Montreal Escorts

The importance of kissing...

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
This is not what I have experienced.
The ladies I have seen actually initiated the kissing and seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.
What makes you think that they consider all their clients ugly and are repulsed by them?.

Yes it is about money, but that does not mean that they are robots and cannot enjoy being with someone who treats them with kindness and respect.

Fradi I think this guy was being sarcastic..
At least I hope he was!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Fradi I think this guy was being sarcastic..
At least I hope he was!

I hope he was not. Guys.
Some of you are 60. Pushing 70. Overweight. Bald. Maybe very nice
Sorry to bust your bubbles. But you think these girls enjoy kissing you and are not doing it as part of a job?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I hope he was sarcastic too... I greet my clients with kissing, does that make me psychotic? LOL...

When I first started I had a hard time getting truly turned on during dates sometimes because I did CBJ only and less kissing... and cbj doesn’t turn me on...

Now that I do bbbj and DFK I have a lot more fun at work... It’s not about whether or not I find my client physically attractive, I mean as long as they are clean... I experience real, authentic pleasure during my dates even with clients I find ugly/less attractive because sometimes the chemistry is just that good, sometimes it’s the sex itself that feels truly amazing... I can detach sexual pleasure from visual pleasure, if my body feels good then I feel good... Also sometimes I’ll think someone isn’t my type when I first open the door, I’m sure many of you think the same of some girls you meet (including me), but then as we get to know each other I find myself being more attracted to them the 2nd date... There’s more than meets the eyes

Im also very capable of seeing the beauty in someone 2x or 3x my age. Even if I personally am not physically attracted to someone, I can look at them and find them handsome for someone their age. Especially men, they age better than we do lol. I remember seeing a 50-60 years old man once during St-Jean Baptiste. (On the streets, not while escorting). He wasn’t my type at all but I found myself being nearly horny looking at him because he had a vibe that I loved, a sexy aura, and he had nice long hair and tanned skin, truly handsome for his age, despite not being my type due to the age difference and wrinkles lol...

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I hope he was not. Guys.
Some of you are 60. Pushing 70. Overweight. Bald. Maybe very nice
Sorry to bust your bubbles. But you think these girls enjoy kissing you and are not doing it as part of a job?

But they love to kiss me haha! I am a smooth operator! Stop shattering my illusions buddy! LMAO


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha funny turnaround ;) No fly is not being sarcastic haha

He is like me he discovered that if you remove the dfk part of encounter (unless the girl initiate it) the girl will actually like you more and get better encounter. But you wont get dfk often. Even if you look like fly haha

Even with the top 3 sp of the year of merb you will not get it if you do not initiate it.

DFK is so personal.... I am like fly fuck that part if the girl find's it too personnal but let's get some fucking going hehe



Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Julia...he meant the john is psychotic. No the sw.
dfk is great when a girl initiates it. But when a guy forces it or dosent ask first. It’s wrong to imagine she likes it


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Lol. Gma. You are asian right. You must look like you’re 30. Lucky asians. You keep your youth!!!

My best sessions always start with me telling the girl. If you don’t want to kiss. I am all good. As long as i get a blowjob i am happy
Bang! Best sex ever!

The best SP make the illusion become reality. Dfk included


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Some of you are 60. Pushing 70. Overweight. Bald. Maybe very nice
Sorry to bust your bubbles. But you think these girls enjoy kissing you and are not doing it as part of a job?

You really aren’t busting anybody’s bubble.
I really don’t understand what you are getting at, you think they cringe at DFK but are overjoyed at giving you a blow job, which you can’t get at home.

While I was married/in relationships I never needed to see escorts.
I have tried dating recently with someone who is in my age bracket ( actually ten years younger) and I would say probably fits into the top 5% as far as being attractive, but I am afraid it will always be an unfair comparison to the one I was totally in love with.

As it is I have been spoiled by my ATF who is a DFK magician and some of the other gorgeous Montreal escorts.

Btw even if we may be pushing 60, not all of us are bald or fat or have aged that badly, but I am not delusional that it is not a job.
Like all jobs there are some parts of it that you may not enjoy and you may interact better with some clients than others.
When you treat a woman the right way, you may be surprised how much it can improve your mileage, then again I may have just run into amazing actresses, anyway it is really not all that important, I am perfectly happy with the ladies I am seeing.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
^^Fradi. I am not disagreeing with the importance for some of DFK
When I read. The girl likes it as much as we do. That is the illusion i am busting
So if someone writes their opinion not based on facts. Then I am allowed to do the same
I am not directing this at you. But towards merbites who might read this and be upset that they are no getting dfk at the same level you are.
Enjoy the ride even if dfk was not offered
It’s a big step between open mouth light tongue action to tonsil hockey. I have been told that some guys go straight for tonsil hockey without even taking off their shoes when they enter.
DFK is more than passion, it’s intimacy. and I believe that guys who require it are probably lacking some in their current lives. And are unhappy when they din’t get it
Recently some girls have gotten bad or negative reviews because dfk is not offered and guys are not happy.
DFK should be an extra. Like greek and cim. Problem solved!

^GMA. You mean my reputation as the guy who gives dozens of orgasms per session. Or has dozens of them. LOL.
Actually i think girls who know it’s me say shit...
”not the rabbit :’(. “


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Recently some girls have gotten bad or negative reviews because dfk is not offered and guys are not happy.
DFK should be an extra. Like greek and cim. Problem solved“

Nope, problem created.
Extras are simply a way to extract more money, nothing else, and nothing ruins a session more than going over a list of extras prior and the appropriate price tag for each, I am not there to pick out grocery items.

Greek doesn’t interest me and while CIM is nice it is not a deal breaker at all.
There is no reason to give a girl a bad revue if DFK is not offered, that is why you should do research and should always remember that what someone else received you may not.

Like everything there is a way to work your way up to DFK and anybody that walks in and shoves their tongue down a girls throat within 30 seconds ( unless she does it to you) is as much of an idiot as the one that does the same with his dick.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
i just want to add that for me, if i have a 60min meeting for a girl and it's the first time, and there's DFK in the first 15min, i readily find that mechanical, and though I like DFK, i dont get much arousal from this set up. in this way, I do end up finding if I do have a subsequent meeting with the same girl, and there begins DFK, it becomes way more sensual to me.

- i posted and THEN i read Fradi's post, so i was kinda adding to his point.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nope, problem created.
Extras are simply a way to extract more money, nothing else, and nothing ruins a session more than going over a list of extras prior and the appropriate price tag for each, I am not there to pick out grocery items.

Not true. Some of us like to talk about all options at the very beginning. What can kill the session for me is finding the girl already nude after my shower... Taken out from me the arousing moment when I undress them ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don’t need to talk about options as I know beforehand that I am going to have a fabulous time.
I agree with you about not being involved with the removal of clothing that is a pleasure in itself.

We are all different, I see mostly my ATF who knows me well and goes out of her way to please me, plus some other ladies that I have seen several times before and occasionally someone new.

Actually what annoys me the most is some girls manner of communicating, they think nothing of not answering you for 24-48 hours ( I can understand if you have never seen them before screening etc...) and even on the day of the meet it is like extracting teeth trying to get a life sign out of them, and this is even with some that once you see them are a dream to be with.

That is another reason why I am so grateful to have found my ATF she never takes more than an hour or two to answer and on the day of the meet it is within minutes. I have never waited for her either for a minute and I have lost count a long time ago as to how many times I have seen her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
LFK, lip nibbling is enough fro me, do not need someone's tongue in my throat.

Yes, met Too^^^ I never put my tongue down her throat and I don't like it when they do that to me either. I like light, sensual, passionate kissing with tongues darting. It's like dancing with tongues. Sometimes it gets deeper when you are going to cum in missionary. Most girls know how to do this well. I remember in Asia I had girls that didn't know how to kiss. Many wouldn't try and then others tried to stick their tongue down my throat like they didn't now how or something? Maybe that was just my experience. Usually, in Montreal girls know how to make-out and want to (or are willing to) do this and it is very nice.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Has anyone here ever seen a SP, gotten shit initially in terms of any kissing and then on repeat visits gotten waaay more?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I won`t repeat if she doesn`t kiss on a first date.
My ATF who I ended up seeing almost every week for 5 years, had decided to stop kissing me on our third date because she said that she was starting a relationship. I thought that was a bullshit excuse and told her that I won`t see her again until she changes her mind. Six weeks after I stopped seeing her, I get an email from her telling me that she has broken up with her BF and is ready to start kissing again.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
no, no Willis, meaning no lip locking on initial meeting, yet you still had a good time and repeated. With subsequent visits there begins lip locking and tongue action

i remember that story cloudy, wonder how many other blokes don’t repeat because of lack of DFK and miss out on some good service and subsequent easing of restrictions


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I won`t repeat if she doesn`t kiss on a first date.
My ATF who I ended up seeing almost every week for 5 years, had decided to stop kissing me on our third date because she said that she was starting a relationship. I thought that was a bullshit excuse and told her that I won`t see her again until she changes her mind. Six weeks after I stopped seeing her, I get an email from her telling me that she has broken up with her BF and is ready to start kissing again.

That is the way to do it. Cut the money supply and they quickly change attitude.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
i remember that story cloudy, wonder how many other blokes don’t repeat because of lack of DFK and miss out on some good service and subsequent easing of restrictions

Yet we are expected to pay the full price? I wonder if I can restrict some of the money too. Lol
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