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The Death Penalty to 40 years old Vince Li !! See him I have the link !!

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Regular Guy said:
And that is the key Korbel. What purpose should justice serve? And more importantly what purpose should it serve in the case of premeditated murder. The fallout on society of going either route is what we need to determine. If we do away with the concept that taking a life means forfeiture of one's own then what are the consequences first, in practical terms and secondly in terms of ethics and morality. Might be an idea to succinctly state both sides of the argument. Those against the death penalty have a lot to answer for as well as those for it. As far as I am concerned in this debate there is no free ride. I say to all Please and I repeat please spare me all of the fallacies of argument when presenting your case whatever that may be. And from your comment Korbel it looks like we have failed. Not much to show for well over 200 posts eh?
Hello Regular Guy,

Once this thread got away from the specific case and became a death penalty discussion it was destined to be a purging of individual feelings and opinions with no resolution. Well, everyone needs to vent sometimes. Is this issue resolvable anyway? I think all of us agree that life is truly precious and making anyone pay for taking a life justly automatically creates the conundrum of the true justice in taking the most precious gift in return for the same. I don't think the perfect answer exists...unless one is a religious literalist. But for me, there has just been too much damage done in the name of justifying solutions based on someone's view of...God's Will.


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New Member
Jul 28, 2005
The man was insane. Who in their right mind would repeatedly stab, decapitate and partially eat an innocent man sitting next to him on a bus.


Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
Korbel said:
Hello Alice,

If they aren't insane they do have the most savage and evil of hearts and souls. Maybe that is insanity too.



Well, alot of people use religion to justify kill. They quote koran before behead, other make swear on bible before give death penalty. Electric chair look like better than behead. True, more humane. I pick electric chair to behead if choice for sure. But like cow kill in small farm with cut neck, or in industrial plant, sometime not dead before skin taken off, its all kill all the same. And when not guilty well being killed is not human no matter if fry or behead. This is why I am vegetarienne.

Thank you,

Apr 16, 2005
Korbel said:
Hello Regular Guy,

Once this thread got away from the specific case and became a death penalty discussion it was destined to be a purging of individual feelings and opinions with no resolution. Well, everyone needs to vent sometimes. Is this issue resolvable anyway? I think all of us agree that life is truly precious and making anyone pay for taking a life justly automatically creates the conundrum of the true justice taking the most precious gift in return for the same. I don't think the perfect answer exists...unless one is a religious literalist. But for me, there has just been too much damage done in the name of justifying solutions based on someone's view of...God's Will.


Fair enough my friend. Perhaps it is better left to greater minds than ours eh?:) Maybe time to spend a little more time thinking with the other
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Death penalty debates always fail. I've been in dozens of them. Emotions get in the way, people draw a line which they won't cross, etc... And when my anti-debating tactics radar goes off, I'm done.

But all considered this one wasn't half bad. So kudos and cheers to everyone. :)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Regular Guy said:
Fair enough my friend. Pwehaps it is better left to greater minds than ours eh?:) Maybe time to spend a little more time thinking with the other

LOL Regular Guy,

Confucius say man who never think with little head...stupid or eunuch.

Let's do it baby,

Apr 16, 2005
JustBob said:
Death penalty debates always fail. I've been in dozens of them. Emotions get in the way, people draw a line which they won't cross, etc... And when my anti-debating tactics radar goes off, I'm done.

But all considered this one wasn't half bad. So kudos and cheers to everyone. :)

Okay Bob! We mixed it up pretty good. You throw a good punch guy! Maybe catch you at the next GT. Buy you a beer!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
JustBob said:
Death penalty debates always fail. I've been in dozens of them. Emotions get in the way, people draw a line which they won't cross, etc... And when my anti-debating tactics radar goes off, I'm done.

But all considered this one wasn't half bad. So kudos and cheers to everyone. :)

I'll echo those sentiments! Nice to have a heated discussion where no one loses their head.

Just couldn't resist. :p



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Regular Guy said:
Okay Bob! We mixed it up pretty good. You throw a good punch guy! Maybe catch you at the next GT. Buy you a beer!
Damn Boys...and Girls,

After 250 posts no real personal attacks or insults. It's a world gone mad. The mods must be totally stunned. Maybe they should close this thread and use it as a model for the future. Who needs mod8 anyway:D.

Seriously, considering the intensity of feelings on such a divisive issue and the rapidity of posts, you have all been super.


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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

I would like to congratulate everyone for a well conducted discussion. It just goes to show that people can get their point across in a civilized way without insults and flames. And not one moderator warning or suspension!

And did anyone else notice how peaceful the rest of the board was while everyone was getting their frustrations out here in this one? :)

Good job everyone. It was a pleasure to follow.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Mod 8 said:
I would like to congratulate everyone for a well conducted discussion. It just goes to show that people can get their point across in a civilized way without insults and flames. And not one moderator warning or suspension!

And did anyone else notice how peaceful the rest of the board was while everyone was getting their frustrations out here in this one? :)

Good job everyone. It was a pleasure to follow.

Hello Mod8,

I knew you were watching.

Is it just coincidental that a number of ladies have been participating on the boards regularly. More peace and more ladies too. I could get used to this.

Many Cheers,

Apr 16, 2005
thebitchelor said:
lol i feel like a teenager that parents give a try and go at cinema(well anyway kind of short activities:p)...fucked up:eek:

Short activities? You mean like we didn't get into any necking at the back? Have to go to see you ar Cleo's I guess;)
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