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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2009


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Hey Doc I have a question for you, when the Jays eventually have their fire sale, out of their big three(Holliday, Wells, Rios)which one do you think will be a Yankee.
Actually, Joe, you fucking moron®, Holliday plays for the Oakland As. It's interesting that you mention Holliday though, considering how weak the Yankee outfield is.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Sorry I meant Halladay, my bad.

I better watch what I say because I see that Merlots temper is starting to act up again, you wouldn't happen to be Irish now would you my Merlot, you know that the Irish are famous for their tempers:p.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Joe.t said:
Hey Doc I have a question for you, when the Jays eventually have their fire sale....

When did the Jays ever have a fire sale?

Maybe this season, it'll be the Stankees who'll have a fire sale & it'll start with the firing of JOE Girardi, who's been consistently underachieving as Yankee manager. It's obvious George isn't in charge anymore. He would have canned him a long time ago. :rolleyes:


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Doc Holliday said:
When did the Jays ever have a fire sale?

Maybe this season, it'll be the Stankees who'll have a fire sale & it'll start with the firing of JOE Girardi, who's been consistently underachieving as Yankee manager. It's obvious George isn't in charge anymore. He would have canned him a long time ago. :rolleyes:

Geez, unless the drugs that I have been smoking are finally starting to mess with my head I could swear that he has been the manager for the Yankees for only one year.:rolleyes:.

The bigger question is will Robinison(MVP)Cano be the first player to hit .400 since Ted Williams did it in 1941.:)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Joe.t said:
The bigger question is will Robinison(MVP)Cano be the first player to hit .400 since Ted Williams did it in 1941.:)

That shouldn't even be a question. The answer is NO.


New Member
Dec 7, 2005
outside Boston
well said, Merlot
Robbie Cano could not lift Ted Williams jock off the floor
much hit 400


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
He couldn't even carry his frozen head! :eek:
Brilliant, Doc.:D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
and YOU were counting the EMPIRE out after day 1, even before the season started, (which BTW is the stupidest thing any baseball fan can do) whats that say about U? :rolleyes:

(btw, CC with a Brilliant Pitching performance tonight, brilliant of MANY this yr) combine that with Vintage Pettite yesterday, good first start for Burnett, and add in Wong and the phenom Jaba Chamberlain, and ......well...... sorry bos-DONE fans...... it aint 1918 and it aint '04/07'


Merlot said:

Just four days into the season and you are citing power rankings like the season is decided. Now that's desperation! No...that's Joe.t. ;)




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
lets try this cheer............ GO JAYS GO!!!!!!, well it doesnt sound as good as GO LEAFS GO! , but i like it , anyone but BosDONE!

plus the jays play in Canada, so there fun to root for when there not playing the Empire!

Doc Holliday said:
How about those Blue Jays???

5-1 !!!!!! :eek:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
typical once again of a red SUX (or bosDONE if you like) :D :D :D fan nit picking about a a letter being wrong whats next? a comma not being in the right spot,? and a red SUCKS fan grasping at straws, because he knows the EMPIRE is once again a huge threat to his almighty 1918! (yes had to say it) red SUK's, "they" are not even gonna make the playoffs this season while the EMPIRE is gonna "STRIKE BACK" at baseball immortality! as you say. bwahahahahahaha :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: :D
Merlot said:
No Igna,

Yeah that's right, just lie. I was laughing hysterically at all the money you spent for that opening day failure C.C. Sobadforya. Now here's to the Spankee fan who can't even spell his alleged star's name. Who is Jaba Chamberlain??? It's either Joba Chamberlain or Jaba the Hut...DUH!!!! Though I grant you the difference in pitching skill and size between the two isn't much at all.

Oh yeah, nice to see the Spankees doing so well against two of last years bottom Losing twice to the Orioles...geeez. So C.C. can actually beat at least one of last year's worst teams in baseball. That's worth $161,000,000... bwahahahaha.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
lgna69xxx said:
and YOU were counting the EMPIRE out after day 1, even before the season started, (which BTW is the stupidest thing any baseball fan can do) whats that say about U? :rolleyes:

(btw, CC with a Brilliant Pitching performance tonight, brilliant of MANY this yr) combine that with Vintage Pettite yesterday, good first start for Burnett, and add in Wong and the phenom Jaba Chamberlain, and ......well...... sorry bos-DONE fans...... it aint 1918 and it aint '04/07'
Yes, Pettitte looked fabulous. The problem, however, is that my Aunt Gertrude could look fabulous against the pitiful Royals. Wang, who looks finished and is being treated for third degree whiplash, was pounded by the equally pitiful Orioles. Hopefully, Chamberlain, who should be doing 3-5 for driving drunk will be sober enough to pitch this afternoon.

Meanwhile, things are looking just fine for the Sox, despite their losing record. They've played all five of their games against playoff teams and have flown across the country. Lowell and Varitek look primed for rebound seasons, Bay is going to emerge as an MVP candidate and both the bullpen and starting rotation look awesome. The Sox biggest problem appears to be how they're going to find room for Buchholz and Smoltz.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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lgna69xxx said:
(btw, CC with a Brilliant Pitching performance tonight, brilliant of MANY this yr) combine that with Vintage Pettite yesterday, good first start for Burnett, and add in Wong and the phenom Jaba Chamberlain, and ......well...... sorry bos-DONE fans...... it aint 1918 and it aint '04/07'


Wang or Wong as Igna calls him, had a stellar outing tonight against the Rays in Tampa!! 1.0 inning, 8 runs, 8 EARNED RUNS, 3 Walks, and a whopping 28.93 ERA this season. :D:p:D:p


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
wth is it with you bosDONE fans and spelling? does a letter mean anything? do we have to be perrrrfect (notice the spelling error just for you K and grape boy) :D ........ you redsuk fans are so worried and got the yankees on your mind you knit pick over a letter? sheeeshh,. you better NEVER spell anything wrong, cause if i see it, your DONE! :D :D :D

WANG! , is clearly not ready to pitch yet, but again, it is only april 13th, he will be fine, as will the EMPIRE! ......... again, its April boys, and girls

Special K said:
Wang or Wong as Igna calls him, had a stellar outing tonight against the Rays in Tampa!! 1.0 inning, 8 runs, 8 EARNED RUNS, 3 Walks, and a whopping 28.93 ERA this season. :D:p:D:p


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
o trust me yellow tail,. i no exactly my team, i type fast and dont find a need to spell check every post, and i wont....... therefore, its a long season, full of ups and downs, i dont find it necessary to come and make fun the the lowly redSUCKS everytime something bad happens to them, and i wont, its stupid, its not football with only 16 games, but still, it is fun to see a loss for them each and everytime it happens, which this year i feel it will happen alot more than past years.

Merlot said:
C'mon Igna,

No one is nitpicking over a little grammar or insignificant everyday words. Face it, Wang and Joba are two of the biggest names on your team. You're embarrassing yourself badly when you can't even get right four darn letters of two names that should be automatic to YOU! It's not like you have to deal with Yastrzemski or something...or Buchholz with the tricky double "h". It's pathetic when you don't know who your own stars are.

Now the important thing is "Wang" got blown away twice. Once by a very poor team. And once by a contender. That is what should be troubling you. He was your best pitcher last year until he got hurt. So this is not a small matter. And, now that he and the Spankers are dealing with a top contender instead of bottom-feeders he got annihilated. Either way, he doesn't look to be the guy he was last year...yet. That's is a beautiful 17.18 ERA he has.

Cheerio Ranty,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

The ERA is 28.93. Don't know where you came up with your number.

Personally, I'm going to ignore our illiterate friend. If he doesn't have enough respect for the rest of us to write in intelligible English, he doesn't deserve a response.

And as for our favorite fucking moron®, I expect he's spending the evening under his favorite rock.:D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
no kidding! lol........ Swisher is a character and gonna be a huge fan favorite in the Bronx....... watching him crack up on the mound was priceless, not the most professional thing to do but hey, its a long season and cant always be so serious when games like this happen. no matter the score, a loss is a loss, even the players will tell you this...

GO NICK! (goofy guy, cant help but like a guy like that, kinda like your guy in the past mr. cowboy up himself, Kevin Millar)

Special K said:
The Yanks most effective pitcher tonight was their first basemen Nick Swisher!! Lol.
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