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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
From the Outhouse to the Penthouse

That pretty much describes the Monstrosity's GREAT good fortune in going from the crappiest franchise in the NHL to the best.

A few days ago I congratulated Luke Schenn on his great good fortune but this tops even that!

Jonas has GOT to be the happiest man on the planet!

As a Wings fan I must say that this shocked me but if it's good enough for the great Kenny Holland I guess it's good enough for me too. It takes a LOT of cojones to sign a player who spent time in the hellhole of Burke/Wilson Toronto!

Like all Leafs, the Monstrosity sucked the big one in Hogtown but in fairness to Jonas his confidence was destroyed by the most hated coach in hockey, Ron Wilson, and the worst captain in hockey, Dion Phaneuf. Here's hoping that Jonas will flourish in Detroit: he's still the same Monstrosity but he'll be playing for an infinitely better team coached by an infinitely better coach and for a squad run by a great GM rather than a great EATER. Plus, he'll have some Swedish buddies and a defence that actually knows how to play defence.

Given his crappy history I'm still very nervous about this acquisition - after all, his entire NHL experience has been with a team whose culture is the living example of losing, incompetence, failure and hopelessness - but if ANY team can reverse the damage done by the sad sack Leafs it will be the super-classy Red Wings.

With luck, he may eventually be called the Monster rather than the Monstrosity. Here's hoping!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I would be ASTONISHED if Detroit misses the playoffs, in spite of losing the second greatest d-man of all time. They still have Pavel Datsyuk, the most skilled player in the world...and perhaps even more importantly they have Ken Holland, the second greatest general manager of all time.

Kenny Holland is SO good that he could probably even get the woeful LEAFS into the playoffs if - Heaven forbid! - he ever replaced the tragically incompetent Brian "Never Met a Meal He Didn't Like" Burke. Of course, to do so, Kenny would have to replace the ENTIRE Leaf team starting with its captain, the reigning two-time most overrated player in the NHL as voted by the players themselves.

Thank Heaven that the NIGHTMARE of Kenny leaving Hockeytown and going to Hogtown will never come to pass!

When did this become the Nhl offseason Free For All threa? Why cant you ever post normal in non S**T Disturbing threads cairo? Your hate and bias is causing you unneeded stress which one day will lead to a stroke or a heart attack.

Why are you personally insulting others in this thread? You attack a member personally even though he didn't do anything like that. I do not see "free for all" after the name of this thread called The Official 2012 NHL offseason thread where this post was made, so why the need to instigate? cant hang in the hockey threads anymore since your team is continuing its epic meltdown for the last 45 years? You're unreal!!!

You make a habit of this without instigation against a 100% respectable post, and no Rumples, Jman, or Merlot around. You just move to another target.

Mr.T has been spot on more times than i can count and as have said before, the guy has made me ALOT of cash in the past with his picks and sounds like your quite jealous of the T-man.

Do you guys ever stand on your own feet without your buddies changing your diapers for you?

Oh wait, "I agree with Iggy"...DUUUUUH. :lol:

:thumb: :nod: :wave:



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Why don't you just mind your own business & chill out? :rolleyes:


As I said, always boys covering each others butt's. How isn't it my business when Leafs loser #1 comes after me. Do you guys pay each other to be mutual babysitters. Iggy changes Joe's diapers, you change Iggy's, now where's Joe to complete the circle for you since you can't mind your own business. :thumb:

Allison Sekuler
Apr 13, 2012 (edited) - Public
The Maple Leafs' Apology: Sorry that we stink....

45 years out of the finals, longer than it took the trees to grow that supplied them the wood to make the hockey sticks they don't score with. Whole forests have been felled for no reason... (from Rex Murphy's hysterical rant on the Leafs and the apology - linked below)

This week, the Maple Leafs' management apologized for their team's performance, saying, among other things: "We have fallen short of everyone's expectations, and for that we are sorry. We take full responsibility for how this team performs on the ice, and we make no excuses. The way this year ended was unacceptable. Results are the only measure of success in sports and the results speak for themselves."

The public's response to the apology? Pretty much that the Leafs should spend less time apologizing and more figuring out how to win.... Rex Murphy's piece on that apology, below, is simply hysterical, and right on.

Other excerpts:
I've checked this on Wikipedia: The Earth was young when the Leafs had men on the team. Understood that the purpose of the other team's net was to shoot pucks into it...
You do not apologize for a 45 year losing streak. You go into exile, or take up ping pong, or selling vacuum cleaners....
You've lost the right to apologize. Sorry is not something you get to say. Sorry is something you've become."

Happy losing tradition boys,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

As I said, always boys covering each others butt's. How isn't it my business when Leafs loser #1 comes after me. Do you guys pay each other to be mutual babysitters. Iggy changes Joe's diapers, you change Iggy's, now where's Joe to complete the circle for you since you can't mind your own business. :thumb:

That's not the point. Iggy isn't even addressing you & you have to stick your ugly nose in threads that don't concern you simply to start trouble. No wonder everyone on the blue board (and many here) absolutely despises you. To be totally honest, i've been a board participant for nearly 13 years & i've never seen someone as despised as you are by so many people. And the funniest part of it all, you're responsible for it all & you're your worst ennemy. :rolleyes:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
That's not the point. Iggy isn't even addressing you & you have to stick your ugly nose in threads that don't concern you simply to start trouble. No wonder everyone on the blue board (and many here) absolutely despises you. To be totally honest, i've been a board participant for nearly 13 years & i've never seen someone as despised as you are by so many people. And the funniest part of it all, you're responsible for it all & you're your worst ennemy. :rolleyes:

Just like I wasn't addressing Iggy in the soccer thread when he attacked.

Despised like you for instance. You've been an ugly bitter old man for years, so full of anger and hate you had to be warned by the mods about attacking the dead in memorial threads. Your egotistical cowboy don juan reviews were entertaining at first, but now they just reflect the sadness of an angry man in love with himself. You go all out to pander to the blueboard where they ridicule the nonsense of your sports thread attempts. If you call them friends then no wonder Ms FKS was able to use you so easily.

BTW... mods, you let crap like his stand before without repercussions. This time I get one shot too.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
No wonder everyone on the blue board [...] absolutely despises you.

Merlot, Doc throws you a compliment. You should take it for what it is. I'd be very concerned if all the idiots writing on the blue would NOT despise me.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just like I wasn't addressing Iggy in the soccer thread when he attacked.

You know Merlot, maybe it's time that you grow up, grow a pair of testicles & stop your constant whining. Start acting like a MAN for once. Start acting like an adult. :rolleyes:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, Doc throws you a compliment. You should take it for what it is. I'd be very concerned if all the idiots writing on the blue would NOT despise me.

Doc can't get more ridiculous and laughable than attempting using these dolts against me. It's like saying pervs don't like me. Thank God!!! But if Doc loves this type, hey, enjoy.

You know Merlot, maybe it's time that you grow up, grow a pair of testicles & stop your constant whining. Start acting like a MAN for once. Start acting like an adult. :rolleyes:


You wanted to leave this board because you were crying about JC picking on you in hockey. You won't let your pals grow testicles by standing up for themselves without you wiping their noses. You go to the blueboard where DT and the rest of social exiles treat your posts like crap and you think you have any real friends there who aren't playing you and playing sides just for information. That's why it was me who dumped their sorry board. Some of those you think are friends explained your constant anger to me by saying "he has no friends left except his hockey pals." And just like Emma, any escorts coddling your feelings simply want to play you for your money, a lot of it. You've said this is what they do yourself.

Really Doc, deal with the reality. Your word is worthless. I'm DONE with you.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, I have been gone all day and there have been some mighty interesting posts here today..... all i can say is... and I truly do mean this and it goes perfectly with this thread


Ahhhhhhhhhhh that felt good! And merlot, sorry pal, but calling a fellow poster no matter how much you hate him, a "DOUCHE" is a serious personal insult and there is no need for that in the community. You owe Mr.T and apology.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
...but calling a fellow poster no matter how much you hate him, a "DOUCHE" is a serious personal insult and there is no need for that in the community. You owe Mr.T and apology.


Sorry you're a DOUCHE 69!!! You're welcome Mr.T.

Get back to me when you have permission to speak as a man without your DAAADDEEEEE. :nod:


Since they'll never win this fits every day. :thumb:




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Your all class :rolleyes: I have a feeling Docs theory about you is correct, and thats just plain sad, kinda like my signature vid. Nah, thats just funny! Bwhahahahahaahahahaaah

you're a DOUCHE 69!!! You're welcome Mr.T.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Go Scotty Go!

Does this guy have the life or what? He gets paid 8 mil a season by the scabs to score a couple goals, and now he wins a $50,000 car at his own golf tourney!

No wonder he is a good golfer, playing for the scabs he has had lots of practice starting in april, lol.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
No wonder he is a good golfer, playing for the scabs he has had lots of practice starting in april, lol.

Using that logic every single Leaf should be on the PGA Tour. Burkie of course could skip any events that conflicted with his Gay Pride parades.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well, if nothing else, "joey c", you sure are loyal to your scabs. Your quick to defend those bunch of underachievers all the time and you wonder why we dont believe your anything other than a Scabitants fan.

Using that logic every single Leaf should be on the PGA Tour. Burkie of course could skip any events that conflicted with his Gay Pride parades.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Well, if nothing else, "joey c", you sure are loyal to your scabs. Your quick to defend those bunch of underachievers all the time and you wonder why we dont believe your anything other than a Scabitants fan.

Nothing to do with defending the Habs - Plenty to do with pointing out how idiotic your statement was given that you root for a team that hasn't had a sniff at the playoffs in close to a decade.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Nothing idiotic about it, it is called give and take, dont dish it out if you cant take it. I can take anything you dish out about the Leafs, I can also give it back, and better. Dont take things so seriously joey, have fun with sports. ;)

Nothing to do with defending the Habs - Plenty to do with pointing out how idiotic your statement was given that you root for a team that hasn't had a sniff at the playoffs in close to a decade.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Nothing idiotic about it, it is called give and take, dont dish it out if you cant take it. I can take anything you dish out about the Leafs, I can also give it back, and better. Dont take things so seriously joey, have fun with sports. ;)

But you can't take it - that's exactly the point.

Of course it's hard to blame you when your favorite team is a national embarrassment and a worldwide laughingstock.

Still, look on the bright side: they DID win a Cup...back in 1967. They will NEVER win another one in your lifetime - accept it.

I think even Brian Burke has accepted it, which is why gay rights - rather than hockey - now seems to be his passion. Give the round little guy some credit: he's fighting for something he believes in. Besides, because of the GM, all the best gay hockey players will want to play in TO.
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