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Terrorist attack in Quebec city


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
I remember one big protest on campus when I was in college and strangely it involved the stockpiling of cyanide on campus. I did not really understand the protest and did not join it.

I know if it has anything to do with the protest you're talking about (or with this thread for that matter), but you just reminded me the arsenic incident at U Laval in 2000, when somebody poisoned a coffee machine and 33 people fell ill. The culprit was never caught.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Never mind Soros. Every university has a cadre of these lazy dogfuckers. We used to call them Latte Liberals, the ones who were always running student unions and organising protests. Basically telling everyone else what to do.
Ryerson used to be the worst for this.
There is a clip of a bunch of black lives matter douchebags in a library with a megaphone nattering on and annoying everyone.
In a library where students are trying to work.
An Asian student...who is probably paying a ton of money, has a lot of pressure on him, and is working his ass off...tells them to be quiet and show some respect for others.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It's so, so sad to see this all happening. I'm sorry that Quebec is experiencing this run of hatred. We need to depoliticize our conversations and hostilities and get back to some basic principles of compassion, tolerance, and sympathy. And we need leaders who act like adults and try to calm situations down and encourage peaceful solutions.

Just my opinion and quite a few others I have talked to over the years. Canada needs to tell all immigrants that their laws will not be made law here, our laws are the ones to follow, you fled your country because you did not like it there, you came here to become Canadian so become a Canadian. No other group has acted like Muslims and wanted to alter or change our laws like Muslims, myself and many others I know are pissed because of this. Not racist but pissed at our spineless government for allowing this to happen. It started with the RCMP turbin and snowballed from there. I welcome anyone to Canada but become Canadian, do not try to change our laws to please you. I am pretty sure many others think the same way.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Just my opinion and quite a few others I have talked to over the years. Canada needs to tell all immigrants that their laws will not be made law here, our laws are the ones to follow, you fled your country because you did not like it there, you came here to become Canadian so become a Canadian. No other group has acted like Muslims and wanted to alter or change our laws like Muslims, myself snd many others I know are pissed because of this. Not racist but pissed at our spineless government for allowing this to happen. It started with the RCMP turbin and snowballed from there. Ibwelcome anyone to Canada but become Canadian, do not try to change our laws to please you. I am pretty sure many others think the same way.

I am with you 100% on this STN.

What I have seen over the years is that the immigrant themselves very often have a hard time integrating here. But their kids pretty much always fully do. I have many friends who are children of immigrants. I think we often loose focus of that and are not patient enough. These kids do not need all these non sense accomodation law change..



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Never mind Soros. Every university has a cadre of these lazy dogfuckers. We used to call them Latte Liberals, the ones who were always running student unions and organising protests. Basically telling everyone else what to do.
Ryerson used to be the worst for this.
There is a clip of a bunch of black lives matter douchebags in a library with a megaphone nattering on and annoying everyone.
In a library where students are trying to work.
An Asian student...who is probably paying a ton of money, has a lot of pressure on him, and is working his ass off...tells them to be quiet and show some respect for others.

Amen brother. This has become a pet peeve of mine. When I was at the university I was enrolled in some tough classes. I remembered my roommate going through the catalog and he couldn't even pronounce a few of the classes I was taking (douche bag). On top of that I had 1 or 2 labs every semester. They were 1 credit each and required hours and hours of extra work and I had a job! If I had any spare time I would sneak in a work out or a long run or try to get laid on the weekend. I had no time to chain myself to a redwood tree or push whales out to sea or worry about the habitat for the cave beetle or the rock squirrel and jump from one cause to the next. This is why I am against free education for liberal arts. Too many SJWs hiding from work and the real world.

Just my opinion and quite a few others I have talked to over the years. Canada needs to tell all immigrants that their laws will not be made law here, our laws are the ones to follow, you fled your country because you did not like it there, you came here to become Canadian so become a Canadian. No other group has acted like Muslims and wanted to alter or change our laws like Muslims, myself and many others I know are pissed because of this. Not racist but pissed at our spineless government for allowing this to happen. It started with the RCMP turbin and snowballed from there. I welcome anyone to Canada but become Canadian, do not try to change our laws to please you. I am pretty sure many others think the same way.

I agree. If you want to come to my country then you had better assimilate. My best friend is from the West Bank and I have a lot of co-workers that are Muslim. They have assimilated and they prefer living in the west. But when I see these Muslims walking around the streets of London wearing their ethnic garb telling native Londoners that they should not drink beer on the streets and enforcing sharia zones I want to puke. And do not tell me that it is not happening because I saw it with my own eyes. If this happens in the States they better do it on the coasts because if they try it in Middle America or Texas, these Americans will tell those goat fuckers to eat pork and die and to go back to the shit hole they came from where gays are tossed off buildings and woman are first raped and then stoned to death if they report rape and every other step you take could be on a land mine.

I was in Switzerland dining with co-workers. They drink like fish there. The subject of assimilation of the Muslims came up. The Muslims wanted to erect a minaret for the call-to-prayer. The Swiss voted it down. The rest of Europe denounced the Swiss and said they were intolerant. My co-workers told me that Muslims are welcome. However, if they come there they need to adopt their cultures. One said we have nude beaches. If they don't like go back home to the Mid-East and have some Minister of Virtue whip the woman if they see an ankle. While the Swiss were denounced by the liberal media the Germans and French individuals told my friends that they did the right thing. Islam is taking over in Europe.

I remember talking to my Grandpa who immigrated when he was 15 alone. He learned to speak the language and worked in the coal mines so he could have something to eat. Along the way, he sent money home. He wasn't standing on the street corner telling everyone that they should put a red tomato sauce on every fucking meal and to eat spaghetti every day...and he wasn't on welfare either. He had to work to do anything he could to eat.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
That Swiss minaret thing was totally mis represented in the media.
It was a place where there are strict zoning regulations to preserve the heritage atmosphere. You can't just stick up a tower in the middle of beautiful place like that.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I don't get it. What laws do they want to change? They did not ask to change the laws to permit turbins because we never had a law forbidding them. They won and lost cases in court not against the laws but against what they consider discrimination in the application of the existing laws.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I understand they were not " Laws " but a tradition, next came the Kirpan in school issue, Google a bit... Muslim/Sharia laws in Canada, many articles. Pretty sure Germans never lobbied for wearing lederhosen while consuming Knackworst and downing at tankard during lunch hour.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No but, I once worked with someone from France who became so upset when they told him that he can't consume alcohol at work.
He said what alcohol, I hope you don't expect me to have lunch without a bottle of wine if that is what you are referring to as alcohol.

I did not become aware of the French desire to have a bottle of wine with lunch until I vacationed in St. Martin's some years ago.

The French side of St. Martin's is filled with expatriate French Nationals, and I recall seeing one of them at one of the restaurants on the all nude portion of Orient Beach. He was an older French man in his 70s, possibly close to 80, and every day he would drape a towel over a chair at the beach restaurant and eat his lunch, nude, with a bottle of white wine in a bucket of ice.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hehe that reminds me of Guadeloupe EB.

I once rented a house by the sea for 2 weeks. My kids where 1 and 3... Each morning I would leave like at 5-6 AM to let my girlfriend get more sleep with both babies in a double stroller. I would walk about a km to the village and stop at the café. There the locals kept buying me some ti-punch... Which they were drinking before going to work. A ti-punch is a shot of Rum with lemon and sugar... It such a tradition for them that they did not consider that to be alcohol! Boy each day I would go back to the house all fuzzy and happy only to give the kids to their mom by 8 am went on the beach and slept like a baby until 11 ;)



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
On February 1, the Washington Post published an opinion piece about the massacre. The columnist is a self described gay vegetarian conservative from Vancouver.

His main point is that Quebec leads all other provinces in number of massacres and he indirectly blames that fact on Quebec's "cultural conformity" and "...dark history of anti-Semitism, religious bigotry and pro-fascist sentiment."

The column has sparked a negative reaction in Quebec, for example: Quebec legislature condemns Washington Post story that calls province most racist in Canada

Why does ‘progressive’ Quebec have so many massacres?

By J.J. McCullough February 1

J.J. McCullough, a political commentator and cartoonist from Vancouver, is a columnist at Loonie Politics.

As Canadian politicians and journalists scramble for tidy, ideologically pleasing narratives in the wake of this week’s senseless slaughter at a Quebec City mosque, one disturbing fact has gone conspicuously unmentioned: A disproportionate share of the country’s massacres occur in the province of Quebec.

I was born in 1984. Since then, Quebec has experienced at least six high-profile episodes of attempted public mass murder.

On the morning of May 8, 1984, Denis Lortie walked into the Quebec provincial legislature carrying multiple weapons and opened fire, shooting 16 people, three fatally. Only his ignorance of the parliamentary timetable (few politicians were sitting at that hour) and the heroism of René Marc Jalbert, the sergeant-at-arms, prevented greater slaughter.

Five years later, on Dec. 6, 1989, a 25-year-old misogynist named Marc Lépine strolled methodically through the classrooms of Quebec’s École Polytechnique de Montréal, a rifle in his arms, and murdered 13 female students and a school employee and injured 14 others before committing suicide. The incident is commemorated annually across Canada as a case study in violence against women.

Three years after that, on Aug. 24, 1992, disgruntled Soviet-born assistant professor Valery Fabrikant shot and killed four of his colleagues with a handgun at Montreal’s Concordia University. Fourteen years after that, yet another Quebec school became the setting for a bloodbath when, on Sept. 13, 2006, 25-year-old Kimveer Gill roamed the halls of Dawson College in a black trench coat and shot 17 students, killing one.

On the evening of Quebec’s 2012 provincial election, a Anglo-Quebecer named Richard Henry Bain attempted to assassinate the province’s newly elected secessionist premier, Pauline Marois, at a victory rally along with — in his words — “as many separatists as I could.” A jammed rifle ultimately resulted in only two casualties, stagehands Denis Blanchette, who was killed, and Dave Courage, who was wounded by the same bullet. It was, declared a judge, an attempt to use violence “to change the results of the election and the course of history.

And now we have the Quebec City mosque massacre of 2017, in which as many as 25 Muslim men were shot, six (so far) fatally, by Alexandre Bissonnette, as they bowed for evening prayers. Bissonnette’s motives are still unknown, but early speculation centers around allegations of Islamophobic activity on social media. His Facebook likes include popular Quebec political parties such as the separatist Parti Quebecois and New Democratic Party of Canada.

In short, my lifetime has overlapped with at least one spectacular act of Quebec public violence every five years or so. No other province can claim the same.

French-speaking Quebec is often held up (and certainly holds itself up) as Canada’s most essential region, home to a precious set of particularities that help make Canada the marvelous place it is. On such issues as postsecondary education, child care and (ironically enough) gun control, progressive Canadians laud its social-democratic policies as moral exemplars, and the province has played an outsize role in pushing Canadian politics to the left.

Criticism of Quebec, meanwhile, is deeply taboo. In a 2006 essay, Globe and Mail columnist Jan Wong posited a theory that Quebec’s various lone nuts, many of whom were not of pure French-Canadian stock, were predictably alienated from a province that places such a high premium on cultural conformity. She was denounced by a unanimous vote in the Canadian Parliament and sank into a career-ruining depression. The current events magazine Maclean’s ran a cover story in 2010 arguing that Quebec, where old-fashioned mafia collusion between government contractors, unions and politicians is still common, was easily “the most corrupt province in Canada.” That, too, was denounced by a unanimous vote of Parliament.

Privately, English Canadians are far less defensive. They grumble about Quebec’s dark history of anti-Semitism, religious bigotry and pro-fascist sentiment, facts which are rarely included in otherwise self-flagellating official narratives of Canadian history. They complain about the exaggerated deference the province gets from Ottawa as a “distinct society” and “nation-within-a-nation,” and its various French-supremacist language and assimilation laws, which they blame for creating a place that’s inhospitable, arrogant and, yes, noticeably more racist than the Canadian norm. And now, they have good reason to observe that the province seems to produce an awful lot of lunatics prone to public massacres, who often explicitly justify their violence with arguments of dissatisfaction towards Quebec’s unique culture.

The mosque shooting has been quickly politicized by the Canadian left who have seized upon its useful victims to say the sort of things they were going to say anyway: Canada is both a wicked Islamophobic place that must check its various privileges and a multicultural utopia whose pride and empathy for its Muslim community knows no bounds. Rather than drag the entire country along for this tendentious ride, it might be more useful to narrow the focus.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
First off it is not Quebec bashing, simple facts. Very good chance population could have a lot to do with the numbers, 3 million people in Alberta and 7 million in Quebec, Quebec should have more instances just by the population, nothing to do with being Quebeckers.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am a Quebecker. I must say it's time to stop calling all negative comment about Quebec as Quebec bashing. This is too simplistic. We are not that narrow minded. Rest of Canada either. There is a LOT to discuss about that article. Quebec is a land of innovation and creativity. 3 place in the world for video game production. Major city for film production. For the past years about 30% of Las Vegas show production is Quebec powered. Being stubborn to keep our French identity has been the main factor. I remember actor Colm Feore mentioning our lucky we were in Quebec to have our own french culture with actors, singer, etc... Remember when the movie Titanic came out, only one place in the world was the movie not in number 1 ranking, and it was in Quebec where number one rank movie was a Quebec movie about Hockey! Not to mention Montreal being one of top city in the world for our hobby here... There is big part of that which is due to our liberal values, to our free and open minded culture and a bit due to our general craziness I must say ;) (I do not know if part of that is due to the fact that Quebec was populated about 150 years ago by France which sent over all their prisoners, prostitute and lightly mentally retarded... This is probably subject to another discussion haha). It's time to open our eyes and Quebec. Yes there is more racism here than any other provinces. Let's accept it and work on it. Let's get better! Cheers,


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
BC native here...does that goof writer in post 96 talking about mass murder in Quebec not remember Willie Pickton??

Clifford Olson??


Active Member
Mar 8, 2015

Mon jugement porte sur le texte du Washington Post. L'auteur y fait du Québec bashing. Québec bashing = racisme.
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