FYI- I picked the Dolphins to win the Super Bowl before the season started, any team that makes the playoffs can win it, you are just sour because they creamed the Patriots today, you are also jealous because
with my picks of late.
You say 6 for the Patriots and I say 30 for the rotten Raiders with at least two major CHOKES. Want to talk "creamed", Buccaneers 48 Raiders 21 (27 points peeeeeeeuuuuuuuuu) Super Bowl 37. You lose again, another thoughtless post by you.
I only feel sorry for someone who can't form a mature thought.
Besides two things:
1. The Patriots lost in last second drives both years, in 2007 after the refs added 53 bogus seconds to the game.
2. I've given you compliments on your results lately. Really, is English a language you were ever trained in???
OK, Joe REALITY CHECK HERE!! The use of the word "creamed" is not even close to sane.
Even CS thinks you're lost in fantasy land.
At best the Dolphins are on borrowed time. I can see them making the playoffs and getting eliminated in the second round. Now as to Tannehill the only thing I can say is that I want to do his wife!!!
See Joe this is how a thinking person deals with reality.
But we all understand Joe. In every neighborhood there was always one kid who was filled with blind emotional enthusiasm for anything or anyone with the name of his team attached. He never put a real thought into what he said and never had any reasons for jumping up and down like a giddy girl, he just spouted like a broken horn that couldn't be shut off, and doesn't grow up.
Once again
Joe.t my buddy, aren't you a Raiders fan, or are you just a bandwagon two-face jumping on other teams because yours is atrocious???
The Patriots should be 9-5 right now...if two calls had given them rightful wins and they had lost those three games where they were way behind. But that's how games are, a little change of fortune, a quarterback gets hot or a ref blows a call and there's a different result.
The Dolphins along with the Ravens have been hot lately. Denver has underachieved and the AFC basically sucks this year, a year when there is opportunity for teams who get it together at the right time. But, I don't see Miami getting by either the Ravens or Broncos especially with their suspect secondary, which the Patriots made a mistake in not attacking very early.
Whew, she's some gorgeous little barbie doll. She has almost the same look and almost identical eyes to the 18 year old daughter of an acquaintance of mine.
I have no real problem with the severity of the hit except it looks like the helmet got in under the chin and Huber's neck, but I doubt a punter would have been able to bring down the charging Steeler without significant help, and that wasn't there. I think he's lucky his neck wasn't broken, probably what the NFL looked at.
BTW: this is the NFL 2013...not a Roman arena 100 AD. :thumb: