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Terrorist attack in Quebec city

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Was this murder or a "terrorist act"?

Reading the news this morning there were no terrorism charges laid against him, the " terrorist " headlines at the beginning was because it was a target against a specific religion.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Killer was just a lunatic looking for someone to direct his anger at.
He reminds me of so many other mentally ill killers. The guy who attacked Parliament, he was out of his mind. The guy who murdered the women at the Polytechnique, he was another, claimed to be anti women but really a twisted mind looking to lash out.

Frightening that there are lots of these time bombs walking around ready to go off.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Reading the news this morning there were no terrorism charges laid against him, the " terrorist " headlines at the beginning was because it was a target against a specific religion.

Actuellement il y a 11 chefs d'accusation de déposer dont 6 POUR MEURTRES PRÉMÉDITÉES ET 5 POUR tentative de meurtres. Les policiers ont aussi indiqué qu'il pourrait y avoir d'autres chefs suite à l'analyse des indices recueillies.....donc à suivre.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Killer was just a lunatic looking for someone to direct his anger at.
He reminds me of so many other mentally ill killers. The guy who attacked Parliament, he was out of his mind. The guy who murdered the women at the Polytechnique, he was another, claimed to be anti women but really a twisted mind looking to lash out.

Frightening that there are lots of these time bombs walking around ready to go off.

Fully agree. Now with the internet and so many hate groups out there it is easy for someone to get misguided. It would be interesting if we could do a Vulcan mind meld and see what triggered his actions, long term hatred or short term infused by radical sites. Reading the online Gazette this morning and in the comment sections there are many who are against the Muslims, basically telling them to go back home. This was the article with the comments. Quebec immigration lawyers want Canada out of Safe Third Country Agreement... Some nasty comments in there.
Without the internet many of these would be closet haters and not fester into all out radicals. Once, not long ago, the person who harboured a certain bigotry would have had go to some lengths to find validation in others: a photocopied pamphlet, an anti-Semitic hotline, and such. Now they have merely to go on Twitter, or to visit certain websites. There they discover they are not alone, or even, as it seems, unusual. This is reinforced, in the case of anti-Muslim prejudice, by the tensions aroused after the horrifying Islamist terror attacks across the western world in recent years. The Islamophobe believes that only he is willing to see things as they are, to call things by their proper name, and that those who insist on drawing a distinction between Islamism and Islam, between Muslim terrorists and Muslims, are blinded by political correctness.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Le réputé criminologue Jean-Claude Hébert a déclaré en ondes que selon lui les actes posés s'inscrivaient sous le parapluie des actes terroristes et que donc des accusations en ce sens devraient suivre....MAIS ne changeraient rien à la sentence finale car déjà les accusations citées vont chercher la peine reconnu coupable.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
RDI a dit ce matin qu'Alexandre Bissonnette aimait les armes et qu'il avait de la sympathie pour Marine Le Pen et Donald Trump.

Et? Je suis aussi partisant Trump et LePen et sa ne pas de moi un psychopath meutrier... Sa semble être la nouvelle mode, avant on blamais Grand Theft Auto pour les fou qui disjoncte, maintenant on va blamer Trump?

At first a few witnesses claimed two masked gunmen, can see that because of the trama one or two can make a mistake but a few.

There is already some peoples i know that say its a hoax of some sorts (un complot). The kind of peoples who claim the Rothchild own the world and stuff like that tough... :/


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Le réputé criminologue Jean-Claude Hébert a déclaré en ondes que selon lui les actes posés s'inscrivaient sous le parapluie des actes terroristes et que donc des accusations en ce sens devraient suivre....MAIS ne changeraient rien à la sentence finale car déjà les accusations citées vont chercher la peine reconnu coupable.

S'il s'avérait qu'on a affaire à ce que les psychiatres appellent un "pseudocommando", et il en a tous les traits, le terme terrorisme ne convient pas très bien. Leur motif est une vengeance pour n'importe quoi et non un objectif politique ou religieux. Il choisissent simplement ce qui fera le plus de couverture médiatique.


Jan 14, 2016
A dude from Kirkland in the West-Island got arrested yesterday for posting some kind of hate comment on Facebook. Apparently he will be charged with something that yet to be evaluated by the Crown. It must have been very severe comment that lead to an arrest and charge ... .The extreme hate sites and comments are getting more scrutinized by LE. It's always the same thing, wait for a tragic event, then act .... sadly. It's a matter of precedence.


Oct 26, 2011
A dude from Kirkland in the West-Island got arrested yesterday for posting some kind of hate comment on Facebook. Apparently he will be charged with something that yet to be evaluated by the Crown. It must have been very severe comment that lead to an arrest and charge ... .The extreme hate sites and comments are getting more scrutinized by LE. It's always the same thing, wait for a tragic event, then act .... sadly. It's a matter of precedence.

Unless it is a direct threat, I don't like the idea of rounding up people for commenting on FB.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Unless it is a direct threat, I don't like the idea of rounding up people for commenting on FB.

Freedom of speech is no longer in Canada ( even though I do not agree with bigotery public posts ), the Liberals even passed a hate LGBT speech law. Do not know why people hate Liquor, Guns, Bacon and Titties.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What about the terrorist attack committed in Yemen by the Americans under the orders of Donald J. Trump where an American solider and countless civilians died in?? Among the dead were women & children!!!

The Trump Administration dubbed the attack a 'tremendous success', which is why i've chosen to describe it as a terrorist attack. Only terrorists would chose those types of words to describe such an attack they initiated.

What would it take for Trump to describe an operation a 'failure'?? No women and children killed???

Trump's first military raid kills 30 civilians including 10 women and children

All these tragedies accomplish is to create more terrorists using this as recruitment propaganda and for others to seek revenge.

By the way, not a single bullet was shot or bomb dropped during President Jimmy Carter's four years in office. It took Trump less than a week to stain his hands with blood.


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
What would it take for Trump to describe an operation a 'failure'
That cannot happen. Trump never fails. It's just the liberal feminist Obama-loving media reporting fake news.
Seriously, I think he'd rather have a testicle cut than recognize he's wrong. Now... that could be an idea...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That cannot happen. Trump never fails. It's just the liberal feminist Obama-loving media reporting fake news.
Seriously, I think he'd rather have a testicle cut than recognize he's wrong. Now... that could be an idea...

It's not his testicles that should be cut (since he no longer has a need for them), but one of his tiny hands since his hands have been proven to be a danger to women's sexual organs.

Seriously, they killed over 30 innocent civilians (incl. women and children) and 1 US soldier in order to kill 14 Al-Qaeda fighters (i won't describe them as terrorists since i'm no longer sure who they are anymore). I'm not sure i like the math. But i suppose King Donald Trump finds the math 'tremendous'.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think its important to know all facts before anything. Remember those peoples are not shy to use women as human shield. There bound to be casualities with war. The 2 nuclear bombs on Japan are considered as a triumph by many americans. When World War 2 ended, when the mighty americans demonstrated there power. Yet how many civilian where killed by those? So to blame everything on Trump (again) because of some civilian casualities seem a bit hypocrite to me...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Good point HM, Trump will be blamed for many things in the next while. In a year or two when the US economy is booming the chatter may drop, until then whatever goes wrong will be Trumps fault.
As for the shooter, I have been reading about Canadian radical right groups a bit the last couple of days, the chance of a group attack is almost nil, what the specialists are concerned about are the lone wolves as this horrible event.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yeah i was reading today that his AK 47 jammed too... so he had to use his side arm. The carnage would had been much bigger with an assault rifle. I wonder how he got this... this ain't your typical type of gun you can get on a street corner. And he does not seem to be much the type to be link to the mafia or something like that, or any arm dealers...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think its important to know all facts before anything.

Absolutely true. We now find out that the raid was actually a big failure and not a 'tremendous success' as Trump claimed. The more we're finding out about what actually happened, the more its failure appears to be due to gross incompetence on the part of the planners. More people died than in the Benghazi attack a few years ago. I demand an immediate congressional investigation.
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