The thing is that a lot of people try to link incel subculture to the rise of conservatism on the internet. Instead of doing like we would do with, for example, islamic terrorism and avoid to link it to islam in general, a lot of people are trying to make it seem like Incel's are the tip of the iceberg of something a lot worse than that.
So it becomes very difficult to discuss about these issues without risking a lot... because there's a lot of men who have genuine issues with mainstream feminism and liberal left that could be expressed without falling into violence, but mainstream ''thinking'' tends to demonize everything that is not on the same page as it is.
Criticizing feminism is assimilated to hating all women and wanting to kill them which is totally absurd and absolutely disgusting.
PS: I am, personnally completely and definitely against any form of misoginy. Incels are, in my opinion, pathetic and clearly have mental issues.
So it becomes very difficult to discuss about these issues without risking a lot... because there's a lot of men who have genuine issues with mainstream feminism and liberal left that could be expressed without falling into violence, but mainstream ''thinking'' tends to demonize everything that is not on the same page as it is.
Criticizing feminism is assimilated to hating all women and wanting to kill them which is totally absurd and absolutely disgusting.

Quand la misogynie devient du terrorisme
Le 24 février dernier, une attaque dans un salon de massage érotique à Toronto a causé la mort d’une femme et blessé deux autres personnes. L’attaque en question vient d’être requalifiée par le Service de police de Toronto et la Gendarmerie royale du Canada d’acte terroriste, qui aurait été...

PS: I am, personnally completely and definitely against any form of misoginy. Incels are, in my opinion, pathetic and clearly have mental issues.