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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Despite the 0-4 Damon has looked good (or at least decent) the last few days, especially running the bases. He stunned me by going from 1st to 3rd base yesterday, taking an extra base and beating a very good throw. Certainly however we don't miss his wet noodle throwing arm in center field, especially with Melky having two more assists today to bring his season total to 9. I would think that playing mainly as the DH will somewhat preserve Damon's semi-shot body, and allow him to produce offensively in the second half.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

rumpleforeskiin said:
This just in from the Department of Easy Money:
The corpse of Johnny Damon, after yet another 0-4 day, is now hitting .244
Coco Crisp, after another 2-4 day, is up to .268.

Should I book my appointment now?
Hey Josey,

Take a good look at these statistics. Coco is hitting better for much less and Damon can't possibly compare to his defense skills. More to the point, if Steinboner will pay $54,000,000 for Damon when he is hitting like that and playing the field so "tenderly", he must be quite willing to give pissy A-Rod far more than the $30,000,000 he wants per year. So don't worry about losing your baby boy to anyone else. Worry about seat prices going up.




It's Yankee hunting season boys...yaaaaahooooo.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
Despite the 0-4 Damon has looked good (or at least decent) the last few days, especially running the bases.
I don't know how one can look good going 3-14 with no extra base hits against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, whose 5.79 ERA is fully 3/4 of a run worse than the second worst pitching staff in baseball, but if you think so, more power to you both.

The league is hitting .294 against Tampa Bay, yet the corpse of Johnny Damon could muster no better than .214 this weekend.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

rumpleforeskiin said:
I don't know how one can look good going 3-14 with no extra base hits against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, whose 5.79 ERA is fully 3/4 of a run worse than the second worst pitching staff in baseball, but if you think so, more power to you both.

The league is hitting .294 against Tampa Bay, yet the corpse of Johnny Damon could muster no better than .214 this weekend.
Hello all,

Consider two of Steinboner's big coups in the last couple of years. Damon hitting .247 for $13,000,000 per year, Clemens with 2 wins 4 loses at $28,000,000. Pure genius. Is it any wonder A-Rod thinks he can get $30,000,000 with his stats. Frankly, considering Clemens is getting his money for slightly more than half a season, A-Rod is selling himself far, far short for $30,000,000. Geeeez, Georgie must burn $10,000 bills in his fireplace during winter.


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hey Korbel,

Need I remind you that the Red Sox, via Lucchino, offered Johnny Damon $40 million dollars over 4 years just 2 weeks prior to Damon accepting the Yankees' offer and not giving the Red Sox a chance to match? Do you really think that was the Red Sox' last best offer? What should we think of the Red Sox for having made that offer?


By the ways, the Red Sox have badly outspent every team in baseball outside of New York, so these economic arguments are foolish. It was also reported in the New York Post that the Red Sox will be one of the bidders for A-Rod at 30 million (there will only be 3 or 4 teams bidding and we all know who they are) so maybe you should be careful with your comments at the risk of having them shoved you know where after this season.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

EagerBeaver said:
Hey Korbel,

Need I remind you that the Red Sox, via Lucchino, offered Johnny Damon $40 million dollars over 4 years just 2 weeks prior to Damon accepting the Yankees' offer and not giving the Red Sox a chance to match? Do you really think that was the Red Sox' last best offer? What should we think of the Red Sox for having made that offer?

Hey EB,

How are you? Here is exactly what you or anyone should think. The Red Sox liked Damon, but knew he wasn't worth $52,000,000 and were smart enough to limit their offer without getting ridiculous. They offered him fair market value based on his stats to stay but refused to be excessive. Steinboner made an exhorbitant offer for the pleasure of stealing a star regardless of KNOWING what many knew could realistically happen...and it has. The facts are...the Yankees have him...the Yankees are paying for him...and he is not nearly worth his contract in the field or at bat. But what does that matter to the greatest sports money burner of all! The Sox were simply smarter.

As for the Sox spending far more than any team except the Yankees, are you telling me that having 11 players receiving $10,000,000 a year, compared to the Red Sox' three, where two of those players have to sit every day isn't insane. The top nine Yankee contracts are worth over 1 BILLION dollars and that amount has not brought them a championship in six years. The Yankees are the only team that can be justly compared to the gross excessiveness of the Department of Defense. Give me a break.

Enjoy your under-performing prize,



Thanks for the reference. I used the same one before you posted it. Here's one for you. Try adding up the current Yankee contracts if your calculator doesn't
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
Need I remind you that the Red Sox, via Lucchino, offered Johnny Damon $40 million dollars over 4 years just 2 weeks prior to Damon accepting the Yankees' offer and not giving the Red Sox a chance to match? Do you really think that was the Red Sox' last best offer? What should we think of the Red Sox for having made that offer?
Actually, what we should think of that offer has been quite extensively reported. It was the Sox' way of showing Johnny the door. They knew he was close to the end of the line and made him an offer he couldn't accept.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Korbel said:
Here is exactly what you or anyone should think. The Red Sox liked Damon, but knew he wasn't worth $52,000,000 and were smart enough to limit their offer without getting ridiculous.

We don't know that. The Red Sox made one introductory offer and Damon did not give them the chance to match. Are you telling us the Red Sox' strategy was to open the bidding with their best offer? Nobody does that in any business. We don't know how high the Red Sox would have gone, but I am pretty sure they would have gone higher than $40 million. In any event, as things have turned out, had Damon accepted that or a likely increased offer from the Red Sox, the laughter would be going the other way.

In baseball, signings are driven by need and availability of what's on the market. The Yankees when they signed Damon, had a glaring need for a CF with Bernie Williams basically being done as a full time player. Damon was the top guy available which is why he got the money he had offered to him by both the Yankees and Red Sox. I should also note that the Red Sox offered Bernie Williams a shitload of money several years ago, and Bernie basically took less years and overall money, if I recall correctly, to stay with the Yankees. For you to act as though the Red Sox have not been throwing money around when they have outspent everyone in baseball other than the Yankees and Mets is just plain silly.

One of the problems the Yankees have had is that in the years when they have had certain needs, the guys available at those positions were not top flight players but the Yankees were forced to overpay them to address roster issues they had. Unfortunately there were not better people available on the market in those years. The one guy the Yankees could have gotten that they didn't was Vladimir Guerrero but no amount of money would have mattered because he did not want to play in NY. Other than that, they made some bad signings in order to address roster needs in years when the guys who were available to address those needs were not the best guys (Carl Pavano, Jared Wright etc.) This is why it is very difficult in baseball to rely too heavily on free agency to address roster issues. Because in some years, all that is out there in the positions of need is dogshit, and in those years, you have to be real careful.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
By the ways, the Red Sox have badly outspent every team in baseball outside of New York, so these economic arguments are foolish.
Quite true, Beav. And what to they have to show for it? A 9 game lead. BTW, the Sox expenditures on player salaries are 72% of the Yankees. Just think how far in front the Sox would be if they'd spent that other $60,000,000.

The difference between the Sox and the 3-5 place teams is about $30,000,000, but, as noted above, they do have something to show for it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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rumpleforeskiin said:
Actually, what we should think of that offer has been quite extensively reported. It was the Sox' way of showing Johnny the door. They knew he was close to the end of the line and made him an offer he couldn't accept.

If they didn't want him they did not have to make any offer at all. They likely made the offer they did to block the Yankees from getting him. But still you don't offer someone 40 million dollars and assume they will reject it. If that assumption turned out to be wrong is Lucchino the biggest idiot on the planet?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Beav, the amount of misinformation and bullshit you peddle is quite astonishing. The Yankees and Vladimir Guerrero basically had a deal done. Cashman was all ready to sign him when word came out of Tampa that George wanted Sheffield.

As for this garbage about signing mediocre talent for excessive prices because that's all that's available, when you're M.O. is dealing in dollars only, trading away your developing talent for high priced salary dumps, or not even bothering to develop talent, that is, sadly, what you have to do.

The mess the Yankees have created for themselves will probably keep them out of contention until 2010 when they've run enough talent through the pipeline to compliment their signings.

For next year, they have holes at C, 1b, 3b, CF, RF, they're short 2-3 starting pitchers and nearly an entire bullpen.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
If they didn't want him they did not have to make any offer at all. They likely made the offer they did to block the Yankees from getting him. But still you don't offer someone 40 million dollars and assume they will reject it. If that assumption turned out to be wrong is Lucchino the biggest idiot on the planet?
They didn't ASSUME he would reject it. They KNEW he would. They did have to make an offer to placate the fan base. And, by the way, they did not offer him $40 M. The offer was $30 M, 10 per for three years. They would have been happy to have him accept it; they knew that any more than that would have been flushing it down the toilet. Even the Sox didn't figure that Damon would only have one more good year in him before his broken body would give out.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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rumpleforeskiin said:
Beav, the amount of misinformation and bullshit you peddle is quite astonishing. The Yankees and Vladimir Guerrero basically had a deal done. Cashman was all ready to sign him when word came out of Tampa that George wanted Sheffield.

Published reports indicated that Guerrero backed out because his mother (who he apparently lives with) did not want to live in New York. It's true though that Steinbrenner wanted Sheffield. But what I read is Cashman made an offer to Guerrero and he decided not to accept it because of his mother. The Mets also made Guerrero a meagre offer that he rejected, before signing with LA.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

EagerBeaver said:
If they didn't want him they did not have to make any offer at all. They likely made the offer they did to block the Yankees from getting him. But still you don't offer someone 40 million dollars and assume they will reject it. If that assumption turned out to be wrong is Lucchino the biggest idiot on the planet?
Hello EB,

Do you really think the Red Sox, who had every opportunity and exclusive rights to Damon up to a certain point, did not make it clear what they would ultimately pay. Even if they didn't it is pretty certain the Yankees and Steinboner knew his physical condition precisely or should have. They had every reason and chance to know there was something amiss with Damon. It was in all the papers. And if they signed Damon in such a hurry that their own doctors ddi not have a proper opportunity to check him out then they were truly greedy, grasping idots. The fact is the Yankees paid exhorbitantly for a player they knew had questionable physical issues. So the prize for the biggest idiot goes to co-winners mega-Cashman and Steinboner. $52,000,000 for that shoulder.


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Korbel said:
Hello EB,

Do you really think the Red Sox, who had every opportunity and exclusive rights to Damon up to a certain point, did not make it clear what they would ultimately pay. Even if they didn't it is pretty certain the Yankees and Steinboner knew his physical condition precisely or should have. They had every reason and chance to know there was something amiss with Damon. It was in all the papers. And if they signed Damon in such a hurry that their own doctors ddi not have a proper opportunity to check him out then they were truly greedy, grasping idots. The fact is the Yankees paid exhorbitantly for a player they knew had questionable physical issues. So the prize for the biggest idiot goes to co-winners mega-Cashman and Steinboner. $52,000,000 for that shoulder.




What you said in your last post makes absolutely no sense. The Red Sox offered Damon $40 million, knowing he supposedly had physical problems and knowing that the Yankees, if they did their due diligence and learned of those problems, would make no offer at all. In that case who would the Red Sox be bidding against, Korbel? Do you at all think about what you are posting?


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

EagerBeaver said:

What you said in your last post makes absolutely no sense. The Red Sox offered Damon $40 million, knowing he supposedly had physical problems and knowing that the Yankees, if they did their due diligence and learned of those problems, would make no offer at all. In that case who would the Red Sox be bidding against, Korbel? Do you at all think about what you are posting?
Hello EB,

Are you a mental acrobatic contortionist? sure imposed a lot of strange illogical meaning into what I said. Your digestion of my post makes no sense. To simplify things for you...both teams knew Damon might break down and the Yankees were willing to pay far, far more. Isn't it stupid to pay so lavishly at such risk. The Sox knew there was a risk and so did the Yankees, but the Sox were not going to pay for a risk beyond the point of reason as the Yanks did. Point is the Yankees got him...the Yankees paid huge for him...the Yankees are getting screwed and are the defacto idots in this case.

And try not to impose any cheap, sloppy, sort of mental contortionism on what I write that makes no sense just to defend yourself from a very, very poor position no matter how desperate you are. It looks very bad on you.


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Red Sox offered $40 million to a player they knew was damaged goods (by your admission), which was an an opening offer. Those are the facts. We don't know whether they would have gone higher or matched the Yankees, simply because they were not given the chance to do so. So all your posts basically come down to wishful thinking. Please spare us the lectures on how shrewdly the Red Sox behaved in the matter of Johnny Demon. The truth is, in hindsight, neither the Yankees nor the Red Sox should have made these offers to Demon.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

EagerBeaver said:

The truth is, in hindsight, neither the Yankees nor the Red Sox should have made these offers to Demon.
Hello EB,

I agree with this quote up to a point. No one could have known exactly what would happen. Reasonable possibilities should have made both teams more cautious. But, Damon still looked like a fair prospect at the time and the Sox were right around market value, even if that measure was a bit high for his physical condition. So why did the Yankees, knowing all the same basic information bid so much more? Answer: spite against an arch rival and sheer stupidity...whatever the need was on their team. Then...maybe Rumpleforeskiin has it basically right. Maybe the Sox made a token offer knowing just how stupid Steinboner would be. Maybe Steinboner and mega-Cash-man just got played. Currently, they look like they made a pretty stupid move.

That's a fact,

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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rumpleforeskiin said:
And, by the way, they did not offer him $40 M. The offer was $30 M, 10 per for three years.

Either you are wrong or the Boston Globe is. I provided a link to the Globe article in an earlier post:

offer of 4 years/$40 million from the very generous Larry Lucchino

another link, in which Demon claimed the Red Sox offer was "disrespectful":
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

EagerBeaver said:
Either you are wrong or the Boston Globe is. I provided a link to the Globe article in an earlier post:

offer of 4 years/$40 million from the very generous Larry Lucchino

another link, in which Demon claimed the Red Sox offer was "disrespectful":
Hello EB,

Whatever the situation or information was at the time, I just want to retire tonight with this comment. Thanks for bidding higher, much higher by $12,000,000 to get Damon. You win...and you lose. Ironic Be careful what you wish may GET IT!

Ta ta buddy,

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