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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actually I did more research on this and what I read in the New York Post was that the Yankees are using a combination of major league scouts and satellite TV. With basically every major league game available by satellite it is not clear that advance scouting is in fact needed. If the games were not available on satellite, it probably would be. This is apparently a byproduct of technology more than anything else. And it seems obviously cheaper to do it this way than to be flying guys around the country to report on games that are now available on satellite sources.

The Boston Globe on April 15, 2007 reported that Yankees bullpen coach Joe Kerrigan is doing advance scouting by video which I take to mean that they have him watching a TV feeding off a satellite dish in the bullpen, and/or watching tapes of games compiled from satellite TV. I can provide the link if necessary. So your statement about Guidry is incorrect.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
Actually I did more research on this and what I read in the New York Post was that the Yankees are using a combination of major league scouts and satellite TV. With basically every major league game available by satellite it is not clear that advance scouting is in fact needed. If the games were not available on satellite, it probably would be. This is apparently a byproduct of technology more than anything else. And it seems obviously cheaper to do it this way than to be flying guys around the country to report on games that are now available on satellite sources.

The Boston Globe on April 15, 2007 reported that Yankees bullpen coach Joe Kerrigan is doing advance scouting by video which I take to mean that they have him watching a TV feeding off a satellite dish in the bullpen, and/or watching tapes of games compiled from satellite TV. I can provide the link if necessary. So your statement about Guidry is incorrect.
Guidry, Kerrigan. What's the difference. The simple fact is that the Yankees are scouting by TV, not live. There's a huge difference.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The lighter side of red sox broadcasts

I didn't really know where to post's own thread, the joke thread...finally I figured the people who would appreciate it the most are the true baseball fans who post in this thread. If anyone objects, let me know and I'll move it or delete the post. It's really quite funny how they end up paying more attention to the pizza incident than to the game.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Second night in a row that the Cleveland Indians' starting pitcher failed to make it through 3 innings against the Yankees' devastating batting order. 1.2 for Westbrook last night, and 2.2 for Sauers tonight. The Indians bullpen is now being strenuously taxed, their ERAs are all bloating, and we are not yet through the 3rd inning.

A Rod - 9 homers, 23 RBIs in 13 games.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Techman said:
I didn't really know where to post's own thread, the joke thread...finally I figured the people who would appreciate it the most are the true baseball fans who post in this thread. If anyone objects, let me know and I'll move it or delete the post. It's really quite funny how they end up paying more attention to the pizza incident than to the game.

Gotta love Don O and Jerry Remy, two of the best announcers in the game!! Absolutely hilarious!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
But then scouting reports got out and Doc's K total went down.
We'll file this one under the Department of Wishful Thinking. Perhaps when the scouting reports on Roger Clemens get around, hitters will start laying off his high fastball, too?

Dwight Gooden was a great pitcher for 10 years. His strikeout rate did go down after the first two years, not for the silly reason you mention, but because Gooden became more of a pitcher and less of a thrower as he matured. You're comparing a raw 18 year old prospect with a mature, complete package 26 year old.

Hitters have been trying to lay off the high fastball for over a century now and they still can't do it. It's a simple matter of visual deception.

The Red Sox have now played 13 games. In 8 of them, the starting pitcher has allowed 1 run. They've also allowed 0, 2, and 3, once each. That's 11 quality starts in 13 games. The team ERA stands at 2.55.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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ARod finally comes through when it counts...bottom of the 9th and winning run on 2nd base, ARod connects with his 10th homer??? Damn!! Watching it on, Borowski fell apart big time and the Indians made a big mistake not intentionally walking ARod with 1st base open setting up an out at any base. Oh well, at least the Sox kept pace with a sweet win over the Jays.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A-Rod has gone apeshit!

Special K,

A-Rod actually hit his 10th home run, and now has 26 RBIs in 14 games. This was his second game winning walk off homer in the last 10 days.

This was one of the greatest 2 out 9th inning rallies in baseball history. Down 6-2 and with 2 outs, the Yankees scored 6 runs to win 8-6, the last 3 coming on the A-Rod walkoff homer.

Borowski and the Indians could have walked A-Rod, but Giambi was on deck and he is a lefthanded batter. The only advantage the Indians would have gotten was to create a force situation at every base with the bases loaded. Of course, whether Borowski should have pitched more carefully to A-Rod with first base open, is a separate question that the miserable Indians fans will have to ask of their manager now that they have been swept out of first place, which is where they had been when this series started.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
This was one of the greatest 2 out 9th inning rallies in baseball history. Down 6-2 and with 2 outs, the Yankees scored 6 runs to win 8-6, the last 3 coming on the A-Rod walkoff homer.

In baseball history Beav??? LMAO! Are you out of your f'n mind...oh yea, you see things only through pinstriped glasses.

EagerBeaver said:
Borowski and the Indians could have walked A-Rod, but Giambi was on deck and he is a lefthanded batter. The only advantage the Indians would have gotten was to create a force situation at every base with the bases loaded.

Exactly...and take the bat out of the hands of the hottest hitter in baseball! It was a no brainer and Eric Wedge should be hung from his jock for his stupidity.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The problem with walking Mr. April in this situation is that Giambi draws a ton of walks. The chances of Mr. April ending the game were considerably smaller than those of Giambi's evening the score with a walk. I can't really say what I'd have done in that situation.

I do know what Grady Little would have done. He'd have left Pedro in.

Sox gave up three runs today, raising their team ERA. This weekend should be fun. Smoking hot Yankee bats versus the Sox three aces. With the Sox bats working in Fenway and the Yankees throwing minor league pitchers in two of the three games, I'd be disappointed with less than two wins.

Then again, I didn't expect the Jays to win the Matsuzaka game or the Sox to win the Halladay game.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It did occur to me that Wedge was worried about walking A-Rod because Giambi has such a good eye and also Borowski I believe had thrown a wild pitch already that inning. Presumably though, they would have brought a lefty in or someone with excellent control to face Giambi. Note that the Indians bullpen was badly taxed due to the Yankees having lit up their starting pitching very early in each of the prior two games, so I don't know who Wedge had in the wings that was fresh and lefty and showing better command than Borowski.

Special K,

Are you aware of how many game winning 6 run rallies have been staged after there were 2 outs in the 9th inning? Sterling said on radio that it had not been done in the last 19 years. I don't know but honestly don't remember a rally of this nature which started with 2 outs and the Yankees down 6-2. If you have other info please let us know.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yankees Replay

I just watched Yankees Encore and watched a replay of the entire 9th inning to see if I could get an answer to the question all Indians fans are asking: what happened?

Borowski, the Indians closer with less than overpowering stuff, retired Cano and Cabrera very easily to start the 9th and it looked like it would be a 1-2-3 inning. The problem started with Phelps. Borowski almost threw the 1st pitch over Martinez's head. On 1-0 he threw a nothing fastball over the plate, and Phelps, who has power, got his arms extended and powered the ball out over the left center field fence. After this homerun, Borowski, who had not given up a homer since 2005, appeared to be very upset with himself. He snatched the ball when it was thrown to him and appeared to rub it very hard in anger. The next hitter was Posada who lined a 2 strike pitch up the middle, almost decapitating Borowski. Borowski then had a 2-2 count on Damon and walked him. Jeter came up next and lined a very hard single to left, scoring Posada. At no time while all this was happening was anyone warming up in the Indians pen nor did Wedge try to stall although after the Damon walk, the pitching coach went out to the mound to try and relax Borowski. It looked to me like Wedge had predetermined that the Indians would sink or swim with Borowski.

Next up was Abreu who lined a single to left field. It should be noted that every ball the Yankees hit, was hit hard. A-Rod then came up and the first pitch was a wild pitch. It was clear Martinez was setting up outside and they were trying to get A-Rod to fish for balls outside and off the plate. On 1-0 A-Rod got a fastball outside part of the plate which caught too much of the plate. Gone, way into the centerfield off the wall behind the bullpen.

At no time did I see anyone warming up, nor did Wedge stall. The Yankees did have Mariano warming up from the beginning of the bottom of the 9th in case the Yankees tied it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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If you are a Red Sox fan get ready for another Boston day massacre, I am looking for a clean sweep especially with A-Rod(My MVP pick) being hotter then hell, also expect Ortiz to turn into a phantom this weekend.

Click on the link "Walk off homer for ARod" and check out the poll, also the very knowledgable baseball expert analyst Rosenthall tells it like it is "Arod is the best player on the planet".:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Click on the link "Walk off homer for ARod" and check out the poll, also the very knowledgable baseball expert analyst Rosenthall tells it like it is "Arod is the best player on the planet".:)
Yes, Joe. Yawn. And, once more for the record, Ken Rosenthal is not a knowledgeable baseball expert analyst, he is a reporter.

As for E-Rod, being the best baseball player on the planet, I certainly would think that you can make an argument for that. As long as you make it before October. Wonder who he'll be playing for next year.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't understand how it is that the Red Sox have reduced Willy Mo Pena to pinch hitting duties while a guy like Coco Crisp, who is a borderline major league player at best, with no upper body strength to speak of, holds down a starting job. I heard all this talk that Pena is a stud and physically he does look like one, so I really don't know why a guy like that sits while Crisp starts, unless Crisp is blowing Theo Epstein.:eek:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
...while a guy like Coco Crisp, who is a borderline major league player at best, with no upper body strength to speak of, holds down a starting job.
Beav, which Crisp is this of which you speak? Surely not the one who hit a two run triple off Mariano Rivera tonight, shortly thereafter to score the winning run?

BTW, another great game for A-rod tonight. Until the game was on the line in the ninth.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
btyger said:
Anyone want to start a pool on when Rivera will get his first save of the year?
I take May 17.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
So which is more impressive:

A. Rallying for 6 runs with two outs in the ninth against future Hall of Famer Joe Borowski to beat the Cleveland Indians.

B. Rallying for 5 runs with one out in the eighth to beat Mariano Rivera?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
If you are a Red Sox fan get ready for another Boston day massacre, I am looking for a clean sweep especially with A-Rod(My MVP pick) being hotter then hell, also expect Ortiz to turn into a phantom this weekend.
Looks like you nailed it again, Joe.:D
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