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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Joe.t said:
Your on!!! i dont have a paypal account but i will give you my word that i will physically give you the money hand to hand as i am in Montreal all the time so i can give it to you anytime your up there, as i am confident that i am going to win(RC will be in the lineup soon just in case you forgot), i have always wanted to try Judy of Devilish(god those breasts look amazing) so i think i will pick her for a date with your money.:p

ps- You can pay me the next time your in town, heck i will even buy you a beer so you can drown your sorrows into it.:)

If by the slimmest chances in this universe and all hell should come crashing down, I'll take you up on that beer and offer the same to you in return.

Only 1.5 games to go! :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
If by the slimmest chances in this universe and all hell should come crashing down, I'll take you up on that beer and offer the same to you in return.

Only 1.5 games to go! :D
This weekend should do the trick, K. If we're lucky, they'll have the balls, though not the brains, to throw Clemens at us.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hey, Joe, you down there? In the basement?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'll be glad to answer your questions, Doc, as I've seen plenty of the Yankees this year. (And enjoyed every minute.) First, don't get overexcited by McGowan. While I don't know much about him it really doesn't take a whole lot to shut this Yankee team down.

Damon - Johnny, as Theo Epstein knew would happen last year when he decided to pass, has aged rapidly. What little arm he had is gone. The Jays are not the only ones taking vast liberties with him. His legs are gone, too. You should have seen the routine fly balls that he couldn't reach last weekend when the Angels were in town. Heck, even Bernie would have caught them. It seems that the corpse of Bernie Williams has been replaced by the corpse of Johnny Damon.

Cabrera - Melky Cabrera is a fabulous fielder. Great reads, great instincts, great arm. Unfortunately, he couldn't hit my Aunt Mildred. And I don't even have an Aunt Mildred.

Abreu - Abreu turned into a singles hitter with great plate discipline nearly two years ago. It seems he's now lost even that. Fortunately, they're only paying him $16 M.

Mientiewicz - Not only will he not make Yankee fans forget Lou Gehrig, he won't make them forget Joe Pepitone either. What Yankee fans don't realize, however, is that Minky is no longer even a good fielder.

Cano - Sorry, Doc, Cano is a fabulous player. No sophomore jinx, either, as this is his third year. He'll come around and be the player he was. Unfortunately, it won't do them much good this year.

A-Rod - Not impressed? I guess you weren't paying attention in April. Your loss. Now you'll have to wait almost another year for Mr. April to show you what he's got.

Giambalco - Yet another corpse being paid a rich man's wages.

Matsui - Yes, a good hitter, but if you've ever seen the routes he takes to fly balls, you'll be a mighty happy man that he's not behind the wheel next time you grab a taxi. You could be in for a might expensive ride.

Clemens - The $25 M calamity. On your knees and say three Hail Marys that he's not YOUR calamity. I'd almost kick in some of his salary to see him pitch in Boston. Maybe if we all send George $5?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hello, Joe?? You down there? In the cellar, I mean.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
Alright Joe, you're on! a $160 sp wager. If the Yankees hit the 15 games back mark anytime between now and up until 11:59pm on June 15th you lose. If the Yanks make it to June 16 before reaching that number you win.

You have a paypal account to transfer my winnings to? :p
Now, it's early in the evening, but the Sox are already winning and the Spankees are already losing. If this holds, you'll be withing half a game of wrapping this one up quite quickly, K. Methinks it might not be premature for you to start thinking about who you want to spend Joe's money on.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
14.5and counting.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Amazing! What a bunch of cowards the NY Yankees are. Afraid to put Clemens in against the Sox. Why are they paying this guy $28mil??? Although according to the article $28mil for a 4th in the rotation starter...lol...what a joke the Yankees have become.

If Clemens had any scruples whatsoever he'd demand a start in Fenway...Fucken pussy!

Afraid of the Sox


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
If Clemens had any scruples whatsoever he'd demand a start in Fenway...Fucken pussy!
Actually, I think Clemens wanted to start in Fenway, but the fact is that as soon as they add him to the roster, they're out $175,000 per day. By pushing him back to Monday, they're saving $350,000.

Cashman sure would like to get out of that contract if he could. No way in hell he'd sign the fat redneck today.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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rumpleforeskiin said:
14.5and counting.

-Thanks rumples now you have jinxed SK with your loud mouth, if i were SK i would demand that you pay for half of the wager and the beer, i can just picture it now as Judy takes off her clothes to reveal her lovely breasts, i will be saying come to papa.:p

-Everybody get ready for another Boston weekend massacre(get the box of kleenix ready Voyageur), Boston's annual swan dive is about to begin.:)

-Boston's $100 million dollar man(ERA 4.83) looked god aweful last night, me thinks that his ERA will be hitting 5.00 real soon.:eek:
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
As I see it, and I certainly see it more clearly than Joe, the Sox win 2 of 3 this weekend, taking it back to 14.5.

Clemens gets hammered in Chicago on Monday taking it to an even 15. The Sox are on the coast, so the Yanks will be 15 back for at least 2 hours. Special K can start making his plans.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Joe.t said:
-Boston's $100 million dollar man(ERA 4.83) looked god aweful last night, me thinks that his ERA will be hitting 5.00 real soon.:eek:


Even at 5.00 Dice-K's ERA still won't be as high as Rivera (5.50), Mussina (5.86), or Vizcaino (7.27)!:eek:

The Sox will just have to muddle through with Okajima (1.20), Papelbon (1.86), and even Shilling (3.68).

Too bad that Toronto only took 2 of 3. I figured if the Spankees could get swept by LA then Toronto might also need a broom.

The bet should be - Where will Cashman be working on June 15th?




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
10.5 by Monday(my prediction).

Judy Judy Judy ahh!!! i can't hardly wait.:)
Judy would be the bartender who's going to deliver the beer?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
Haven't heard from a certain other Eager poster recently have we? :p
I understand he's preparing a class action lawsuit against Steingrabber, Cashbag, et al seeking punitive and compensatory damages for emotional distress and alienation of affection.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
The big fat Giambino is out for 3 weeks now. They state it's a tissue injury to his foot. Has anyone had a look at this fat blob lately? It seems that as each day passes by, he looks more & more like Chris Farley. Fat, appears to be in bad health, constantly sweathing & bloodshot eyes. I doubt this guy will see the age of 40.
That's spelled Giambalco. And, by the way, the NY Post, always a reliable source, is reporting that, while Giambalco will be re-evaluated in three weeks, he is likely done for the year.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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femaleluver2 said:
Can't wait to see how Roger's gonna fare :cool:

Don't worry he will do just fine, he has been heavily evaluated by the Yankees and thats why they give him a $28 million dollar contract, he is scheduled to pitch approxmately 6 innings on monday(that is 6 shutout innings, my prediction):)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Don't worry he will do just fine, he has been heavily evaluated by the Yankees and thats why they give him a $28 million dollar contract, he is scheduled to pitch approxmately 6 innings on monday(that is 6 shutout innings, my prediction):)
Some other guys heavily evaluated by the Yankees and given huge contracts: Carl Pavano, Jaret Wright, Johnny Damon, Kyle Farnsworth. Seems the track record isn't so hot, sort of like Joe.T's predictions.
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