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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
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btyger said:
Madmax, what makes you sure Hillenbrand used steroids? Not that it would surprise me, but he hasn't been implicated, has he?

Btyger, it was widely acknowledged in Boston that Hillenbrand was a steroid abuser while he was with the club. He was hated here like he is everywhere. It's certainly possible that his miserable personality is a consequence of steroid use.

No, he's never been mentioned in any of the national discussions, but that's probably because he's such a small fish. But there was general agreement among fans, media, and even his teammates that he was a "user."


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
Boston, USA
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Scientific research seems to disagree

Here is what the best scientific studies show about behavior effects of steroid use:

Case reports and small studies indicate that anabolic steroids, particularly in high doses, increase irritability and aggression. Some steroid abusers report that they have committed aggressive acts, such as physical fighting, committing armed robbery, or using force to obtain something. Some abusers also report that they have committed property crimes, such as stealing from a store, damaging or destroying others' property, or breaking into a house or a building. Abusers who have committed aggressive acts or property crimes generally report that they engage in these behaviors more often when they take steroids than when they are drug-free.

Some researchers have suggested that steroid abusers may commit aggressive acts and property crimes not because of steroids' direct effects on the brain but because the abusers have been affected by extensive media attention to the link between steroids and aggression. According to this theory, the abusers are using this possible link as an excuse to commit aggressive acts and property crimes.

One way to distinguish between these two possibilities is to administer either high steroid doses or placebo for days or weeks to human volunteers and then ask the people to report on their behavioral symptoms. To date, four such studies have been conducted. In three, high steroid doses did produce greater feelings of irritability and aggression than did placebo; but in one study, the drugs did not have that effect. One possible explanation, according to researchers, is that some but not all anabolic steroids increase irritability and aggression.

Anabolic steroids have been reported also to cause other behavioral effects, including euphoria, increased energy, sexual arousal, mood swings, distractibility, forgetfulness, and confusion. In the studies in which researchers administered high steroid doses to volunteers, a minority of the volunteers developed behavioral symptoms that were so extreme as to disrupt their ability to function in their jobs or in society. In a few cases, the volunteers' behavior presented a threat to themselves and others.

In summary, the extent to which steroid abuse contributes to violence and behavioral disorders is unknown. As with the health complications of steroid abuse, the prevalence of extreme cases of violence and behavioral disorders seems to be low, but it may be underreported or underrecognized.

Now can we go back to shitting on the Yankees? :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
Great play by Jeter yesterday as he jumped and twirled, throwing the guy out at first. Wow!
Jeter's greatest accomplishment as a defender is making routine plays look difficult. A good shortstop would have made that play look easy, rather than hard.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I dont know what the umpire was thinking but Papelbon's sorry ass should have been tossed after he hit Hairston which was intentional as far as i am concerned, i have never seen Papelbon upset like that after the Loften call(which the umpire correctly called), i think that he hit Hairston out of frustration as you can see that he was still pissed off at the call, a total lack of class by Papelbon and if i was Hairston i would have charged the mound.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
I dont know what the umpire was thinking but Papelbon's sorry ass should have been tossed after he hit Hairston which was intentional as far as i am concerned, i have never seen Papelbon upset like that after the Loften call(which the umpire correctly called), i think that he hit Hairston out of frustration as he you can see that he was still pissed off at the call, a total lack of class by Papelbon and if i was Hairston i would have charged the mound.
Joe, you've now taken your disease, moronia, to a new a likely terminal level. Sure, Papelbon hit the light hitting Hairston on purpose, because guys always like to put the tieing run on base.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Tie goes to the runner which was the case in this situation and Papelbon lost his cool and intentionatly hit Hairston because he was so steemed at the correct call, Papelbon is a complete idiot and should have been tossed.

"But then some smart ass reporter on TSN (probably pro-Boston, like 80 per cent of reporters north of the border it seems :rolleyes: ) seemed to suggest that the ump might have been wrong based on a replay in slo-mo."

I think that its more like 80 percent of reporters that are north of Boston that are pro Red Sox.:rolleyes:

Hey rumples if i get EB's legal opinion and he says the bet should have been void do i get my money back?:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
Just imagine if guys like Hideki and Cano start hitting like they're capable of.
Yup. The Yankees might get themselves up to .500 ball.

There is considerable thinking in NY that it's time for Cano to be traded, that he'll never be much of a hitter, primarily due to his total lack of plate discipline. Historically, the Yankees are a team that works counts and gets good pitches to hit. Cano swings at everything.

As for Matsui, his OPS is only 70 points lower than his career average. At 33 and showing fragility, Matsui just might be a player with declining skills. This may be what he's capable of.

The Yanks do NOT have a great offense. After Jeter, Posada, and April-Rod, there ain't much. Damon is old and banged up. Melky is a borderline major leaguer. They don't have a first baseman. Abreu is a singles hitter.

The Yankees have a lousy bullpen. The Yankees have a lousy starting rotation. Wang is a premiere pitcher. Pettitte is serviceable but showing his age. Clemens is a decent 4-5 guy. Mussina is a decent 4-5 guy. Igawa hasn't shown major league skills.

The Yankees are a $200,000,000 .500 team. And not only that, they've got a few years of rebuilding in front of them. For next year, they need to find 2-3 starters, a first baseman, a second baseman, a third baseman, a center fielder, and a right fielder. Whew.

Just imagine if guys like Ortiz and Manny start hitting like they're capable of.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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And don't forget about Abreu(capable of hitting .300) and Giambi if he comes back, but Damon being injured all of the time is starting to bug me.

The thing that you should forget about is rumples and his daily moronic statements as he is in a constant delusional state of mind.

Get this through your delusional head rumples, it took the Red Sox 86 years to win a world series so the chances of that happening again in our lifetime is slim and none with the latter being the more likely scenario.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Funny. I have this delusion that the Sox are 11 games in front of the Yankees.:D

I don't have a delusion, however, that just because Bobby Abreu was capable of hitting .300 back before he wasn't washed up, that he still can. I don't have a delusion that Jason Giambi can still play baseball. Know anyone who does?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
Hey JoeT, are you as glad as me that Torre has put Jeter in the third spot in the batting order? :cool:
I suppose it's not a bad move since this $200,000,000 club doesn't have a legitimate number three hitter. The three hole is typically a spot for a power hitter, but since the Yankees only have one and he's hitting fourth, it almost makes sense to hit Jeter third. The problem there is that the number two hole should be filled by a guy who makes contact and gets on base, two things that Jeter does well. Cabrera, the new number two hitter, does neither.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Nice to see Lugo get his first hit since June 14, whats his average up to now .195? :rolleyes:, i can't believe that they are paying this sack of shit 8.5 million, this has to be Epstoned biggest screw up yet.

Looks like the Yankees have a gem on their hands in Ramirez who has been dominating the minor leagues, the next Rivera i hear.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
Maybe Torre could consider putting Cano in the #2 spot if he ever starts getting hot?
A good idea, though if Cano doesn't start taking a few pitches he's not likely to ever get hot. And he's also likely to wind up in another uniform. Cano has walked 15 times all year, to go with his 50 Ks. Pitchers have learned not to throw strikes to Robinson Cano.
Joe.t said:
i can't believe that they are paying this sack of shit 8.5 million, this has to be Epstoned biggest screw up yet.
Yeah, Epstein is really screwing up. Destroying his team to the best record in baseball and an 11 game lead in the Eastern Division.

His biggest mistake certainly has to be Daisuke Matsuzaka who has now allowed one run or less in each of his last 4 starts (3-0, 0.62 ERA, 2 ER/29.0 IP) and 2 runs or fewer in each of his last 6 times out (3-2, 1.29 ERA, 6 ER/42.0 IP.) What a bum!!! He's almost as bad as Hideki Okajima and his 0.88 ERA.

Surely there is no way in hell any Epstein run team could ever win a World Championship, right, Joe?:D :D :D :D :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Why rumples if i didn't know any better i would swear that this sounds like a offer for a wager.:)
Sure. I'll bet you two hours with the young lady of your choice (or mine, should I win) that the Red Sox will win or have already won a World Championship while Theo Epstein has been GM.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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rumpleforeskiin said:
Sure. I'll bet you two hours with the young lady of your choice (or mine, should I win) that the Red Sox will win or have already won a World Championship while Theo Epstein has been GM.
This pretty much confirms that you no confidence in your team, that yellow streak that shines down your back keeps getting brighter and brighter all of the time, i think that i am going to need to wear my sunglasses the next time we meet because the last time we met i was almost blinded by it.:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
This pretty much confirms that you no confidence in your team, that yellow streak that shines down your back keeps getting brighter and brighter all of the time, i think that i am going to need to wear my sunglasses the next time we meet because the last time we met i was almost blinded by it.:)
If you read my prior statement, which probably had too many big words for you, I stated, obliquely, that the Red Sox had won a Championship under Epstein, something the Yankees haven't done under Cashman in this century, despite his unlimited budget.

If you want to wager that the Yankees will go deeper into October than the Red Sox, I'm all ears. (Jeter and April-Rod playing golf the day after the regular season ends doesn't count.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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rumpleforeskiin said:
If you want to wager that the Yankees will go deeper into October than the Red Sox, I'm all ears. (Jeter and April-Rod playing golf the day after the regular season ends doesn't count.)
Gee what a offer, btyger would be quite proud of you.:rolleyes:

Here is a wager that i think that is fair, lets see if you have the guts to back up your delusional posts, i am offering to wager you $160.00 that the Yankees win the next series against the Red Sox that will be at Fenway Aug 28,29,30, are you going to show a little bit of guts and take me on or will the female hormones in your body prove to strong.:)
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
There's a baseball tournament starting today at Parc P Elliot Trudeau in Côte St-Luc featuring some elite U18 teams from Quebec, Ontario and Vermont that runs through this weekend. It should be pretty good!
Any more information on this would be appreciated. Do you know where the schedule is published? Thanks.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
femaleluver2 said:
Check this link, rumples, and scroll down to about mid-page (you'll notice that Vermont is playing New Brunswick later today at 13h00)*
Cool. I won't be back up until tomorrow night, but I'll be there for the Vermont game on Saturday. Since these kids are under 18, my guess is that I'll know quite a few of them and that my son has played with or against quite a few.
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