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Jul 12, 2006
Esco! said:

Mais je veux aprrendre Francais parceque quand je voyage ou autre petit villes en Quebec je rencontre beaucoup femmes qui ne parle pas Anglais.
Ceci le raison je veux aprrendre parlez couramment de Francais.
BTW, how many spelling mistakes did I make??? :eek:


Feb 24, 2005
Esco! said:
BTW, how many spelling mistakes did I make??? :eek:

between 3 and 10 depending the teacher you get :D but I counted 8 and discarded capital letters in middle of a sentence.... but talking like this to french woman probably make a killer to get them! ;)

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
Ntice said:
Clear example,

Now that Harper is about to declare Quebec as a "Nation", he is also demanding a just return.

He is demanding that Quebec owns up to a seat at the United Nations and that it play it's own responsible part (along side Canada) in the UN.

I think that's a fair advantage. You want your "Freedom" so to speak? Then take a little more responsibility.

Guess what Quebec answered so far? No way. Now, what are we supposed to think?


It's actually exactly the opposite... Harper DOES NOT want Quebec to sit at the UN alongside Canada...

That's what the sentence "withing a united Canada" stops.. If Quebec was just a "nation", they would be able to be reprensented at the UN..!!

Get your facts straight


Registered Loser
Sep 5, 2006
Esco! said:
Mais je veux apprendre le français parce()que quand je voyage dans d' autres petites villes du Québec je rencontre beaucoup de femmes qui ne parlent pas l'anglais.
Ceci est la raison pour laquelle je veux apprendre à parler couramment le français.
Only 23 mistakes. Not bad for a Canadian.


Nov 15, 2005
Corleone said:
Only 23 mistakes. Not bad for a Canadian.
Editor (Don) Corleone: cut the guy some slack; at least he's trying. BTW isn't his use of "autres" incorrect as it implies that Montreal is a small town as well ? My French is not good enough when it comes to fine nuances like that, so I have to rely on your editorial skills.


Registered Loser
Sep 5, 2006
There was no malicious intention. It was just a funny answer to someone who seems to be cool enough to laugh about his own mistakes.
Esco! said:
BTW, how many spelling mistakes did I make??? :eek:
And yes, you are right. 'Other' and 'small' are not consistent in this sentence.


Jul 12, 2006
But you guys understood what I tried to say, didnt you???!!

My point is grammar mistakes dont show up in steamy conversations with Quebecoises :D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Nonsense. No one is forced to speak French. I go through my days speaking English 95% of the time, and I could make it 100% if I wanted to. I only speak French when I choose to (usually when speaking to a hot Québécoise).

The corollary of course (since again it seems I have to state the obvious), no one can force anyone to speak English to me, you or anyone else.

Tell that to immigrants who come here, even from English speaking countries, and want to educate their children in the English public school system. While it still exists, that is. Try getting information from a metro ticket taker in English sometime. Or maybe you should try getting a job in our wonderful health care system or any government job for that matter. :cool:

I have no interest in forcing anyone to speak any language at all. I believe that people should have the right to choose what language they wish to speak and how they wish to live their life. In business, if you deal with people of any language, it's just common sense to speak their language, whatever it may be, as a sign of respect and appreciation for their continued business. And by the way, I'll state this again, I'm French not English, and I have no problems dealing with people in whichever of Canada's official languages they desire. And the vast majority of the people I deal with every day are unilingual French.

I do understand some of the anger the French in Quebec have against the English...I'd be pissed off too if I knew that my only options in life were to be stuck in Quebec as part of the unilingual french labor force. The church used to like to keep women barefoot and pregnant. Separatists would like to keep the population unilingual french without the ability to move out of Quebec. Except for their leaders' children of course, who, it seems, always go to exclusive english private schools.

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006

Why do you have such difficulty accepting that Québec is a French speaking province...? You say you cannot get a job if you don't speak french in the healthcare system or at the government..... I certainly hope so...

Try getting a job like that in France if you don't speak french... or in Ontario if you don't speak english.....Why is it wrong if it's in Québec ? Because of our proximity with the rest of the english Canada ?

Stop crying, yes, we're a french speaking province.. you can't accept that, look/go somewhere else that's it... but please stop complaining and get a life.

I have a lot of respect for anglophones that make an effort to speak french, and for anyone that learns a language that is not their own for that matter... but someone who has lived in Montreal all their life but refuse to speak french, just as a matter of principle, I tell them "Fuck you"... you should have more respect for your neighbors.

My two cents


Jul 12, 2006
Techman said:
Tell that to immigrants who come here, even from English speaking countries, and want to educate their children in the English public school system.
Sorry but its the responsibilty of an immigrant to adjust and conform to the country he
or she is immigrating too.

Not the other way around!


Registered Loser
Sep 5, 2006
b_cup_lover said:
Don't worry Esco we understand what you're saying way much better than Oliver.
Thank you b_cup_lover. I thought I was the only stupid person on this board who rarely understands Oliver. I feel much better now.

Esco, I am sure Québécoises appreciate your sexy Toronto accent, and your willingness to speak French more than the resulting speach.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Esco! said:
Sorry but its the responsibilty of an immigrant to adjust and conform to the country he
or she is immigrating too.

Not the other way around!

We have two official languages in this country last time I checked, not one, and Quebec as much as it likes to pretend otherwise, and has been allowed to do so, is still part of Canada! And by the way, you can't get a job in an English hospital in Montreal if you don't speak french. In fact, there was a fuss a while ago when the Chinese hospital put the requirement to speak Chinese over that to speak french even though they have no french patients! Quebecers who go to Florida expect to be served in french for Christ's sake.

As for that your best argument? The truth hurts doesn't it?:cool:

I hope that the separatists get their way and when they come crawling back to join Canada, Canada just says....Fuck You!

PS: It's amazing that the conformity you speak of only applies to language.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Techman said:
I love how people always try to blame Trudeau. Does everyone forget the mailbox bombings, the FLQ kidnappings and murder? Constant separatist bitching and complaining? Referendums, plural only because separatists can't accept the will of the people? Trudeau was the only Prime Minister of Canada to stand up to Quebec. If other politicians had the balls he had, this problem would no longer exist. But nooo, we have to keep trying to satisfy Quebec who will never be satisfied until they are in charge of the entire country. It's just like trying to satisfy a spoiled child, it will never be possible.

As far as Quebec 'thriving' in Canada...they were thriving in Canada before all this shit started getting out of hand. They have no one to blame but themselves for what this province has become. Nation my ass.
Trudeau turned his back on Quebec and left them out of the Constitution that is why I blame him. It would have taken alot less to satisfy Quebec then than now. His lack of leadership at a crucial time has cost Canada dearly. How any Quebecer can vote Liberal is beyond me. First Trudeau's snub, then the backstabbing of Mulroney by Liberal Clyde Wells and gang and then sponsorship scandal.


Jul 12, 2006
Techman said:
We have two official languages in this country last time I checked, not one,

I never said we had ONE language FFS, all I said was that immigrants should learn the culture.
If that means 2 languages then so be it!!!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It would have taken alot less to satisfy Quebec then than now.

Why the hell does anyone have to do anything to 'satisfy' Quebec? Why does Quebec have this overwhelming need to be 'special' to be 'distinct'? Can't they accept the fact that they are just the same as everyone else in this country? Talk about an inferiority complex! Stop bitching and get on with things. What do separatists want? To have their own country and then to form an economic partnership with Canada because they know they could never survive on their own. Give me a break.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Esco! said:
I never said we had ONE language FFS, all I said was that immigrants should learn the culture.
If that means 2 languages then so be it!!!

And our culture is sooo different from that of the US. If an American comes here they have to educate their children in French. If someone come from England, they have to educate their kids in French. Even if they're only here temporarily and will return home. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

At the same time, if someone from one of the Francophonie group of countries comes to Quebec to go to university, they pay the same tuition as a Quebecer. If someone comes from the rest of Canada, they pay much higher 'Foreign student' rates. Yup...we really are distinct.:cool: Fair too.

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
I never said CANADA didn't have two languages.

NFLD, NS, PEI = English
NB = ONLY official bilingual province
QC = French
ONT, MAN, SAS, ALB, BC = English

What do you actually know of the history of this country ? How can you even wonder what is so different here versus the rest of the country ? It's been about what now, 400 years that the french and english have been butting heads here .... The english have tried to "exterminate" the french nation for about as long... Here is some simple reading that will certainly help you understand the situation and why we have been trying to separate for so long, and why we are frustrated with the english.

Of course it's in french, but having received the french education you shouldn't have a problem with reading and understanding it..!! HA HAHA


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You want Quebec history in a nutshell? Here it is...France and England fought a war here, France lost. France abandoned their settlers here (big surprise :eek: ). The English allowed the French settlers to stay and Canada has been paying for that decision ever since. Oh well, everyone makes mistakes.:cool:

Ever notice how the language laws specify that the French language on signs has to be at least twice the size of any other language and it has to be on top? Talk about sexual insecurities! :p
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