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Should i try viagra?


New Member
Nov 27, 2016
Had my erection go away completely as soon as it was time to put on a condom...i was with a really pretty provider too. I would have no problems getting hard from foreplay/bj/hj but when its time for penetration the erection went away, and no matter what we did I stayed limp...

when i masterbate or watch porn i have no issues...i was okay with my ex, but in the last two years that ive been single, this has happened more and more frequently, especially with new providers...

i think it's psychological but can't be sure...any advice?

I'm early 30s fit drink occasionally dont smoke dont do drugs


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2016
Same thing with me sometime dude, but don't dare trying viagra.

I'm early 30s too and sometimes my erection goes off when it's time to put the hat. Viagra is a drug and it's for ppl that have real problems.

My friend uses it even tought he has no erectile problem. The thing is that sometime his low belly and balls would hurt when he takes viagra.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2016
Try getting cialis, it's some kind of drug too, but has less effect than viagra.

Be safe!


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
When you are home alone watching porn, put on a condom to get used to it. Maybe by using them frequently it will be less of a shock when you wear one just before penetration with a new girl.


Trusted Since 2003
Aug 29, 2003
Had my erection go away completely as soon as it was time to put on a condom...i was with a really pretty provider too. I would have no problems getting hard from foreplay/bj/hj but when its time for penetration the erection went away, and no matter what we did I stayed limp...
It is psychological for sure


Sep 4, 2006
Masturbation can make you less sensitive and less capable of maintaining an erection. Stop masturbating for at least a month or so and try again. I was in your shoes, and while ED drugs did help a bit, cutting back on masturbation did wonders and was far more effective.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Cialis is far better in my opinion, last for 36 hrs and you can consume alcohol. Alcohol will counter act the viagra and viagra is good for 1 or 2 hours.

EDIT: Changed the viagra duration not 4-8 hrs I had earlier. Also, viagra makes me sweat a lot, and I mean lots.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I agree with all that has been said. Do consult a physician, but I'm pretty sure what you're going through is normal. Nothing wrong in taking a pill for confidence reasons... personally when I know I'm a little slower I'll take 1/4 viagra with water about 20-30 minutes before. Its enough for me to last the entire night. Sometimes, I'll go as far as 1/2. I personally found Cialis to keep me in a strange haze longer. It didn't suit me well. Again talk to a doctor.

As you get older you'll come to understand how normal it is for it to happen from time to time. Stress, foods, less physical exercise, not drinking enough water etc. and it fucking sucks balls. When I got divorced and was single for a while, I increased my masturbation... bad move.

The problem with frequent porn and jerking off is it will not only desensitise your dick (death grip) and make it harder for a woman to get you off; but frequent use of porn also desensitise the actual sexual routine in your mind. If you get used to ejaculating within 2-3 minutes between initial arousal and orgasm by staring at a porn goddess... you can imagine how out of shape you will be with a real/normal woman.

Limit how often you jerk off. Try not to use porn if you can but If you do need to watch porn, don't skip thru, don't jump from scene to scene. That shit will fuck up your brain in going straight for the arousal points... talk about self de-programming.

Its like training for speed when instead you need to train for endurance. And each time you fail will make it more and more difficult. The psychological impacts are a disaster for performance in men.

Talk to a doctor but pretty sure he'll tell you to eat healthy, do some exercise, don't smoke., don't do drugs lol

Quick Note:

out of curiosity, when watching porn, do you watch more oral scenes or fucking when you cum or neither?


Jul 31, 2013
From what the OP has said, I'll agree that it is psychological for sure. And it's more common than you think. Just ask any of our more experienced ladies here. Forget Viagra and Cialis. First, you need a prescription; secondly, as you said, your problem is not you physically - it's the memory of your problems in the past when putting on the condom.
For that extra boost, what works is the all natural herbal supplements sold in adult stores and online. As a Merb member you don't have to buy retail - you have discount privileges here. PM me here for my personal tried and true that work.


New Member
Mar 28, 2016
What you have is ED due to anxiety, not the same as the typical ED. Anxiety from underperforming Probably. It's sucks to say but don't go with the 10/10 providers until you have your shit together. Book average looking providers with stellar service, gain your confidence back then up your game.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Caffine also should be avoided before sex if you have performance issues.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
when i masterbate or watch porn i have no issues..

This is from my own personal experience speaking.

Cut the porn from your life and let your mind rewire/reboot. Masturbating to porn is a real bitch to your sex life. If your ED is a result of masturbating to porn then Viagara/Cialis/Levitra is just a band aid to a major problem that can be solved through the discipline of not whacking off. Oh I maybe preaching to deaf ears but....




This is just some of the sites that articulate the bad shit that comes with only able to get hard and orgasm with porn. From personal experience once I was able to stop which is tough I can much tell you, you wouldn't need all that ED medication to get you going.

I was in the same position of the OP but after doing some research and found those above sites I stopped cold turkey ASAP. There were months of that dreaded flatline but once I was able to reboot and rewire my brain which took more than nine months I was able to go at it without all the expensive meds as a recreational drug.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
Dans la maison
I,don't know if this is true but I heard from a guy that said taking chop garlic a few hours before sex help boot your stimana. The downside might be hard to get CIM from the ladies. DUH! So that why I haven't been able to get some CIM:(


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Caffine also should be avoided . . .

Good tip for me on this one, I thought caffeine would help. Viagra does not help me at all when I'm stressed out. I should avoid try it without food, caffeine and alcohol.

True story. Recently, I took my mom to the emergency room and she was placed in a room next to a dude who was in the ER because his erection would not deflate. I heard he had taken too much Viagra. After 4 hours it still was hard, so finally he agreed to have the doctor surgically deflate it. I had to leave my mom's room (it was a shared room; separated by a curtain); the dude's wife was outside the room looking sheepishly embarrassed and smiling at the same time. After the surgeon came out, his wife went back into the room, and I later returned to the side where my mom was. The dude was happy and said it wasn't so bad; the surgeon was a cute female. 30 minutes later, the dude walked out and went back home. The surgeon explained to the dude the dangers of having his erection last much longer; now I understand why Viagra commercials contain the 4 hour warnings. So, don't take too many and rush yourself to the hospital if your erection last longer than 4 hours after taking Viagra -- possible permanent damage to the penis and other parts of the body and brain.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Yes you should try Viagra. I like it better than Cialis. It's more intense. Start with 1/4 or 1/2, it should be enough. It's a real joy to be hard as a rock and fuck like a rabbit after having some issues down the belt.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2007
Thanks for the contribution to this forum guys. Very informative. A+
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