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The Bitching thread


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020

What's up with the screening, guys? Like on all social media in this day and age, are we willing to give up our intimacy and anonymity in hopes of meeting an SP?

- Your driver's licence?​
- Your LinkedIn?​

I have no problem with my regulars / fav knowing me on a very personal level, but then they are few and far in between.

For Indies especially, screening MUST be done. There must be different, reliable ways.

not everyone screens, not everyone does an complete screening and definitely not everyone asks for IDs. I’ve stopped asking for them a few years ago.

I’ve always asked them to send the attached file in a separate email so that it would be easier for me to delete it from my inbox without disrupting our ongoing conversation. It was just extra work for everyone.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
There are some businesses that will ask a photo ID, and some will even keep it on file.

Yup. Being filed in this business, I have a problem with.

References though, I hate them with a passion and I decided to never give a reference ever

I'd be the opposite :) Reference? My Merb handle? Sure no worry.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It depends how you see it I guess. There are some businesses that will ask a photo ID, and some will even keep it on file. If you consider that an indy is operating a business, then it's similar and I would expect her to be professional enough to handle the information with care like any other business. Of course those businesses often have certifications forcing them to properly handle that data which is not the case for an indy, but at the same time indies usually know a lot about privacy for obvious reasons so it probably balances out.
That is the same at all. With Bill C-36, giving out that information can compromise a john.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I've had social dates with indies. I don't see how paying someone for their company at a restaurant is illegal. Good luck enforcing that law.
You do make good point.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

What's up with the screening, guys? Like on all social media in this day and age, are we willing to give up our intimacy and anonymity in hopes of meeting an SP?

- Your driver's licence?​
- Your LinkedIn?​

I have no problem with my regulars / fav knowing me on a very personal level, but then they are few and far in between.

For Indies especially, screening MUST be done. There must be different, reliable ways.
I will not provide any type of government ID or photo ID ever. and it is definitely not because I am a bad client or have anything to hide.
There are only 2 ladies who know my real identity and I have known them for over 6 years and trust them.

I don’t mind providing references or even a photo of the redemption code of a gift card.
I usually avoid SP that ask for photo ID or deposits, just not in the habit of doing this with people I have never met or know, don’t care how solid their reputation may be or how many reviews they have.
Deposits do zero for safety that is only good to weed out time wasters and I am not one of them. If I contact an SP there is a 90% chance that I will book them, only time I won’t is if their response is really negative and gives a bad vibe as I have already done my research and wouldn’t be contacting them if I wasn’t interested.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Deposits do zero for safety that is only good to weed out time wasters and I am not one of them.

But how do we know that? Especially those who don’t use the reference system. How do we know that you’re going to come on the day you said you would? How do we know you’re not giving a fake hotel room number?


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Imagine how much things would be better if sex work was legal?

We don’t actually want it to be legalized. We don’t want the government to dictate how to do our job. We want it to be decriminalized. Big difference!

P.S: We do pay taxes as independent workers. You can file your tax report as an adult entertainer or entertainer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
I usually avoid SP that ask for photo ID
I don't mind. There you go.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
That's what I meant, I'm definitely not suggesting any government involvement other than saying "this is legal and sex workers are allowed to operate".

Decriminalizing means that we would no longer get arrested, not the escorts, not the clients because it’s no longer a crime. Doesn’t mean it’s legal.

Just like they are considering decriminalizing simple drug possession in BC. It’s still illegal to have c*ke with the intent of selling it but having some on you for personal usage would no longer be a crime. (under a certain quantity)

I don’t think this project has been approved yet.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
The only benefit would be an easier time for indies at the border maybe.

No, if it’s not legal or not decriminalized in the country you’re heading to it doesn’t change anything.

It’s tolerated here and we still have issues in the US. Its legal in the Netherlands and they could still be flagged when travelling.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Speaking of law, I guess that's one thing I'd like to bitch about. Laws around sex work are ridiculous. They make it difficult for sex workers to protect themselves or even seek help when anything bad happens. They also make it so that all sex work happens under the table (no pun intended) and so income taxes cannot be collected unless the girl is able to pass it as some other income. They end up actually enabling sex trafficking and just making everything worse. And as mentioned above, in most cases they're not really enforceable unless you end up paying a cop for sex or some other weird situation where you fell into a trap. Everybody loses with these laws, except activists that can pat themselves on the back for some social justice nonsense.

Imagine how much things would be better if sex work was legal? You could have proper brothels with security guards. Clients could be screened properly since this would now be a legitimate business with proper security compliance certifications. Girls causing trouble would be fired. Clients causing trouble could be arrested. Booking could be done online. Taxes could be collected. It would just be safer and better for everyone. I guess the only downside is that MERB would die because at that point you could just use Google Reviews.

Some good points but trust me you dont want the government involved, you think prices are high now? Check what legalization has done to the price of weed! The girls would have to pay tax on ALL their earnings, they would have to pay yearly permit/license fees, they would be on record as a sex worker, dont like cbj? Well in europe where its legal the government demands the girls do cbj only, why would we want any of this? So the government can bring in more money to piss away on things we dont want them doing to begin with? No thanks


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Not only that but if you don’t like to screen, guess what legalization would do? You really want to get a receipt for the sexual services you’ve purchased?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Ah here it is

Here's what Reagan actually said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.”.
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Active Member
Oct 31, 2022
Is it just me or there seems to be a lot of complaining around in various threads? Might be the holiday season...

I figured it'd be nice to have an "all in" thread where people can just bitch about stuff while, hopefully, remain somewhat respectful.

I can start with a few points, some of which have been brought up elsewhere, by me and others:

1- GFE is not GFE anymore: I stated before that, now, you have to double check about the DFK and DATY parts before booking with an agency, but if the trend continues, you'll have to double check the BBBJ (or just plain BJ) part as well in 2024.​
2- Physical ratings are inflated: I, personally, will refrain from rating SPs I see on their physical attributes. First of all, because "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but mostly because most people seem to have lost their minds (or balls) when giving high grades. The only example I'll give is this:​
- 10 means perfect, 10 means dream girl. 10 means unattainable. Maybe 5 SPs in Montreal are truly 10s.​
- 5 means average, and there's quite a few floating around.​
- In between, you'll find the GND types (6 & 7) and the hot / really hot ones (8 & 9)​
By giving 10s left and right, you lose credibility by creating false expectations, hence disappointment.​
3- The industrialization and dehumanization of sex work: The Incall business model implemented by XO and Euphoria is a financial success for them. Their girls get fully booked really fast. BUT... 90% of the sessions are 1h sessions with really short breaks in between. What do you think is going on? There's 0 intimacy, 0 romanticism and, in the end, pretty much 0 human connection. 18-22 yo spinners get pounded up to 5-6 times a day, day in day out, by a line up of guys eagerly waiting for their turn outside. I'm sorry but there's nothing appealing about this... quite the opposite when you really think about it.​
4- Indy rates: I get it... you got expenses and you're worth it. What's funny though is that at this price (and, dare I say, age) range, your targeted audience is a lot smaller. And from what I see, there seems to be more and more competition in the Indy market. I'm pretty sure some (most?) of you find that times are somewhat difficult. 450+$ per hour? Add another 50$ for Outcall with a minimum booking of 1.5h? Really?​
I could go on and on. I could talk about Screening, LeoList, false stats on agency websites, etc.

Agencies, Indies, Clients... everyone bears part of the blame. But that's the hobby we live in at the dawn of 2024.

Fortunately for me, I found my sweet spot. I should be fine.
There you go... I started it
Regarding Point 1 and 2, I will just reiterate what I mentioned in other threads (where my comments keep being removed because not being relevant to the thread…). GFE is something that looks to me going away gradually and the SP know that they can get anway with it with less effort and as clients we just go with it instead of protesting with our wallets. It’s baffling to me to see review where the GFE experience is subpar or just non existent according to multiple reviews and I see the lady still being 100% booked. Probably we should just stfu but then what’s the reason of the existence of this forum? Anyway I had recently an experience recently with a very popular agency lady where she red-redpill me about all this. she stated that I would be surprised how just disgusting is to have clients that state “oh we have so much in common! Omg! You are the most gorgeous girl in the world!”, she was very direct about that the SP here is not here to be your friend or be your virtual girlfriend. This is a job and she will do most as she can do to do her job, game over. I hope 2024 brings more balance to the industry and those who partake in the glorification and putting them on a pedestal can see them for what they are. Humans beings with needs who are here to do a job in exchange of money as we all do. in this case it’s to share an intimate moment with you. Game over it’s a transaction and there’s nothing wrong with it. As Tommy Shelby says “Everyone's a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves”
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Dec 18, 2023
Is it just me or there seems to be a lot of complaining around in various threads? Might be the holiday season...

I figured it'd be nice to have an "all in" thread where people can just bitch about stuff while, hopefully, remain somewhat respectful.

I can start with a few points, some of which have been brought up elsewhere, by me and others:

1- GFE is not GFE anymore: I stated before that, now, you have to double check about the DFK and DATY parts before booking with an agency, but if the trend continues, you'll have to double check the BBBJ (or just plain BJ) part as well in 2024.​
2- Physical ratings are inflated: I, personally, will refrain from rating SPs I see on their physical attributes. First of all, because "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but mostly because most people seem to have lost their minds (or balls) when giving high grades. The only example I'll give is this:​
- 10 means perfect, 10 means dream girl. 10 means unattainable. Maybe 5 SPs in Montreal are truly 10s.​
- 5 means average, and there's quite a few floating around.​
- In between, you'll find the GND types (6 & 7) and the hot / really hot ones (8 & 9)​
By giving 10s left and right, you lose credibility by creating false expectations, hence disappointment.​
3- The industrialization and dehumanization of sex work: The Incall business model implemented by XO and Euphoria is a financial success for them. Their girls get fully booked really fast. BUT... 90% of the sessions are 1h sessions with really short breaks in between. What do you think is going on? There's 0 intimacy, 0 romanticism and, in the end, pretty much 0 human connection. 18-22 yo spinners get pounded up to 5-6 times a day, day in day out, by a line up of guys eagerly waiting for their turn outside. I'm sorry but there's nothing appealing about this... quite the opposite when you really think about it.​
4- Indy rates: I get it... you got expenses and you're worth it. What's funny though is that at this price (and, dare I say, age) range, your targeted audience is a lot smaller. And from what I see, there seems to be more and more competition in the Indy market. I'm pretty sure some (most?) of you find that times are somewhat difficult. 450+$ per hour? Add another 50$ for Outcall with a minimum booking of 1.5h? Really?​
I could go on and on. I could talk about Screening, LeoList, false stats on agency websites, etc.

Agencies, Indies, Clients... everyone bears part of the blame. But that's the hobby we live in at the dawn of 2024.

Fortunately for me, I found my sweet spot. I should be fine.
There you go... I started it
#4 Is basically me and a lot of others priced out of the whole hobby, maybe a once or twice a year thing, with current expenses, inflation, low salary to work ratio I can't be affording to spent close to most of a weeks pay to spend an hour for a very poor performance of a "GFE"
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Weed was not just legalized, the government took full control of it. Just legalizing a product or service doesn't mean the government is the only entity that can control it. It's legal to sell shoes, and the government doesn't control how much a shoe is, who can sell a shoe, or the specifications of a shoe. You're conflating legalization with the government owning the sales or making any additional rules around the thing being legalized. Now of course they would want to, because there is health involved, but that is an entirely different discussion, and there are pros and cons.

Yes please, and I'd also want my insurance to pay for it as it's far more therapeutic than a massage :D

Ah i should have clarified i meant weed in the US, it is grown and sold by private companies not the government here, but the prices are absolutely outrageous, idk how those places stay open, it is essentially twice the price give or take as the price of 1/8th is about the price of 1/4 oz. Those prices are because guess who is getting a big slice for their fat fucking mouth! Rest assured that $ is being pissed away mostly on shit that I absolutely dont want them doing, im sure they voted themselves a nice raise when that $ started coming in as well


Jul 5, 2008
C'est une usine qui marche à l'envers, les saucisses rentrent au lieu de sortir.

What goes up, must come down

What goes in ... must cum out ...
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Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
I like to go few years back where (Weather advertised or not) you would get

-GFE: DFK, BBBJ, CIM, DIGITS, DATY, talking (Wasting time) was optional.

-PSE: DFK (Like there is no tomorrow) , BBBJ, CIM, DIGITS, DATY, Swallow, Facial, Greek.
(With no interruption, stopping and asking extra SSs for this and that).

In other words, the good old times :)

Of course, it's not fair for the ladies today to be reminded of that. Different times, different game.
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Nov 12, 2005
Haha. I like this thread... ;)

The ‘Montreal GFE’ used to be a thing. It was unique in the world. It was fantastic. A lot of us visitors loved Montreal for it. John at Eleganza listed it out to noobie me eons ago during one of his rare generous moments heh - LFK, DFK, DIGITS, DATY, BBBJ, MPOS, CIM.

Over the years, it’s evolved a little. CIM moved over to PSE. DIGITS became optional. BLS became a norm for GFE. But for the most part, it stayed constant.

Every place has its own flavor of GFE. K-girls in LA, for example, had all of the above, but didn’t include DFK in their GFE standard, but did include rimming. Mmmmm… hahaha… It was great while it lasted. The scene imploded a few years back…

In the last few years in Montreal, I’ve started seeing more and more subtractions from the ‘Montreal GFE’ - no DATY, or CBJ only, or no kissing. WTF. Sad decline.
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