I am a Quebecker...Quebec was populated about 150 years ago by France which sent over all their prisoners, prostitute and lightly mentally retarded...
Jalimon, you need to improve your knowledge of the history of Quebec and its inhabitants.

Laissez-moi vous aider.
The settlement of the Canada part of New France (i.e. today's province of Quebec) by the French took place between the years 1608 and 1759 (mostly in the 1600s). So immigration to Canada from France
ended more than
250 years ago when the British army defeated the French army on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City. After that, it was
British subjects who moved to Canada.
It's not true that French immigrants consisted of "prisoners, prostitute and lightly mentally retarded." The male settlers were mainly indentured servants, economic refugees, soldiers, artisans and government officials. There were few early female settlers but in the mid 1600s the French King recruited women from the ranks of poor, unmarried women (many were orphans) and gave them money to move to Canada and increase the population. These early female settlers were known as the "filles du roi," i.e. the "king's daughters."
It's true that the French intentionally sent small numbers of convicts, prostitutes and other "undesirables" to their colony in Louisiana but they did not try to populate Canada in that fashion.
One surprising thing about the French colonization of Canada is how few French settlers came and stayed there
permanently. Historians estimate that about 27,000 French arrived in Canada during the years of attempted colonization (1608-1759) but only about one third (9,000-10,000) stayed permanently. The rest went back to France after they served out their contracts or fulfilled their military obligation.
Because of the harsh climate, conflicts with the Amerindians and the British colonists to the south, and the small population, life was incredibly hard in French Canada. Thousands of French gave up and went back to France. At the time of the Seven Years War (AKA the French and Indian War in North America 1754-1763) there were only about 70,000 French in Canada compared to about 1,000,000 mostly British colonists in the American colonies.
Most present day French Canadians (and many Americans whose names are French) can trace their ancestry to members of the relatively small group of permanent French settlers. Obviously the settlers who stayed and their descendants usually had very large families (having more than 10 children per family was not unusual for French Canadians before the 20th Century).
For anyone who would like to learn more about the history of Quebec, I recommend:
An Illustrated History of Quebec: Tradition and Modernity