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The "incel" sub-culture


Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
2fast2slow, yes there are females who can also have a very hard time meeting men but let's be honnest, the comparison just can't be done as the problem of involuntarily celibacy vastly affects men on a larger scale. The females who supposedly struggle are the ones who just can't get their ideal man to commit to them whereas the men who struggle would pretty be happy just with something that matches with them.


New Member
May 23, 2018
Spagett: Damn man, it feels like I wrote this. I am pretty much in the same boat including your age. I don’t hate on the guys that get the women. You just learn to deal with being too ugly to get girls. Lmao. Seriously though, I just realized that once I managed to not let it bother me, it felt a lot better. Good thing we have this.

Its always comforting to know that you are not alone ... Thanks for that feeling I suppose. Acceptance is key to be happy in life, for both the good and the bad. I do always work on the bad parts, try to make myself better (both for other and myself).

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
2fast2slow, yes there are females who can also have a very hard time meeting men but let's be honnest, the comparison just can't be done as the problem of involuntarily celibacy vastly affects men on a larger scale. The females who supposedly struggle are the ones who just can't get their ideal man to commit to them whereas the men who struggle would pretty be happy just with something that matches with them.

A few wrong things with your post... First of all, I’m curious why you say men and not males, but you feel the need to say females instead of women... lol...

Second of all, this whole "incel" thing is *specifically* rooted in the fact these guys are mad at the world because they’re not getting the pussy they think they deserve. You couldn’t be more wrong with the last line. True incels wouldn’t be happy with just something that matches them - they would be mad because they think they deserve better - they would be insulted that "only a boring basic bitch wants to date me..." - they think they deserve model pussy and they get mad at society and murder women because they don’t get what they think they were born to get. I think many of the people taking part in this thread don’t quite grasp what the whole incel thing is. Someone who is single involuntarily and struggles to find a partner is not necessarily an « incel ». Incels are a whole other level lol.

It’s also a little invalidating to pretend women can’t really struggle. While I agree it’s a lot easier for women to find a partner, especially for sex (no matter how ugly a woman is, she 100% can find someone any day that will want to fuck her), that doesn’t mean no woman ever struggles. Some women want a long term serious partner and can only find guys who only want sex. Sometimes, a woman struggles to find a partner because she has kids and not every man wants to be a step-father. This isn’t a matter of "ideal man", it’s just a matter of two people wanting different things. It happens. Of course the dating game is in favor of women... But to deny the fact that some women struggle as well is just not okay... And is actually a bit of an incel argument tbh lol "pffft women have it so easy, they’re just greedy picky bitches who don’t want anything but a perfect prince!!! Whereas us MEN strugg’e For REAL!!!"


Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
Good evening,

English is not really my native tongue. In the french language, saying female instead of woman is very pejorative but in english it doesn't seem to bother people that much. Well the reason I used female and didn't employ male doesn't equate to any form of sexism from me, I'm just so used to hear one term than the other.

While they are a subset of male incels who indeed feel entitled to a model, that's really far from being the case to all incels. Many have also tried to hit girls below their own respective physical level yet resulted to nothing. By the way I just want to remind that being an incel isn't someone who is part of any movement whatsoever but it's rather a state of being.

The idea that incels commit murders and stuff is a narrative coming from the leftist medias. Most of them are depressed people who are on the verge of killing themselves but they don't really have the guts to do it, let alone killing other people. There is absolutely no proof that Alek Minassian (the Toronto mass-killer) was part of any incel community on the internet until today. His quote on quote post of him of FB looks so suspiciously fake.

I agree though that the internet communities have some much useless toxicity, one of the reason why I stopped browsing in there. The self-pitying is also very pathetic but at the same time, we gotta remember that most of the members are depressed from their lack of dopamine and they feel totally miserable. I also hate the fact the sexism and the hatred of women prevails so much at the point where it's a blasphemy to not hate everything that pertains the opposite gender. This is just nonsensical and stupid as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

While I would agree with the majority of your post, I doubt that no matter how ugly a woman is she can 100% any day find someone to fuck her.

How would you know that, you have a body to die for and men pay to be with you lol.

Women do have an advantage but they struggle also to find someone for a lasting and meaningful relationship, especially once they reach middle age and have a couple of children.
Finding someone for sex may not be that difficult for them but anything long term may even be more difficult for them than for men in the same age bracket.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
About your balding best option is to just shave your head. Make a bald head as part of your style to hide the balding. Nothing worse then guys who grow long hair who are balding. Makes them look like computer nerds who play video games all day and women are not into those types of guys.

Yeah i shave every couple months. I don't have the patience to keep it bald but i don't grow them anymore. But bald or not ill always be a "computer nerds who play video games", no matter if girls are into it or lol.

a lot of innteresting posts here. Halloween Mike thats great! Keep up the good work. not only it helps with the girls, you'll live longer to spend more time with them :)

Thanks, yeah the girls are not the main reason, but it would certainly be a nice plus lol.

Mike - Great work!!! Next time I see you I am going to buy you a beer (a light beer of course) and take you to dinner (low carbs).

LOL thanks but i actually designed my own weight loss plan and it work very well so far. Beer as you may know is something i love a lot, and not light beer :p , so i drink once a week, 8% or 9%, a full 6 packs, sometimes another additional can, lots of beers, but to balance it out that day i only eat once as i wake up. I drink on friday night (unless special circonstances) and when i take my weight again on monday it barely moved compare to friday, sometimes .2 more but thats about it and i loose it very fast. I also do gym now on fridays before beer.

With weight its all about balancing everything. You can eat a cheap fast food meal at times but ocasionally, and you can drink beer too, just not all the time. I actually don't like drinking beer if im not going drunk... It feels to me the same if a girl would start sucking my dick for 20 secs and stops... its not fun and leave you in a bad mood after :p

Basically, no light beer for me :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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A few things Julia, I've had many female friends who could not find a decent partner, and when I mean decent I mean someone who minimally take care of themselves (like shave and washes) and who can entertain minimal conversation with minimal caring for them as dates (like not leaving them waiting under the rain for e.g. as it happened to a friend). And they were not all disadvantaged in the looks department, but tended to pick their dates on the wrong criteria (for e.g. "he's soooo handsome") or going out with the first one who asked them out because they were so desperate. But men do the same mistakes.... I never realized some women had those challenges when I was single. Women have a pride, they don't talk about it!!! You meet them once you have a girlfriend who has friends...

The difference for men is that they have to make the first steps, still today. Women will judge them by those first steps, and if you are clumsy and just "normal" looking, you get ejected quick. If you approach a woman the wrong way, you are creepy, you are harassing them, you are boring or just another one hitting on them. In the best case, you get friendzoned very quick. But how the hell are you supposed to approach women? And let's say you have approached them and get a date and want, one day, to sleep with her, you must "escalate", e.g. create the right mood, make her feel excited and willing. How does one do this? And if you are clumsy and do a mistake, you get slapped at best or even accused or sexual misconduct. And if you don't make that move, you appear disinterested and get friendzoned also. That is the difference between men and women on this Julia. Have you ever heard of a man accusing a woman of sexual misconduct because she tried to kiss him or touched his butt? He may not like it, but he's not going to make a big deal out of it.

You don't learn these skills in school, and when you don't do anything, nothing happens. The one thing that did help me tremendously on my side is the fast seduction stuff. Whatever people say about this stuff, what it teach men is exactly what's missing: how to approach in a fun and sociable way, how to be a good date and entertain a pleasant conversation, how to make her in the mood in an exciting way for her. What they preach is all consensual, no pressure, and women usually enjoy a man who know what he's doing.

So getting back to my original point, what I don't understand is how the incels consider their destiny unchangeable.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
These days i don't really know where i am at in term of all of this. I lost 65 pounds compare to where i was just in April. And i show no sign of slowing down, i mean right now im at the gym and i eat healthy and never in large quantity etc etc. Im even thinking about trying that tinder thingy i keep hearing about when i drop 20 more pounds. But im now in my mid 30s, i lost a lot of hairs in the later years, i start to show my age a bit more, i couldn't be able to go back to the 20s dating scene style probably...

Holly Shit! Congrats boy!! Keep on men! When I met you I personally tough you were such a nice dude, intelligent and not ugly at all, to the contratry. But yeah you were too heavy. The past is the past. You still have plenty of time to hit it off believe me my friend haha

And you are spot on with "Peoples with mental illness who use something in life to justify their evil actions."... Yep my friend all real losers need someone to blame...



Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
Good looks or overall perceived genetics is the number 1 factor of someone's sexual success but not only that. Being good-looking also helps tremendously in other areas of life (friendships, jobs, etc..).

Being simply average or below-average looking won't really put you at such an advantage. You'd either need to have something going on for you such as money and/or status or you'll be simply doomed as a man of low-value.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Good looks or overall perceived genetics is the number 1 factor of someone's sexual success but not only that. Being good-looking also helps tremendously in other areas of life (friendships, jobs, etc..).
Good looks for men are overrated. Women are attracted to success and power and the ability to earn and provide for them. It's in their DNA. If you have this you got po-tential! Looks help but it is only one piece of a bigger puzzle. Play to your strengths. Work on the things you don't have. Pity parties are counterproductive.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

Fucking so much agree. Pretty much all men have something women will adore if you are strong (in the head), confident, thin, tall and got a situation (do not need to be crazy rich, just not the type of dude that live from paycheck to paycheck...).

I am not tall so I had work hard on being humorous and it compensated greatly, to a certain degree ;)



Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
Looks is important for sexual success and other areas of life and that's a fact. If material success or power were to be what attracted women then we would see Zuckenburg or Trump surrounded with hot ass chicks all the time. Althought that a fringe of women would indeed want to be around those prestigious men.

See all the famous men who got metoo'd. Many of them are high-status rich men yet it didn't stop them to have their lives destroyed by sexual harrasment allegations. Don't get me wrong, money and status help big time but if you want to fuck hot girls in their prime there is absolutely no other substitute for good looks and youth. Saying that looks are not that important as a man is the biggest lie of the 21th century. Attraction occurs at a pure visual level and in this feminized modern society, it is more than ever important to look as good as possible for a man (when I say look good, it ain't about having a nice haircut or being shaved but being at the top 10 % of height, facial aesthetic and race obviously).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Looks is important for sexual success and other areas of life and that's a fact. If material success or power were to be what attracted women then we would see Zuckenburg or Trump surrounded with hot ass chicks all the time. Althought that a fringe of women would indeed want to be around those prestigious men.
Have you been paying attention? Trump has been surrounded by hot ass women since I can remember. I would take his current wife and any of the ex-wives right now I think. I saw Marla Maples on Dances with Stars. When he dumped his first wife for her back in the 80's she was Miss Resaca Beach and she still looks good to me.

What does it matter? I sleep with better looking women now than I did at my peak and I was a good looking guy. (Well, I really don't sleep with them). Even at my peak, I was still frustrated and imagining I should have more. I had irons in the fire but it was a tough business.

Another related tidbit: The nerds often get the girls in the end. They become successful and they acquire status and they find a way to overcome other shortcomings. As I said in my post the other day, things change. It's a marathon not a sprint. You're going to have dry spells.

With pay-for-play you get to make up for all your swings and misses. What does it matter if you have to pay for them or they want to fuck you because you look like the lead guitarist f some garage band? It doesn't fucking matter. Nothing's free anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Anyone who says money and power is the way to get women are seriously delusional because you would see the older rich men with the hot chicks but that is not the case. They can buy them but not their love and desire. Looks is the most important thing. You just got to look good. As much as women do not admit it they are primarily attracted to a mans looks then after his swagg. A man got to make a woman feel good. Unfortunately rich powerful men usually know nothing about that. A man also got to have status. Someone like Drake is what a woman will love. The guy got looks, swagg, and is a rapper. That is the key to success with women. Not the fact you are loaded like a millionaire. Only thing they can do is buy a womens time. She will pretend to love you but be banging some top swagg guy behind his back.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...if you want to fuck hot girls in their prime there is absolutely no other substitute for good looks and youth...

CA$H is a great substitute. It works fine for me.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Yeah but it's all phony in the end. She's not fucking you because she digs you unconditionally but because you paid her and that's most likely her job.

Who cares? No one here (well almost no one) has any illusions about whether escorts "dig" their clients. If you care about that, what are you doing here on an escort board? :rolleyes:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Who cares? No one here (well almost no one) has any illusions about whether escorts "dig" their clients. If you care about that, what are you doing here on an escort board? :rolleyes:

I am afraid you are wrong here. Most here thrive on the illusion... We are a minority who do not.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yeah but it's all phony in the end. She's not fucking you because she digs you unconditionally but because you paid her and that's most likely her job.

So what? So what that you don't get laid solely based on your looks? The point is, are you getting laid? If you are looking for a long term companion, this is the wrong place. Is this it? Otherwise, why the hell should you be so hung up on this? Have you tried Lexapro or Prozac?
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