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Terrorist attack in Quebec city

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Where to start... It is Koran not Coran



You’re right about first names, but I was referring to last names, which are always an indication of one’s nationality or heritage.

But you can't really change a last name??

But if we follow your logic, all of Montreal’s and suburbs stores and businesses would have English names, menus and websites just because many Montrealers are English themselves

There still more french and its a french province, so its normal. The hobby is a different type of "business" lol


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
As for americans and there hollidays, well they actually celebrate just about anything

We have a lot to celebrate:usa2::usa2:

Best Regards


Jun 14, 2015
I read the whole thread and I must say it was a good read. But the bottom line is that 6 human beings died at the hands of some fucked kid. Lives have been destroyed for no good reason (are there good reasons to destroy anyone's life anyway) and for the surviving family members, life will probably never be the same.

I am not going to try and change anyone's mind or views here with my thoughts, opinions and concepts. Just the human tragedy, it behooves me. Everywhere in the world, not only Québec. Everyday, in the news, violence, chaos, bloodshed, bombings, murders, rapes and so on. I can only watch and shiver as this is the world I live in, this is the race I am a part of, above gender, above color, above belief.

And then, I am ashamed of being human. The things we can do to one another, there is sadly no limit to what people come up with. To buy weapons and plan to kill the most people with, how do you even rationalize that? How can you not stop yourself? Just the thought of it is crazy to me.

We all have the right to live and to live how we want, to some extent. My mom used to tell me, "Do unto others as you'd like done unto you" and "My freedom ends where your's begins". I have an idea where she got that from but I, I got it from her and my dad, not the bible.

After all is said and done, there is no real solution and no resolve put forward. The madness just keeps going on. The faces change, the names are not the same but the madness remains and so does the pain. All I can do is hope for the best and have faith in humanity, that one day, with education, care and love, we might evolve from the petty things we think important.


What do you want more to say?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This is something I admire from many immigrants, not just Muslims. Many are immigrants or first-second generation Canadians, and many still speak their native or parents’ language, many still have that perceptible accent when and if they speak English or French, and many still practice their religion, beliefs and traditions.

I paste only this part but it is a very interesting post you wrote Mucha.

I always tough that the second generation of immigrant is the best as these really keeps respect for their tradition while totally integrating our culture and society. But what I now find really troubling is to realize that most Islamic terrorist of Europe and America where second generation immigrant. If we loose it on the second generation then we should expect much trouble. They are already living it in some parts of Europe.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
...most have immigrated here, and even though they are not in their original country anymore, they still hold tight to their beliefs, religion and traditions. Some people here feel as though they should forget who they are, leave that behind, and become full Québécois or Canadian. I don’t agree with this. They are proud of who they are, and so much so that they don’t want to let go of their heritage. That’s a beautiful thing because they are fighting to keep their heritage, culture and tradition intact, and not assimilate it to whatever country they immigrate to.

You know what they say.. In Russia you do as the Russian. I think its the right thing to do. If you where going to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia and not covering your hair, you would be arrested. It just bother me that here we got to accomodate everybody and bend over for them while there they would really not budge one bit. I couldn't care less what language they speak at home or who they pray to in there own bedroom. But it annoy me DEEPLY when schools must change there policies to accomodate muslim immigrants.

I think to have the right to move to Canada you should sign a paper saying you agree to the custom and laws of your "terre d'acceuil". They leave a place out of fear for there own life and such and then kinda want to replicate this here? Logic.. much? lol.

In Japan you know how they call Outside? Gaijin. If you want to be accepted there you need to show that you care and love the country you are living in. Japan is not accepting much immigration so when you do happen to be able to immigrate there, you are thankfull of the country accepting you. If i was gonna live in Japan next year, i would already start japanese lessons, i would continue them there until i speak a very functional japanese. Even if i could probably be ok just speaking english...

he just pretended to like gays too, but deep down he felt disgusted by them...

Thats sad for him, i don't really get this. I can understand not wanting to go to a drag queen show or a gay bar but its not like those peoples will "spread there gay-ess" to you like a disease lol. But there is nothing much you can do there... if thats how i feel, then thats how he feel. As long as he keep it for himself and does not hurt or discriminate peoples... thats his right.

The entire post was in English and you show a French spelling?

Obviously your smart enough to realize when a word is spoken the same in different languages, a person is more likely to spell it in his own language or what he find better. There a guy on twitter who started a flamme war with me because i said "Haitie" instead of Haiti, just because im use that countries in french are spelled that way (Bolivie, Italie, Australie etc) . To play police grammar on that is really trying to look like the smartass in the room ... not cool.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Obviously your smart enough to realize when a word is spoken the same in different languages, a person is more likely to spell it in his own language or what he find better. There a guy on twitter who started a flamme war with me because i said "Haitie" instead of Haiti, just because im use that countries in french are spelled that way (Bolivie, Italie, Autralie etc) . To play police grammar on that is really trying to look like the smartass in the room ... not cool.

Did you not realize that I did not know Coran was Koran in French and perhaps that I was just showing her the correct spelling? She writes very fine otherwise in her long posts without error.
Assuming... My boss once told be the use of the word.
It makes an ass out of you and me.
Do not assume things.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Did you not realize that I did not know Coran was Koran in French and perhaps that I was just showing her the correct spelling?

Well surprising ... honestly im just so used to see it with a C... i assumed the K version was either the english way or somebody trying to look cool by putting a K instead of a C like you know... Mortal Kombat :p

But on the spot it just looked "condescendant" to be honest. Maybe i did assume. But maybe next time do a little google search before saying things like there facts ;)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
When I read Mocha's posts they are well written and error free, I do not agree with all she says but she writes well. When I saw the Coran there was o reason for me to google to see if there was a French version, she wrote Coran around 5 times and I was correcting her as an assist.
If I wanted to be a language police I would be very busy on this site, even mine is not up to snuff as my fingers tap the next keys on my cell, i ends up as 8, o is p etc.
All is good, I know I speak my mind too much ( one of my many faults ) but would never complain about someones grammer... Maybe Olivers but that is it.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I also said Coran so honestly i tough at first you where adressing me.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
Where to start... It is Koran not Coran

You do not need to read it to understand Islam, same as you do not need to read the bible to understamd a christian, both are false beliefs.
Most are not against all Muslims just the radical ones, the ones which want to kill whitey or the ones that want to change Canadian laws to please them. No other race or religion is such a pain in the ass as Muslims, you come to Canada become a Canadian or fuck off.
We hear im the news on a regular basis of the bombings, taking over of parts of cities, hostages which are burned alive, cities they invade the rape rate skyrockets.... Do you really need to read the Koran to figure them out?

Phobia is not a false evidence, the proof is out there. For homosexuality, most do not care anymore, what harms the gays the most is the flamboyant ones who dress up in leathers, massive jock straps and spiked collars who look like they are heading to a fist fucking session.

You really want to learn about Islam, go to one of their countries, report back with a lengthy report.

I welcome all immigrants but get a fucking job and do not leach off our system.

Why so much intolerance, Sol Tee?

As for no other race/religion being as much of a pain in the ass when arriving to Canada, I think that some First Nations people would disagree with your assessment of Muslims being the worst. Incidentally, Islam is a religion composed of a variety of races, including white.

Becoming a Canadian includes having the right and responsibility to play a role in shaping Canada's policies and culture. We are almost all the descendants of immigrants! That being said, I have seen no evidence of a grand conspiracy of Muslims coming to Canada with the intention of making Canada an Islamic State. I have, however, witnessed more of a concerted effort by bigots to foster a climate of intolerance. (I'm not accusing you of being one, however)

Moreover, it's not only immigrants we should be worried about in terms of leeching off of our social assistance programs. I suspect that second generation immigrants, take less from the system than the national average.

And what's wrong with flamboyant gays? They are embracing their identity! If you really want to learn about flamboyant gays, go live in the village for a year and report back with a lengthy report.

Lastly, I find it regrettable to nitpick another poster's spelling or grammar, particularly when English is not their mother tongue. After all, no one mentioned your spelling errors.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Hi Mocha,

I read in your post that you are interested in reading the Quran. As someone who has read the Quran a few times, I strongly recommend you to watch this presentation first. It's a 101 crash course on Islam. Similar to a 101 crash course to Christianity. The presenter has various degrees in religions and cites them within the first minute of the presentation. I have viewed many of these types of presentations and I always recommend Matt Davies to whoever is interested in actually learning about this religion. He covers the basics of the religion in a very objective manner, addresses the common misconceptions about Islam by the general population and also answers questions by the audience. By the way he is not Muslim. (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)

Don't hesitate to PM if you have questions

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Why so much intolerance, Sol Tee?

As for no other race/religion being as much of a pain in the ass when arriving to Canada, I think that some First Nations people would disagree with your assessment of Muslims being the worst. Incidentally, Islam is a religion composed of a variety of races, including white.

Becoming a Canadian includes having the right and responsibility to play a role in shaping Canada's policies and culture. We are almost all the descendants of immigrants! That being said, I have seen no evidence of a grand conspiracy of Muslims coming to Canada with the intention of making Canada an Islamic State. I have, however, witnessed more of a concerted effort by bigots to foster a climate of intolerance. (I'm not accusing you of being one, however)

Moreover, it's not only immigrants we should be worried about in terms of leeching off of our social assistance programs. I suspect that second generation immigrants, take less from the system than the national average.

And what's wrong with flamboyant gays? They are embracing their identity! If you really want to learn about flamboyant gays, go live in the village for a year and report back with a lengthy report.

Lastly, I find it regrettable to nitpick another poster's spelling or grammar, particularly when English is not their mother tongue. After all, no one mentioned your spelling errors.

Where to start.... Guessing you did not read any posts after this one.

You want to compare the Canadian Conquest ( Consent ) of 1884 to the Muslim wants in the 21 century..... you know where this is going, nowhere, you have no clue.
Look at the countries where the Muslims have moved into with millions of people, perhaps you should move to London or Munich and put up residence in " their " neighborhood, report back to me. The only thing that is saving Canada is that large body of water, it is not bigotry that is making me say this nut world news, please try to watch/read it.

Second, Nothing wrong with flamboyant gays but they should stay away from parades, I said it does them no good, did not say it bothered me but it probably bothers a vast majority of people, the people who find johns and escorts disgusting, which is the majority.

Lastly, if you read any more posts I was not nitpicking Mocha's spelling, I was letting her know Coran was with a K, as I stated, if you read any more posts you would have found that out.

Also becoming a Canadian does not give you a right to shape Canada as you see fit, get fucking real.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
As for no other race/religion being as much of a pain in the ass when arriving to Canada, I think that some First Nations people would disagree with your assessment of Muslims being the worst. We are almost all the descendants of immigrants! That being said, I have seen no evidence of a grand conspiracy of Muslims coming to Canada with the intention of making Canada an Islamic State

I would like these arguments to stop once and for all. When the French Immigrants(or the english ones for the matter) arrived here, it was just a big field full of threes. There was nothing but a couple settlements here and there in the woods. Canada didn't exist. Our ancestors built Canada. Anything that happened before this is "irrelevant" to me in term to who's country it is. If we start to go in that direction we could say that every single person in the Americas is an immigrant cause even the "native americans" actually moved here at some point when Alaska and Russia was still connected. Canada is to the canadian now and thats it. On top of that i find very foolish to compare the years 1500/1600s with today's society. Back then thats all that countries where doing, invade to grow there territory. Every single population in the world did it at some point. Even the natives they where raiding and attacking other natives.

And as Sol said

Look at the countries where the Muslims have moved into with millions of people, perhaps you should move to London or Munich and put up residence in " their " neighborhood, report back to me.

This is sadly a true reality. I seen broadcast of british going into these neighborough and getting pretty much expelled.

I know there is good and bad peoples everywhere, but for them to have destroy there own countries with countless wars and terrorist attacks, its more concerning than the Canadian (or even American) ratio of criminals. Also the North American criminal is usually motivated by one thing, MONEY. Sometimes you can be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but usually if you don't dip in the criminal world and watch to not make the dumbest decisions you are mostly safe. While in Irak, you can simply go do your grocery and then boom... a bomb explode. Altough they may like money as well, its not there first motivation. They like to kill, mutilate, all of this in the belief of some "god entity" wich i find completely irrational.

So even if we are super carefull with the peoples we welcome here, nothing tell us that if they keep practicing this religion, and there kids as well, that in a couple years there kids won't stumble upon ISIS propaganda videos and could get radicalized. There is a few Canadian "de souche" that it happen as well, yes, but its rare cases.

Anyway all of this concern me. I apreciate the fact that i can go in the Montreal subway without fearing a bomb explose, and yes thanks for that gian water ocean around us.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I apreciate the fact that i can go in the Montreal subway without fearing a bomb explose

I think you are wrong to feel safe anywhere... In Montreal, in New York, in Moscow

In my neighborhood, who would have thought that a guy rents a Home Depot delivery truck a mile away, and runs down innocent tourists on a bike path ??

And now some ambulance chaser POS is now suing the city of NY for " not knowing that this could happen " and failing to protect ... WTF:fear:

Best Regards

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Montreal is safer than New York or european countries.

Im not saying there is zero risk, but that would be like stressing everytime i go on the road that an accident can happen. It can, but if we stress about that life will become miserable.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
Where to start.... Guessing you did not read any posts after this one.

You want to compare the Canadian Conquest ( Consent ) of 1884 to the Muslim wants in the 21 century..... you know where this is going, nowhere, you have no clue.
Look at the countries where the Muslims have moved into with millions of people, perhaps you should move to London or Munich and put up residence in " their " neighborhood, report back to me. The only thing that is saving Canada is that large body of water, it is not bigotry that is making me say this nut world news, please try to watch/read it.

Second, Nothing wrong with flamboyant gays but they should stay away from parades, I said it does them no good, did not say it bothered me but it probably bothers a vast majority of people, the people who find johns and escorts disgusting, which is the majority.

Lastly, if you read any more posts I was not nitpicking Mocha's spelling, I was letting her know Coran was with a K, as I stated, if you read any more posts you would have found that out.

Also becoming a Canadian does not give you a right to shape Canada as you see fit, get fucking real.

I’m unclear to what you’re referring by Canadian Conquest/Consent of 1884. Do you mean the War of the Conquest (ending in 1763) or are you referring to Canadian Confederation (closer to your date, in 1867) or do you mean the establishment of colonies by France in modern day Canada (early 17[SUP]th[/SUP] century)? I’m really not sure what you meant by that paragraph, because there really wasn’t an argument in there, much less a cogent one.

The fact that you keep asking people to go do something and then report back to you is frankly hilarious, so I won’t criticise you on that. I will, however, ask, how do you know that I haven’t already lived in London or that I have don’t have relatives there? That’s the thing with message boards, I guess, we really don’t know each others experiences and motivations.

My motivation to your post that I quoted initially, was that I can’t be a passive bystander to intolerance.

I’m glad you mentioned the world news and that you’re watching it. While watching it, I recommend that you keep in mind that what is being reported is almost always done with some type of agenda and with the ultimate goal to increase viewership. Secondly, bear in mind that the news can distort our perception of reality. Seeing reports of Muslims or other groups committing acts of violence can lead us to overestimate the violence committed by these groups, since the news isn’t reporting the overwhelming number of peaceful members of that group. In part, the same phenomenon contributed to the irrational fear of black people in the US. In both cases, confirmation bias further reinforces the unfounded hate and/or fear of people who are almost all peaceful.

Lastly, I really don’t understand your last paragraph. If being Canadian does not give you the right to contribute to the shaping of our country, then what does? Should there be a requisite number of generations of citizenship, and why? Or do you actually mean that you should only be able to contribute to shaping Canada if you are part of its majority in terms of race, religion or current beliefs?

There’s much hostility in your post, but not a lot of substance, I’m afraid.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
I would like these arguments to stop once and for all. When the French Immigrants(or the english ones for the matter) arrived here, it was just a big field full of threes. There was nothing but a couple settlements here and there in the woods. Canada didn't exist. Our ancestors built Canada. Anything that happened before this is "irrelevant" to me in term to who's country it is. If we start to go in that direction we could say that every single person in the Americas is an immigrant cause even the "native americans" actually moved here at some point when Alaska and Russia was still connected. Canada is to the canadian now and thats it. On top of that i find very foolish to compare the years 1500/1600s with today's society. Back then thats all that countries where doing, invade to grow there territory. Every single population in the world did it at some point. Even the natives they where raiding and attacking other natives.

Hey Mike, no beef with you, just with Sol's post.

That being said, I worry about the "our ancestors built Canada" idea. Does that mean that rights should vary based upon who our ancestors are? I feel that there are some people in Canada/Quebec who actually feel that way, at least behind closed doors.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hey Oz man, first... Are you a Muslim, Antifa or BLM member/sympathizer?
HM thinks like I do but you only have an issue with me? OK, I can live with that.
You are concerned about a date 150 years ago being out a few years, it is a moot point, it is history. With your logic it is OK for history to repeat its self, we can feed the Christians to the lions, attempt to kill all Jews and all is good, according to you that is.
You claim that you were in London? Perhaps you went on a scenic tour in one of those fancy double decker buses and had a pint of ale in a pub, otherwise I call bull shit.
Just a few quotes.
Immigrants have found integration into Sweden’s homogeneous culture very difficult, partially because low-skill jobs have been disappearing as Sweden — like other countries in the developed world — de-industrializes. Though many immigrants, like Sanandaji himself, have managed the challenge, others rely on welfare-state subsidies. Joblessness and alienation have sparked riots and other antisocial behavior. At outdoor festivals such as “We Are Stockholm,” women have been groped. Public swimming pools have become venues for gangs of young immigrant men to harass women. Malmö has been losing its small Jewish population, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center issued a travel warning due to threats and attacks on Jews from Muslim immigrants.

Read more at:

But all of this is false just to sell newspapers, according to you, keep on living in your bubble world

I was in Munich 3 years ago, my relatives took me to Muslim areas where local Germans would not go, I have not been to London but have no reason to not believe it.
As I said, please go to London or Munich, add France, if you have a daughter bring her along and let her go out to party for the night, but that is a hilarious request in your mind.
While you are there tell Muslims that they should allow their women to show their face, wear a bikini and have a few beer with you ( as you say, should only a majority be able to change a culture? )

There is a lot of ignorance to your posts, you seem to be a far left sympathizer.
Known fact, Muslims prefer to migrate to Liberal/Socialist countries as they are weak and easy to manipulate.

And no I do not mean all Muslims, just the radical ones and with 3 billion Muslims and with a 7% terrorist activity you have only 210 million terrorists.
But again, this is all false just to sell papers, according to you.
Is there a problem in Canada now? Not yet thanks to an ocean.
Lastly, as I have stated many times, I welcome all immigrants but do not try and change the Canadian way of life to that of which you are fleeing.
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