Or maybe, if such a commission was to take place anywhere in USA or Canada, we could see the same fears and isolationism. As far as France is concerned, very few people here are interested or aware of what is happening there. I think that UK, even if a lot more open to immigration from all over the world, fears are getting more and more present. Thank god, they don't have a political party comparable to the Front national. The level of racism from rural people at the B-T commission was indeed staggering. I would not say it was representative of the rural parts of Québec I know except for Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean. The few immigrants I have known in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Abitibi-Temiscamingue and Basse-Côte-Nord will tell you that people there are very welcoming. It's obvious, however that the openness to immigration is far greater in Ontario. The irrational fear of Islam may be an other thing however. It's everywhere unfortunately.