Montreal Escorts

The Bitching thread


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Do men not realize they ruin this hobby for other men?

If the shoe fits by any means wear it, if not keep being a good boy :p

Men complain that they need to shower before the session starts, this is because some men had little to no hygiene and now we have to baby everyone.

Men complain they need to pay first, that’s because some men left without paying now everyone needs to hand the money first.

Men complain about screening, you guessed it, that’s because men purposely booked people to hurt them.

Men complain that screening is becoming stricter, that’s because you keep trying to figure out our screening methods and blabber between you on your little group chats.

You complain some SPs are clock watchers, that’s because some of you guys never wanted to leave even after your time was done.

It’s really like screaming in the void because there always was and always will be assholes ruining it for the rest of people who did nothing wrong.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Do men think we like to figure out a screening process as complicated as a passport application?

No we don’t but some of you leave us with no choice. It’s a dangerous line of work, what we risk is not comparable to what you risk.

I’ve read countless threads of people being robbed and scammed, the most that has happened was that they lost money. It f***** sucks don’t get me wrong. Everyone’s working hard for their money but I haven’t heard of a client getting r*ped or k*lled.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
We are all someone’s client. I need to wash and detangle my hair before I go and get braids? Why? Because someone one day probably showed up with a nasty head and hair as tangled as a vine.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
And i do acknowledge that the fact that I’m able to charge higher rates makes it less likely for me to be assaulted but not 100% accurate. Dangerous men are at every rates!

People hate when I say that. You’re not immune to abusers because you charge higher rates but it does weed out a good portion of the people that could be dangerous.

The people purposely seeking women that are walking the street, that seem vulnerable and that are charging very low rates often do that as a power trip or to hurt them. It really saddens me because I know those people cannot afford to raise their rates or be more rigorous in their screening.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Also another thing I’d like to bitch about is men saying “we should legalize sex work”

No thank you, I don’t want the government to get in my panties and check who I’m sleeping with. Things and prices aren’t going to suddenly become better for clients.

If it’s legal what’s next? We’ll unionize so that everyone can have the same rates? The girl who isn’t putting any effort, never smiles and kicks you out 30 mins before the end of the session will get paid the same as the girl who’s professional and you won’t be able to do anything about it.

We want it to be decriminalized.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Do men not realize they ruin this hobby for other men?

If the shoe fits by any means wear it, if not keep being a good boy :p

Men complain that they need to shower before the session starts, this is because some men had little to no hygiene and now we have to baby everyone.

Men complain they need to pay first, that’s because some men left without paying now everyone needs to hand the money first.

Men complain about screening, you guessed it, that’s because men purposely booked people to hurt them.

Men complain that screening is becoming stricter, that’s because you keep trying to figure out our screening methods and blabber between you on your little group chats.

You complain some SPs are clock watchers, that’s because some of you guys never wanted to leave even after your time was done.

It’s really like screaming in the void because there always was and always will be assholes ruining it for the rest of people who did nothing wrong.
En tout cas moi si j'étais une escorte je me méfierais de ceux qui écrivent ici leurs "reviews" et leurs commentaires avec un vocabulaire gaga-gougou


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
En tout cas moi si j'étais une escorte je me méfierais de ceux qui écrivent ici leurs "reviews" et leurs commentaires avec un vocabulaire gaga-gougou

Oui franchement il y en a certains qui devraient avoir honte. J’ai vu des gens parler de leur poupée gonflable avec plus de respect


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Do men not realize they ruin this hobby for other men?

If the shoe fits by any means wear it, if not keep being a good boy :p

Men complain that they need to shower before the session starts, this is because some men had little to no hygiene and now we have to baby everyone.

Men complain they need to pay first, that’s because some men left without paying now everyone needs to hand the money first.

Men complain about screening, you guessed it, that’s because men purposely booked people to hurt them.

Men complain that screening is becoming stricter, that’s because you keep trying to figure out our screening methods and blabber between you on your little group chats.

You complain some SPs are clock watchers, that’s because some of you guys never wanted to leave even after your time was done.

It’s really like screaming in the void because there always was and always will be assholes ruining it for the rest of people who did nothing wrong.
yes exactly. a lot of people seem to think providers hate clients but most of us don't. i actually really vibe with some of my clients and consider some of them to be friends, i genuinely like a lot of clients i see. but i don't like a certain type of clientele that is violent, cold, entitled, lacking in empathy, judgemental and misogynistic... :(


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
En tout cas moi si j'étais une escorte je me méfierais de ceux qui écrivent ici leurs "reviews" et leurs commentaires avec un vocabulaire gaga-gougou
c'est pour ça que pendant un bout de temps je refusais de voir les clients qui me donnaient leur merb handle comme façon de s'identifier... je me méfie des gens qui écrivent beaucoup de mauvaises reviews, surtout ceux qui vont voir des femmes qui sont clairement dans des situations difficiles et leur donne encore plus de marde en les humiliant sur un forum à la vue de tous. si une escorte t'a volé ton argent, n'était pas la personne sur la photo, a été méchante ou violente envers toi lors de la rencontre, tu as le droit d'écrire une review pour avertir les autres.. autrement je ne vois pas le but personnellement.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I talked about something that I didn’t find safe to publicly discuss about to someone on here and he reacted so negatively making it sound like I didn’t have the right to call him out for that since everyone else was talking about it.
I explained to him why I found it not very safe to discuss it even if others were doing so and why I felt the need to address it to him (because I consider him as an ally) but for sure I got ignored.

Someone else mentioned the same thing to him and he was more receptive. No hard words; no ignoring.
I guess my point of view and safety was not that important for him as if something that hurts me in this industry doesn’t hurt other escorts as well. Or maybe it was the words I used to express myself…
I don’t know! Any way I will try minding my business as I always do !
it says a lot. you want to book sp's, you need to respect us, inform yourselves about what we struggle with, care for our safety and care for our colleagues..


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
The men who don’t care about the wellbeing of SPs won’t care about other men either.
no they don't and they are usually the types to judge other men based on very strict and oppressive criteria for masculinity. they also think we see them with the same eyes they see us, when most of us don't. i don't see a person i meet as a client or as a potential lover in my personal life and start obsessively rating their looks and finding reasons to be upset if they are a kind and sensitive human being


New Member
Feb 25, 2024
Is it just me or there seems to be a lot of complaining around in various threads? Might be the holiday season...

I figured it'd be nice to have an "all in" thread where people can just bitch about stuff while, hopefully, remain somewhat respectful.

I can start with a few points, some of which have been brought up elsewhere, by me and others:

1- GFE is not GFE anymore: I stated before that, now, you have to double check about the DFK and DATY parts before booking with an agency, but if the trend continues, you'll have to double check the BBBJ (or just plain BJ) part as well in 2024.​
2- Physical ratings are inflated: I, personally, will refrain from rating SPs I see on their physical attributes. First of all, because "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but mostly because most people seem to have lost their minds (or balls) when giving high grades. The only example I'll give is this:​
- 10 means perfect, 10 means dream girl. 10 means unattainable. Maybe 5 SPs in Montreal are truly 10s.​
- 5 means average, and there's quite a few floating around.​
- In between, you'll find the GND types (6 & 7) and the hot / really hot ones (8 & 9)​
By giving 10s left and right, you lose credibility by creating false expectations, hence disappointment.​
3- The industrialization and dehumanization of sex work: The Incall business model implemented by XO and Euphoria is a financial success for them. Their girls get fully booked really fast. BUT... 90% of the sessions are 1h sessions with really short breaks in between. What do you think is going on? There's 0 intimacy, 0 romanticism and, in the end, pretty much 0 human connection. 18-22 yo spinners get pounded up to 5-6 times a day, day in day out, by a line up of guys eagerly waiting for their turn outside. I'm sorry but there's nothing appealing about this... quite the opposite when you really think about it.​
4- Indy rates: I get it... you got expenses and you're worth it. What's funny though is that at this price (and, dare I say, age) range, your targeted audience is a lot smaller. And from what I see, there seems to be more and more competition in the Indy market. I'm pretty sure some (most?) of you find that times are somewhat difficult. 450+$ per hour? Add another 50$ for Outcall with a minimum booking of 1.5h? Really?​
I could go on and on. I could talk about Screening, LeoList, false stats on agency websites, etc.

Agencies, Indies, Clients... everyone bears part of the blame. But that's the hobby we live in at the dawn of 2024.

Fortunately for me, I found my sweet spot. I should be fine.
There you go... I started it
If I could add to that (refering to indies only, haven't had a chance to visit an agency yet) the discrepancy between what's advertised and what's actually offered - age, pictures, general appearance, services expected and ones actually offered, etc


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
If I could add to that (refering to indies only, haven't had a chance to visit an agency yet) the discrepancy between what's advertised and what's actually offered - age, pictures, general appearance, services expected and ones actually offered, etc
maybe use tryst or see indy companion girls instead of leolist. i often hear clients complain that when they get to a booking the girl isn't the same person as the photos, because they didn't check if the ad was verified or not and they didn't check the person's social media presence & website.

i've posted on leolist recently because things were slow for a short moment and i lost my old phone number. trust me, the problem is on both sides. i get harassed, people refusing to screen, no call no shows, dick pics, voice mails calling me a bitch and a whore, etc. whenever i bump my ad. do your research and ask the right questions and you'll find someone appropriate for your needs. i know people use leolist because they want to pay low rates and they want short last minute bookings and in a case like this the person doesn't really do their research.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
The increasingly clinical and regimented state of the industry. While I understand many of the reasons for it nevertheless a great deal of the fun and adventure has been sucked out of the industry at large, to be replaced by an almost bureacratic detachment at times. This is my view of the industry here in general and not of any providers in particular.


New Member
Feb 25, 2024
maybe use tryst or see indy companion girls instead of leolist. i often hear clients complain that when they get to a booking the girl isn't the same person as the photos, because they didn't check if the ad was verified or not and they didn't check the person's social media presence & website.

i've posted on leolist recently because things were slow for a short moment and i lost my old phone number. trust me, the problem is on both sides. i get harassed, people refusing to screen, no call no shows, dick pics, voice mails calling me a bitch and a whore, etc. whenever i bump my ad. do your research and ask the right questions and you'll find someone appropriate for your needs. i know people use leolist because they want to pay low rates and they want short last minute bookings and in a case like this the person doesn't really do their research.
Not necessarily the girl isn't the same person - it doesn't look as in the pictures, and I am not talking about photoshop. For example, does it really take a lot of time/effort/money to put a nice make-up ? Or another example - if you know you offer dato in addition to daty, isn't it common sense that you should be extra clean "there" ? I mean use a mirror if need be, don't make me see small dots of brown stuff...
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Not necessarily the girl isn't the same person - it doesn't look as in the pictures, and I am not talking about photoshop. For example, does it really take a lot of time/effort/money to put a nice make-up ? Or another example - if you know you offer dato in addition to daty, isn't it common sense that you should be extra clean "there" ? I mean use a mirror if need be, don't make me see small dots of brown stuff...
I don't really know what to tell you. Personally I wear makeup and lingerie and a nice dress every time I receive a client, and I make sure I'm clean. I know that's the case for many of my colleagues.

The thing is, a lot of clients prefer us not to wear makeup and they don't want us to be dressed up. It ends up being confusing and some people choose to stop wearing makeup entirely as a result of that. If you have a request, ask for it during the booking process. It sounds to me like you're expecting women to look absolutely spotless. People can't look exactly like their photos all the time. Do you like women, or do you like the idea of them that you have in your head?

However I agree 100% that it's not normal or pleasant to go down on someone who has unclean asshole lol that's just common sense and I've had to deal with clients who had shit between their ass cheeks and didn't know how to shower properly, so I get it.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
A lot of people don’t wear makeup during sessions because some of you are married and I doubt you’d like to explain your wife why you have lipstick and foundation on your white shirt. Same reason a lot of us don’t use perfume.

You can always try to request makeup if that’s very important for you.

I personally state in my ads and website that I don’t do makeup, I don’t own any kind of makeup and don’t like it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
A lot of people don’t wear makeup during sessions because some of you are married and I doubt you’d like to explain your wife why you have lipstick and foundation on your white shirt. Same reason a lot of us don’t use perfume.
It's why I stopped wearing makeup. That and when being intimate it can get everywhere, or half wipe off. Then need to try touching up the makeup when half your face had it removed. And my makeup is half glitter.. lol.. and we know no matter what you do, glitter always manages to stay behind.

It is why my more recent photos even in my ad/website are without makeup. I figure might as well be transparent to the face that is arriving at their door. Besides. Makeup is more for me than them, as I tend to think I look better without it. It is more an artistic expression than it is for beauty.
Now the extent of makeup I wear is colorful mascara.
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