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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Dunce cap is off I see. Welcome back!, how were the "tropics" :lol:........ cant win em all my man, at least the Leafs win alot more than the canadians. :thumb:

That video is ONLY about a year old lol..... nice try tho, B for effort on your part LTM.


New Member
May 31, 2008
After watching tonight's game I'm sure the Laffs will miss the playoffs. The Habs at least have an excuse, we don't have a genius GM.

Here are some comments from Leaf fans after the game:


2.There's always an upside: one step closer to the door for Wilson and his tired act.

3.No no, Brian Burke will probably give Wilson an extension

4.I'm very upset with the Leafs. They continue to skate around in circles in their zone, failing over and over to get the puck out . Wilson the extended leader, teacher and motivator continues to under perform. He does't care, he's already extended.

5.Been watchin the Leafs since 91-92 and it don't get any easier to cheer for them ! They prepaid like losers , they play like losers because they are loooosers !

6.Once again the Leafs not ready to play , no real desire to win , Wilson's ah joke ! Burke should be fired for the sole fact of not firing Wilson !

7....Crap hockey by a crap weak team. Color it anyway you want...Leafs Sucked tonight, again. The Lemming Nation Depression continues. Big frigging surprise there.

8.Fire Ron Wilson....he is a failure. Burke if you don't fire your friend and the Leafs don't make the playoffs yet again.....this is all of your fault.
Head check for you Burke - this is a Canadian market let alone the biggest in the world so stop messing around because I don't want to watch another playoff season without the buds.

9.Was this a home game for Montreal ? .. couldn't tell from hab fans cheering .

10.just got back from the game ........ tons of 'red' in the acc crowd ........ some 'ole ole' too ......... habz played the nite before and are strugglin' ........... no excuses for the leafs ....... none ....... congrats to rene for his 1st goal as a hab ........ leafs could use a big forward like rene with some skill.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
......and you forgot

"Habs fans are still the dumbest, craziest & most negative fans in any sport on the planet."

:D :D :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Hello Lovemaker,

You sure owned all Leafs fans with that one. It sums up the situation very precisely. So the Leafs lost to the allegedly weaker Canadiens. At least the Bruins went into overtime against an equally tough team. Losing to the 11th place Canadiens, it's just f@*$%!g embarrassing. But if you think the Leafs players had issues last night, think of their fans....


Too bad for Iggy he can't dismiss the present that is in his face. :crazy: Ooops, I just owned him too. :eyebrows:




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Actually, a VERY well known and gorgeous SP told me just a couple weeks ago that the next time we meet, she is wearing a Leafs Jersey and I suggested matching panties.... but i am thinking maybe habs panties might even be more of a turn on. ;)

merlot, in your Mind, you owned me, but then again it only happens a very Small amount of the time.

Leafs did not play bad last night, nor did the habs, it was a boring game actually and Price was good. Leafs are 2-1 against the habbies this season, and 2-0 when I am in attendance, guess I will have to get to the Bell Centre in March and April. :thumb:
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tim Thomas explains his decision:

"I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.

This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT"

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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One of my close friends posted this on his facebook and I echo his sentiments exactly!!

[h=6]This Tim Thomas thing irritates me. I hate that he turned a celebration of a TEAM accomplishment into his own political bully pulpit; hate that he put I before TEAM; hate that he was the only US born player on the Boston Bruins Stanley Cup Champions team and that he doesn't respect the OFFICE of the President of the United States of America enough to join the rest of his Canadian and European teammates who chose to attend. It's a move that shows no respect for the office regardless if you agree with the politics of the man that holds it. Members of the US Military serve, defend, fight and die based on the decisions of the Commander in Chief and I am sure that their political opinions differ greatly quite often yet they still commit to the job that is asked of them without question.

Then again they serve so that Tim Thomas can make the decision he made today.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I posted this is the NHL Free for all thread but will repost here as well.

One of my close friends posted this on his facebook and I echo his sentiments exactly!!

This Tim Thomas thing irritates me. I hate that he turned a celebration of a TEAM accomplishment into his own political bully pulpit; hate that he put I before TEAM; hate that he was the only US born player on the Boston Bruins Stanley Cup Champions team and that he doesn't respect the OFFICE of the President of the United States of America enough to join the rest of his Canadian and European teammates who chose to attend. It's a move that shows no respect for the office regardless if you agree with the politics of the man that holds it. Members of the US Military serve, defend, fight and die based on the decisions of the Commander in Chief and I am sure that their political opinions differ greatly quite often yet they still commit to the job that is asked of them without question.

Then again they serve so that Tim Thomas can make the decision he made today.

I also suggest watching this video of the President speaking about the Boston Bruins. Speaking of Brad Marchand he refers to him as "the little ball of hate" Lol. He's pretty funny.


According to the reports I have read and heard, Tim Thomas didn't go the White House with the team so he could protest the abuse of the Constitution and the poor state of politics as carried out by both/all parties generally. POINT: POLITICS IS ROTTEN ..........................pause ............................pause ........................... pause .......................pause .......................pause ........................pause ........................pause .......................pause ............................ pause .......................pause ....................pause ........................pause ..............

Okay, so did Thomas' choice inform anyone of anything they didn't know??? Or was the choice useless individual grand-standing?

Threatening the rights and liberties of the people??? Is Thomas not aware who was asleep at the switch when the World Trade Center was attacked? Is Thomas not aware of who was President when the Patriot Act was passed?

Nice piece by Kevin Dupont. And as K's friend cited, Thomas is oblivious to the fact that there is no I in team.

Rumples, debating who is at fault about anything gives more credence to the act than it was worth, which is NONE. We Bruins fans love Thomas, and many other fans admire him. But this act comes off more like self-advertisement than anything worthwhile.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ok, this might shock some of you libbycrats, but here goes. If I were in Timmy Thomas's 'skates', I would have went if invited to the white house as a member of the stanley cup champions regardless of my/his political views. Afterall, it IS the White House and very very few people ever get invited to go and it USED to be the home of many great Presidents.

Should Thomas be suspended? Should his teammates be upset with him? Should bruins fans be bothered by his decision? Answer to all this is 100% Absolutely NOT! Without Thomas last season, there would of been no white house visit yesterday. Thomas was a rock last year and the main part to a stanley cup team, take out the main part of anything successful and you have a lot of "IF's". So, I would have went but i respect his decision not to and nobody who works for the Bruins nor any fan should be upset with the man that was the biggest part in getting you a Cup after 39 years.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Should Thomas be suspended? Should his teammates be upset with him? Should bruins fans be bothered by his decision? Answer to all this is 100% Absolutely NOT! Without Thomas last season, there would of been no white house visit yesterday. Thomas was a rock last year and the main part to a stanley cup team, take out the main part of anything successful and you have a lot of "IF's". So, I would have went but i respect his decision not to and nobody who works for the Bruins nor any fan should be upset with the man that was the biggest part in getting you a Cup after 39 years.


His importance is all true, but his status or role is not relevant. He has a choice as a citizen. That's his right, just as we are entitled to an opinion of his act..not because of his importance. No sane person would take any punitive action against his choice because it is his right. However, if he was a goalie on the championship team who never played in the playoffs he has the same rights as the irreplaceable goalie who won the Championship. Being Tim Thomas in this issue really doesn't matter. He just gets more attention.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well well well.... Lookie who sits in a last place tie in the eastern conference..... right where they always belonged, Les Habitants De Montreal! We may never hear from ballysdays1 nor ghg again..... ahhhhhhhh the peace and quiet is so refreshing :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
well well well.... Lookie who sits in a last place tie in the eastern conference..... Right where they always belonged, les habitants de montreal! We may never hear from ballysdays1 nor ghg again..... Ahhhhhhhh the peace and quiet is so refreshing :thumb:

S-h-o-c-k-i-n-g !!!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I watched part of the game & i felt bad for Carey Price, who was practically a one-man team for most of the night. Even though they lost 3-1 (last goal was an empty netter), he was named the game's first star.

If i were Price, i'd look forward to being UFA & i'd try to ply my trade elsewhere. The outlook in Mtl is very bleak & there's not much help in sight. This is a team that will struggle for the next few years & the only answer is to rebuild now. Will Price want to spend his next contract with a rebuilding team?

There are two prospects on the farm, not much money left to spend, and they don't even know who'll be coaching next season, let alone who'll be the GM. I can't see them holding on to Gill, Moen, Campoli & Kostitsyn. If they're serious about rebuilding, it'll have to be under a new GM. In order to do so, they'll likely have to part themselves of some of their current assets. However, the team's achilles heel is still Scott Gomez & Andrei Markov's big contracts with zero production. Sad! (well, not really! lol)
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