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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2008

Mod 6

New Member
Sep 11, 2005
Apparently you guys have no hard feelings and it seems that the harsh words are friendly. Well, at rumpleforeskiin, the thread is reopened and hope you guys beee-have.

Mod 6
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Ok, congratulations in order, Joe T.

Lucky for me, I took the precaution of wearing rubber underwear all day, Joe T. My nightmare on River Street was realized as the Wanks actually did manage to split at home with arguably the worst team in the league.

If you can access the dimmest reaches of your alleged brain through the glue fumes, you might be able to recall that virtually all baseball teams win more often at home than on the road.

Enjoy your warm bath while you can, Lobster Joe.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
anon_vlad said:
If you can access the dimmest reaches of your alleged brain through the glue fumes, you might be able to recall that virtually all baseball teams win more often at home than on the road.
Yep, quite embarrassing losing two of four to the lowly Rays in your own backyard.

The Sox played over the weekend like exactly what they were. One tired team. 18 days on the road, two continents. Unfortunately, now they're going to be toting some extra weight. I imagine wearing those heavy World Series championship rings is going to slow them down on the bases.

Yes, the Sox are in the cellar, someplace they wouldn't be had the Yankees not lost half of their home games to the Tampa Bay Rays.

BTW, Joe, you fucking moron®, still don't see you jumping on my offer.

Also, I exchanged PMs with mod6, who wasn't aware that references to Joe as a fucking moron® are a term of endearment. Joe be a fucking moron®, but he's a lovable fucking moron®. At least sometimes. Like when he keeps his mouth shut.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Fascinating Logic

Mod 6 said:
Apparently you guys have no hard feelings and it seems that the harsh words are friendly. Well, at rumpleforeskiin, the thread is reopened and hope you guys beee-have.

Mod 6


With all due respect this is bogus to the extreme. You have caved to the tyranny of three - initials R, K, J. Essentially their lame arguement is that this represents sports rivalry.

Sports rivalry is also represented in various hockey, NFL football, basketball and other sports threads on this board. NONE EXHIBIT THE VULGARITY of this thread or the attempts at browbeating others. Furthermore the vbulletin format is used for countless sports pro and amateur forums and NONE would ever tolerate such VULGARITY.

Basically it is a turn - off for most any other member who would like to participate and it sends a clear message that such language may migrate to other threads - evidence by the Charlton Heston thread where the some of D baseball thread gutter mouths did their thing - again with impunity.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Mod 6 said:
Apparently you guys have no hard feelings and it seems that the harsh words are friendly. Well, at rumpleforeskiin, the thread is reopened and hope you guys beee-have.

Mod 6
I realize I have goaded Joe.t many, many times, and strongly in some cases. But, calling someone a "delusional fucking moron" and/or returning the favor with a "delusional asshole" goes too far for me. Yeah, Rumples may have it close to correct that most of this is just characteristic of a strong sports rivalry. I have met Joe.t and there was no animosity displayed either way...on the surface at least. But regardless of whether Joe is willing to take what would otherwise be these most severe, outrageous, in-your-face insults I think it's still wrong to use them. Can using these names really be "just in fun"? I don't think anyone would use them on their children, family, or close friends consistently like this and still keep their good will. For me, it's just going too far...but then, I am not a Libertine sort.

I will try to remember to curb my own excesses and also remember that the faults of others are no excuse to lower my self so poorly. Much of my recent goading will be deleted or edited.




Righteous posts by anyone banned for conspiracy are an object lesson in hypocritical sanctimony.
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Apr 29, 2004
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eastender said:
NONE EXHIBIT THE VULGARITY of this thread or the attempts at browbeating others. thread gutter mouths did their thing - again with impunity.

To paraphrase the famous line by the Captain Renault of Casablanca: "I’m shocked, shocked to find that vulgar speech is going on here."

Imagine such behaviour at a genteel site such as this which panders to people's preoccupation with the pursuit of paid pussy.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
anon_vlad said:
To paraphrase the famous line by the Captain Renault of Casablanca: "I’m shocked, shocked to find that vulgar speech is going on here."

He's from Casablanca? I was always under the impression he was from the States. He sure travels from far abroad just to attend the F1 GP year after year. ;)

Red Sox playing the Tigers this afternoon. What the fuck is wrong with the Tigers? They haven't won a single game yet! :eek:

As for the Sox, they're back home after a very exhausting road trip where they went from time zone to time zone to time zone within a period of 10 days. Good old fashioned home cooking will do them a lot of good!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
He's from Casablanca? I was always under the impression he was from the States. He sure travels from far abroad just to attend the F1 GP year after year. ;)

Red Sox playing the Tigers this afternoon. What the fuck is wrong with the Tigers? They haven't won a single game yet! :eek:

As for the Sox, they're back home after a very exhausting road trip where they went from time zone to time zone to time zone within a period of 10 days. Good old fashioned home cooking will do them a lot of good!
Hello Doc,

Congrats on your Blue Jays sweep. But, despite the won/loss record so far, the signs aren't so bad. As you said, the trip had it's affects. My only real worry right now is some of the relief pitching. Otherwise, time to get back to normality should show who the Sox are this year more clearly.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
$320.00 that the Yankees finish ahead of the Red Sox, to be paid within 7 days after mathematical elimination, that's my offer, confirmed on my part, waiting for a reply.
Confirmed, my dear favorite fucking moron®.:D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
Good old fashioned home cooking will do them a lot of good!
True, but having to run the bases with the extra weight of those World Series championship rings might prove a bit of a burden.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hey Josey,

The World Series Champion Boston Red Sox will be awarded their rings today at their first home game of the year. If you would like to enjoy the ceremony and experience the magnificent feeling of total victory with the 2007 World Series CHAMPIONS, tune into NESN today at 1:00.

But, of course you can't beat having the Yankees there to watch as in 2005.

Big Hugs,

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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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eastender said:

With all due respect this is bogus to the extreme. You have caved to the tyranny of three - initials R, K, J. Essentially their lame arguement is that this represents sports rivalry.

Stop whining!! By the way, how's your league worst Detroit Tiger pitching staff so far EE? :p


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Talk about class. How about bringing Bill Buckner back to throw out the first ball. Bet he gets a huge ovation.

You think some day, waaaay in the future, the Yankees, if they ever win another championship in his lifetime, they'll bring back Alex Rodriguez to throw out the first ball?


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

Just watched the fans give Bill Buckner a long, loud, standing ovation. It was great to see him there getting some long overdue appreciation and respect after having a that burden of blame for the 1986 World Series loss be unfairly placed almost singularly on him. It is the fans who should be ashamed of their past persecution of him. Thanks for coming Bill!

Warm regards,

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Watching the Royals/Yankees game. Hughes sucked again & was pulled early in the game. Just saw Damon make an awful throw from left field which allowed the Royals to score 2 runs on a single. Believe it or not, but his throwing is even worse than it ever was. I swear that there'll be a game this year where someone will score from 1st on a single on a ball hit to Damon. Really! :D

Oh yeah, Jeter is out for at least 3 games.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
Watching the Royals/Yankees game. Hughes sucked again & was pulled early in the game. Just saw Damon make an awful throw from left field which allowed the Royals to score 2 runs on a single. Believe it or not, but his throwing is even worse than it ever was. I swear that there'll be a game this year where someone will score from 1st on a single on a ball hit to Damon. Really! :D

Oh yeah, Jeter is out for at least 3 games.
Too bad you had to watch such a miserable display. Had you watched the Red Sox, you'd have gotten to see the dazzling brilliance of Daisuke Matsuzaka.

I guess you'll have to wait a few minutes to see some major league pitching. Boy, dontcha think the Yankees wished they'd signed AJ Burnett instead of Carl "Remember Him" Pavano?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
rumpleforeskiin said:
Too bad you had to watch such a miserable display. Had you watched the Red Sox, you'd have gotten to see the dazzling brilliance of Daisuke Matsuzaka.

I did get to watch the Sox/Tigers game earlier. Dice-K was impressive & so were the Sox bats. MLB Extra Innings is great! :D
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