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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
While everything you say is true, rumples, I do expect the pride of Japan to only get better as he gets progressively used to pitching in MLB and acclimatized to his new environment.
Actually, he really can't be much better than he's been so far. He had three starts in late April and early May when he totally lost command of the strike zone for one inning. In two of those innings, against Seattle and NY, he opened the inning by walking the bases loaded. In the third, he gave up two runs after walking one and hitting another with a pitch. He still managed, in two of those games, to hang around for the win.

If you subtract those three innings, his ERA is well under 3.00. In his other six starts, he's allowed a total of 11 runs in 44 innings for a 2.25 ERA.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Damn RC looked mighty good last night in his minor league debut.:p
Good enough for A ball, not quite good enough for AA. Clemens was outpitched tonight by the Red Sox top pitching prospect, Clay Buchholz. The talk was that he'd be joining the Yankees in Toronto next week. From the looks of things, it looks like he may need a few more months on the farm.

I only saw highlights, but certainly Clemens, when running to cover first, looked like an old man.


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Jun 20, 2003
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Clemens is expected to pitch no more than 5 or 6 innings in his MLB debut so i am predicting a shutout, remember your read it here first, also Rivera sure looked good against the Red Sox, looks like he is coming into form.:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Clemens is expected to pitch no more than 5 or 6 innings in his MLB debut so i am predicting a shutout, remember your read it here first,
How do you figure this, considering he can't get minor league hitters out?
Joe.t said:
also Rivera sure looked good against the Red Sox, looks like he is coming into form.:)
He sure does!! He hasn't allow any runs in his last one appearance!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Here's a couple of scouts reactions to the game in Trenton last night. Note that none of these scouts work for the Red Sox or Yankees.

“If they’re both the same, I want Buchholz starting for me right now,” a National League scout said. “You know there is more to Rocket, but this kid had better stuff tonight.”

“I would have more confidence in this kid (Buchholz) starting a major league game tomorrow than the other guy (Clemens),” said one American League scout in attendance for Clemens’ second minor league tune-up for the New York Yankees, a start for the Double-A Thunder in their 4-3, 10-inning loss to the Portland Sea Dogs. “We need one game to win the division and you’re giving me a choice between starting (Buchholz) or Clemens, I’m taking (Buchholz) off of what I saw tonight.”

“I think you’re going to see a lot of 2-2 counts, a lot of 3-2 counts. I don’t see (Clemens) getting deep into games,” the scout said. “Every fastball is going to be away, but I don’t see him blowing anybody away. I think you’re going to see him throwing 80-90 pitches through five (innings). I don’t think he’s going to have a lot of quick-pitch innings, and not getting through six much at all. He will be OK, but not the guy.”
Buchholz, meanwhile, topped out at 95 mph while impressing with a curveball Sea Dogs manager Arnie Beyeler described before the game as “a (Josh) Beckett curve.”

“This guy has great stuff,” the scout said. “He’s got a good fastball and just a hammer of a curve. You can see how he punches guys out. This guy can get some K’s, whereas I don’t see Clemens striking out a lot of guys. I don’t think (Clemens) gets a strikeout an inning, but (Buchholz) could pitch in the big leagues right now. Right now, if you’re looking at both of them, all things being equal, I’m taking (Buchholz).”


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Jul 26, 2005
btyger said:
The American Heritage Dictionary describes psychosis as a loss of contact with reality and an inability to think rationally. Reading your posts lately, I can't help but think maybe you should consider medication.

Guys, all of you, please please PLEASE take it easy on the immortal Joe T. We cannot afford to lose his immense prediction "skills". Speaking personally, the man's unmatched "abilities" have made me a ton of money - it's just a simple question of reading the Amazing One's prognostications and then knowing WHICH way to bet...if you get my drift.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Another exciting day in Yankeeland

Quite a night for the Bombers. While young "studs" Clippard and deSalvo got mashed, at least Clippard has something of a defense. Had the Yankees someone in centerfield capable of catching routine fly balls, he might not have fared so poorly.

It now appears that the corpse of Johnny Damon may be headed for the DL, the faint hope being that a couple of weeks of rest in Palm Springs (at the Clemens "between-starts" rest home might rejuvenate his broken body.

It also now appears that Saviour A, the corpse of Roger Clemens will be earning his millions in the minors a bit longer. He'll pitch for Scranton on Monday and it appears the Yankee brass are afraid of embarrassing the poor fat old redneck slob and will hold him out until after the Red Sox series in Fenway next weekend. Hey, what are they paying him these millions for? Just so Suzyn Waldman can make an ass of herself?

And who knows how much longer we'll have to wait for the return of Saviour B , fragile uber-prospect Phil Hughes? We've learned that Hughes has now twisted his ankle, further setting back his return to the mount.

Where's Bernie?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Swept and Swept

Sure must have been a fun plane ride to Toronto for the gasping senior citizens of MLB, the faltering $200 million behemoth, the NY Yankees, now fourth in the AL in runs scored. Once predicted by merb resident Yankee "expert," E. Beaver, to score 1000 runs, this fading mess is now on pace to tally a pedestrian 865 runs.

Baseball Tonight "analyst" John Kruk tonight declared the 2007 Yankees finished, as this unparalleled testament to sports failure soar past the billion dollars wasted mark in the first seven years of the new century.

This sorry unit is now 8 games back in the Wild Card race, in eighth place, leading only the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Kansas City Royals, and Texas Rangers, three teams whose combined payroll is $50,000,000 less than that of the Yankees.

In other news, Joe.T has not been heard from in days. He is rumored to be hiding in the broom closet of a pool hall in Ottawa. Whether he is hiding from his fellow merb members, his bookmaker, or all of the above is yet to be determined.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
Here's a prediction for Joe.T, Yankees will be 15 games back of first place on or before June 15th...Whaddya say Joe, care to wager on it?
Here's a prediction for you, Special K. Joe.T will still be hiding his sorry ass from the likes of you and me between now and June 15.


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Jun 20, 2003
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Special K said:
Here's a prediction for Joe.T, Yankees will be 15 games back of first place on or before June 15th...Whaddya say Joe, care to wager on it?

-SK have you been sampling rumples glue bottle lately? you must have taken a bath in the Liddell-Jackson fight which i nailed right on, i would love to take your wager but just remember it is your grave that you are digging, whats the wager? a date with a sp whould be my preference chicken shit.:p

-rumples its a good thing that those major aquistions Drew and Lugo are tearing the cover off the baseball because who knows where the Red Sox would be without them:rolleyes: , and if i remember Youkilis and Lowell got off to a hot start last year before tanking in the second half and there is no way in hell that Tavarez, Schilling and Beckett will continue this pace, Wakefield is already starting to slow down.

-Here is a prediction that you can take to the bank, the Indians will sweep the overated Red Sox.

Special K

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Joe.t said:
-SK have you been sampling rumples glue bottle lately? you must have taken a bath in the Liddell-Jackson fight which i nailed right on, i would love to take your wager but just remember it is your grave that you are digging, whats the wager? a date with a sp whould be my preference chicken shit.:p

Alright Joe, you're on! a $160 sp wager. If the Yankees hit the 15 games back mark anytime between now and up until 11:59pm on June 15th you lose. If the Yanks make it to June 16 before reaching that number you win.

You have a paypal account to transfer my winnings to? :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Special K said:
Alright Joe, you're on! a $160 sp wager. If the Yankees hit the 15 games back mark anytime between now and up until 11:59pm on June 15th you lose. If the Yanks make it to June 16 before reaching that number you win.

You have a paypal account to transfer my winnings to? :p

Your on!!! i dont have a paypal account but i will give you my word that i will physically give you the money hand to hand as i am in Montreal all the time so i can give it to you anytime your up there, as i am confident that i am going to win(RC will be in the lineup soon just in case you forgot), i have always wanted to try Judy of Devilish(god those breasts look amazing) so i think i will pick her for a date with your money.:p

ps- You can pay me the next time your in town, heck i will even buy you a beer so you can drown your sorrows into it.:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
I was just checking the pitching matchups for tonight's Yankees/Jays game. They wrote that the Yankees will send "DeSalvo" to the hill. Who the hell is DeSalvo? I've never heard of this guy before. The only "DeSalvo" i've ever heard about was notorious killer "Albert DeSalvo", better known as "The Boston Strangler". :eek:
Needless to say, young DeSalvo will be lucky to leave Toronto with his neck intact.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
-Here is a prediction that you can take to the bank, the Indians will sweep the overated Red Sox.
Which bank would you like me to take it to? The Fucking Moron National?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
btyger said:
You're amazing...I keep reversing your predictions and winning the bet...thanks a million:D

I hate to brag Btyger but I've been following this strategy for a long time now with great success. I'm proud that you are following my system but I hope that TOO many people don't catch on or it will ultimately affect the payoff odds: we'll still win of course but we'll collect less.

Anyway, as I've said many times before, Joe T. is The Man! My bank manager loves him and I bet yours does too.

By the way the most lucrative tips Joe T. recently provided me were not in baseball but in boxing (where his words made it a certainty to pick Pretty Boy over de la Hoya) and hockey, where he predicted a Buffalo Cup. Face it: the man possesses genius not just in baseball but in all sports. May his predictions continue forever!
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