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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Interesting quote from Baseball America's Jim Callis, from the ESPN chatroom today:

"Frank (Oakland): Winningest pitcher of this generation: Clemens or Maddux?

Jim Callis: Maddux is going to pass him. Clemens may have won his last big league game."

If so, the Spankees will have paid Clemens more than $3,000,000 per win, more than twice as much as Ziggy Montana paid for his duo-overnighter last Winter.

Hello Rumples,

ROFLMAO...LOOOVE IT!!! No offense Ziggyman.

Still rolling,



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
You fucked up, pal. More than twice the amount implies that the duo-overnighter may have cost me as low as $0.01.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Ziggy Montana said:
You fucked up, pal. More than twice the amount implies that the duo-overnighter may have cost me as low as $0.01.
I'll leave the calculations to Rearender.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Ziggy Montana said:
You fucked up, pal. More than twice the amount implies that the duo-overnighter may have cost me as low as $0.01.
Hello Ziggyman,

Just laughing off the Joe. t side of things.

Peace bro,

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Nice to hear from a rare honest voice on the Yankers side. The Sox have their J.D. Drew, and Matsuzaka will probably be a lot better next year; but thanks for beating us out of Johnny Damon, Carl Pavano, and especially Clemens. You lose...I mean win...I mean lose.



Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Korbel said:
Nice to hear from a rare honest voice on the Yankers side. The Sox have their J.D. Drew, and Matsuzaka will probably be a lot better next year; but thanks for beating us out of Johnny Damon,

You mean the Ofor again Johnny Damon...he might even be Ofer September! :p


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

Say what you want about Crisp's hitting, he keeps Hits, and therefore Runs off the board...more effectively than most and far, far more effectively than Damon. Plus, he's much healthier at nearly $10,000,000 less cost per year. That's about $28,000,000 less over three Tonight Crisp goes 3-3 with a three run homer, and a critical steal in the 9th leading to the game winning run followed by Papelbon slamming the door to drive the Yankers 6 1/2 back. Go Go Coco!!! Oh yeah...Buccholz got three outs with the bases loaded in one inning. Talk about TOUGH!!!

Korbel said:
Hello Joe. t,

Dreee e e e eam, dream...dream...dream, dreee e e e I feel another prediction coming on. Come on buddy, be DARING. When do the Yankers take 1st place...LOL! Oh One-Hit-Wonder...oh pseudo-legend...DAZZLE!

Big Hug,


Joe.t said:
Sept 16, circle it on your calendar.:)
Hey Josey, only 9 days left to close a 6 1/2 game gap to make that Sept 16 predicton of yours where the Yankers are supposed to be in first


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
Say what you want about Crisp's hitting, he keeps Hits, and therefore Runs off the board...more effectively than most and far, far more effectively than Damon.
The difference between Coco and the corpse of Johnny Demon is quite simple. At .270 with Gold Glove® caliber defense, Crisp is a very competent player. Johnny Demon at .256, a DH with little power, is a huge liability.

Joe, at .000 on the Predictron Scale, is, of course, a fucking moron, albeit a lovable fucking moron.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
The difference between Coco and the corpse of Johnny Demon is quite simple. At .270 with Gold Glove® caliber defense, Crisp is a very competent player. Johnny Demon at .256, a DH with little power, is a huge liability.

Joe, at .000 on the Predictron Scale, is, of course, a fucking moron, albeit a lovable fucking moron.

Hello Rumples,

Correction, he did get 1 so we can honestly say..."HE'S ONE IN A MILLION"!

luv ya Josey,



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Longevity Factor

btyger said:
I think we're all guessing in this area. Another factor to keep in mind with wrestlers (vs ballplayers) is that choreographed or not, wrestling is a much more brutal and violent sport than baseball. I read a report that suggested Benoit's problems may have had more to do with concussions he suffered than with long term loss of testosterone production resulting from steroid abuse. But again, we're all guessing, really

The longevity factor does not favour your point.

Compare the length of the careers of Ric Flair, Lou Thesz, Lex Luger(played football in the CFL as Larry Pfohl) and others to baseball players. Wrestlers have significantly longer career spans without long rest periods between seasons.

Whereas an NFL career with less than 1/10th the number of regular season games than baseball is much shorter. How many 40+ NFL players do you see compared to MLB or wrestling?


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
btyger said:
I think we're all guessing in this area. Another factor to keep in mind with wrestlers (vs ballplayers) is that choreographed or not, wrestling is a much more brutal and violent sport than baseball. I read a report that suggested Benoit's problems may have had more to do with concussions he suffered than with long term loss of testosterone production resulting from steroid abuse. But again, we're all guessing, really
Hello Btyger,

This article explaning the results of the examination of the brain of Benoit cites repeated concussions as the main cause of his condition. The photos comparing cells in a normal neocortex versus that of Benoit are striking. Here an excerpt from the full text explains the results of repeated concussions over time:

"According to the examinations, Mr. Benoit’s brain exhibited large amounts of abnormal Tau protein, manifested as Neurofibrillary Tangles (NFTs) and Neuropil Threads [NTs]. These represent aggregates of abnormal Tau protein, which are remnants of the cytoskeleton of the brain cells and their connections. Frequent NFTs and NTs were distributed in all regions of the brain including the neocortex, the limbic cortex, subcortical ganglia and brainstem ganglia accompanied by loss of brain cells. Accumulation of abnormal Tau protein in the form of NFTs and NTs in the brain has been confirmed to cause neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment and dementia. There was no other neuropathological evidence for any chronic or acute disorder to explain his clinical symptoms."

There is little or no inference to the impact of steroid use. But it seems reasonable to me that the aggressive tendencies associated with steroid use would make an individual more willing to use the head as a weapon and thus increase the frequency of concussions through an influence in mindset, thus making steroids a psychological motivational contributer if not a direct cause of the condition Benoit suffered from.

What disturbs me most about the death of Benoit, when we look at the conclusions of the autopsy, is that the possible damage to the brain of repeated traumas to the head is no mystery to anyone. Allowing and even encouraging unprotected abuse or attacks to the head in "Professional" Wrestling for entertainment impact to generate more profits has always seemed highly irresponsible and theorectically criminal to me. While the individual participating in sports like boxing, football, and wrestling should be responsible for their own choices, that choice should not absolve professional oragnizations from making responsible regulations to minimize the possibility of serious damage to any part of the body, especially the head. Just because an individual chooses to take the risk of serious head injury in sports that do not use head protection doesn't mean the organization should not be held responsible for the damage. In my view the only reason professional boxing and wrestling do not use head gear is the profit from greater risk and the glamorization of violence and danger. Even if it does not eliminate the danger, the proven reduced risk of serious trauma through effective head gear means it should be mandatory in any "sport" where head impact is inherently frequent. Profits are no excuse for failing to reduce risk. Individal choice absolves no one from being irresponsible whatever the entertainment value to "the lusting mob" or profits to exploitationists.

Life first,



Why isn't this subject on a Chris Benoit or Sports Tragedies thread.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Blows To the Head

Korbel said:
Hello Btyger,

This article explaning the results of the examination of the brain of Benoit cites repeated concussions as the main cause of his condition. The photos comparing cells in a normal neocortex versus that of Benoit are striking. Here an excerpt from the full text explains the results of repeated concussions over time:

"According to the examinations, Mr. Benoit’s brain exhibited large amounts of abnormal Tau protein, manifested as Neurofibrillary Tangles (NFTs) and Neuropil Threads [NTs]. These represent aggregates of abnormal Tau protein, which are remnants of the cytoskeleton of the brain cells and their connections. Frequent NFTs and NTs were distributed in all regions of the brain including the neocortex, the limbic cortex, subcortical ganglia and brainstem ganglia accompanied by loss of brain cells. Accumulation of abnormal Tau protein in the form of NFTs and NTs in the brain has been confirmed to cause neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment and dementia. There was no other neuropathological evidence for any chronic or acute disorder to explain his clinical symptoms."

There is little or no inference to the impact of steroid use. But it seems reasonable to me that the aggressive tendencies associated with steroid use would make an individual more willing to use the head as a weapon and thus increase the frequency of concussions through an influence in mindset, thus making steroids a psychological motivational contributer if not a direct cause of the condition Benoit suffered from.

What disturbs me most about the death of Benoit, when we look at the conclusions of the autopsy, is that the possible damage to the brain of repeated traumas to the head is no mystery to anyone. Allowing and even encouraging unprotected abuse or attacks to the head in "Professional" Wrestling for entertainment impact to generate more profits has always seemed highly irresponsible and theorectically criminal to me. While the individual participating in sports like boxing, football, and wrestling should be responsible for their own choices, that choice should not absolve professional oragnizations from making responsible regulations to minimize the possibility of serious damage to any part of the body, especially the head. Just because an individual chooses to take the risk of serious head injury in sports that do not use head protection doesn't mean the organization should not be held responsible for the damage. In my view the only reason professional boxing and wrestling do not use head gear is the profit from greater risk and the glamorization of violence and danger. Even if it does not eliminate the danger, the proven reduced risk of serious trauma through effective head gear means it should be mandatory in any "sport" where head impact is inherently frequent. Profits are no excuse for failing to reduce risk. Individal choice absolves no one from being irresponsible whatever the entertainment value to "the lusting mob" or profits to exploitationtists.

Life first,



Why isn't this subject on a Chris Benoit or Sports Tragedies thread.


Interesting post.

Protective head gear is used in amateur boxing and to a degree in amateur wrestling. Problem at the professional level is finding head gear that will stay in place AND cannot be used to gain an advantage.

In amateur boxing the referee intervenes when the head gear slips, the round is stopped until it is adjusted and the fight continues.Also amateur bouts are limited to three rounds unlike pro bouts that may last 10 -12 rounds. Not sure that 15 round bouts are allowed anymore.

At the pro level the action is much faster and head gear that slips exposes the disadvantaged fighter to great risk ALSO a helmet or protective head gear could be used to gain an advantage in clinches or by butting.

Another factor is that headwear or a helmet as in the case of football may be used as a weapon. As football helmets evolved from leather to hard composites, leading with the head to make a tackle became the norm.

As hockey helmets evolved blows to the head became tolerated since the players were "protected".

The problem with Pro wrestling and concussions is that Pro wrestlers are not submitted to the same medical standards as pro boxers. Depending on the state commission after a knock-out a boxer has to go thru various medical procedures and mandated time off before he may box again. Such a system is lacking for wrestling.

Linking steroids as a motivational factor is somewhat of a chicken and egg
position. Steroid use, blood doping and similar abuses exploded in the sixties as a catch-up solution. Basically used by second and third level athletes in a sport to be able to compete at the elite level, encouraged by various weak national groups such as the East Germans and lately the Chinese in an attempt to advance the ability of their athletes to compete and win.

Chris Benoit was undersized for a wrestler. The mindset of athletes in a similar popsition is that they will take the steroids because the alternative is a menial job. That is why skilled but undersized athletes are the ones who get caught in the steroid trap.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

eastender said:

Interesting post.

Protective head gear is used in amateur boxing and to a degree in amateur wrestling. Problem at the professional level is finding head gear that will stay in place AND cannot be used to gain an advantage.

In amateur boxing the referee intervenes when the head gear slips, the round is stopped until it is adjusted and the fight continues.Also amateur bouts are limited to three rounds unlike pro bouts that may last 10 -12 rounds. Not sure that 15 round bouts are allowed anymore.

At the pro level the action is much faster and head gear that slips exposes the disadvantaged fighter to great risk ALSO a helmet or protective head gear could be used to gain an advantage in clinches or by butting.

Another factor is that headwear or a helmet as in the case of football may be used as a weapon. As football helmets evolved from leather to hard composites, leading with the head to make a tackle became the norm.

As hockey helmets evolved blows to the head became tolerated since the players were "protected".

The problem with Pro wrestling and concussions is that Pro wrestlers are not submitted to the same medical standards as pro boxers. Depending on the state commission after a knock-out a boxer has to go thru various medical procedures and mandated time off before he may box again. Such a system is lacking for wrestling.

Linking steroids as a motivational factor is somewhat of a chicken and egg
position. Steroid use, blood doping and similar abuses exploded in the sixties as a catch-up solution. Basically used by second and third level athletes in a sport to be able to compete at the elite level, encouraged by various weak national groups such as the East Germans and lately the Chinese in an attempt to advance the ability of their athletes to compete and win.

Chris Benoit was undersized for a wrestler. The mindset of athletes in a similar popsition is that they will take the steroids because the alternative is a menial job. That is why skilled but undersized athletes are the ones who get caught in the steroid trap.
Hello Eastender,

Thanks for the reply. Of course my long viewpoint above comes down to lessening risk of dangerous conditions. As you pointed out, there can be flaws and abuses in any situation. These are minimized by regulations and "implementers" such as referees. I don't think you meant to suggest safety gear should not be used. The problems should be acknowledged and explained as well as the advantages in any issue.


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
All For Safety Gear

Korbel said:
Hello Eastender,

Thanks for the reply. Of course my long viewpoint above comes down to lessening risk of dangerous conditions. As you pointed out, there can be flaws and abuses in any situation. These are minimized by regulations and "implementers" such as referees. I don't think you meant to suggest safety grear should not be used. The problems should be acknowledged and explained as well as the advantages in any issue.



All for safety gear. Just have to be aware that one athlete's protection may become another's weapon.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
eastender said:
Chris Benoit 5' 10". 220 lbs. After bulking up on steroid.

See :

Today,athletes that are under 6' are undersized.

Hello guys,

I would say he was not undersized, but not what we would call large. He was a superbly muscled man of average stature, but certainly no Hulk Hogan type.




New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Last Sentence

Korbel said:
Hello guys,

I would say he was not undersized, but not what we would call large. He was a superbly muscled man of average stature, but certainly no Hulk Hogan type.




The last sentence in the first paragraph of the profile in the link says it all when it refers to him as a "...real skinny kid...".

Will grant that for his age he had the physique of a much younger man but that brings the discussion back to steroids.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Back to Baseball.

Hey guys,

Well, Lester pitched another excellent game and the team came away with a shutout. Looks like Lester has become a rock solid pitcher since coming back and now goes to 5-0.

Joey buddy, you now have only 8 days to close that 6 1/2 game gap. But we still don't know how the Yankers game will turn out so the news could be worse in an hour or so.

Stay tuned,

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The number 15 does double-duty today. 15 is the Sox magic number to clinch the division and Coco Crisp, the Sox Gold Glove® center fielder, leads the corpse of Johnny Damon by 15 batting average points. Will somebody PLEASE buy Johnny a hit.

The big question is how much of the $26 M remaining on Johnny's bloated contract will the Spankees be willing to eat ti dump his sorry underperforming ass.

BTW, friends, today's gratuitous swear word for our chaste friend is: shit.
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