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The importance of kissing...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
look dude, I’m sure you and Willis are very handsome, but I still think that your are pulling these % #’s out of those cute little glutes of yours.

I kind of wish I was wrong on this but I am not.

What I am really surprise is why this is creating such a fuss?

Hungry these girl lie ALL THE TIME to you and to all of us. We do the same to our client in our regular business life don't we? ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well said TNB, If an escort thinks its a job, and most do, then its a job. If they have a day job they don`t say that they have a real job....but that they have another job.

No they usually say they have a regular job ;)



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Read Freakonomics I: Why do drug dealers Live with their moms? It turns out that drug gangs are run like a McDonalds.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hungry these girl lie ALL THE TIME to you and to all of us. We do the same to our client in our regular business life don't we? ;)


Really, you lie to your clients all the time, wow. Amazed that you would admit that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hungry these girl lie ALL THE TIME to you and to all of us. We do the same to our client in our regular business life don't we? ;)

Yes, but there are times when I have to be brutally honest. In fact, I found out that honesty is usually the best policy. But there are occasions when I have to lie. I don't like to do it. Now with girls, I may stretch the truth on a more frequent basis. remember the famous Rodney Dangerfield quote in Back To School. He told his son "You don't lie to me. You lie to girls."


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I kind of wish I was wrong on this but I am not.

What I am really surprise is why this is creating such a fuss?

Hungry these girl lie ALL THE TIME to you and to all of us. We do the same to our client in our regular business life don't we? ;)


If they lie ALL THE TIME what does that do to your 75% and what makes you think you are right.;)

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What I am really surprise is why this is creating such a fuss

i think it’s a good fuss and I think it needs to be hashed out. Me goin koo-chee-koo-chee-koo with your nutsack about this 75-85% is healthy, doesn’t mean I don’t luv u

How many times have you read reviews where some dude is bitching he didn’t get it. How many times have you read a review where someone respectfully mentions it in a “hey just an FYI for all you DFK lovers” and the white knights ride in.

Im all about puttin all the info out there so fuckers can make informed decisions.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
i think it’s a good fuss and I think it needs to be hashed out. Me goin koo-chee-koo-chee-koo with your nutsack about this 75-85% is healthy, doesn’t mean I don’t luv u


Im all about puttin all the info out there so fuckers can make informed decisions.

I know you think bullshit of my % and that's fine. It's just a statement I found out over the years. And it's very easy to discover. Just do not initiate any dfk on your next 5 dates ;)

I am also about putting all the info out in review. I have done my fare share. But no you pretty much never find any mention of dkf/lfk... Now you know why haha


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
TNB it's not a job. I never viewed what these girl are doing as a job. Yes they earn money for this. But it's not a job and I always tell all SP to view this as a short term activity to earn and pile some money. SP that do this and view this as a job I do not see them. They will be way to unnatural and mechanical for me.

didnt read end the rest of the thread yet but I wanted to reply to this. You’re a cool guy, but I have to disagree here. Sex work is work and it’s valid. You don’t get to invalidate me and my work. You’re currently using the same argument as the idiots who keep telling us to "go get a real job you fucking whore". I don’t know if you remember but we did meet and you never complained that I was mechanical. Yet, as much as I love my job, I still consider it a job. I’m just lucky to have a job that I love compared to a lot of people.

You don’t seem to really understand all the work that comes with being an escort - especially an Indy... Meeting with clients is just 5% of the job.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think we have many opinions on the subject because we are all different.

FOR ME, DFK is a must. I will not leave if the girl does not provide it (Even when GFE was advertised) but I will not go back see her.

I'm a GFE guy, no matter how you say GFE is illusion, I like GFE to be provided and look as genuine as possible.
I do not like to look like a guy that just go to bang a hole and I don't like a SP that acts like I'm there to bang a hole.
I like to be sweet and get and give tenderness.
I like teasing and preliminary.
DFK is a great act of tenderness, teasing and preliminary.
For me, it lets me show the girl that I respect her very much for what she's offering me.

I often take only 30 min and DFK right at the beginning or after some short chit chat will get me hard quickly.
We do not have to kiss for long. It's a very good way to break the ice and get started.
Usually, 5 min chat, 30 sec DFK... BJ 5min, 30 sec DFK, Daty/69 5min, 30 sec DFK, FS 5min, all done in about 20min with some chat before leaving.

There are many kind of DFK/LFK. The more sensual the better!

I go see a SP to get sex yes but also with a small dose of tenderness...
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
it's very easy to discover. Just do not initiate any dfk on your next 5 dates ;)


DUDE! I’m just like you though, I never initiate it. Whatever kissing happens just happens through fucking naturally. That’s why I’m surprised about your %. The kissy kissy is just soo much a part of fucking kinda tough to exclude it? But it does happen I guess.

I don’t initiate. I got this whole “interview” gimmick with these chics when they come to see me. They walk in, I walk em
to a sofa where there’s a coffee table with a warm beverage awaiting them and I try to set up this whole “The Late show with TNB” ambience. Most of the times chickys like talking about the cool shit goin on in their lives, and they appreciate the warm beverage


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
didnt read end the rest of the thread yet but I wanted to reply to this. You’re a cool guy, but I have to disagree here. Sex work is work and it’s valid. You don’t get to invalidate me and my work. You’re currently using the same argument as the idiots who keep telling us to "go get a real job you fucking whore". I don’t know if you remember but we did meet and you never complained that I was mechanical. Yet, as much as I love my job, I still consider it a job. I’m just lucky to have a job that I love compared to a lot of people.

You don’t seem to really understand all the work that comes with being an escort - especially an Indy... Meeting with clients is just 5% of the job.

Oups silly me... If there is one girl I did not want to offend it's Julia Sky ;)

Yes we saw each other. You were fucking cool. Easy to talk to and get along with. A real care giver. And one hell of a sex encounter. I often recommended you.

Still I think you should not get offended by the comment. I still think this is not a job. The intimacy required is too important. And really there is no way this can be a way of living for the long term. That is the way it is.

And by the way idiots telling you to get a real job fucking whore are the one calling us client fucking pervert... Well in this biz I have met quite a few lady and quite a few client. On the client side I have met a few guys doing well in finance, quite of lot of engineer, many physicians, many computer scientists, many entrepreneur... Yep all fucking pervert like me ;) Moral of the story is do not give a fucking shit about what people are saying about what you do!


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You don’t get to say this isn’t a job. You have no idea what you’re talking about. With all the admin work that comes with our work, it’s definktely a job. If creating websites is a job, then escorting is a job. If customer service is a job, then escorting is a job. If modelling for photo shoots is a job, then escorting is a job. If taking care of a business’ marketting is a job, then escorting is a job. If a secretary is doing her job when answering emails, then escorts are also working when answering theirs. If you’re paying someone to do something, they’re doing a job. I could go on and on.

Also, if you’re reviewing someone when you don’t think they’re doing a job, then you’re a shitty human being for reviewing people you’re intimate with on a forum. And if this wasn’t a job you wouldn’t call DFK a service, and you wouldn’t be here arguing about it with other (and I cannot stress this word enough) *clients*

I know women who have been sex workers for over 40 years by the way, and they’re still doing very well.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
If you don’t think this is a job, but you also think girls do certain services without really being into it, what does that make you (and all of you) in your opinion? A rapist? lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
First I consider it a job and like all jobs you have some that like certain aspects of it more than others, that is natural, for instance I loved dealing with suppliers their Engineers, Metallurgists, their manufacturing people anybody that actually had hands on experience with the product. Couldn’t stand management as they were out of touch with reality.

I am sure escorts have their preferred sexual acts positions etc... and like all jobs if you want to maintain a high salary and keep your job you provide what is needed.

Btw I don’t consider myself a pervert I just happen to like gorgeous women, and like Uncle Bob said I am not there to see how far I can ram my dick down a girls throat, ( if that is what you are looking for I am sure you can find that too ) I don’t treat them any different than a civilian or my most favourite girlfriend. I like the romantic approach, and the wine and the conversation.
We all seek out a different type of companionship I happen to like DFK and most times I was not the one initiating it and so far it was always provided.

Julia and Alyssa are the only ones that commented, and I can honestly say that Julia could win employee of the month many times except that she is an Indy and her own boss. She is fabulous at DFK amongst other things and she initiates it without being asked.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ok ok I had enough. Just please read the post of Eleganza girl. I think she perfectly explained why dfk is not very well liked by sp. Which is exactly what I think also. I leave that for their bf or more intimate relation.

Remember the top 3 of 2018 will not initiate dfk if you don't. At least not with me. Perhaps and mostly it's just because it's me. Must have bad breath or something ;)

No worries mates, life is good ;)



Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I once started a thread about what was most important. DFK was first
So the only thing left to debate is whether an SW actually enjoys DFK.
Now if customer service is a job. And marketing is a job. And SW is a job.
Then would’nt it be safe to assume that DFK or a sex worker saying she loves to DFK is part of customer service. Or really good marketing.
Not saying it’s not the favorite part of her job. But it stays a part of the tasks in a job and thus cannot be enjoyed the same way as an actual lover or even a one night hookup.
It is also probably both the easiest and hardest part of the job. Easy because it is the least physically demanding.
Hard because there is more mental work and not every john is deserving of it. And also, and here’s the nail in the coffin, it is the one act most clients wants. So there is added pressure to act as if the SP is really into it

Btw. Jal. I gotta disagree with your top 3 thing. You are definitely right. But you can’t put words in their mouths. Only your cock
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