Montreal Escorts

Should hourly prices go down?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
sexxxymtl said:
Good morning Boys.....
It also depends on which girl for which agency!!!! If your not sure what I mean, then PM... With in one agency, some girls it's 130, while others are 150.00.... It all depends on if the girl is willing to walk out of the call with a little less $$$

Most agencies I deal with have a policy of baseline uniform fees for all girls; the only variables are: a) daily or seasonal specials, valid for 1-2 specific girls and changing daily or for any girl; b) in some cases, girls may ask for extra for some services, such as Greek.

This is very different than individual girls acccepting to negociate their fees on a call per call basis or than having girl A priced at 130, girl B priced at 150, girl C at 180 and so on... Even though it is free market at its purest form, I don't like this latter pricing scheme. And also, I don't think there should be much bargaining with a lady once she reaches your door... you should know what to expect and no one should feel pressure for a fee hike or reduction. Look at it from our point of view, we would all balk at a girl/ agency who once in the door suddenly asks for more $$! :mad:
Apr 16, 2005
hormone said:
You are right on this, the rates are advertised as $160/ hour. Of the agencies who advertise here, WoP is the only one with such rates I believe--feel free to correct me, I have not investigated thoroughly. MtlSexCity-SD has an ongoing special at 160 also, but this is a special...
I'd love to see Eleganza on special at $160 :D :D :D ! (yes, I'm smokin' some good one here...)
There are a multitude of promotional ideas agencies could employ and in a major recession this type of thing would be what you would expect. Not only are promotionals good to drum up business but also, perhaps, to accomplish certain goals. Chris of Devilish has started an online community and has linked promotionals to review writing. Now I am aware of the strong beliefs of many members to retain impartiality in the review process. Still, he offers these free hours and the like. I would bet that he gets his moneys worth out of these endeavours in the end. What better time could one pick to use incentives than in a major recession. The trick then is to make it win/win. It just may be that an across the board rate drop will pay dividends as well.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2008

Jibbie said:
Lap dances recently went up to $20.00 and many agencies are charging $180/$200/hr. and my guess is that really hurt business. Cover charges went down and drink prices have been stable or in some cases lowered, but we all know why we go to such places. I know there isn't an easy solution but a drop in prices or an increase in time for the same price would certainly help. GM is trying to sell an inferior product at a high price and they are in deep trouble. There is a great product offered in Montreal so how about being creative with some pricing? A little inovation could go a long way in stimulating the market!

Well what happens is the escortes go to ur hotel u give them 200 right but the agency takes such a big cut of the girls that the girls don't wanna work for them anymore there telling there selfs ill change compangy go where everwhere they r paying me more so then they end up having no girls so if they want to keep there clientele happy they have to get girls back so they have to put the prices up if the agencys werent so gredy everythin would be fine

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
To be nice or not to be !

I have been looking this thread going on for a while and scratching my head cause either whatever as been said before was just read and forget or it is just a way of trying to put pressure where anyway it ain't going to make any differences.

In the last years, paid when from 70 to 80 to 90 and 100$ (even to 110 and 120$ in certain agencies for the girl. Agency owners had to put up more for web site, drivers and solid services. Ok, that's the part that was already discuss many time here, so let's not sound like a broken record :D

Then the gaz went coucou and what happenned ? Agencies got bashed for a rise of 20$ cause everyone tought it should go to the ladies. Now after 6 month of education of why that 20$ was essentiel for the maintain of a good staff (cause also discussion was going on with the drivers above receiving your judgement), gentlemen here are pretending that now that gaz went down we should take back down that 20$.

In between you and me, do you really think we wish to put it down permenently instead of giving some specials knowing that if either the gaz go coucou again or if the ladies wish again to have more, that the day we ask again for that 20$ we will have to listen to everyones bashing telling us how scroodge we are and how we are the bad people around here ... for another 6 month ? (Hey there is only 12 in a year ! :p)

Euh ... no not really ;)

If it was that easy to make everyone one really happy all the time, beleive me, instead of being under the world judgement, we would make it happen :)

Reasons why, we prefer offering the specials :)

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
johnmbot said:
charge whatever you want, and most importantly, don't listen to merbites who complain specifically about price.

Are you mad I have took the time to read the thread and
gave a point of view ?


Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
I think that some agencies will lower rates slightly and offer more specials on slow days & that some girls will start offering more liberal services (COF, Greek, etc.) as part of their standard service.

This sounds like a study for a freshman level economics course at McGill.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
johnmbot said:
nope. i think you misunderstand me. first of all i only read your post.

1) i'm too lazy to read the thread.
2) i don't need to read the thread because it's obvious, from your post, that someone is complaining about price.

my reply is referring to

1) merbites that whine and complain about price, and
2) how you don't need to listen to them.

i have no disagreement w/ you, jessy. i don't like whiners and complainers, but i also understand that they will never go away.

Ah ! Oh well, after all that time, seem my english ain't getting any better :D

Good then :)


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
If, I can throw my 2 cents in here.

Yes, I understand the need for some lower prices (I have even done my share to lower my own rate to accomodate) But, once an SP does lower her rate (by 40$ even... beats the 20$ increase from the summer), Why do the men think it neccissary to ask for even lower rates either on the phone, or worse, upon arriving? At that, for those who do not ask for ADDITIONAL discounts, why do men insist that once the rates are lowered, the lady then perform MORE services included with the lower rates at no extra fee? (ie: Greek, CIM, Expensive lengerie that can get ruined the first time it is worn)

I think that this maybe some of the hesitation of rates lowering.

From my experience in the last 7 years, everytime I try to be nice and lower the rates to accomodate my clientel and prospective clientel, I then have the people calling, thinking that I am desperate like the 80$ girls on CL. and that I will NOW be ready to trade all dignity for a couple of dollars.

If this is happening with me... We all know it is happening with the other girls.

My point is, when you guys want to have lower rates from the girls, if it actually happens, and the clients are respectful to the girls that lower the rates, maybe, more people will lower their rates when they hear that the respect does not fly out the window, as you pull in the lower incomed callers.
This is the one reason, that if the respect level of the calls coming does not improve. I will promise you, that not only my rates will go right back up the 40$ that they came down, but very few people will actually reduce their rates.

As you guys say, I am willing to TOFTT, but I will report, as you do, to all of my friends on how it works out, and as I said, I am not the only one. If I am trying this, then there are definitely others that are as well, who will be reporting to their friends how it works out.

In the end... word travels fast and respect should be priority with the men seeking services.

(May I add that I am not trying to generalize here, but I can count the respectful clients that I have had in the last few weeks and it is THREE, and a lady can only take so much crap in a day.)


Sep 3, 2006
Sounds like you had a bad week. Sounds like allot of financial portfolios out there. Nobody wants to see you experience any harm. The market will dictate things now in this last bastion of free enterprise we call the escort industry.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
On lowering prices

If an SP feels that she is not getting enough calls, she might consider lowering her rates. However she must take into consideration that now she needs to see more clients in order to earn what she had previously earned.

In an exaggerated easy math example: a $300 an hour SP drops her rate to $150 an hour. Now she must see two clients where as before she needed only one to earn that $300. Even when not reducing rates as drastically as in my example, she still needs to keep the theory in mind. Will the drop in rates produce more income at the end of the month? Also will the drop in rates create too high of a demand? It can be quite labour intensive answering and filtering emails and phone calls. Moreover, some girls have a hard time refusing to see a client if she is available... a situation which can lead to burn out.



Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Tracy said:
From my experience in the last 7 years, everytime I try to be nice and lower the rates to accomodate my clientel and prospective clientel, I then have the people calling, thinking that I am desperate

Perhaps a solution is to only lower rates for repeat customers, even if it's only his second or third time with you.

Another idea is to keep the rate for the first hour the same, but offer a discount for the second hour, or deeper discount for the third hour. I mean, dress (10min) + drive (15 min) + park (5 min) + shower (10 min)... That's practically an hour wasted right there.

Tracy said:
I can count the respectful clients that I have had in the last few weeks and it is THREE, and a lady can only take so much crap in a day.)

Only 3 nice clients in a multi-week period? Perhaps in the interest of educating some guys out there you could share some stories.


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Kepler, I do offer multi hour discounts (soley beecause it is so much easier and nicer to spend longer time with one peron than seeing multiple people)
And what you suggested about discounts for regulars is the exact same thing my fiance said this morning after seeing what I have had to deal with... lol Maybe I should listen to that...

As for the dates, there are too many people here that would not appreciate and would just bash me saying I have no place to say such things here... (it is an ESCORT review board after all... and I do appreciate that fact)

I did not want to hijack this thread though.

I just stated some facts that have been happening with me and I cannot possibly be the only girl in this city that is feeling degraded and insulted by unappreciative clients.

I will say that from one year ago, the class and level of respect of alot of men has dropped DRAMATICALLY. I have heard this from other girls as well...

And to the remarks I noticed (not sure if it was a this thread or another) about SPs not thinking that there is a reccession going on because they think that this is just the slow season, take this from a seasoned pro: any girl who has been in the industry long enough knows that the economy is effected, because this is NOT SUPPOSED to be a slow season. This season, until this year, is one of the busiest times of year next to summer ... believe me ... we know the economy is messed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Merci Jessy!

Miss Jessy xxx MtlSexCity said:
I have been looking this thread going on for a while and scratching my head cause either whatever as been said before was just read and forget or it is just a way of trying to put pressure where anyway it ain't going to make any differences.

Reasons why, we prefer offering the specials :)

First, merci Jessy for contributing to the discussion. When I started the thread it was not with the intent to force lowering prices, it was more as a thought generating thing, because even though some people--like you-- explained many other reasons than gas prices to raise the rates, some others relied solely on gas as the reason...
Now lets not foget that this is a forum, meaning SPs and agency owners are more likely to directly read complaints about prices than many store owners. When did you to to your record store and hear a client tell the clerk the CD or DVD he wants is too expensive? If there was a Provigo forum, maybe some people would complain that milk prices are too high... People just buy or don't buy, as pointed out by johnmbot. And I'll do the same, not only based on price, but general quality also.
Tracy, thanks for enlightening me on how busy this time of season should be...


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Massage Parlour Pricing

Bumped over from this thread

LauraB said:
Actually, if she`s studying law, at 40.00 it`s just a warm up!, I never pay more than 50 for FS, so imagine the rest, i think the guys who pay over that and mention it on this site, it`s because they a re part of a conspiracy to maintain prices! 40 for a handjob after you have paid 35 to get in is stupid!!!

Please do share where you get FS in an MP for $50 from a hot 20 year-old.

About that conspiracy: Interesting theory. How precisely to I benefit from keeping prices high? Reading your reviews for the past year or so, you seem to content yourself with fatter, older women, which is fine, so this conspiracy, this plan to keep prices high doesn`t seem to be working. You get what you want, I get mine, what`s the problem?


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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naughtylady said:
If an SP feels that she is not getting enough calls, she might consider lowering her rates. However she must take into consideration that now she needs to see more clients in order to earn what she had previously earned.

In an exaggerated easy math example: a $300 an hour SP drops her rate to $150 an hour. Now she must see two clients where as before she needed only one to earn that $300. Even when not reducing rates as drastically as in my example, she still needs to keep the theory in mind. Will the drop in rates produce more income at the end of the month? Also will the drop in rates create too high of a demand? It can be quite labour intensive answering and filtering emails and phone calls. Moreover, some girls have a hard time refusing to see a client if she is available... a situation which can lead to burn out.

Hi Ronnie,

What you are referring to is the price elasticity of demand. If the price drops, will revenue be the same or not?

Theoretically a drop in price should cause more demand but the amount of revenue you generate may not be equal to the revenue generated at the higher price of the demand curve for your services is relatively flat. If it is relatively steep then dropping your prices may cause your revenue to rise.

The problem is that market for these services is not perfect and totally efficient. We aren't working with an optimal distribution of information across suppliers and customers.


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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Take a tip from the airlines

Kepler said:
Perhaps a solution is to only lower rates for repeat customers, even if it's only his second or third time with you.

Another idea is to keep the rate for the first hour the same, but offer a discount for the second hour, or deeper discount for the third hour. I mean, dress (10min) + drive (15 min) + park (5 min) + shower (10 min)... That's practically an hour wasted right there.
I agree. The way to go is with a frequent flier program of some sort.

The airlines have done this for years and its based on the simple 20:80 rule: 20% of their customers provide them with 80% of their business. So if their priorities are straight, keeping those folks happiest and most satisfied with their services is the way to go.

The folks who run CRM (Customer Relationship Management) programs will tell you that it costs more to find a new customer than to retain an existing customer.

If you can retain existing customers and turn them into repeat customers, you will be better off in the long run.

There is something to be said for a) knowing who your customers are (likes, dislikes, sexual proclivities) (and mind you, they will know enough about your likes and dislikes too), b) avoiding the jerks who you complain are wasting your time and not providing you with the respect you deserve.

In other words, build a relationship with your customers. Don't go into a transactional mode: that is for the lower end girls who don't take a long term view of what it takes to succeed in this business.


Jul 7, 2008
naughtylady said:
If an SP feels that she is not getting enough calls, she might consider lowering her rates. However she must take into consideration that now she needs to see more clients in order to earn what she had previously earned.

In an exaggerated easy math example: a $300 an hour SP drops her rate to $150 an hour. Now she must see two clients where as before she needed only one to earn that $300. Even when not reducing rates as drastically as in my example, she still needs to keep the theory in mind. Will the drop in rates produce more income at the end of the month? Also will the drop in rates create too high of a demand? It can be quite labour intensive answering and filtering emails and phone calls. Moreover, some girls have a hard time refusing to see a client if she is available... a situation which can lead to burn out.

I'm sorry, but I guess you and some of your pretty colleagues here are slightly missing the point.
This is not about keeping the same level of income!
If we gonna have a severe recession in 2009 that will last into 2011, as many serious economists predict, the question will be not about working more to maintain the same level of income.
The question will be about surviving for many many people, including SPs and their clients that not immune from what's going on around!
If your income is unemployment benefits only, you won't be able to pay even "lower" (yeah, $20 less :)) prices for SP's service, even if you dying to put your dick into some nice-looking chick, simply because you must have roof over your head and eat!
And it's ok, because we men still have strong hands, right? :D

I believe the title of this tread isn't correct.
Prices WILL go down, I have no doubt about it. The only question is how fast they will go down and how low they will go down.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Nat_dn said:
Prices WILL go down, I have no doubt about it. The only question is how fast they will go down and how low they will go down.

That depends. You are assuming that SPs can't make an adjustment to their expenses, and make do on fewer clients and less revenue.

While prices in this market have been somewhat volatile the past couple of years, for indys it has pretty much been solid since Kiki established the $250 a couple of years ago; Tamara followed suit with $350, the agencies followed as well, many $150/$160 agencies are now $180+.

I see that as a good thing, by the way. Keeps out the riff-raff, as they used to say.
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