That’s gold.
A previous post reported a better offering abroad. What’s your take on foreign SPs relocated to Montreal?
One of my ATFs is from South America and she definitely sets herself apart from the others with her attitude. Of course rates are in line with the local market.
It's hard to make a fair comparison, honestly, just because the process is so much different. In South America you get to hang out with the girls over drinks, have conversations, meals, dancing, whatever, before you ever go to do anything else. In Montreal you do the deed and that's pretty much it most of the time for most people, although some people certainly have social aspects to their interactions. Even so, it's nothing like being in South America where you could be with a girl for hours before ever going to bed with her. Even so, you're not obligated to go with her, or her with you. It's not paid social time, although you would pay for expenses, meals, drinks etc. It's considered polite not to waste a girl's time though, and usually they will only hang that way if they know you're going to leave with them later, provided nothing changes either's opinion. In that social process the girl is going to act much differently than she would here in Montreal, even if we're talking about the same girl and the same personality etc. Some of that warmth and personality will translate, but the interaction simply can't translate across borders because that's just not the way it's done here. Even with the same person your interaction i going to be radically different just because of the cultural norms.
if a studio has a a set rate
the girl is not getting the whole thing she pays the owner a room rate
so if you find the set rate reasonable simply offer her same at your place
i doubt any would go out for less than what your paying at their studio
so if a studio is 70 1 hr for example and the girl takes a 100 tip which is the lower range
150 would be an insentive for her to see you outside if she didn't offer at a 50% bonus for her time
id say its reasonable but some of them could ask considerably more
I can't speak to strip clubs because I don't frequent them, but as to the MPs you don't need to add bonuses for their time, or at least I don't, because I see them at their place, so no hassle for them. Their bonus is not having to go to work and getting some of the salon fee they'd otherwise not get. Extra cash and less travel for them, not more. I never bring anyone home to my place, but if you're asking them to travel then I suppose it makes sense to offer them something for that travel. Not an issue for me.