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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
I swear to god that Hench and i are not related.:p
Hench is just one writer, who happens to disagree with just about every other analyst on the planet. Common wisdom is that the Yankees don't have either the pitching or the defense to get past the first round, in which, assuming the Yankees are even around in October, they'll face the Angels, with whom they don't match up very well.

Problems with Hench's analysis:
1. Chamberlain - His use is being monitored. How much they'll get out of him in the postseason is questionable.
2. Jeter - They've managed to lose with Jeter for the past 6 years, what's new?
3. A-Rod - And just why does he think that Mr. April is going to suddenly turn into a decent post-season player? This isn't analysis; it's guesswork.
6. Pettitte - Yes, he was great in August, but lousy in June and July. Now, he's off to a lousy start in September.
8. Clemens - What is Hench talking about? Clemens has had one good start in the last 6 weeks and now he's ready to dominate October.
9. Beware the corpse of Damon - Not worth comment.

Hench's arguments have more holes than those of Rearender, and that's quite a feat.

Magic number 19. Better get Michael Vick's phone number.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Expect another gem from Clemens who has hit his stride and with Joba will "pitch the lights out" against the struggling Mariners while the Blue Jays will take batting practice against the $100 million bust who will try to avoid his fourth straight loss, i expect the bum to be out of there by the 5th inning.

D-Mat, Lugo, Crisp, Drew, plus no bench what so ever to speak of, the mistakes keep piling up by junior, back down to 5 after tonight as i expect the red hot Blue Jays to take or even sweep the series, Doc Holliday will be a happy camper after this series.
Hello Btyger,

In honor of your return I am going to be very honest right now. I was surprised how the Sox-Yankers series turned out, but not by much at all. All pitchers on each side did well. It was more a case of the Yankers getting better more timely hitting than anything else. Pettitte has been very good in his last several games, and Wang has been very solid with a few gaps over the season. Clemens has sucked most of the time. He would still have a losing record due to two games he absolutely bombed but did not get pinned for the losses because of a lot of Yankers runs. He has had a few excellent games like the Clemens of old like the one he had during the Sox series. But he could have lost that game with one timely hit. Generally he has pitched like he has to hold his pants up at the same time. Remember it was at Yankers Stadium, all games were close, and your team is still losing ground almost every day.

Let's face it Joey, the Yankers simply don't have the starting pitching to go all the way. Look at today, Clemens is knocked out, and Mussina is being used as a reliever. Mussina as a reliever...does that tell you anything. It's desperate. Your relievers aren't bad, but they are uneven at best. For the Sox: Schilling, Matsuzaka, Tavarez have been pretty decent but unsteady most of the season. Tavarez has been a very tough much of the time. Beckett and Wakefield have been excellent. Lester has done very well and we all know about Buchholz. Matsuzaka has actually done well but without much run support on too many days, as against Tampa Bay. Since the All-Star break, and a rest period, Schilling has been solid and Wakefield unhittable. For the playoffs Francona has 5 very good starters (Beckett, Schilling, Wakefield, Lester, and Buchholz if he qualifies) and 1 (Matsuzaka, usually pretty capable, and 1 (Tavarez who has produced some solid performances despite his overall record) to choose from for a rotation. The Yankers would have 2 very good pichers (Wang with Kennedy looking very promising but still unproven), 2 good pitchers (Vizcaino and Pettitte if he continues his August streak)...and 2 barely adequate Mussina, Clemens. Mussina is very shaky of late, and Clemens is just plain unpredictable getting knocked out early often.

YES...I remember your predictions about Clemens and Seattle very well; how your Yankers would stomp all over the Mariners. So how did your prediction turn out? Well, one team is getting a bit of a stomping today and they wear pinstripes. Hasn't Seattle been losing a great deal lately. Weren't they just darn ripe for the picking. Well your damn billionaire boys look quite helpless today. That's WRONG
three times
so far today with a chance to lose, not gain more ground. Clemens got beat, you lost to Seattle, and you certainly won't be at 5 may even be 7 back by the end of the night. If any teams worry me in the long run concerning the Sox it's the Angels and the Tigers. The Yankers, well, don't base all of your bets on three games that could all have gone either way. You sure don't have any reason to strut around like a peacock when you can't handle hapless Tampa Bay, and struggling Seattle. Sometimes I think you are either a 15 year old or a promoter on the Yankers payroll. Joe. t...get a big glass of reality will ya...LOL.

WAKE UP...One-Hit-Wonder,



Damon was at .258 at the start of today and went
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

btyger said:
Yanks are now 6-8 over their last 14 and only a game up in the wild card. Damn, I wish I'd seen today's game. I see Mussina pitched 3 and two thirds, allowing 7 hits.

Hello Btyger,

Looks like Joe. t forgot to take account of the "direct competition factor". When a team behind in the race takes on its top competitor for a playoff position all bets are off no matter what the recent comparable records have been. Result: struggling Mariners...KICK ASS!

Poor Joey,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
But you still have time to read Hench's report on who he thinks will win the world series, here you go my friend.:p
Yep, don't miss Hench's report, because he's the only one. Hang your hat on it, Joe, but don't forget to take that hat down when you're walking Michael Vick's dog.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Yep, don't miss Hench's report, because he's the only one. Hang your hat on it, Joe, but don't forget to take that hat down when you're walking Michael Vick's dog.
Hello Rumples,

Isn't this the same guy who practically accused Clemens of taking steroids??? HEY JOEY! If this writer is credible now...WAS HE CREDIBLE THEN???

There must be something in Roger's water

What is the Rocket fueled by?
Vegetables? Brown rice? Rigorous jogging? As Roger Clemens returns to the mound two months shy of his 45th birthday, not only is it a fair question, but it would seem fairly irresponsible — given assumptions made about other players during the Steroid Era — not to ask it.

Long before the comical flaxseed oil alibi, leaked grand jury testimony and revelations about his hat and shoe sizes, the most damning evidence against Barry Bonds was on the back of his baseball card.

There was simply no way, we agreed, that a guy who should have been entering the steep decline phase of his career could be that much better in his late 30s and early 40s than he had been in his late 20s and early 30s without chemical enhancement.

Shouldn't Roger Clemens' baseball card elicit the same dubious eyebrow-raising? The presumption of guilt that hounded Bonds through his assault on various home run records hasn't necessarily given way to a presumption of innocence with Clemens, but rather to a sort of weary reluctance to ask how it is possible that a major league pitcher was considerably better from ages 41-44 than he had been from ages 31-34. If Carl Lewis won the 100-meter dash in Beijing in 2008 we'd have questions, right?

During Clemens' final four years in Boston — the seasons in which he aged from 31 to 34 — the Rocket went 40-39 with a 3.77 ERA over 745 innings. In his past four seasons, when he aged 41-44, Clemens pitched 750.2 innings and went 55-27 with a 2.83 ERA. It's one thing to stave off a decline phase, it's quite another to shave almost an entire run off of your ERA as you move into middle age.

And this brings us to an important distinction between Bonds and Clemens. Apologists for Barry will often correctly point out that he was a sure-fire Hall of Famer prior to his absurd stat (and body) inflation in San Francisco. Clemens was a lock too, but Bonds never had a four-year stretch of sub-Hall numbers like Roger. From 1993-'96, Clemens had a record one game over .500 with an ERA just under four, which is not exactly Cooperstown-quality production. If Bonds was motivated to juice, as has been alleged, by watching Mark McGwire, a player he deemed inferior, break the single-season home run record, imagine the motivation for Clemens after four mediocre seasons and an acrimonious departure from Boston.

As has been well-chronicled, Clemens showed up in Toronto in 1997 — after claiming he wanted to be closer to his family in Texas — in the best shape of his life and turned in back-to-back Cy Young seasons, going 41-13 with a 2.33 ERA. The statistical disparity between the Rocket's last four years in Boston and the following two seasons in Toronto was as dramatic as the spike Bonds experienced after McGwire broke the home run record. But all we heard was that Clemens was such a fitness madman that sometimes he'd go for a jog after his starts.

When then-Red Sox GM Dan Duquette had famously concluded after the '96 season that Clemens was entering the "twilight" of his career, he had a century of baseball evidence to support his assertion. Given that no subsequent 300-game winner since Mickey Welch (1890-'93) had won fewer games between the ages of 31 and 34 than Clemens, it seemed highly improbable that the Rocket would win 108 more games after leaving Boston. He's won 156 and counting.

Along the way he's also drilled Mike Piazza in the head and thrown a shattered bat in his direction during a World Series game, a transgression for which he blamed the clubhouse coffee. Too much java. Right.

Now Clemens will move into a locker room with Jason Giambi.
Giambi, perhaps the most forthright player this side of Jose Canseco from the Steroid Era, is still being dogged by the fallout from his semi-admissions and oblique apologies. By trying to come clean, Giambi has become something of a sympathetic figure and also a reluctant spokesperson for his fellow, lips-sealed transgressors.

As the Yankees' season of discontent unfolds, once-impertinent questions now seem all-too pertinent. But will anyone ask them of Clemens? After his most recent minor league tuneup, Clemens snapped at a reporter who appeared to have asked a fairly innocuous question about the warm reception he'd been receiving from the minor league crowds.

The Rocket went on a long harangue about negativity before concluding, "I'm positive and I've always been positive."

Gee, imagine if the reporter had asked him a tough question. Like the one that no one dares ask.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Oh oh!!! Dice K doesn't look like he has his good stuff tonight, it's only the first inning and he is getting hammered already, not to worry because i am sure Coco will have another big night and help bail him out, like i predicted gonzo by the 5th.:p


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Oh oh!!! Dice K doesn't look like he has his good stuff tonight, it's only the first inning and he is getting hammered already, not to worry because i am sure Coco will have another big night and help bail him out, like i predicted gonzo by the 5th.:p
Hello Josey,

What the hell are you watching? Not only do you fail to respond to any facts given on this thread, you act like you don't understand what you see. After 2 innings it's 3-1 Boston and Dice-K just had a 1-2-3 inning. Are you so desperate to stick someone with your goading that you hang on any negative spec you can find. And Crisp just hit one to the warning track in right field. Three more feet and it would have been gone.

Try caffeine pills,


UPDATE: Top Rookie of the Year candidate Pedroia is 3-3 and the Sox lead 7-1 in the 4th inning. Do those numbers sound familiar Josey???

UPDATE: Glaus pulls a through the legs "Buckner" and the Sox lead 9-1...ooops 10-1.

Joe.t said:
Expect another gem from Clemens who has hit his stride and with Joba will "pitch the lights out" against the struggling Mariners while the Blue Jays will take batting practice against the $100 million bust who will try to avoid his fourth straight loss, i expect the bum to be out of there by the 5th inning.

D-Mat, Lugo, Crisp, Drew, plus no bench what so ever to speak of, the mistakes keep piling up by junior, back down to 5 after tonight as i expect the red hot Blue Jays to take or even sweep the series, Doc Holliday will be a happy camper after this series.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Joe.t has just thrown his remote through the television and is now pouring Jack Daniels straight down his throat. Great prediction Josey baby....bwahahahahahahahaha!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
Isn't this the same guy who practically accused Clemens of taking steroids??? HEY JOEY! If this writer is credible now...WAS HE CREDIBLE THEN???
Nice research, Korbel. Joe?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
What the hell are you watching? Not only do you fail to respond to any facts given on this thread, you act like you don't understand what you see.
Easy there, Korbel, take it easy on a sick man. Joe has just gotten his test results back and he's been diagnosed with MF. (Multiple Fuckingmoronosis)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Special K said:
9 run lead now down to 2. Yikes!

Hello Special K,

Now down to 1. I think I hear Berra Too bad Joey has no TV and is drunk as a skunk.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What a comeback!!

Special K said:
9 run lead now down to 2. Yikes!

I'm glad i decided to check the thread....i stopped watching the game half-an-hour ago when the game was 10-1. Now i'm back in front of the plasma & Jays are trailing by only 1 run!! :D

I'm hoping Gagne is brought into the game.....:D


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Joe.t said:
Oh oh!!! Dice K doesn't look like he has his good stuff tonight, it's only the first inning and he is getting hammered already, not to worry because i am sure Coco will have another big night and help bail him out, like i predicted gonzo by the 5th.:p

Okay okay i was off by a bit, but still Matzusaka sucks!!!
Line- IP-5.1, H-10, ER-7, ERA sails to 4.11, not a very good night for D-Mat.

Pretty please with sugar on top Terry put Gagne in there, that would be the icing on the cake.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Okay okay i was off by a bit, but still Matzusaka sucks!!!
Line- IP-5.1, H-10, ER-7, ERA sails to 4.11, not a very good night for D-Mat.

God, if Matsuzaka's ERA gets much higher, it will be almost as high as Clemens'.

Lead back up to 3.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Joe.t said:
ERA sails to 4.11

Which is still better than some washed up red neck that plays for the Yankees! In case you have to think about which one...Clemens 4.45 ERA oh and $28,000,000.00 not very well spent.

Did you see that great sac bunt by Coco Joe, what'd Damon do today besides drop his average a little more?


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Okay okay i was off by a bit, but still Matzusaka sucks!!!
Line- IP-5.1, H-10, ER-7, ERA sails to 4.11, not a very good night for D-Mat.

Pretty please with sugar on top Terry put Gagne in there, that would be the icing on the cake.
Hello Joey,

"Off by a bit" is still WRONG! And, your spelling SUCKS too. It's Matsuzaka. Geee..."not a very good night". That's generous for you.

What about that question on Hench's credibility??? Or are you passively acknowledging that Clemens use steroids???

Also, Coco got a hit...and bunted for a sacrifice run.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Korbel said:
Hello Joey,

What about that question on Hench's credibility??? Or are you passively acknowledging that Clemens "use" steroids???



That question would be better asked of Beckett who went from being one of the worst starters to one of the best, clearly there is some urine bottle tampering going on in the Red Sox clubhoue.:rolleyes:

By the way its either "used" or "uses" professor, but you can be forgiven if english is not your first language as i suspect.:rolleyes:
Korbel said:
Also, Coco got a hit...and bunted for a sacrifice run.


Big fucking deal, lets get the champagne out and celebrate every time Coco gets a hit which lately has been about once a week.:rolleyes:
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