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The importance of kissing...


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Oh wow. Found this. Guys. Read the first part. Dfk explained by am escort in 2007.!

i remember that post, it always stuck with me. There is a lot of truth in what she says, as it pertains to a lot of sex workers imho. But it is not the whole truth. There are definitely times where the kissing is voluntary and reciprocal, or maybe the act is not viewed by the provider as being so intimate that it cannot be delivered.

One thing i learned over time is to never initiate kissing with a new provider early on in the encounter. You have to wait and read the signals, you have to gain some trust, even if it is only 5-10 minutes...

but from my perspective i admit i love it when the provider agressively initiates deep kissing, not really giving me a choice...fucking turn-on


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha I do not know who is this Eleganza babe but men was she on target.

Yes 2fast2slow when you get to repeat, when chemistry's there, when all is aligned with you and the girl you will get great dfk and then my friend it's magical and a fucking turn on! But I would never impose dfk on girl before she initiate. That's just rude.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
For automatic, Brazil and (if you get the right lady) Portugal. Wish Portugal had had a better military and would have conquered more of the world. The Caribbean was conquered, or acquired, too much by the Dutch. I wonder if the Dutch conquerors put up a big round pole in the sand and unrolled a condom onto the pole while transcribing “even for oral sex”.

The Spanish places that primarily serve locals feature automatic GFE and BBBJ. It is the places that cater to U.K. and U.S. and French tourists that don’t feature automatic GFE and BBBJ.

Good info.. Brazil would be my choice lots of Black girls. But I would keep away from US escorts. Lol The US is under strict prohibition like always. Think about prohibition era during the 1920's on alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Oh wow. Found this. Guys. Read the first part. Dfk explained by an escort in 2007.!

This is one of the posts I was referring to when I made a post in which NatureBoy responded to me saying how he prefers to be enthusiastic. Over the course of the years I remember some other similar posts made by escorts who posted anonymously. I would take what any escort says on this site using her escort handle and is an advertiser with a grain of salt. Like I said many times escorts prefer a gaffe style that is no DFK, CBJ only and doggystyle sex. They do DFK and BBBJ because the clients demand if not then they do not get much bookings. If you tell her just CBJ and sex boy will she be happy it means much less work and effort for her but she gets paid same compensation. I would be happy to if I got to sit around at work and not do much and get paid the big bucks. Lol

Money and sexy brings clients and sex workers together. No girl has to do anything she does not want to but I will not spend my money. What this girl wrote is something that I already knew and say many times. If an escort initiates DFK and appears to like then it take it with a grain of salt. She does not like it, she is doing it to retain regulars. I know it may appear there is a connection and that she likes it just means she is a great actress. The best escorts are the ones who are the best actresses and make you believe she likes it as much as you think she does. I been going to stripclubs many years and over the course of the years I had many girls initiate DFK in the booths. Does she like it? It appears she does but I know she does not. They did it as a way to get repeat regular clients. It worked. I spent good money on those girls. I will say it again no DFK no bookings from me. No one is forcing her I just take my money elsewhere. C'est la vie.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WOW.......merci Alyssa de partager ton point de vue aussi clairement et ouvertement....c'est rare qu'une sp intervienne aussi directement sur un sujet qui l'interpelle,,,,,bravo pour ton authenticité ceux qui ont eu le privilège de te rencontrer peuvent aisément attester de tout ce que tu affirmes ici....


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So why will the review section have so many future reviews with guys complaining that the inexpensive LeoList chick was non-GFE? I bet some of the guys posting on this very thread will do exactly that.

It's not the case. And it will not be.

Indies from hump, ai, a123 or leoshit are another beast that has not been discussed here.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Why do so many Johns not see the providers who offer what they say they want?

Because they are stupid and are disconnected from their senses.
You have to be a vegetable if you can`t tell when a girl enjoys certain activities like kissing or giving passionate Blow Jobs.
Its been 4 months since I first mentioned that Alyssa loves to kiss and is one of the best...……. simply because she enjoys it so it should not be a surprise .
I have no trouble finding girls who truly and honestly love to kiss and..... hell …..there are many out there.....Alyssa among the best.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

This is exactly what I have been saying .
I know for a fact that my ATF enjoys kissing, she is not the type that would do it otherwise.
I have never had a problem with it and each time they were the ones that initiated it.
I am glad Alyssa and Julia have chimed in.
Sure you can always find ones like the one from the old Elganza thread, there have been ones on Merb that basically can’t stand men in general and would be much happier kissing each other but that doesn’t pay the rent.
It is not that difficult to find what you are looking for.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron I now completely understand what you are saying.

Some people here always refer to their atf and how great they provide dfk. That is absolutely fine but not the norm.

You are absolutely correct Patron when you say there is an amazing list of providers with great service offerings. Like Alyssa wrote about herself. That's great but you know regular johns need to learn about all those services offerings. And mostly learn that this is no regular work and no regular business. I think Alyssa is right on when she writes "I understand how you might assume that, yes this is work for us, but i know that the day i will see it as only work, is the day i will quit the industry." No wonder she's a star...

Alyssa the day I will see too much providers who I feel are actually "working" I will stop all that shit.

This is no regular biz. This is not work. This is for some a need to learn how to have a sexual relation, for some a need for affection, a need for sexual relation, a need for fantasy... Kinky or not. etc... etc... But this is not work!

After quite a few years now in this shit I still hold on to say that if you upright remove the pressure of DFK from your session (especially the first one) you will win extra point and an easiness of the girl to upright trust you more. That is not that hard to understand. Now that does not mean you will not get DFK at all.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
After quite a few years now in this shit I still hold on to say that if you upright remove the pressure of DFK from your session (especially the first one) you will win extra point and an easiness of the girl to upright trust you more. That is not that hard to understand. Now that does not mean you will not get DFK at all.


Sorry but I don’t get this dogged reluctance to give up on this.
When a girl advertises on her web sight “ the most kissable lips ever” etc.. and full GFE, what is the issue here.
Would you give up on BJ or FS as well to make her feel more comfortable.

Nobody is forcing or talking someone into anything they don’t want to do.
Why is kissing such a hang up for some of you guys, while things like rape fantasies seem to be normal, deep throat, face fucking, gang bangs etc... are run of the mill things to brag about in reviews.
Please enlighten me I am confused.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I wanna meet these guys you boys are saying lunge @ girls and shove their tongues down their throat, LOL! That shits creepy, not regular creepy, but “it will rub lotion on its skin or it will get the hose” creepy


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Fradi. Some SP love to dfk. Like Alyssa, Julia and probably others who have not chimed in. But some SP do it because of fear of bad review or less clients. When you give THOSE ones a choice. Many are happy for that consideration. Versus the obligation
When you are willing to forego that very very intimate act. More intimate than sex and bbbj. I have found that my mileage has increased and my sessions were more fun and it does mean that sometimes I won’t get dfk because I offered to take it off the table.

A merbite suggested me a girl. In his reviews he wrote and told me big dfk!!! Saw her. Made my same speech. Got light kissing. Second session lfk. Third. Deep dfk. But everytime i’ve seen her. It’s been amazing sex!!!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Saw her. Made my same speech. !

whats up with this speech you and jalimon give? “You can save the kissing for your personal lives if you choose?” Doesn’t it make sense to just ask the girls what they are not comfortable with and go with the flow and see where the chips fall? Why the announcement?


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I ask for restrictions and cim fee.
About the question we ask. Try it. Watch the reaction

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I just ask “is there anything your not cool with?” Or during the service I’ll be like “ can I put my finger in there?” I’m more of a go with the flow type of guy Fly. Some times these chickys have this petrified look about them @ the beginning of the session with me. Saying some shit like “oh by the way, you could choose to keep DFK to your personal life if you choose” would raise more attention to it. I find if you just go with the flow, the apprehension eases off and the girls sometimes start letting the tongues fly everywhere once they start having fun. Other times they leave looking more petrified than when they walked in. Quite variable


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with TNB I ask what they are comfortable with and go with the flow.
I would never stop a session or give a bad review either if there wasn’t any DFK, I just wouldn’t repeat.
I don’t have these hang ups about kissing and consider it a natural part of sex and having a great time.
I have never had sex with someone I wouldn’t be willing to kiss and I don’t consider it as being more intimate than a BJ.
I have asked this question once and the response was “ don’t be silly I love kissing do you think I would do it if I didn’t.”
There was one lady that said that you know how to do this, I do hate it when someone walks in and within 30 seconds they are shoving their tongue down my throat, She said she loves kissing but only when it becomes natural and part of the rest.

Honestly I think some of you guys have more of a hang up over this than the escorts you are seeing.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Like Alyssa said, to me no kissing feels cold and more like work to me because I typically wouldn’t have sex with someone I wouldn’t kiss in my personal life. So it doesn’t feel natural to me. If someone doesn’t want to kiss I’ll respect that because they’re paying me, but in a personal context I could not date or fuck someone who doesn’t kiss. Kissing is a huge part of being intimate, IMO. It’s harder for me to get aroused without kissing.

I also get super self conscious when a client doesn’t kiss me. If they’ve told me before by text that’s okay but if they haven’t warned me that they don’t kiss, I’ll spend the whole time wondering if it could be that they think I’m ugly and I’ll be self conscious and waiting for the date to end to check myself in the mirror lol....
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