halftime show proved that correct.


Jul 8, 2005
I like a court case which I know the outcome before the trial even begins. I should have taken bets with everybody I know.
"I'll bet you Trump will be acquitted"
"Yeah I also think that's what's going to happen."
"Sooooooo, no bet?"

And Justice for all.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
True when you accuse someone of a crime don't specify a crime victim or have no proof
and its clearly politically motivated and driven by hate and ignorance
the outcome is easy to determine
in USA its innocent until proven guilty
God Bless America
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