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The Death Penalty to 40 years old Vince Li !! See him I have the link !!

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Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:
I do agree with the bitchelor on this one, this is about personal opinion and no one is going to change anyone elses mind. The death penalty is a topic that people on both sides of the fences feel very strongly about. I have never ever even have had a shadow of a doubt that the death penalty is fair and just.

A life long best friend of mine is dead set against the death penalty and him and i are on the opposite side of the fence on politics and many other issues but at the end of the day we still get along and go for a cold one:)

Hello Daringly,

Well, in Texas they sure have no doubt. Now I am not sure of the details, but I believe it might have been in Illinois (not sure) that the governor discovered there may have been an error in the guilt of someone who was executed. So he put a moratorium of executions. But in Texas they believe there can't be errors in the justice system because of their "safeguards"; at least that is the official line. So in Texas they believe they are infallible ... just like that governor who came from there and became the infallible "elected" President of the United

Okay Next...Zzzzzappp!



JustBob said:
Well the DallasNews did change their stance on the death penalty so some do change their minds. :)

One interesting thing to note here, among others, is that states with the death penalty do not have lower crime rates than those without. In fact they are often higher.

Yeah that changed my mind, not!!!!!!!! We could go back and forth finding articles all day long that suits our side of the arguement. I will repost what happened when Allan Legere a convicted murderer escaped from prison, a bunch of innocent people payed with their lives. Had he been taken care of(put to death) these people would still be alive.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Daringly said:
Yeah that changed my mind, not!!!!!!!! We could go back and forth finding articles all day long that suits our side of the arguement. I will repost what happened when Allan Legere a convicted murderer escaped from prison, a bunch of innocent people payed with their lives. Had he been taken care of(put to death) these people would still be alive.

He escaped from a hospital, not prison. The same might have occured had ne been on death row.

It might help if you actually read the articles you post. :)


JustBob said:
He escaped from a hospital, not prison. The same might have occured had ne been on death row.

It might help if you actually read the articles you post. :)

I did read it and i know where he escaped from. So are you now saying that people don't escape from prison. Are you saying that other convicted killers will never go to a hospital again where this may happen. When they find away that is 100% fool proof that people cannot escape let me know.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Daringly said:
I did read it and i know where he escaped from. So are you now saying that people don't escape from prison. Are you saying that other convicted killers will never go to a hospital again where this may happen. When they find away that is 100% fool proof that people cannot escape let me know.

And when they find a way to have the death penalty 100% fool proof and error free, let me know.

Now consider this again:

One interesting thing to note here, among others, is that states with the death penalty do not have lower crime rates than those without. In fact they are often higher.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Well..what would the Death Penalty solve???

Well..seriously what would the Death Penalty solve??? or bring???
A guy like Vince should be emprisonned for life in a very specialized hospital for Mental diseases and be used as a medical experimentation for healing such mental attack. How would you react if one day...after killing numerous Vinces...Science finds out that it would have taken something as simple as medication XYZ to heal the failing part of the brain that caused those Vinces to snap??? Wouldn't you feel bad for having killed just for killing while your prisoner could have been the perfect occasion for Science to bring that mental disease treatment to evolve. And oh, do not relate my "medical experimentation" suggestion to the 1940s Fuhrer's insane human experimentation opposed to him, I am trying to find solutions to human evolution while what he was doing was human destruction:mad:


JustBob said:
And when they find a way to have the death penalty 100% fool proof and error free, let me know.

I notice that you didn't express any outrage that 4 innocent people lost their lives, as i have stated earlier a lot of people(not everybody) on your side of the fence couldn't care less about the victims of crime:)
Apr 16, 2005
A useful exercise

thebitchelor said: sweetheart, if you remember your dream send me what you dreamed about on pm(im not sure if i cant write it..but i prefer to write to pm me than writing here what you dreamed about...especially in a decapitation's murder's yeah im alreayd awake...didnt sleep before i passed 40h awaken,..felt on my bed around 11h pm(poor i almost felt asleep of front of my cam...)then i wake up around 7h30...nothing to do...nothing on tv..nothing on my i rode a lots of

well the only good point in this thread for me its Regular guy was able to make me think about an alternativ way to see the killer

Well if I was able to do that then perhaps it was not all in vain.

I agree with you that this thread is pointless because you just have the same opinions being regurgitated over and over, which gets boring after a while. I never posted my opinion in this thread, only facts on what jurisdictions in the USA are doing legally in terms of capital punishment.

I must confess I have found myself tending to go round on the same points towards the end. It may be true that the abolishment of the death penalty is a fait accompli. But if you will read my posts carefully you will see that my underlying concern is how the judicial/penal system in Canada today is soft on criminals. (I was and am open to suggest viable alternatives to the death penalty.) And what I have read in articles and heard on talk shows is that there is a growing sentiment that this has to stop. I don't agree that this thread, or letters to the editor, or call in talk shows etc. do not serve a purpose in a democracy. The worst thing you can send to the voting booth is an uninformed voter. I may not have given a new point of view to some of you who debated me but how many have read this thread without commenting here? I would venture to say that if we have accomplished nothing else all who contributed here have caused many of us to revisit, in a critical fashion, the workings of our criminal justice system. For me that is worth investing the time. Thanks to all who debated me. I respect your opinions even though I may not necessarily agree.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Korbel said:
Hello JB,

But in Texas, God speaks to the governor so there are no

Geeez, you and I on the same page. First I get along with E for a few posts, now this. Ahhhhh, maybe we can end all war

It's a miracle,


I think there's some sort of internet rule that states that the longer you are on an internet forum, the higher the probability that you will eventually agree with someone you never agree with. :)



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
This is speculation on my part, but I believe when all is said and done Mr. Li will be found to be criminally insane. Sane persons do not behead, gut, and then eat the raw flesh of their seat mates and display the head like a trophy. In Connecticut such a person would probably be found not guilty by reason of insanity and then committed to an institute for the criminally insane. I am sure Li's attorney will plead an insanity defense if supported by the relevant psychiatric examination that was done. It will not be a great leap by any shrink to find this guy to be incompetent to stand trial by reason of insanity.

You have to understand that one of the legal elements to sustain a murder charge is the prosecution must prove intent. If intent is negated by reason of insanity, then there is going to be a commitment to an asylum for the criminally insane. And I think that is where the Li case may be headed. This is based on him having no prior criminal record and supposedly being a good employee where he worked. The RCMP is probably investigating whether he had prior commitments and/or was treating with a mental health professional.

No western country puts insane persons to death, not even the USA.

I have some experience in dealing with criminally insane persons. Specifically a woman who after her 3rd pregnancy suffered a postpartum insanity that ultimately ended her marriage. Something happened with that 3rd pregnancy that led that poor woman to lose her mind. She didn't kill anyone but kidnapped the kids and attempted to drive through Canadian border at over 100 mph, and was arrested and detained by RCMP until the FBI could fetch her. Later was involuntarily committed by her family, and divorced by her husband. Very sad situation and she could have ended up killing the kids in a car accident but she didn't. I saw this woman in court and she was absolutely cuckoo, although reportedly she had been quite sane prior to pregnancy #3.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Not Criminally Responsible


In Canada there is the "Not Criminally Responsible" designation. Nuanced from criminally insane.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

Did I miss something...or is this the first thread to reach over 200 posts without any of the mods wanting to "SPANK" any of us. :D Hey Mods 5 and 8, you guys out


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Didn't Know That

Korbel said:
Hello JB,

But in Texas, God speaks to the governor so there are no

Geeez, you and I on the same page. First I get along with E for a few posts, now this. Ahhhhh, maybe we can end all war

It's a miracle,


Thought they were one and the same.

Failing to end all wars we will compromise and end baseball which seems to start many battles.:D


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

EagerBeaver said:

I assume such persons in Canada are sent to asylums that are the equivalent of Whiting Forensic Institute in Connecticut? See the following link:

Correct. The Pinel Institute on Gouin East in the north east corner of Montreal. Eastern Ontario has one in Brockville. Most province have at least one.

The legislation governing such institutions may vary from province to province and would be different than the legislation applicable in the various US jurisdictions.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
thebitchelor said:
lol did you saw the video on the joke's thread:

that just prouv that he was right;)lollllllllll

Hello Sexy B,

Hey...thanks for the arousal ;):rolleyes::D.

Now for the video, thanks for all the laughs too. Funny as hell. I think I too want to shake daddy's hand for that lady in the back corner...and kiss her momma




I remember about 6 months to a year ago there was a thread on what you would do if someone broke into your home. Would you protect you and yours or would you go hide under your bed and home the home invador did not hurt you.

I would say with out knowing the true stats that people who are soft on crime(anti death penalty) that the majority of them would be the ones who are also very passive about protecting themselves.

If i recall correctly myself, EB, and Techman were three amongst others who said we would very aggressivily protect ourselves. If they broke into my house i have a baseball bat and somebody would be leaving in a body bag and i make no bones about it.

I know for sure me and Techman share the same view when it comes to death penalty and our right to protect ourselves. I know EB shares the same view when it comes to protecting his home but i don't know where he stands on the death penalty.

Is it safe to assume the majority of people who are tough on crime would be much more likely to defend themselves in the case of a home invasion when compared to people who believe in turning the other cheek:)
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