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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2008


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

The data to support this study is available, though I haven't searched for it. Help yourself. However, Jeter's inability to field his position is nothing new; any number of defensive metrics have been established and their results published.

Here's a link to BP's Jeter card. If you scroll down a bit, you'll find RAA. This stat is Runs Allowed vs. Average. It basically compares the player to the average defender. Over the course of his career, for whatever reason, Jeter cost his team 129 runs when compared to the average fielder. You'll notice considerable improvement beginning in 2004. He was actually a good fielder in 2005, near average in 2006 and 2007. While he's always been bad, from 2001-2004 he was horrible.

Most other defensive metrics some up with similar results.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:

The data to support this study is available, though I haven't searched for it. Help yourself. However, Jeter's inability to field his position is nothing new; any number of defensive metrics have been established and their results published.

Here's a link to BP's Jeter card. If you scroll down a bit, you'll find RAA. This stat is Runs Allowed vs. Average. It basically compares the player to the average defender. Over the course of his career, for whatever reason, Jeter cost his team 129 runs when compared to the average fielder. You'll notice considerable improvement beginning in 2004. He was actually a good fielder in 2005, near average in 2006 and 2007. While he's always been bad, from 2001-2004 he was horrible.

Most other defensive metrics some up with similar results.

Muchos Gracias Rumples,

That's much better. A quick look comparing Jeter versus Rodriguez and Ramirez in RAA is enlightening; not that our beloved Manny as a left fielder at -98 is much better than Jeter's -129. It sure makes one wonder what precise criteria voters used to award Gold Gloves even if the RAA is not the determining factor.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
That's much better. A quick look comparing Jeter versus Rodriguez and Ramirez in RAA is enlightening; not that our beloved Manny as a left fielder at -98 is much better than Jeter's -129. It sure makes one wonder what precise criteria voters used to award Gold Gloves even if the RAA is not the determining factor.
They use they're lyin' eyes. Actually, the Gold Gloves® are voted on by the writers. They use no metrics; they use reputation. Once you've got the Gold Glove®, you've got it as long as you've got a pulse.

As for Manny, a -98 at LF/RF is probably worse than a -129 at SS, as the SS gets many more opportunities to excel/suck than does the LF.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
They use they're lyin' eyes. Actually, the Gold Gloves® are voted on by the writers. They use no metrics; they use reputation. Once you've got the Gold Glove®, you've got it as long as you've got a pulse.

As for Manny, a -98 at LF/RF is probably worse than a -129 at SS, as the SS gets many more opportunities to excel/suck than does the LF.
Well Rumpie,

So it seems we are now refuting the report about least about him being the worst fielder in any position???


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
So it seems we are now refuting the report about least about him being the worst fielder in any position???
Yes, and no. Yes, in terms of costing his team the most runs. No, because it's really relative. A shortstop gets more opportunity to either help or hurt his team than does a corner outfielder.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Pettitte Apology.

Hello all,

"I want to apologize to the New York Yankees' and to the Houston Astros' organizations and to their fans and to all my teammates and to all of baseball fans for the embarrassment I have caused them," he said. "I also want to tell anyone that is an Andy Pettitte fan I am sorry, especially any kids that might look up to me."

I am sorry for not telling the whole truth in my original statement," Pettitte said. "I never wanted to bring my dad into a situation like this. This was between me and him, and no one else. I testified about my dad in part because I felt in my heart I had to, but mainly because he urged me to tell the truth, even if it hurt him."




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Tejada to become Clemens????

Hello all,

Looks like it could be Tejada's turn to make the same mistake Clemens did...deny everything. The same lawyer advice is being given to him despite some evidence of perjury in previous testimony and a witness who says he received steroids...OOOPS!

KISSIMMEE, Fla. (AP) - Miguel Tejada said he's been advised by attorneys not to comment on the Mitchell Report or an FBI investigation looking into his alleged link to steroids.

"I can't really talk about that situation," Tejada said Tuesday morning upon arriving at Houston Astros training camp. "Right now, I just want to talk about baseball, because that's really my focus."

The Astros acquired the four-time All-Star shortstop from Baltimore on Dec. 12, the day before the Mitchell Report was released.

In the report, Adam Piatt claimed he gave steroids to Tejada in 2003, when the two were teammates in Oakland. The report included checks Tejada wrote to Piatt to allegedly pay for steroids. The report said Tejada refused to meet with Mitchell's investigators.

Asked if he could answer the allegations in the report, Tejada said, "No, I can't. Not at all."

A month after the report was released, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Tejada lied in an August 2005 interview about the perjury case of Rafael Palmeiro, his former teammate.

Palmeiro was suspended for a positive steroid test and suggested that Tejada provided him with a tainted shot of vitamin B12. Tejada denied the claim to federal authorities. He also told them that he never took performance enhancers and had no knowledge of other players using or talking about steroids.

The FBI has launched an inquiry and Tejada could get jail time if found guilty.

"I can't really talk about that. It's not my position to talk about that," Tejada said. "Right now, my mind is really focused on just playing baseball."

Tejada, the 2002 AL MVP, would not say if he had been contacted by the FBI.

"I'm not worried about anything," Tejada said. "Right now, I just want to get my uniform, just go out there and work hard."

The day the House committee asked the Justice Department to open its investigation, Tejada's older brother died in a motorcycle accident. He played in the Caribbean World Series before arriving in Florida late last week.

"The only thing I can say is, the last couple of months, I've spent a lot of time with my family," he said.

Tejada hit .296 with 18 homers and 81 RBIs in 2007. He's an offensive upgrade from previous shortstop Adam Everett, who batted .232 last season and was signed by Minnesota after Houston didn't pick up his contract.

The Astros stand by the acquisition of Tejada, despite the steroid allegations now hanging over him.

"I still think it was the right decision," owner Drayton McLane said.
Tejada arrived at camp at 7 a.m. Tuesday, the day all position players were due to report. He left the complex within five minutes to go take a physical at another location.

As media gathered around his locker, Tejada shook hands with his new teammates, chatting with the ones who spoke Spanish.
He was going to sit down with manager Cecil Cooper and general manager Ed Wade before his first workout. Cooper said he wasn't going to bring up the steroid allegations in their first meeting.

"We'll talk about baseball things," Cooper said. "That's all I care about. That's all we should all be focused on at this point in time."

Cooper wasn't concerned about how Tejada would be perceived in the clubhouse.

"From what I hear, Miguel is a terrific guy," Cooper said. "I'm sure his teammates are going to hook onto him and they're going to get along well. If there's a problem in there, I'll deal with it. But there won't be a problem."




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
A-Rod Clean...79% think so.

Hello all,

"Last year, I got tested 9-to-10 times," Rodriguez said. "We have a very, very strict policy, and I think the game is making tremendous strides."

Rodriguez could have been exaggerating about the amount of tests, he could have been selected for an unusually high number of checks or he might have dropped a clue to something else.

Under baseball's drug-testing rules, players are tested at least twice: within five days of arriving at spring training and again at a randomly picked unannounced date. There also are 600 additional random tests throughout the major leagues, of which as many as 60 may be conducted during the offseason.

If Rodriguez's statement was correct, that means he was selected repeatedly for the random tests. Another possible explanation is that he tested positive for a stimulant, which would have subjected him to six additional unannounced tests over the following year. Initial positive tests for stimulants are not subject to discipline and are not announced.

Well, what exactly do they mean by "stimulant"? Whatever happened, someone sure seemed to be checking A-Rod closely if he got checked the number of times he says. That many tests simply can't be a result of random chance. However, in the poll in this article 79% of those voting thought he was clean. For now, nothing else should be presumed.


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Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
2007 World Series Champions Boston Red Sox to visit White House

The Red Sox will visit the White House this Wednesday.

A visit to the White House won't be the only trip on the docket for the Sox. The players will also visit with patients at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The championship trophy will also be present during the meeting at the Medical Center.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Hello all,

I guess there is no foul if someone wants to give his teammate a nice pat on the butt, but not a ball has been thrown, not a bat has been swung, not a runner has advanced, not an out has been made and still we get crystal ball statements about who the MVP will be in 2008. Does this mean last year's winner A-Rod will tank his play often enough for Jeter to win? Don't forget Alex that there were 9 other players who finished ahead of Jeter in the voting last year.

The facts are that Jeter is too far behind a healthy producing A-Rod to get the MVP over him. Jeter has never been able to compete against A-Rod in HR, RBI, BB, SLG, OPS+, TB. So A-Rod's statement amounts to a nice pat on the head unless something happens to him and other better players.

Hot air,

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Clemens and Canseco Committed PERJURY???

Hello all,

Roger Clemens may have joked about wife's chat with Jessica Canseco

Congress is believed to have received new evidence over the past 10 days that may further undermine Roger Clemens' sworn testimony that he did not attend a suddenly notorious 1998 party at Jose Canseco's South Florida home.

The Daily News has learned that in the days since the Feb. 13 public hearing on steroids in baseball, another major leaguer has informed congressional investigators that Clemens often joked in the clubhouse about a memorable account of the party - a scene in which Debbie Clemens and Canseco's ex-wife Jessica compared the results of their surgical breast enhancements.

The new revelation adds to the probability that Congress will make a criminal referral of the matter to the Justice Department,

Clemens' accuser Brian McNamee, in sworn testimony on Feb. 7 before lawyers for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, had already shared the anecdote to explain why the party was memorable.

The 1998 Canseco party is crucial because it was there that Clemens allegedly talked about steroids - and may have even used them for the first time, McNamee has said.

"I think he got it at Canseco's house," McNamee said in a secretly recorded Dec. 12 conversation at his home with private investigators working for Clemens' lawyer Rusty Hardin. "As far as the government and Mitchell, they know that he got the Winstrol at a party; and that's when he did Winstrol."

At the time, a conflicted McNamee wanted to warn Clemens' of his inclusion in the imminent Mitchell Report. At that point, McNamee had been an informant for the government and Mitchell for months. He told Hardin's men the government had indicated to him they could link Clemens to a drug deal at the party.

"And somehow, whoever else the government is talking to, said that he got them there in Florida," McNamee said, referring to steroids. "(They said) that some guy walked into a room with him and Canseco and that's how they got the drugs, the Winstrol."

Nearly two months later, now decidedly at war with his former client, McNamee would relay to the committee the specific story placing Clemens, Canseco and their wives at the party. Clemens has vehemently disputed such claims under oath. Canseco gave Congress an affidavit stating Clemens did not attend the party.

"I mean, they talked - no disrespect, but they talked about how great Jose's wife's augmentation job was to Debbie and showed her," McNamee said. "And then Debbie showed her her augmentation job." As the Daily News has reported, the committee could decide to refer Clemens, McNamee or both to the Justice Department this week.

McNamee's lawyers have said they expect that to happen. The Justice Department could launch an investigation to determine which man is lying then, or make the move independently.

The feds are already looking into instances in which Clemens refuted the testimony of McNamee, with whom they signed a proffer agreement last summer requiring McNamee to tell them the truth.

Hardin backed off Clemens' denials about being at the party after the Daily News reported last week about the existence of a photo that may link Clemens to the party. The photo is owned by a young man who attended the party when he was 11 years old and took photos of his baseball heroes, including Clemens.

That photo is believed to be among the pieces of evidence (along with blood-stained medical refuse) being reviewed by IRS special agent Jeff Novitzky and prosecutor Matthew Parrella, who have much broader investigative power than the committee's attorneys did.

The two men have spent five years leading the government's BALCO

Likely witnesses in a federal probe could include Kelly Blair, a distant relative of Andy Pettitte who supplied human growth hormone to Pettitte's father, who then shared it with the Yankee pitcher in 2004. Earlier this month, the News revealed that 1-on-1 Elite Personal Fitness (Blair's gym in Pasadena, Texas) was a source of performance-enhancing drugs that wasn't identified in the Mitchell Report.

Clemens sinking fast,

On that boob Roger Clemens

As Michael Corleone said in “Godfather III,” just when I try to get out, they pull me back in. And although even I’m getting sick of writing about Roger Clemens, the story has new twists and turns worth covering. So I’ll be back to current Yankees soon enough, but I feel like I ought to write about the latest Clemens revelations first. Get your popcorn ready.

I’ll tell you what, nothing says class and dignity like women comparing boob jobs. But apparently, that’s what happened with Debbie Clemens and Jessica Canseco at Jose Canseco’s infamous 1998 pool party for the Toronto Blue Jays.

And it only gets better (or worse, depending on your taste level):
The Daily News has learned that in the days since the Feb. 13 public hearing on steroids in baseball, another major leaguer has informed congressional investigators that Clemens often joked in the clubhouse about a memorable account of the party - a scene in which Debbie Clemens and Canseco’s ex-wife Jessica compared the results of their surgical breast enhancements.

Wow, what a guy. And I don’t know what’s more sleazy - his wife joking about her plastic breasts, or him joking about her joking about her plastic breasts. Good grief.

Besides, I’m still scratching my head over why Clemens and his attorneys thought that denying that he was at Jose Canseco’s 1998 party was such a winning defense. It’s not just that Canseco insinuated in his book “Juiced” that Roger himself was on the juice. It’s not just that Jose verified in that book that baseball players used the phrase “B-12 shot” as a euphemism for steroids. It’s also that Clemens and his lawyers didn’t count on other people in the party having long memories.

First, you have the nanny, who Clemens tracked down and invited over to his house the Sunday before the House hearings to interview.her. (Oh, that’s right, he was “just doing y’all a favor” by talking to her beforehand.) The nanny remembers the Clemens staying over at the Cansecos.

Then you have the story in the Daily News last week that there apparently are photos of Clemens at Canseco’s party, taken by an 11-year-old at the event. Despite all the previous denials, that revelation prompted the Rocket’s attorney, Rusty Hardin to say this:
Roger was playing golf at the time of the party, and has stated that he may have stopped by the Canseco house after playing golf before heading to the ballpark for the game.

Again, what was the point of Clemens’ attorneys making a big deal about this party in the first place? It really was a footnote, at best, to the Mitchell Report’s revelations. And even if Roger never set foot in Canseco’s home, it doesn’t mean that he’s innocent of using performance-enhancing drugs.

I do think Brian McNamee’s attorneys are making a mistake in trying to get Rusty Hardin removed as the Rocket’s attorney. Why would they want to get rid of the guy?

Now there’s a report that House investigators have drafted a letter to investigate whether Clemens lied to Congress.

So, it looks like the Rocket’s world of trouble is just beginning. As today’s Daily News’ back page says, what a boob!

Deeper and deeper,



And the SILENCE of Joe.G on the Clemens issue is Deafening!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Yawn!! can we not talk about the upcoming season.

Hey Korbie has rated the positions and they have the Yankees beating the Red Sox in every position except, Starting pitcher(Beckett), reliever(Papelbon) and 1st base(Ortiz).

Translation- They have rated the Yankees as the better team.:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Yawn!! can we not talk about the upcoming season.

Hey Korbie has rated the positions and they have the Yankees beating the Red Sox in every position except, Starting pitcher(Beckett), reliever(Papelbon) and 1st base(Ortiz).

Translation- They have rated the Yankees as the better team.:)
I can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about the upcoming season, considering that almost everyone rates the Sox as strong favorites.

As for your moron at, they rate the Sox with Ortiz stronger at first base? Interesting when you consider that Ortiz isn't their first baseman. Are you telling me that they rate Matsui higher than Ramirez in left?

Where would I rank the Sox stronger than the Yankees?
First base - Youkilis over God Knows.
Left field - Ramirez over Matsui
Center field - Ellsbury over Damon
DH - Ortiz over Giambi
SP 1 - Beckett over Wang
SP 2 - Matsuzaka over Pettitte
SP 5 - Wakefield over Mussina
CL - Papelbon over Rivera
Bullpen 3-4-5-6

Where would I rank the Also Ran Yankees over the Sox?
2b - Cano barely over Pedroia
SS - Jeter over Lugo
3b - Rodriguez over Lowell
RF - Abreu over Drew
Set-up - Chamberlain over Delcarmen

The rest I'd call even. Good luck trying to keep up with the Jays, Joe.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Yawn!! can we not talk about the upcoming season.

Hey Korbie has rated the positions and they have the Yankees beating the Red Sox in every position except, Starting pitcher(Beckett), reliever(Papelbon) and 1st base(Ortiz).

Translation- They have rated the Yankees as the better team.:)

Hey Josey,

So you are saying the Yankers are the current champions??? Don't think so! So you are telling me some ratings at the beginning of the season says exactly who will win it all...bwhahahahahahaha. So this is a truly pathetic attempt to dodge the Clemens issue...BINGO! Your silence on the matter is your indictment of him. Anyway, when you are the CHAMPIONS..if us...maybe you can try something more piercing than idiotic preseason ratings...chuckles.

Do you realize what you wrote? "Can we not talk about the upcoming season." Let me help. Maybe "not" should be "now".

You silly,

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
I can understand why you wouldn't want to talk about the upcoming season, considering that almost everyone rates the Sox as strong favorites.

As for your moron at, they rate the Sox with Ortiz stronger at first base? Interesting when you consider that Ortiz isn't their first baseman. Are you telling me that they rate Matsui higher than Ramirez in left?

Where would I rank the Sox stronger than the Yankees?
First base - Youkilis over God Knows.
Left field - Ramirez over Matsui
Center field - Ellsbury over Damon
DH - Ortiz over Giambi
SP 1 - Beckett over Wang
SP 2 - Matsuzaka over Pettitte
SP 5 - Wakefield over Mussina
CL - Papelbon over Rivera
Bullpen 3-4-5-6

Where would I rank the Also Ran Yankees over the Sox?
2b - Cano barely over Pedroia
SS - Jeter over Lugo
3b - Rodriguez over Lowell
RF - Abreu over Drew
Set-up - Chamberlain over Delcarmen

The rest I'd call even. Good luck trying to keep up with the Jays, Joe.

Hello Rumples,

You do seem to have evaluated the contrast fairly. But, don't try to be fair and logical with Joe.G. Hyperbole is his first love.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Yawn!! can we not talk about the upcoming season.

Hey Korbie has rated the positions and they have the Yankees beating the Red Sox in every position except, Starting pitcher(Beckett), reliever(Papelbon) and 1st base(Ortiz).

Translation- They have rated the Yankees as the better team.:)
Hey Josey,

You know...I would love to talk straight sports with you. You would drop the bluster and hyperbole, and I would drop the harsh condescension. Here's where the problem is. It sure didn't bother you to go on forever about Spygate, which broke rules and no laws. But Roidgate, which is much more serious legally, has been out of bounds for you....especially when it involved a very recent Yanker. You want it your way only. If you want straight talk then you should try consistency.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Korbel said:
Hey Josey,

You know...I would love to talk straight sports with you. You would drop the bluster and hyperbole, and I would drop the harsh condescension. Here's where the problem is. It sure didn't bother you to go on forever about Spygate, which broke rules and no laws. But Roidgate, which is much more serious legally, has been out of bounds for you....especially when it involved a very recent Yanker. You want it your way only. If you want straight talk then you should try consistency.



Clemens sure must be on a very good steroid masking program, I keep wondering what kind of punishment commissioner Garry Bettman would have given him if he ever got caught considering he is one of the best pitcher's of all time, what do you think korbel?.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Fantastic performance by Lester today, a couple of more gems like the one he pitched today should guarantee him a spot at the back end of the rotation in double AA ball.:D
Thanks for the confirmation, Joe. Nobody but a fucking moron® would be concerned about a first spring start.

Thankfully, Lester was considerably better in the clinching game of the 2007 World Series, giving the Sox their second championship in four years and making them the only team to win two World Championships in this century.
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