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The importance of kissing...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I did learn something from this thread lol.
i thought being right all the time is a female thing, which over the years I got used to and agreeing with it made life easier .

Now I am finding out it is definitely rubbing off on us.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I still don`t understand the word "initiate" when it comes to kissing or even GFE . Its like holding hands......if one does it , the other has the option of pulling their hand away.
Initiating is not the issue….what is important is if its rejected or reciprocated. Most girls will not initiate because they are not sure the client wants to they hold back till they get the positive signal. I start by kissing their neck and then move to the works 75% of the


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
what is important is if its rejected or reciprocated. Most girls will not initiate because they are not sure the client wants to they hold back till they get the positive signal. I start by kissing their neck and then move to the works 75% of the

Damn you! After all this fuss you admit I am right ;) haha



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Not at all. All I`m saying is that who initiates is not a factor in how much one likes to kiss. Most girls in and out of the biz enjoy good kissing. …..even more than men do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Initiating is not the issue….what is important is if its rejected or reciprocated. Most girls will not initiate because they are not sure the client wants to they hold back till they get the positive signal.

This is exactly the case and no I don’t mean they don’t initiate I am saying it doesn’t matter who does
There are obvious differences however between their styles and the way they approach it.
One will be all over you from the minute you walk in the door, she is like a hurricane that you can never keep up with, she is built for sex with a body to die for and it is obvious she enjoys it, it is like being with a rock star and the music is always at full blast.
There is no mistaking with her that DFK is not an issue for her.

Then my favourite is a complete sensual seductress, she will tease you to no end, nibble at your lower lip dance around it with her tongue, keep giving you a little taste of what there is to come, it seems to go on forever until it drives you nuts and she seems to know the exact moment when it is time for you to enjoy her complete DFK.
She is the most elegant and classy woman I have met in a long time and everything she does is a total class act.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm wondering what is behind this? I remember reading in Amanda's review thread that she doesn't do or like DFK (or something like this) and then someone wrote in the thread that Amanda's BBBJ is so good that it doesn't matter (I've had lots of good BBBJ. It is more rare when it isn't good). I haven't been around for awhile but if memory serves me correctly, in all my years since I joined MERB, DFK (or sensual LFK) hasn't been an issue except for maybe one or two instances.

Is there a movement afoot from the current class of escorts from the major agencies to not provide this service? Maybe Jali and FB are a little closer to the pulse of things than the rest of us and they are trying to tell us something. Is Amanda dislike of DFK more typical of the SPs that dot the current roosters of girls in Montreal?

It's amazing to me that some guys don't care for DFK/LFK with escorts for various reasons. It's just not a priority for some of them. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Jalimon is like this. I have a friend that I go to hobby destinations that is also like this. My friend also would not do DATY or DATO with an escort or FKK girls but he will with his wife. When I mention some of these 9's and 10's Ive done this with he makes a face and says "ughhhh." When I think of performing DATY on his 50 year old wife or some of the old alcoholics that we run into in some of the local bars I make a face and say "ugggghhhh." His point is that these young beautiful escorts have lots of partners. My point is that they are young and hot and that I'm not compelled to go down on some woman 50+ years of age!!!!! But I digress.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Agree with your take Hungry. Its funny but I never did DATY or kissing (after my first year of marriage) with my very pretty ex- wife, but I do with many escorts.....I think it`s an aging related thing.
Amanda reads merb and is probably familiar with this thread so I for one would love to hear her comments.
There was a time a year or two ago, when she was a passionate kisser.....why did that change?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Is there a movement afoot from the current class of escorts from the major agencies to not provide this service? Maybe Jali and FB are a little closer to the pulse of things than the rest of us and they are trying to tell us something. Is Amanda dislike of DFK more typical of the SPs that dot the current roosters of girls in Montreal?

theres absolutely no fucking movement, lol. The DFK shit is client variable, it’s as simple as that. If you really want a pulse on something it’s that the girls in MTL say that guys are getting a steal for $220/hour and a lot of fuckers are abusing the shit out of it. Exercise common sense with DFK or fucking anything and you’ll be fine. There’s a difference between appropriately initiating kissing and inappropriately initiating it.


Feb 9, 2018
Lol cloudsurf . I never EVER did DFK . Not with you , not with anyone . So if you say i used to be a passionate kisser , no idea what you are refering to because i never changed. I do kiss normally , i just dont feel like starting a tonsil degustation with A-N-Y-O-N-E, I do NOT like it . I dont do it with boyfriends either . I do lfk but never dfk i hate using tongue when i kiss . If a client cant understand that i wont do stuff that i dislike , that is on him . I personnally hate when someone tries to force me to do something i dont like . Now a lot of you guys throw the word YMMV arround like its a flag or something .
Let me tell you a little something gentlemen. Apparently here the word DFK is very subjective . Some guys think dfk is lfk and so on.
Because of that , a lot of reviews are weirdly written giving the impression that someone offers this service when they do not and then clients just show up and when they dont get it or its different than they read they assume qe dont like em as much and it is very annoying because we are doing the exact same thing as usual and they couls have had a great time but because expactations were different and because now they are self concious of themselves thinking they are the problem they wil’ have a bad time .
A lot of guys here do those kind of over the top reviews and exaggerating things that actually happenned and i think thats what is really going on.

also to add on the DFK matter . Most people in their 20s dont do Dfk at all . Its like a trend or whatever . Most people that are over 40 do DFK as a common practice . Lots of sps will pretend to like it (i know a few) but the matter of the fact is this generstion is not very much into DFK. Its not because of money or whatever . Its a like and dislike and you have to accept that we do have boundaries and theres a limit to how much we are willing to do for money . I personnally dont like faking anything .
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Maybe the most important thing is to define DFK and compare and contrast with LFK? As I said in the thread, I don't like it when a girl shoves her tongue down my throat and this is not what I'm after. I don't shove my tongue down a girls throat either. It's more of a sexy, seductive lfk thing that I'm after. The bottom line is that I like kissing with tongues. Sometimes it leads up to a brief moment of DFK - sort of like a climax. As I said, in Asia I have run into girls that don't know how to kiss. It's almost if they tried DFK for the first time with me just to please me and they stuck their tongue down my throat. It was like going to the butcher shop and buying a few pounds of beef tongue. Yuck!!!! I think there is an art to it.

I know that many of you are aware of a bad date I had in Toronto last May with an ex-escort. She had her lips pressed so tight together that you couldn't pry them apart with a crowbar. Goodbye kisses with family members after Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner were more sensual than that. Girls in Canada kiss with their mouth in the slightly open position and there typically is some sort of tongue action. At least that's my experience.


Feb 9, 2018
Hungry you are absolutely right. This is also exactly how i kiss . The thing is 90% of guys who tries to DFK they just stick their whole tongue out . Lots of clients do that and most of those who say i dont kiss are this kind of clients xD or bad breath and think a lil listerine will fix it. Smokers also get that from me . Its just quite hard to tell a client anything because they all take it personally all the time and then theyll tell you « other girls dont have any problems with me » but the thing is a lot of girls wont say anything and do it anyways but im just not one of them .
therefore it has made « DFK » not as enjoyable . I personally do a little tongue unless hygiene issues . But DFK is just not my thing and im pretty sure other girls feel the same. Its all about mutual respect and accepting each others preferences . That being said you can have a great time in those encounters if you dont think « im paying you have to do it » or take it personnal in any way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Amanda - thank you for your comments. I think we need a thread on the art of kissing.

I’m glad you are up front with clients. My second MERB escort that I ever experienced (she was once the model for the Xxxtase banner. Her name escapes me now) once gave me some coaching in the bedroom. She explained after that she is only trying to help me to please her so that she can enjoy herself which will make the entire session more pleasurable for both of us. This made sense...Her name was Emilie! I noticed later that some hobbyists wrote some not so nice reviews about her and Martin had to interject. She left the business and on a scale of 1-10 she was about a 1000 for body (kick boxer). Anyway, I think we chased her off and she had the heart of a teacher. This was a net loss for us.

I think we all have to be open to constructive criticism once in awhile. I've learned way more from escorts than civilian girls when it comes to sex. Thank you Emilie, Katrina of GG, and even the great Jennifer who gave me pointers on eating her out.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I liked Amanda's post.

I'd also like to add that many ladies over the years have told me that many of their clients are lousy kissers. Yes many have bad breath (and don't seem to know they do), bad teeth and bad hygiene. And as Amanda pointed out especially smokers (cigarettes, cigars and cannabis). Look i feel the same way they do when i'm kissing someone: if i detect a bad odor (as in tobacco) i tend not to want to kiss much since it totally turns me off. Listerine and Scope aren't that expensive, after all. Or gum.

But a guy who has no clue how to french kiss properly is another turn off according to many ladies i've spoken to, as i mentioned above. Especially the types who force their tongues in while holding on to the lady's head.

I can only recall of one lady whom kind of turned me off when we were kissing. She was a very popular 'Eleganza' girl back in the day. I asked other guys who saw her and they told me the same thing. Her dfk was way too forced....she'd go out of her way to hit your tonsils with her tongue. I mean, it was way too overboard for my tastes. I remember ending up with a sore throat for several days afterwards. Although she was quite attractive, very friendly and was very good in bed i never saw her again. Not because of the hard dfk.....she retired.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Doc holliday. C’mon. You are talking about merbites here! Everyone is the best kisser and lover these girls have ever had!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Where is Foodie? Dude starts a thread and bounces????


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Doc holliday. C’mon. You are talking about merbites here! Everyone is the best kisser and lover these girls have ever had!

Oh absolutely!! Most merbites are gifted lovers .... and so modest , too!
Plenty of ladies reading these boards and rolling their eyes . Lol

“ Untill the lion , learns how to write , every story will glorify the HUNTER “


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I also did like Amanda's post. For obvious reason as her reasoning is close to what I have been saying all along. But I do not have the most beautiful boobs on earth so no one listen to me and thinks I am bullshit haha

And believe me I do not say that because I truly like Amanda as last time we met we had a heated argument after the session. Which lead to many text exchanges were we verbalized each other. But all is fine now and she does wants to meet me again she said. Cool but maybe it will be a wonderful hatefuck? That could be cool ;) But it won't happen with her smile and my labrador dog nature. Whatever can't wait to see such a wonderful babe again ;)

So guys going back to the topic if you want my number one advice to have a good time everytime you meet a new SP would be do go with lfk only. And outright tell her at the very beginning. It will be a relief for her (and the girl that like dfk will anyhow go on with it so it's win/win...).

Still looking for foodie?



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
When hobbying I am 100% covered and no kissing. I have a great fear of getting sloppy seconds.

Yea I do the same if she’s not that much my type . I excuse myself by telling her that I’m a germaphobe.
Now if she’s hot I certainly don’t mind it ;)

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Still looking for foodie?


would be nice to get his take on things, he did start the thread? I looooove what Amanda said......but I also love what Alyssa and Julia said lover. 3 different perspectives, 3 different mentalities.
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