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Terrorist attack in Quebec city


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Absolutely true. We now find out that the raid was actually a big failure and not a 'tremendous success' as Trump claimed. The more we're finding out about what actually happened, the more its failure appears to be due to gross incompetence on the part of the planners. More people died than in the Benghazi attack a few years ago. I demand an immediate congressional investigation.

Failure does not exist under Trump Doc. It's now called an alternative action ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Have you guys/girls read all the completely racist comments against Muslim and Immigrants made on social network since the attack?

Do not come and tell me there is no racism problem in Quebec because I now have thousands of comments made publicly proving that you are wrong!

So ashamed of my peers...


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have read posts like that in comment sections in news sites, very many. Quebec has the most extreme right groups than any province in Canada, with the most members, followed by BC and Alberta.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
D'ailleurs le PM Couillard lui-même a dit cette semaine.....que la majorité des Québécois n'était pas raciste MAIS que OUI malheureusement l'Islamaphobie existait au Québec chez une petite minorité......fruit de la méconnaissance et de l'ignorance. J'ajouterais que nous vivons dans une société libre, libre d'opinion et d'expression .....le discours politique entraîne certainement des débats fermes, virils qui sont les bienvenus et se tiennent dans le respect de l'opinion de l'autre.....MAIS parfois un discours de droite,extrême droite ou de gauche ,extrême gauche peut faire sombrer dans un FANATISME aveugle qui peut conduire à des actions sordides....chez des gens au comportement déjà antisocial et dérangé psychologiquement.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
D'ailleurs le PM Couillard lui-même a dit cette semaine.....que la majorité des Québécois n'était pas raciste MAIS que OUI malheureusement l'Islamaphobie existait au Québec chez une petite minorité.......

First off, what a comment " Most Quebecois are not racists " brilliant, I think that did not need to be stated. It is the small minority in any group that causes all the shit, the entitled ones who think it has to be their way or it will not happen. Look at all the shit disturbers in the US, even some Canadians are protesting what is happening there, move on, it is none of your business.

Gros Matou

New Member
Oct 9, 2011
New York Times editorial

D'ailleurs le PM Couillard lui-même a dit cette semaine.....que la majorité des Québécois n'était pas raciste MAIS que OUI malheureusement l'Islamaphobie existait au Québec chez une petite minorité......fruit de la méconnaissance et de l'ignorance. J'ajouterais que nous vivons dans une société libre, libre d'opinion et d'expression .....le discours politique entraîne certainement des débats fermes, virils qui sont les bienvenus et se tiennent dans le respect de l'opinion de l'autre.....MAIS parfois un discours de droite,extrême droite ou de gauche ,extrême gauche peut faire sombrer dans un FANATISME aveugle qui peut conduire à des actions sordides....chez des gens au comportement déjà antisocial et dérangé psychologiquement.

Le New York Times confirme tes dires dans son éditorial d'aujourd'hui dans lequel il félicite l'esprit d'ouverture du Québec et du Canada dans sa réaction à ce triste évènement. Le Nyt affirme que oui il y a du racisme au Québec comme partout ailleurs sur la planète, mais il souligne la réaction exemplaire des Québécois depuis dimanche soir. Il fait remarquer que l'on riposte par plus d'ouverture plutôt que par un repli sur soi comme celui observé par Donald Trump qui pointe du doigt une minorité et l'accuse de tous les torts.

Faisons en sorte que cela ne reproduise au Québec ou au Canada.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Look at all the shit disturbers in the US, even some Canadians are protesting what is happening there, move on, it is none of your business.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Martin Niemöller

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I understand that reasoning. What gets me is that this is media infused protests, others have done or were planning to do the exact same as Trump and not even a peep, some socialists even cheered.
The Berkeley incident yesterday, a small group of radicals caused a major shit storm. WTF, what did that accomplish, Trump saying he may cancel funding for Berkeley.
The media triggers people, social networking triggers people, religion triggers people. Put all three together and you have the perfect storm.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I know STN. But free speech is free speech.

Could you imagine canceling the funds of Berkeley. That university produced million of jobs in the US. Google came out of Berkeley. It's treat like that that makes this protesters even worst. Sorry but you cannot run a country like you run a business threatening to shut down all opponents. The US is about to learn that in a very bad way.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do not think that Trump will follow through with that. I would lay odds that Soros funding had a lot to do with the Berkeley protest.
BTW, Do you call the Berleley protest freedom of Speech?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have a friend at Berkeley. He lives there right now. He is very liberal and brilliant. To STN's point about free speech, my friend Ian said that there is no such thing anymore at Berkeley. He said when he was going there Maggie Thatcher came to speak. He and his friends disagreed with her but they wanted to hear what she had to say so they went and had a heated debate. Now a days, leftist Bill Mahar was told he wasn't welcome on campus when he wanted to talk about the problem that he see with Islamic fundamentalists. They shouted him down and wouldn't let him speak just like the fascists or communists would. I think that STN has a good point once again.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I do not think that Trump will follow through with that. I would lay odds that Soros funding had a lot to do with the Berkeley protest.
BTW, Do you call the Berleley protest freedom of Speech?

Got to admit. No. Free speech is to let protester say what they have to say. But not throw rocks at police and break windows... And more importantly, free speech would have been to let this right wing speaker say what he had to say.

I do not like what's happening, from both side. Obama was maybe bad for many, but he was not that hostile to so many...



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Or maybe, if such a commission was to take place anywhere in USA or Canada, we could see the same fears and isolationism. As far as France is concerned, very few people here are interested or aware of what is happening there. I think that UK, even if a lot more open to immigration from all over the world, fears are getting more and more present. Thank god, they don't have a political party comparable to the Front national. The level of racism from rural people at the B-T commission was indeed staggering. I would not say it was representative of the rural parts of Québec I know except for Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean. The few immigrants I have known in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Abitibi-Temiscamingue and Basse-Côte-Nord will tell you that people there are very welcoming. It's obvious, however that the openness to immigration is far greater in Ontario. The irrational fear of Islam may be an other thing however. It's everywhere unfortunately.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
When I was on university I was too busy studying and all that to spend time rioting.

The people who did this, I'd like to see exactly what courses they are taking.

Chemical Engineering? Law? Physics? Pre Med? No, probably none of those.

Those idiots are an embarrassment to the real students who go to university to actually learn something.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The people who did this, I'd like to see exactly what courses they are taking.

Those idiots are an embarrassment to the real students who go to university to actually learn something.

92% sure that 76% of the protesters were not even students, groups like Soros have paid protesters everyhere. Soros lost a billion after the Trump win and is still pissed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Une Mosquée a été vandalisée aujourd'hui à Montréal.....même journée que les funérailles de 3 des victimes.....décourageant, inacceptable et insensé.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just Googled the above comment, just fucked up is what that is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
It's so, so sad to see this all happening. I'm sorry that Quebec is experiencing this run of hatred. We need to depoliticize our conversations and hostilities and get back to some basic principles of compassion, tolerance, and sympathy. And we need leaders who act like adults and try to calm situations down and encourage peaceful solutions.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
When I was on university I was too busy studying

The people who did this, I'd like to see exactly what courses they are taking.

Chemical Engineering? Law? Physics? Pre Med? No, probably none of those.

Anthropology, from what was posted earlier. Like you, when I was in college there was too much time invested in studying to worry about other kinds of nonsense. From what I understand, Laval U does have a law school or program, which I assume is a graduate course of study, for 3 years as in the USA. As an undergraduate I studied English and Philosophy and at that time the internet did not exist. I remember one big protest on campus when I was in college and strangely it involved the stockpiling of cyanide on campus. I did not really understand the protest and did not join it.
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